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在试验的基础上,建立了杨凌及其周边地区0~20 cm土层和20~40 cm土层非饱和土壤水分扩散率的单一参数模型,并运用统计学原理和多重分形方法对不同土层单一参数模型中参数S的空间变异规律和尺度效应进行了分析。结果表明:0~20 cm土层和20~40 cm土层参数S都属于中等变异程度;0~20 cm土层和20~40 cm土层参数S的空间分布格局的多重分形特征都比较明显,但0~20 cm土层参数S在空间上的变化更加复杂;0~20 cm土层和20~40 cm土层参数S的多重分形谱的宽度分别为0.2667和0.2158,都呈现不同程度的左偏,说明不同土层参数S的空间变异性比较强,且都主要是由高值分布引起的。多重分形分析能够揭示出研究区域内不同土层参数S分布的较多局部信息。  相似文献   
[目的]评价欧洲土壤环境地球化学特征,为改善和调控生态环境、制订社会经济可持续发展规划提供决策依据。[方法]采用多重分形方法、综合指数法,结合欧洲地质状况,对欧洲表层和深层土壤中As、Co、Cr、Cu、Ni、Pb、Zn 7种重金属元素地球化学数据进行统计分析,探讨了重金属在表层和深层土壤中的分布规律,并对其进行环境地球化学特征评价。[结果]重金属元素在欧洲表层和深层土壤中的分布具有多重分形分布特征,且各元素含量在多重分形频谱曲线上均显示连续的多重分形分布,并受各国的经济社会发展和矿产开采等情况影响,导致重金属在各国家、地区的污染程度不同。欧洲土壤重金属污染程度为清洁至中污染,尤以巴尔干半岛和意大利北部重金属污染严重,而其他地区重金属含量与世界土壤均值相当,且略低于中国土壤均值,各元素综合污染指数从大到小依次为Ni、As、Co、Cr、Pb、Zn、Cu。[结论]该研究不仅为土壤质量评价,更能为保护人类健康制订有效措施提供重要信息。  相似文献   
不同耕作措施下土壤孔隙的多重分形特征   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
首先利用数字图像处理技术提取了东北黑土区长期免耕(no tillage,NT)和翻耕(moldboardtillage,MT)制度下土壤切片中的孔隙信息,然后应用矩方法研究了两种耕作制度下土壤孔隙结构的多重分形特征。结果表明,免耕降低了表层(0~5 cm)大孔隙度(500μm),但是提高了10~15 cm和20~25 cm深度的孔隙度和大孔隙度。土壤孔隙结构在64~1 024像素尺度上具有多重分形特征。广义维(Dq)和多重分形谱(f(α))及相关参数能够反映切片中孔隙结构的特征。表层土壤孔隙多重分形谱明显右偏,随深度增加趋于对称。在同一深度下,免耕处理的Δα(α-10-α10)和ΔD(D-10-D10)均大于翻耕处理,免耕处理增加了孔隙结构的复杂程度,尤其是10~15 cm和20~25 cm深度下的孔隙结构。  相似文献   
Parameters are needed to recognize and monitor changes in pore size distributions (PSD) caused by factors such as differences in soil management systems or by disturbance of the soil structure. The objectives of this work were to evaluate the potential of multifractal parameters obtained from mercury injection porosimetry (MIP) curves to distinguish between two soils with contrasting structure stability indices and between distinct stages of the surface of these soils. Samples were collected from the uppermost surface layer of two agricultural soils, before and after simulated rainfall. The first soil was loamy textured, with 4.61% organic matter content and a mean weight diameter (MWD) of 2.136 mm. The second soil was a silty loam with 2.17% organic matter content and a MWD of 0.262 mm, highly susceptible to crusting. Crusted soil surfaces were produced by cumulative 260 mm and 140 mm simulated rainfall on the loamy and the silty loam soil, respectively. Ten replicated samples from the initial freshly-tilled and the crusted soil surfaces were analyzed. In the diameter range of 100-0.005 μm, the freshly-tilled surface of the loamy soil had a significantly (p < 0.05) higher pore volume than its rain-disturbed counterpart, whereas the respective pore volume of the silty loam soil slightly increased following simulated rain. The scaling properties of PSDs measured by MIP could be fitted reasonably well with multifractal models. Generalized dimension spectrum, Dq, led to a better definition of multifractal scaling than singularity spectrum, f(α). Multifractal parameters such as Hölder exponent of order zero, α0, aperture of the left part of the singularity spectrum (α0 − αq+), entropy dimension, D1, correlation dimension, D2, as well as indexes (D0-D1) and (D0-D2) were