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从多年的生产实践认识到,只有提高母猪的生产力,才能为以后育肥猪的饲养管理打好基础。制约母猪生产力的因素很多,关键控制点主要有以下几个方面:1母猪群体年龄结构总体目标:保持合理的母猪群体年龄结构。存在问题:有的猪场母猪利用年限过  相似文献   
探讨了不同生长年限对青海草地早熟禾人工草地生长特性和种子产量及构成因子的影响,为青海草地早熟禾种子生产提供理论依据。结果发现,随着人工草地生长年限的延长,生殖枝高度、营养枝高度以及花序长度总体上都呈降低的趋势。不同的生长年限对青海草地早熟禾种子产量及其构成因子的影响表现在:2龄人工草地的种子产量最高,达到496.96k...  相似文献   
后备猪是猪场的后备力量,是"猪场的命根子",后备猪的饲养管理不但影响到猪的发情配种,还会影响到猪的产后哺乳、断奶发情及利用年限。选留高质量的后备猪,能保持种猪群较高的生产性能。本文从后备猪的选择、饲养管理及使用等方面,详细阐述后备猪饲养管理过程中应该注意的问题,供同行借鉴。  相似文献   
饲养母猪的目的是获得更多的仔猪,而衡量母猪繁殖性能优良与否主要有两个指标:即每头母猪每年提供的断乳仔猪数和母猪繁殖利用年限。影响母猪繁殖性能的因素主要包括遗传、营养、疫病、环境以及管理。  相似文献   
孙守江  马馼  祁娟  师尚礼  刘文辉 《草地学报》2022,30(10):2549-2557
为探讨老芒麦种子响应自然老化的抗氧化作用机制和细胞染色体端粒酶活性变化规律,本试验以'青牧1号’老芒麦(Elymus sibiricus L.'Qingmu No.1’)种子为试验材料,研究常温贮藏1,2,4,5和6年后,老芒麦种子活力、生理生化代谢产物、抗氧化酶活性以及端粒酶活性的变化规律。结果表明:随着贮藏时间增加,老芒麦种子的发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数、芽长和活力指数均逐渐降低,端粒酶活性显著升高(P<0.05),葡萄糖含量和浸出液电导率明显上升;贮藏初期,超氧化物歧化酶(Superoxide dismutase,SOD),过氧化物酶(Peroxidase,POD)和过氧化氢酶(Catalase,CAT)活性缓慢降低,贮藏2年以后,上述指标活性急剧下降,从而加快了老芒麦种子的老化进程。老芒麦种子在自然贮藏过程中抗氧化酶活性的降低造成活性氧不能及时清除,导致细胞膜脂过氧化,膜通透性增加,继而影响了种子的萌芽以及幼苗的生长。  相似文献   
研究不同封育年限对黄土高原大针茅(Stipa grandis)无性系构件结构组成和生长的影响,可为阐明无性系构件组成和资源分配提供一定基础。在黄土高原典型草原选取不同封育年限区(10和20年)和放牧地(对照)作为试验样地,采用整个无性系完整挖掘的方法进行大针茅无性系构件特征的研究。结果表明:1)与放牧相比,封育10年显著增加了大针茅无性系丛径、生殖枝高度和花序高度(P < 0.05),而封育20年则显著提高了大针茅无性系丛径、总枝数、生殖枝数、营养枝数、分蘖芽数、生殖枝高度、花序高度、地上总生物量、营养枝生物量和花序生物量(P < 0.05)。封育降低了大针茅生殖枝数、生殖枝高度、花序高度、地上总生物量、生殖枝生物量和花序生物量的变异系数。2)随封育年限增加,营养枝生物量比例明显提高,生殖枝生物量比例下降,但花序生物量比例基本不变。3)封育措施显著提高了营养株单株生物量(P < 0.05),但生殖株单株生物量和全体分枝单株生物量与放牧处理差异不显著(P > 0.05)。4)大针茅丛径与地上总生物量、生殖枝数、生殖枝生物量、花序生物量呈极显著正相关关系(P < 0.001),与营养枝生物量呈极显著正相关关系(P < 0.01),与总枝数呈显著正相关关系(P < 0.05)。而地上总生物量与生殖枝数、营养枝数、总枝数、营养枝生物量呈极显著正相关关系(P < 0.001),与分蘖芽数、生殖枝生物量和花序生物量呈极显著正相关关系(P < 0.01)。分蘖芽数与营养枝数、总枝数、营养枝生物量呈极显著正相关关系(P < 0.001),与地上总生物量呈极显著正相关关系(P < 0.01)。综上所述,短期封育提高了大针茅的生殖分配,使大针茅迅速成为群落优势种,而长期封育使大针茅更依靠无性繁殖进行种群更新。  相似文献   
This research aimed to identify a suitable planting pattern for oilseed flax production in a dry-farming region. A long-term field experiment was started in 2012 with a 4-year crop rotation cycle,designed to measure the effects on flax crop performance of previous crop,and various patterns of flax planting interval within the four-year rotation,compared with continuous flax cropping. Crop parameters measured included plant height,stem diameter,dry matter accumulation and distribution,and the experiment included six different crop rotation patterns:Flax→flax →flax→flax[(F)FFF];Flax→wheat→potato→flax[(F)WPF];Flax→potato→flax→wheat[(F)PFW];Flax→ flax→wheat→potato[(F)FWP];Flax→wheat→flax→potato[(F)WFP]and flax→wheat→potato→wheat[(F)WPW]. Results for the ninth year showed significantly increased grain yield(29. 89%-109. 