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过滤处理对不同厂家蜂王浆中10-HDA含量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以不同厂家生产的蜂王浆为材料,通过液相色谱法分别测定蜂王浆中10-HDA含量,并对其中10-HDA含量最高的蜂王浆进行不同孔径的滤布过滤处理,对滤液进行10-HDA液相色谱分析。结果表明,不同厂家生产的蜂王浆中10-HDA的含量存在显著差异;经不同孔径的滤布过滤,会显著影响蜂王浆中10-HDA的含量。  相似文献   
袁隆平院士接受媒体记者提出:"粉垄技术可在全国推广"。该文介绍了粉垄重构农田耕作层具"4453"效应,即:"四增"—增加耕层松土量、土壤原生养分利用量,增大"土壤水库"、"土壤氧气库";"四减"—减少水土流失、碳排放量,减低耕层土壤含盐量、重金属含量;"五抗"—增强作物抗干旱、高温、低温、病害、倒伏等能力;"三提高"—促进作物光合效率提高10%以上,产量提高10%~30%以上,品质提高5%以上;人力、畜力、拖拉机耕作依次具增产10%规律,粉垄耕作则还具函拖拉机耕作加上再翻倍深松耕层叠加效应可达20甚至更高增产;指出如全国推广10亿亩,可增贮天然降水400亿立方,盘活土壤原生养分后可减少化肥施用量70多亿千克,新增粮食可多养活3亿多人,产生总体效应还可以助力提升国民身体健康水平和社会稳定、国家安全。  相似文献   
应用PRRSV-GP5特异性肽刺激CSF、PRRS免疫猪外周血淋巴细胞,采用EI。IsA方法测定不同时间点淋巴细胞分泌IFN-7及IL-10的水平,分析PRRSv_GP5特异性肽刺激后,淋巴细胞培养上清中细胞因子的变化规律。结果显示,CSFV高抗PRRSV低抗体组于PRRSV免疫14d,肽刺激组中IFN-7水平显著高于对照组(P〈0.05);其他组均差异不显著(P〉0.05)。PRRSV免疫14d,细胞培养24,72h后加PRRSV—GP5肽刺激,各组中试验组与对照组相比IL-10水平明显降低(P〈0.01);PRRSV免疫28d,各组中肽刺激组与空白组相比,IL-10水平均无显著性差异(P〉0.05)。结果表明,PRRSV-GP5肽在PRRSV免疫早期可以促进IFN-7的分泌,并抑制IL-10的产生,但在免疫后期对淋巴细胞分泌的调节作用还需进-步研究。  相似文献   
为了进一步提高玉米产量,以克单10号为试材,在3种植密度下,研究了种植密度对克单10号的产量和生理指标的影响。结果表明:随着种植密度增加,玉米个体产量、主要产量相关性状、单株叶面积及单株地上部干物质积累量均呈现降低的趋势,群体地上部干物质积累量和群体叶面积指数则呈现升高趋势。其中种植密度为4.5万~6.0万株·hm-2时,产量最高。  相似文献   
Conus regius is a marine venomous mollusk of the Conus genus that captures its prey by injecting a rich cocktail of bioactive disulfide bond rich peptides called conotoxins. These peptides selectively target a broad range of ion channels, membrane receptors, transporters, and enzymes, making them valuable pharmacological tools and potential drug leads. C. regius-derived conotoxins are particularly attractive due to their marked potency and selectivity against specific nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subtypes, whose signalling is involved in pain, cognitive disorders, drug addiction, and cancer. However, the species-specific differences in sensitivity and the low stability and bioavailability of these conotoxins limit their clinical development as novel therapeutic agents for these disorders. Here, we give an overview of the main pharmacological features of the C. regius-derived conotoxins described so far, focusing on the molecular mechanisms underlying their potential therapeutic effects. Additionally, we describe adoptable chemical engineering solutions to improve their pharmacological properties for future potential clinical translation.  相似文献   
晋糯10号是山西省农科院玉米研究所2008年以自选系N2-1作母本、自选系hN1作父本杂交育成的中早熟黑糯玉米杂交种。经2012—2013年的品比、生产试验,2014年5月由山西省农作物品种审定委员会审定通过,审定编号为晋审玉2014020。该品种适宜在中早熟区种植。  相似文献   
