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越冬橘园蜘蛛群落多样性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王智 《果树学报》2002,19(6):433-435
通过系统调查,湖南省邵阳市越冬橘园蜘蛛群落共有12科22属28种,其中斑管巢蛛(Clubionareichlini)和美丽蚁蛛(Myrmarachaefarmicaria)为优势种。异质性大的越冬橘园蜘蛛群落的多样性指数、丰富度和个体总数均大于异质性小的越冬橘园,越冬橘园蜘蛛群落的多样性指数大小主要由群落物种丰富度和个体总数决定,与均匀度大小无关。  相似文献   
林天兴  李超  龚明福 《安徽农业科学》2011,39(24):14673-14675
[目的]研究了分离自苦豆子,对棉花枯萎病菌和黄萎病菌有较强拮抗作用的48株内生细菌进行遗传多样性,分析并对有代表性的10株菌进行序列测定和系统发育分析。[方法]采用总DNAERIC-PCR方法和16S rRNA基因全序列分析方法对48株内生细菌进行了遗传多样性和系统发育分析。[结果]ERIC-PCR指纹图谱分析表明,在Watson距离为0.31时,48株菌被划分为6个ERIC群和2个独立成群的菌株,从每个群中挑选出代表性的菌株测定其16S rRNA基因,进行系统发育分析,结果表明这些菌株分别属于Bacillus atro-phaeus、Bacillus subtilis、Bacillus cereus、Bacillus megaterium、Bacillus pumilus、Serratia marcescens。[结论]该48株内生菌遗传多样性明显,通过对该48株菌的多样性和系统发育地位的确定,可以为研究棉花枯萎病菌和黄萎病菌的机制研究奠定基础,同时为棉花生产中病害的生物防治提供新的途径。  相似文献   
[目的]探讨边缘效应对贺兰山东坡直翅目昆虫群落的影响。[方法]样带法采集取样,采捕过程中针对采捕的不同种类及生境中的具体情况,采用网捕法、徒手捕捉、诱捕法等。采集时将昆虫标本毒死后带回实验室,制作针插标本,根据相关文献专著鉴定并记录直翅目昆虫的种类和数量。并通过物种丰富度、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、均匀性指数、优势度指数、群落相似性指标和多度值对调查数据进行了分析。[结果]斑翅蝗科、斑腿蝗科和癞蝗科个体数量分别占总数的42.65%、29.15%和12.76%,构成研究区域直翅目昆虫的优势类群。直翅目昆虫数量沿疏林草地、边缘和荒漠草地依次增加,边缘多样性高于疏林草地和荒漠草地内部,且边缘与疏林草地差异显著;无论是疏林草地还是荒漠草地,直翅目昆虫群落多样性都是随着距边缘距离的增加而降低。在疏林草地-荒漠草地过渡带出现了栖息地广布种、利用边缘的栖息地广布种、利用边缘的栖息地特异种和逃避边缘的栖息地特异种4种边缘反应类型。[结论]该研究可为直翅目昆虫生物多样性的保护和开发利用及保护生物学的发展提供数据和理论基础。  相似文献   
河北省梨品种应用现状 存在问题及对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
简述了河北省梨品种发展现状,指出了目前存在的问题,并提出了发展对策。  相似文献   
熊炜 《牧草与饲料》2007,1(4):31-36
在室内外调查研究的基础上,应用生物多样性基本原理,首次论述了库尔勒市区草坪植物区系、染色体遗传、生活型、生态型、植物景观和资源植物的多样性及其质量特征。结果表明,库尔勒市区草坪植物的多样性,在植物物种组成上,以人工栽培和引种为主,本土杂草为辅;在地理成分上,以本土地理成分为主,外引地理成分为辅;在染色体组型上,以单染色体组型为主,多染色体组型为辅;在生活型组成上,以木本植物为主,草本为辅;生态类型组成上,以中生为主,旱生为重要组成部分,湿、水生为补充;在植物景观组成上,以2、4、5要素景观为主,1、3要素景观为辅;在资源植物构成上,以环境和生产类为主,食用和特殊类为辅。  相似文献   
The paddy field is being recognised as a biodiversity hotspot fostering a variety of organisms. However, there are few studies on the ecology of paddy field nematodes. We characterised nematode communities in rice paddy fields by comparing them with upland fields of rice or soybean. We examined nematode communities of the top (0-15 mm) and second (15-50 mm) soil layers before flooding (March or April), during flooding (June or July) and during the draining period (October) 2007-2009. We found that the nematode community in the paddy was different than that in the upland fields during all periods. Rhabdolaimus, Tobrilus, Mesodorylaims and Monhysteridae characterised the top of the paddy and Hirschmanniella characterised the second layer of the paddy. Total nematode density was generally lower in the paddy than in the upland field. However, the density in the paddy top layer increased with time from the flooding period to the draining period, during which time it was about the same as (or even greater than) the peak density in the upland fields. The density in the second layer of the paddy remained lower than that in the top layer of the paddy throughout the time course. Community diversity values were generally greater in the paddy top layer than in the paddy second layer across the six sampling periods, but periodic differences between the paddy and upland fields or between soil layers were not significant. During the flooding period, the F/(F + B) (13-37) and Enrichment Index (17-38) values were lower in the paddy than in the upland fields (32-47, 37-74, respectively) to reflect that bacteria dominate over fungi with slow decomposition due to anaerobic conditions in the flooded paddy field. In addition, particularly in the top layer, the Maturity (2.0-2.4) and Structure Index (23-72) values were greater in the paddy than in the upland fields (1.7-2.1, 9-15, respectively), indicating a well-developed ecosystem under water. These unique nematode communities persisted during the draining period, but there was a rapid increase in opportunistic bacterivores, which increased the EI values. We suggest that bactivorous nematodes in the families Cephalobidae and Chronogasteridae, herbivores in the genus Hirschmanniella, and fungivores in the genus Filenchus may be specific to paddy field soil rather than to pond and lake sediments.  相似文献   