57%)in crop rotation treatments compared with continuous cropping of oilseed flax. The ranking of the six tested rotations for yield was:(F)WPW>(F)FWP>(F)WFP>(F)PFW>(F)WPF>(F)FFF. The grain yield of oilseed flax was significantly affected by previous crop,frequency and years interval of flax cropping and number of years of continuous flax cropping. Yield was increased by 54. 45%-59. 29% under wheat stubble and potato stubble compared with oilseed flax stubble,and increased by 30. 66% and 109. 57%,respectively,under 50% and 25% frequencies,compared with 100% frequency. The grain yield of oilseed flax under two-year continuous cropping was higher by 29. 89% than four-year continuous cropping,and increased with increase in years interval between flax crops. Correlation analysis identified a significantly positive correlation between oilseed flax grain yield and effective capsule number,branch number and 1000-seed weight. The effective capsule number,branch number and 1000-seed weight of oilseed flax under rotation treatment were increased by 35. 88%-108. 91%,15. 47%-46. 19% and 14. 61%-16. 34%,respectively(P<0. 05),compared with continuous cropping. In addition,the high grain yield of oilseed flax was accompanied by an increase in plant height,stem diameter and dry matter accumulation and these increases were,respectively,5. 11%-42. 24%,2. 77%-39. 92% and 31. 25%-117. 89% under the rotation regimes,compared with continuous cropping. Reduction in the number of years of continuous cropping years,change of crop stubble,decreased flax planting frequency and increased of interval between flax crops also improved flax crop performance. In summary,crop rotation improved the vigor of oilseed flax,resulting in greater plant height and stem diameter,improved dry matter accumulation and distribution,leading to increased branch number,effective capsule number and 1000-seed weight,and increase in the crop yield of oilseed flax. The results indicated that a multiple-crop rotation pattern was an effective way to avoid the yield reduction caused by continuous cropping in oilseed flax. The rotation: Flax→wheat→potato→wheat performed best among those tested and can be recommended as an appropriate cropping rotation for oilseed flax production in the dry region of northwest China. © 2022 Editorial Office of Acta Prataculturae Sinica. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
在奶牛饲养管理过程中.广大奶农只着眼于奶产量的高低,把高产奶量作为奶牛生产追求的惟一指标,出现了掠夺式经营方式,很少注意奶牛自身的健康,导致很多高产奶牛利用年限缩短。笔者就当前饲养水平条件下.如何延长奶牛利用年限谈一下自己的看法。  相似文献   
成年种公牛的饲养管理技术要点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
成年种公牛担负着繁殖任务,尤其目前由于牛冷冻精液技术的普及,培育一头优秀种公牛要付出相当大代价。因此,如何对优秀种公牛进行科学饲养管理,保证其体格健壮,努力提高其精液质量和延长使用年限,就成为一项重要的工作。  相似文献   
1饲养原则 提供所需的营养以使精液的品质最佳,数量最多;为了交配方便,延长使用年限,公猪体重不应太大,这就要求限制饲养。最好选用特制公猪料,日喂2次,每头喂2.5~3.0kg/d,适当补充维生素,配种期每天补喂一枚鸡蛋,每餐不要喂得过饱,以免猪饱食贪睡,不愿运动造成过肥,喂鸡蛋于喂料前进行。  相似文献   
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