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Analyses of a 12 × 12 diallel cross among inbred lines of Primula vulgaris disclosed considerable genetic variation for seed set, with differences between floral morphs accounting for 37.3% of the total variation. The differences between morphs agree with those reported elsewhere, with intra-thrum crosses being almost sterile, and intra-pin crosses relatively fertile. Inter-morph crosses produced higher seed yield when the thrum morph was used as the maternal parent. Results further showed that significant genetic effects, explaining 25.2% of the total variation, remained when the effects of the heteromorphic incompatibility system had been removed. Analysis revealed that these effects are due mainly to additive genetic differences between the lines and reciprocal general effects. A factorial analysis of the data indicated that differences in seed set capacity occurred only when the lines were evaluated as females. Seed set from within-line and between-line pollinations were highly positively correlated. These results suggest that selection for within-line fertility during inbreeding of parental lines could be an efficient method for improving seed setting in future inbred lines of P. Vulgaris for hybrid sedd production.  相似文献   
In Primula sieboldii E. Morren, many cultivars have been bred with the purpose of obtaining various petal colour patterns. Colour pattern is an important breeding target in this species, and the availability of an objective and quantitative evaluation method is of vital importance for both genetic analysis and variety registration. Our objective was to establish a new quantitative evaluation method of P. sieboldii flower colour patterns in regions of interest (ROIs) by principal component analysis (PCA). We first set a ROI in each petal as a region that represented the petal colour pattern and defined the maximum square on each petal as the ROI. We then converted each ROI image to a 10 × 10 pixel mosaic image and defined a total of 300 variables (the colour values for red, green and blue components of the 100 pixels) per mosaic image. Finally, we summarized the information on the 300 variables by PCA, and redrew the mosaic images to correspond to some typical principal component scores to determine the effect of each principal component on colour pattern. By this method, we detected five different features of petal colour pattern, four of which were revealed to be mainly genetically controlled. Thus, we successfully established a procedure for evaluating petal colour patterns in P. sieboldii cultivars. This new procedure can be used as a basis for an objective and efficient variety registration system.  相似文献   