significantly different between the structurally stable loamy soil and the silty loam soil prone to crusting and between initial and rain-disturbed surface stages (p < 0.05). Moreover, D1 and (D0-D1) were also significantly affected by the interaction between soil type and surface stage. Parameter α0 ranked as: loam initial < loam rain-disturbed < silty loam initial < silty loam rain-disturbed, whereas the opposite rank was true for entropy dimension, D1. Consequently, low structural stability or stability decay due to disaggregation by rainfall lead to clustering of PSDs measured by Hg intrusion porosimetry. These results show that multifractal analysis of PSDs may be an appropriate tool for characterizing soil structure stability and also a suitable indicator for assessing soil surface evolution stages.  相似文献   
基于多重分形的土壤粒径分布与土壤物理特性关系   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
为阐明粒径分布与土壤物理特性之间的关系,测定了土壤颗粒组成、土壤容积密度和饱和导水率等参数,运用多重分形谱参数描述了土壤粒径分布的非均匀性,探讨了土壤粒径分布多重分形参数与土壤容积密度、饱和导水率等参数之间的关系。结果表明:土壤粒径分布的多重分形谱参数D1/D0和Δα可以反映土壤粒径分布的非均匀程度,参数与土壤粘粒含量密切相关,当土壤非均质性较大时,土壤中粘粒含量较多,表现为土壤容积密度增大,而饱和导水率减小。因此,土壤粒径分布的多重分形参数可以作为反映土壤物理性质的指标。  相似文献   
Soil particle-size distribution (PSD) is one of the most important physical attributes due to its great influence on soil properties related to water movement, productivity, and soil erosion. The multifractal measures were useful tools in characterization of PSD in soils with different taxonomies. Land-use type largely influences PSD in a soil, but information on how this occurs for different land-use types is very limited. In this paper, multifractal Rényi dimension was applied to characterize PSD in soils with the same taxonomy and different land-use types. The effects of land use on the multifractal parameters were then analyzed. The study was conducted on the hilly-gullied regions of the Loess Plateau, China. A Calcic Cambisols soil was sampled from five land-use types: woodland, shrub land, grassland, terrace farmland and abandoned slope farmland with planted trees (ASFP). The result showed that: (1) entropy dimension (D1) and entropy dimension/capacity dimension ratio (D1/D0) were significantly positively correlated with finer particle content and soil organic matter. (2) D0, D1 and D1/D0 were significantly influenced by land use. Land use could explain 24.6–58.5% of variability of D0, D1/D0 and D1, which may be potential parameters to reflect soil physical properties and soil quality influenced by land use.  相似文献   
黄土丘陵区土壤粒径分布单重分形和多重分形特征   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
利用单重分形和多重分形方法定量分析黄土丘陵区土壤粒径分布(PSD)特征,同时分析土地利用方式对PSD分形参数的影响。结果表明:研究区PSD呈现出非均匀分布,具有多重分形特征,PSD多重分形谱f(α)-α为不对称的上凸曲线。容量维数D0与土壤质地相关性不明显,信息维数D1、关联维数D2和多重分形谱宽Δα均与粘粒体积分数呈极显著正相关(P<0.01)。土地利用方式对粘粒、粉粒、砂粒体积分数和Dsilt值有显著影响(P<0.01)。多重分形分析为详细描述PSD提供了精确的方法和途径。  相似文献   
基于多维分形法的土壤养分空间预测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用多维分形克里格插值法(Multifractal Krige,Mkrige)对土壤有机质、全氮、有效磷和速效钾4种土壤养分进行空间预测,并以普通克里格法为参照对比,从传统统计学参数、积累曲线、多维分形图像、多维分形参数和特异值等方面深入分析Mkrige法空间预测的效果。结果表明:无论何种分形程度的土壤养分,Mkrige法预测值的积累曲线、多维分形参数和多维分形图像都与实测值最接近;Mkrige法较好地保持了原始样本数据的特异值区,真实反映土壤养分空间分布的混沌状态,空间预测效果较优。土壤有效磷、有机质、全氮和速效钾分形程度依次降低;分形程度越高,Mkrige法空间预测效果越优。  相似文献   
