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广东省英德市农村经纪人队伍发展迅速,在推进英德农村经济发展,促进农民增收等方面发挥不可或缺的作用。针对英德市农村经纪人行业发展过程中存在的主要问题,提出了推动该市农村经纪人发展的举措,以带动、促进英德农村经济的发展。  相似文献   
广东适生樱花及其园林应用   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
在对樱花作系统调查、引种、筛选和试种的基础上,推介适合广东地区种植的‘中国红’、‘广州’樱、和‘富贵’樱等5种适应性强、观赏价值高的樱花品种,重点介绍其品种特征、生态习性、观赏特性、繁殖栽培及园林应用。  相似文献   
对高香乌龙茶新品种鸿雁12号的选育过程、多年品比和区试试验结果进行了介绍和分析。结果表明:鸿雁12号属灌木型,中叶早芽,无性系新品种,其生长势强,产量高,品比试验3年平均产量比对照福建水仙增产41.3%,在4个省份区试点产量表现均较好,分别比对照种黄棪增产2.22%、10.29%、29.64%和32.76%。适制高香乌龙茶和花香绿茶,品质优异。高香乌龙茶外形绿润,花香高浓持久,滋味浓滑爽口,汤色黄绿明亮,感官审评比福建水仙高8.1分,比黄棪高2.55~4.2分;花香绿茶滋味浓爽,香气高长,汤色叶底绿明亮,香气品质优于福鼎大白茶。该品种抗寒旱和抗虫能力强,易扦插,种植成活率高,适宜广东、湖南、广西、福建等省生产应用。  相似文献   
利用扩散系数(C)和离散分布的理论拟合,对越北腹露蝗Fruhstorferiola tonkinensis 1~5龄若虫的田间调查数据进行分析.结果表明,各龄蝗蝻均呈聚集分布,1~5龄蝗蝻的C分别为879.578、152.742、22.972、6.053和6.150,1龄蝗蝻聚集度最高,3龄后开始扩散.1~3龄蝗蝻的空间格局可用Neyman A型分布拟合,4~5龄可用负二项分布拟合,即1~3龄呈核心分布,4~5龄演变为嵌纹分布.1龄蝗蝻平均每个聚团的个体数(m2)为878头,2~3龄调查范围内的平均蝗团数(m1)增加,平均每蝗团的个体数(m2)减少.4~5龄聚团瓦解.  相似文献   
以华南乡土樱花钟花樱桃Cerasus campanulata为砧木,选取关山C. serrulata ‘Kanzan’、普贤象C. serrulata‘Albo-rosea’、八重红彼岸C.×subhirtella ‘Yaebeni-higan’、八重红枝垂C. spachiana ‘Plena Rosea’、红手毬C. serrulata‘Benitemari’和东锦C. serrulata ‘Azuma-nishiki’6个北方樱花品种进行嫁接试验。结果表明:1)八重红枝垂和八重红彼岸跟钟花樱桃嫁接愈合能力极差,死亡率极高;2)6个北方品种生长势弱,病虫害严重。普贤象等这6个北方樱花品种在华南地区表现非常不佳,种植和应用需谨慎。  相似文献   
英红6号红茶香气成分的研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
对英红6号红碎茶香气化合物组成的研究结果表明,英红6号红茶香气由醇、醛、酮、酯、内酯酸及未知物等7类42种化合物组成,在已鉴定的37个组分中,醇类化合物含量最高,占香气总物质的59.9%;该红茶中的芳樟醇及其氧化物的含量与国家级茶树良种云南大叶十分相近,其香气特征与感观审评结果亦完全吻合.  相似文献   
 ‘君豪兰’是以‘大凤兰’为母本,‘企剑白墨’墨兰为父本杂交育成的兰花新品种。易组织培养快速繁殖和分株繁殖。单花序平均着花10朵。花橙色,平均横径6.8 cm,纵径5.4 cm,有香气。温室栽培2月中旬始花,花期35 ~ 45 d。  相似文献   
Soil microbial communities may respond to anthropogenic increases in ecosystem nitrogen (N) availability, and the microbial response may ultimately feed back on ecosystem carbon and N dynamics. We examined the long-term effects of chronic N additions on soil microbes by measuring soil microbial biomass, composition and substrate utilization patterns in pine and hardwood forests at the Harvard Forest Chronic N Amendment Study. Functional and structural genes for important N cycling processes were studied using DNA community profiles. In the O horizon soil of both stands, N additions decreased microbial biomass C as determined by chloroform fumigation-extraction. Utilization of N-containing substrates was lower in N-treated pine soils than in the controls, suggesting that N additions reduced potential microbial activity in the pine stand. Counts of fungi and bacteria as determined by direct microscopy and culture techniques did not show a clear response to N additions. Nitrogen additions, however, strongly influenced microbial community DNA profiles. The ammonia monooxygenase gene (amoA) generally was found in high N-treated soils, but not in control soils. The nifH gene for N2-fixation was generally found in all soils, but was more difficult to amplify in the pine N-treated soil than the controls, suggesting that the population of N2-fixers was altered by N additions. The 16S rDNA gene for Nitrobacter was found in all samples, but distinct differences among DNA profiles were observed in the pine B horizon in the control, low N, and high N-treated plots. Our findings indicate that chronic N additions decreased chloroform microbial carbon and altered microbial community profiles. These changes in microbial community structure may be an important component of the response of terrestrial ecosystems to human-accelerated N supply.  相似文献   
报道了新近发现于越南的黑翅毒蛾Himala nigripennis Kishida,2000为中国新记录,标本采自中越交界的我国广西上思县垌中林场.该种以黑色的翅面极易与其他种区分,并对中国已知的种编制了检索表.  相似文献   
柑橘新品种‘粤英甜橘’   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
 ‘粤英甜橘’是从自然杂交实生单株中选出的柑橘新品种。抗逆性强, 结果早, 丰产稳产, 果实外观美, 果肉较化渣, 清甜, 有蜜味。可溶性固形物含量13.8% , 品质中上。  相似文献   
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