 对黑龙江省森林植物园内引种的翠南报春(Primula sieboldii E. Morren)的花期、花部形态、访问昆虫种类、访问行为及访花频率等进行观察,同时对其花粉活力、柱头可授性、花粉胚珠比(P/O)及繁育系统进行了检测。结果显示:翠南报春是典型的花柱二型植物,在同一居群中同时具有长花柱(Pin型)和短花柱(Thrum型)两种花型;花期在5月份;开花后3 d内花粉活力和柱头可授性均较强;杂交指数OCI值为3或4,P/O比值幅度244 ~ 361,按照OCI值,其繁育系统属于异交、部分自交亲和、需要传粉者;依据P/O数据,其繁育系统属于兼性异交型。翠南报春的主要访花昆虫有:鳞翅目的绿带翠凤蝶(Papilio maackii M.)、黑纹粉蝶(Pieris melete M.)、草地螟(Loxostege sticticalis L.)、黑边天蛾(Haemorrhagia sp.)、金凤蝶(Papilio machaon L.);双翅目的短腹管蚜蝇(Eristalis arbustorum L.)。天气晴朗时,10:00—15:00昆虫访花频率较高;阴雨天或气温骤降时,访花频率明显降低。  相似文献   
Buruk K  Sokmen A  Aydin F  Erturk M 《Fitoterapia》2006,77(5):388-391
The Eastern Black Sea Region has an extensive flora because of ample rainfall lasting all year. In this study, antimicrobial effects of 74 crude extracts of 22 endemic plants were investigated. Among the 30 active crude extracts, water-insoluble crude extracts from Betula medwediewii, Heracleum platytaenium, Primula longipes, Anthemis cretica ssp. argaea and Centaurea helenioides were the prominent ones with their MIC values.  相似文献   
4种野生报春花光合作用特性的比较   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
 采用LI-6400便携式光合作用系统分析了昆明露地栽培的4种野生报春花(3年生)光合作用 特性。光补偿点以粉背灯台报春最高(28 p~mol·m一·s ),其余3种相近且较低(8~15 p~mol’m一’ s )。光饱和点以四季报春最低(80 p~mol·m一·s ),其光合速率也最低,两种灯台报春的光饱和点 (500 tool·m~ ·s )和光合速率均最高,灰岩报春居中。光合作用co 补偿点灰岩报春、桔红灯台报 春、粉背灯台报春和四季报春分别为54,64,69和80 p,mol·tool‘。。5月份的光合速率和蒸腾速率日变化 均呈单峰曲线,前者的峰值出现在10时左右,后者的峰值出现在13时左右;曲线高低体现出种间差异。  相似文献   
5种报春花属植物材料的核型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张晓曼  张启翔  孙晓光 《园艺学报》2007,34(5):1263-1266
 观察分析了5种报春花属(Primula)植物的染色体数及核型。体细胞有丝分裂中期染色体数及核型分别为:小报春(P. forbesii),2n=2x=18m;偏花报春(P. secundiflora Franch),2n=2x=20m+2sm;藏报春(P. sinensis),2n=2x=20m+2M;胭脂花(P. maximowiczii),2n=2x=22m;齿叶灯台报春(P. serratifolia),2n=2x=22m。其中小报春、藏报春、胭脂花和齿叶灯台报春的核型为首次报道。  相似文献   
为改善岩生报春盆花的品质,减少花卉无土栽培中对草炭的依赖,本试验以椰糠为主要基质成分,探讨不同基质对岩生报春生长发育的影响.结果表明,盆栽岩生报春的生长量、叶片数、开花品质及叶片叶绿素含量等指标对不同处理的响应不一致.综合评分法分析显示,岩生报春理想盆栽基质为:草炭:椰糠:珍珠岩=3:1:2(体积比),此配比基质栽培的岩生报春生长健壮,开花较对照早,花期较长,基质的综合评价指数(0.89)显著优于对照(草炭:珍珠岩=2:1).  相似文献   
胭脂花野生群体表型多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对胭脂花的5个野生群体17个表型性状进行测量和分析,结果表明:胭脂花野生群体间和群体内均存在显著差异,表型分化系数(Vst)为0.09~0.34,群体内多样性大于群体间的多样性,其变异来源主要存在于群体内;表型性状的变异系数(CV)在13.71%~48.80%之间,其中变异最大的性状是花眼颜色,为48.80%,花冠筒长度表现最为稳定,变异系数为13.71%;叶片数、叶长、叶宽、花葶直径、花序轮数、花量等性状之间呈显著正相关,花柱长短与花冠筒长呈显著负相关。经度和纬度与大部分性状之间呈显著正相关;海拔、年均降雨量与大部分性状之间呈显著负相关。对其野生群体进行UPGMA聚类表明,5个群体聚为2大类,并没有严格按照地理距离聚类。   相似文献   
常宇航  刘德团  马永鹏 《园艺学报》2020,47(Z2):3039-3040
‘红粉佳人’报春和‘金粉佳人’报春均是从桔红灯台报春(Primula bulleyana)和霞红灯台报春(Primula beesiana)的自然杂交后代中选育出的新品种,其花色分别为桃红色和淡金色,色彩艳丽,生长势好。两个品种均于4—5月开花,开花数极多,适宜于自然式园林造景和节日盆花等应用。  相似文献   
通过研究5种不同育苗基质和育苗方式对幼苗苗质的影响,试验结果表明:在种子萌发期间,泥炭:椰糠:珍珠岩(1:1:1)和农友育苗基质的出苗率较好。在真叶露出后,除了以上两种表现良好的基质外,蘑菇渣 珍珠岩(1:1)基质组合的幼苗比椰糠 珍珠岩(1:1)基质组合的幼苗又表现出了较强的生长势。  相似文献   
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