The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of fibroblast growth factor-10 (FGF-10) on the survival, activation (transition from primordial to primary follicles), and growth of goat preantral follicles cultured in vitro. Pieces of ovarian cortex were cultured for 1 and 7 d in the absence or presence of FGF-10 (0, 1, 10, 50, 100, and 200 ng/mL). Noncultured and cultured tissues were processed and analyzed by histology, transmission electron microscopy, and viability testing. Results showed that after 7 d, a greater percentage (79.9%) of morphologically normal follicles (containing an oocyte with regular shape and uniform cytoplasm, and organized layers of granulosa cells without a pyknotic nucleus) was observed when cultured with 50 ng/mL of FGF-10 when compared with other concentrations of FGF-10 (0 ng/mL, 67.3%; 1 ng/mL, 68.2%; 10 ng/mL, 63.3%; 100 ng/mL, 64.4%; 200 ng/mL, 52.7%). Ultrastructural analyses and viability testing using fluorescent markers confirmed the follicular integrity of FGF-10 (50 ng/mL)-treated fragments after 7 d of culture. After 7 d, all FGF-10 concentrations reduced the percentage of primordial follicles and increased the percentage of developing follicles. In the presence of 50 ng/mL of FGF-10, follicles increased in diameter after 7 d of culture when compared with other concentrations tested. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that FGF-10 maintains the morphological integrity of goat preantral follicles and stimulates the growth of activated follicles in culture. The culture conditions identified here contribute to the understanding of the factors involved in goat early follicular development.  相似文献   
基于AOD数据的新疆大型露天煤炭开采区PM2.5和PM10反演   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
MODIS气溶胶产品AOD与PM2.5、PM10浓度高度相关,已广泛应用在PM2.5、PM10浓度模拟.该研究以新疆维吾尔自治区大型露天煤炭开采区准东矿区为研究对象,结合实测的2014年5月、7月、9月、12月PM2.5、PM10质量浓度数据与经过垂直湿度订正的MODIS气溶胶产品AOD,利用多元回归进行拟合建模,从建立的40个模型中选取最优模型并据此对研究区PM2.5、PM10的质量浓度进行定量估算.结果表明:AOD与PM2.5、PM10呈极显著正相关;4个月AOD与PM2.5、PM10质量浓度估算模型最优模型均为多项式模型;其中7月AOD与PM2.5质量浓度拟合模型较好(R2=0.6258),实测值与预测值拟合趋势线R2为0.8057;9月PM10拟合模型效果理想(R2=0.7329),实测值与预测值拟合趋势线R2为0.8077;将AOD代入最优模型反演PM2.5,从空间层面上反映出各区域PM2.5浓度差异明显.研究结果可为AOD的深度利用与PM2.5、PM10浓度的遥感估算提供参考,在大气污染物空间分布、监测大气环境质量、污染预测等方面都具有重要意义.  相似文献   
[目的]研究四平市雾霾天气发生时大气颗粒物污染特征。[方法]于2016年3月1日—4月20日对四平市大气颗粒物PM2.5、PM10和气体污染物进行采样,分析采样期间3次污染事件发生时大气颗粒物粒径分布特征,比较颗粒物与相关气体污染物的相关性,并对其来源进行分析。[结果]在3次污染事件中,PM10的平均浓度为339.9μg/m3,是采样期间的3.0倍,是空气质量标准(GB 3095—2012)的2.0倍;在污染事件1(3月28日)和2(3月31日)发生时,PM2.5浓度也相应升高,分别是空气质量标准(GB 3095—2012)的1.2倍和1.4倍。污染事件1和污染事件2中,在粒径0.56~1.00μm时颗粒物质量浓度出现峰值,而污染事件3(4月8日)并无相应的峰值出现。[结论]该研究为四平市大气污染防治提供理论依据。  相似文献   
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