塿土土壤水力特性空间变异的多重分形分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探讨塿土土壤水力特性的空间分布特征,对杨凌示范区大寨乡小麦与玉米轮作地进行直线分布土壤取样,室内测定了土壤水分特征曲线、饱和导水率、土壤含水率、容重等土壤水力特性,用Brooks - Corey模型对土壤水分特征曲线进行拟合,采用多重分形方法对Brooks- Corey模型参数(θs、α、n)、饱和导水率(Ks)、土壤含水率(θ)、容重(ρ)等进行空间变异性分析.结果表明:在全部采样方向上Ks、α及n的变异性较强,θsθ及ρ表现为弱变异;不同采样方向上土壤水力特性参数具有多重分形特征;不同采样方向上θ,、θ及p的多重分形结构较弱,空间变异性不强;不同采样方向上Ks、α及n的多重分形结构明显,广义分形维数分别为0.7 ~1.9、0.6~1.2、0.9~1.1,空间变异性较强,且Ks比α和n具有更为复杂的空间分布结构.  相似文献   
The quantification of the plant phenotype via image analysis has the potential to objectively evaluate its growth and quality, and is compatible with databases which aim to combine phenotypic and genotypic data. The muskmelon epidermis netting is one of the most important phenotype traits, because it directly reflects fruit’s growth condition and directly relates to the commercial value of the product. Classical measures of muskmelon netting, including netting coverage rate, netting (non-netted, sparsely netted, partially netted and completely netted), and wrinkled skin or not, are employed study in breeding and cultivation. These measurements were proven to be sufficient for some studies. However, they are less well suited for quantifying changes in the netting distribution and the last two methods are mainly through subjective evaluations by eyes. This study focuses on the benefits of multifractal and lacunarity analysis in quantifying the muskmelon epidermis netting. We applied the multifractal analysis and lacunarity analysis on three cultivars (Wanglu, Feicui and Luhoutian) and four different growth stages. Their efficiencies were proved by comparison to the classical texture features (co-occurrence matrices, Gabor filters and the wavelet transform) in supervised classification processes (AdaBoost and support vector machine classifiers). Based on the images from growth monitoring system, some image processing-mathematical morphology operations, the watershed transformation and overlap were used before analysis. We found that the epidermis netting showed fractal properties. Comparisons among cultivars showed that the extracted generalized dimensions of netting were significantly different while their coverage rate is less different. The generalized dimensions D0, D1, D2 and the lacunarity parameter b could be used to discriminate netting from different growth stages. Using multifractal analysis and lacunarity analysis, we present an automated extraction tool of the muskmelon epidermis netting. These results demonstrate that multifractal dimension and lacunarity are valuable additions to classical measures of epidermis netting. Features obtained by combining fractal, lacunarity, multifractal features contributed to new texture characterization and complementary for classical features (co-occurrence matrices, Gabor filters and the wavelet transform) used in fruit epidermis netting.  相似文献   
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