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为明确不同品种甘薯茎尖培养的最佳NAA/6BA配比,设置0.1 mg/L/2.5 mg/L、0.2 mg/L/2.5 mg/L、0.2 mg/L/1.0 mg/L 3组NAA/6BA浓度配比处理,观测不同浓度激素处理对‘北京553’、‘红香蕉’、‘苏薯8号’、‘烟薯25’、‘安吉芋’、‘济徐23’、‘渝紫7号’、‘商薯19’茎尖培养成苗率、愈伤组织直径、不定根数目、叶片数和植株高度的影响,同时调查不同品种试管苗的移栽成活率。结果表明,‘红香蕉’、‘济徐23’、‘渝紫7号’、‘商薯19’在0.1 mg/L/2.5 mg/L的处理下培养效率最高;‘安吉芋’在0.2 mg/L/2.5 mg/L的处理下培养效率最高;‘苏薯8号’、‘北京553’、‘烟薯25’在0.2 mg/L/1.0 mg/L的处理下培养效率最高。因此,在甘薯茎尖培养过程中,不同甘薯品种适宜的NAA/6BA配比存在显著差异,在实际生产中应根据品种特性来进行调整激素的用量和比例。  相似文献   
6BA和NAA对朱顶红组织培养的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以朱顶红品种为试材,在组织培养过程中,以鳞茎为外植体,研究6BA和NAA的不同浓度对其直接诱导再生植株的影响。结果表明:M S 1 m g/L的6BA 2 m g/L的NAA是直接诱导鳞茎再生植株的最好组合,而LS 2 m g/L的6BA 0.5 m g/LNAA是直接诱导鳞茎再生植株的理想培养基。  相似文献   
不同处理对扁桃种子发芽率及幼苗生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以石头扁桃和桃扁桃为试材,研究了不同浓度的GA3和BA以及不同发芽床(沙床、毛巾和培养皿)对扁桃发芽率及幼苗生长的影响.结果发现:GA3 1.6mg/L与BA0.4mg/L和0.8mg/L对打破石头扁桃休眠效果明显,GA,1.0mg/L与BA 0.4 mg/L能明显提高桃扁桃的发芽率.BA处理可使幼苗出现畸形,叶片卷曲,顶端呈莲座状,经营养液浇灌,症状没有缓解.  相似文献   
以清水为对照,于颖花开放前对杂交籼稻亲本"特A"、"培矮64S"和"9311"喷施MeJA(茉莉酸甲酯)和MeJA(茉莉酸甲酯) BA(6-苄基腺嘌呤),比较两处理对颖花开放的调控差异。MeJA和MeJA BA对"特A"和"培矮64S"颖花开放的诱导效应明显,提早了花时,提高了颖花开放的集中度,缩短了开花历期,对"9311"花时和花期的调控也有一定效果,两处理在花时和花期的效应上基本一致;MeJA使3个杂交亲本材料颖花开放角度和颖尖距离均有所缩小,MeJA BA则略有增大;MeJA和MeJA BA对杂交亲本材料的株高、剑叶长、外露颈穗长无明显影响。并讨论了MeJA与BA在杂交籼稻制种上的联合应用。  相似文献   
用6-苄氨基嘌呤(BA)和脱落酸(ABA)配合400 mmol/L NaCl定位涂抹盆栽C3植物大麦的穗和上位叶片,分析了植物体激素水平的局部改变对叶片盐胁迫下整株水平上Na 、K 和游离脯氨酸分配的调节作用。结果表明,用BA或ABA处理上位叶片或穗后,有效地缓解了盐胁迫对大麦生长的抑制。大麦根和冠中的Na 含量均有增加的趋势,冠中Na 含量增加幅度更大;冠中的Na 主要是从叶片向叶鞘、茎和穗中运输积累,穗中Na 的积累最显著。各处理下大麦根和冠中K 的含量变化很小,但上位叶鞘中K 的含量也有所增加。用BA和ABA均有利于增强盐胁迫下游离脯氨酸向大麦穗中的运输积累,其中BA能有效提高冠层中的游离脯氨酸含量,表明穗中Na 、K 和脯氨酸的分布格局不仅受自身激素平衡的调节,而且也受植株其他部位激素水平的调节。  相似文献   
The in vitro formation of newly formed adventitious buds and shoots from internodal branch segments was studied on 12-month-old plants of Citrus aurantium L. cv. Brazilian. The effects of 6-Benzyladenine (BA) and α-Naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) treatments were evaluated on adventitious bud and shoot regeneration. High rates of bud initiation and shoot development were obtained both with BA supplemented medium, in the range from 1 mg L−1 to 3 mg L−1, and with 0.1 mg L−1 NAA supplemented medium. NAA concentrations above 1 mg L−1 significantly reduced bud initiation and shoot elongation. The results obtained using different in vitro culture vessels such as Petri dishes, tubes and glass culture jars were compared. The highest adventitious bud induction was observed in Petri dishes for internodes cultured in 2 mg L−1 BA supplemented medium, with 95% responsive explants forming 9.0 ± 2.4 adventitious buds. The adventitious buds observed in Petri dishes reached a maximum height of 1 mm, with no further development, while some of the adventitious shoots cultured in tubes and glass culture jars grew over 1 cm in height. A shoot regeneration gradient of the internodes collected along the branch axis was noticed, with basal ones exhibiting higher regeneration frequency.  相似文献   