赵秀勤 《安徽农业科学》2008,36(8):3292-3293
采用陷阱诱捕法,在商丘黄河故道地带性植被区5种生境中共采集蚂蚁590头,隶属3亚科6属7种,优势种为黑头酸臭蚁[Tapinoma melanocephalum(Fabricius)]、红林蚁(Formica sinae Emery)、掘穴蚁(Formica cunicxularia Latreille)、黄立毛蚁[Paratre chinaflavipes(Smith)]。  相似文献   
为了更深入地揭示小麦抗麦红吸浆虫品种(系)的遗传多样性,在田间虫圃对1562份小麦品种(系)损失率鉴定结果的基础上,取47份年度间鉴定抗性结果较为一致的材料,按损失率大小,由小到大排列起来,利用19对多态性SSR标记检测了参试材料的遗传多态性。结果表明,19对SSR标记在47份不同抗性品种中检测到104个等位基因,能够将所有品种区分开来,每对引物可以检测到3-8个等位基因,平均5.47个。47个小麦品种间的遗传距离从0.40~0.95不等,平均为0.71。高抗品种间遗传距离平均为0.66(0.40-0.95);中抗品种间的遗传距离平均为0.69(0.46~0.90);感虫品种间的遗传距离平均为0.69(0.53-0.95);高感品种间的遗传距离平均为0.68(0.41~0.90)。SSR标记聚类分析在遗传距离为0.74处将供试材料分为6大类群。抗虫品种晋麦65号单独聚为一类,同其余品种具有较远的亲缘关系,可作为新的抗源用于抗虫育种,并在吸浆虫发生地块推广种植。  相似文献   
不同年限毛竹林土壤固氮菌群落结构和丰度的演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用变性梯度凝胶电泳(denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis,DGGE)和荧光定量PCR(real time fluorescent quantitative PCR,q PCR)方法研究了不同年限毛竹林土壤固氮菌群落结构和丰度的变化。结果表明:土壤p H、有机质、有效磷、速效钾和铵态氮含量在马尾松林改造成毛竹林5 a后明显提高,而后逐渐降低,并趋于稳定;土壤固氮菌多样性和nif H基因丰度也呈现相似的趋势。条带测序分析表明,毛竹林土壤固氮菌均为不可培养的固氮菌,与慢生根瘤菌(Bradyrhizobium sp.)具有较高的相似度。冗余分析结果表明,不同栽培年限毛竹林地土壤固氮菌群落组成发生了明显变化,长期栽培毛竹林引起的土壤养分变化对土壤固氮菌多样性具有重要影响。  相似文献   
Forest integrity has been proposed as one conservation endpoint that integrates desirable characteristics such as natural biodiversity, stand structure and continuity. Although its defining criteria are still under discussion, any surrogates must effectively represent or predict their status, and be easier to measure than the criteria themselves. Bryophytes have been proposed as such surrogates, because they are important components of forest integrity, and considerable research indicates that some groups are sensitive to the changes associated with specific forest management regimes. The objectives of this paper are (1) to review the issues in determining indicators of forest integrity, including desirable qualities in such indicators, (2) to review the state of knowledge concerning bryophytes as components of forest integrity (i.e. their responses to forest management practices), and (3) to assess bryophytes as potential indicators of forest integrity, in terms of both qualities desirable in indicators and our understanding of bryophyte response patterns. Although bryophytes possess some characteristics that suggest potential indicator value, many challenges prevent their reliable application. I highlight key areas in which research is required to identify operational bryophyte indicators of forest integrity. Along with a standardized protocol to select and calibrate such indicators, we urgently require strategic research to compile data on undisturbed reference forests on which to base selection of endpoints; species-specific ecological tolerances, with consideration of complex interactions; mechanisms of response to disturbance, with consideration of temporal aspects; population viability thresholds; and recruitment effects on community assembly. Whether we succeed in finding bryophyte indicators of forest integrity, this research would also provide the data to monitor and interpret the integrity of the bryophyte community.  相似文献   
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