Plant regeneration protocol of “Egusi” melon (Colocynthis citrullus L.) was established using three local (“Ejagham”, “Sewere” and “Barablackedge”) and one improved (NHC1-130) cultivars. Cotyledonary explants of different lengths (1/2, 1/4 and 1/6) excised from 4- or 8-day-old seedlings germinated in vitro were cultured on MS medium supplemented with different concentrations of 6-benzylaminopurine (BA). The best results were obtained when cotyledons from 4-day-old seedlings were cut into 2 (1/2) halves. Plant regeneration was optimal on medium containing 5 mg/l BA, yielding 86.3%, 77.0% and 76.3% shoot induction frequencies amongst the three local cultivars of “Ejagham”, “Sewere” and “Barablackedge”, respectively. In NHC1-130, the highest shoot induction frequency (85%) was obtained on medium containing 2 mg/l BA. Adventitious shoots were elongated on medium containing 0.1 mg/l BA and successfully rooted on hormone-free MS medium. Flow cytometric analysis revealed 70% of the plants to be diploid.  相似文献   
Adventitious shoot regeneration from mature stored cotyledons of Japanese plum (Prunus salicina Lind1) was achieved in vitro. The influences of the presence and absence of the light, different concentrations of thidiazuron (TDZ) and benzyladenine (BA) in the culture media, TDZ pretreatments and different basal salts on shoot regeneration were evaluated. TDZ was more effective in inducing shoot regeneration from mature stored cotyledons than BA. Dark incubation significantly increased the regeneration frequencies. Quoirin/Lepoivre (QL) basal salts stimulated shoot regeneration more than woody plant (WPM) or B5 salts did. The frequency of adventitious shoot formation varied among the varieties and the regeneration ability appeared to be genotype depended. The frequency of regeneration under the optimum tested conditions for ‘Bruce’, ‘Shiro’, ‘Redheart’, ‘Gladstone’ and ‘Early Golden’ cotyledons were 66.7%, 46.7%, 43.3%, 26.7% and 6.7%, respectively.  相似文献   
本试验是在应用25PPmGA_3促进仙客来开花初试取得效果,为了进一步探索,企图取得更为理想的促花效果。第一部分是选择较为适当的GA_3浓度。第二部分是在确定GA,适当浓度后,再与常用浓度的BA作比较试验。得到选择适当的植物生长调节剂种类及其浓度,处理仙客来幼蕾,取得了促进开花的理想效果,并证实处理时间。方法和用量是确当的。  相似文献   
CaCl_2和6-BA处理对枣果呼吸强度及贮藏品质的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
 研究了赞皇大枣和胜利枣采后在 0℃条件下呼吸强度和果实品质的变化规律以及采前 Ca Cl2 和 6 - BA处理对采后枣果呼吸强度和果实品质的影响。结果表明 ,赞皇大枣和胜利枣属于非跃变型果实 ;在贮藏过程中 V- C含量先积累后降低 ;采后果肉硬度逐渐下降且与贮藏时间呈极显著负相关 (r1 =- 0 .936 46 ,r2 =0 .936 2 4)。采前Ca Cl2 、6 - BA以及 Ca Cl2 +6 - BA处理 ,均能降低采后枣果的呼吸强度 ,但作用效果不显著。 1% Ca Cl2 和 1% Ca Cl2 +15 mg/ L 6 - BA处理能明显降低 V- C损失率 ,抑制果肉硬度和好果率的下降。 1% Ca Cl2 处理可使赞皇大枣和胜利枣贮藏末期的果肉硬度分别比对照增加 1.2 kg/ cm2 和 1.5 kg/ cm2 ,好果率分别增加 8.2 %和 5 .4% ;1% Ca Cl2 +15 m g/L 6 - BA处理可使赞皇大枣和胜利枣贮藏末期的果肉硬度分别增加 1.5 kg/ cm2和 2 .1kg/ cm2 ,好果率增加 17.8%和 11.7%。 15 m g/ L6 - BA处理对枣果的呼吸强度及果实品质有一定影响 ,但作用效果总体上不及 Ca Cl2 。  相似文献   
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