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低纬高原地区UV-B辐射对报春花类黄酮含量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 利用获得的云南不同纬度、不同海拔高度,而经度差异不大的5个试验点的UV-B辐射观测资料,以同期种植的云南报春花为试验材料,分析得到报春花叶片的类黄酮试验数据。初步研究了低纬高原地区不同UV-B辐射强度变化对云南报春花类黄酮的影响。结果表明:UV-B辐射强度与报春花类黄酮含量存在明显的联系;尤其在紫外辐射变化最大的生长初期,报春花类黄酮含量变化也最大;在紫外辐射强度最强的试验点观测到了类黄酮含量的最高值;整个生育期内,随着UV-B辐射强度增强,报春花类黄酮含量由生长期开始先明显升高至衰老期后降低;不同试验点在不同生育期内达到了类黄酮含量的最高值,总体来说含量以生长期和开花期最高;叶片类黄酮含量变化对UV-B辐射强度变化较敏感时期是开花期。  相似文献   
野生花卉胭脂花(Primula maximowiczii)组培体系的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以胭脂花(Primula maximowiczii)的种子为外植体,利用单因子和正交试验设计,通过对种子表面消毒、丛生芽诱导和增殖、生根、炼苗和移栽等技术环节的研究,筛选出各培养阶段的最佳培养基配方和培养条件,建立了胭脂花无菌培养体系.结果表明:种子表面消毒的最佳方法是以6% NaClO消毒6 min;最佳丛生芽诱导增...  相似文献   
PP_(333)、CCC、B_9对盆栽小报春矮化效应研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了有效控制盆栽小报春的株高、抑制徒长、防止花葶倒伏,采用不同浓度的多效唑(PP333)、矮壮素(CCC)和比久(B9)对盆栽小报春进行叶面喷施和土壤浇灌处理。结果表明:不同处理对小报春都有矮化作用,矮化效果由强到弱依次是PP333、B9、CCC,PP333土施比叶施效果显著,CCC叶施比土施效果显著,B9土施与叶施效果相似,无明显差异;不同处理对小报春的花葶高度均有抑制作用,但对小报春的花径、着花量也有不同程度的影响。综合考虑,处理CCC500mg/L盆内土施的效果最佳,不仅促使小报春的株型明显矮化、抑制花葶徒长,而且不影响花径大小和着花量,使叶片颜色加深,大大提高了小报春的盆栽质量。  相似文献   
Within-line pollinations were used when measuring the seed set of plants from seven early generation inbred lines of Primula vulgaris. One high seed setting plant and one low seed setting one were selected from each line and the seed set was evaluated on the offspring from selfings and within-line pollinations of these plants. Regression of offspring on parents for seed set was studied. The slope was estimated to be 0.17 ± 0.08, equivalent to an estimated heritability of around 34%. No significant differences in the slope of regression between the two reproduction methods (selfings or within-line pollinations) were detected. The realized improvement through one cycle of selection of high seed setting single plants in this early generation inbred material of P. vulgaris was 23.7%. Analysis of the seed set of within-line pollinated clones from late generation inbred lines of P. vulgaris revealed that only limited within-line variation remained after removal of the effects of the heteromorphic incompatibility system. It was concluded that selection of high seed setting single plants during early generations of inbreeding is efficient for improvement of seed set in future inbred lines of P. vulgaris to be used for hybrid seed production.  相似文献   
[目的]研究报春花属植物甘青报春的化学成分。[方法]采用柱层层析、制备薄层层析等分离手段,利用MS、1H NMR、13C NMR等技术,同时结合文献数据和理化数据对所分离出的化合物进行结构鉴定。[结果]从甘青报春中分离并鉴定了5个化合物,其分别为2-苯基色原酮、柚皮素、槲皮素-3-O-β-D-葡萄糖苷、异鼠李素、芹菜素。[结论]该研究所分离的化合物均属于黄酮类化合物。  相似文献   
报道了采自浙江省建德市的1种报春花科Primulaceae报春花属Primula浙江新记录植物———安徽羽叶报春Primula merrillianaSchltr.。同时记述了它的形态、生境及用途。参9  相似文献   
不同营养液及其pH值对欧洲报春生长及光合速率的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用正交设计,进行欧洲报春营养液施用试验。A为不同营养液,B为营养液的施用时间,设置9种组合,并探讨了不同营养液在不同pH值(5.8、6.2、6.6、7.0)时对欧洲报春生长及光合速率的影响。试验结果表明,从施肥时间及经济的角度看,7~10 d 1次即可。调整营养液较传统的营养液从栽培效果上来看有相对的提高,全成分的钾宝栽培效果基本同调整后营养液相同,差异不显著。在营养液pH值为5.8~6.2的条件下,欧洲报春的生长状态良好,而且叶绿素含量和光合速率较高。  相似文献   
In Belgium, Primula vulgaris is a rare and declining species. Its fate is bound up with the ever-changing agricultural landscape in northwestern Belgium and analysis of historical data showed a shrinking distribution area during the last decades. Contrary to the situation in England and France, most of the populations are situated in small landscape elements in the agricultural landscape and not in woodland. The population size distribution is skewed to very small populations (<10 individuals) with few younger life stages in small populations, higher proportions of older adults and unequal flower morph numbers. The changes in several population traits during a 13-year interval are correlated with initial population status, indicating that small populations tend to be more prone to extinction than larger ones. Small remnant woodland patches may be seen as ‘safe sites’: in this environment population sizes were more or less stable during the 13-year period whereas populations in ditches around arable fields were particularly susceptible to decline. Under current conditions, the long term survival of the species in small landscape elements is highly critical unless land use practices change drastically in the near future. The minimum viable populations concept and management of small landscape elements are discussed.  相似文献   
对四川省西部高原的东部地区报春花资源进行了野外实地调查,发现该地区有报春花属植物31种(包括4亚种),分属11组.对其生长环境、分布数量与特征进行了重点描述,并对部分报春花资源的观赏特性及园林应用进行了评价;提出了该地区报春花属植物资源的保护建议.  相似文献   
通过总结近10多年国内外报春花的相关研究,综述了报春花生理生态学及分子生物学研究进展,就目前研究中存在的不足进行了探讨;展望了报春花在生理生态及其分子生物学研究趋势和前景.  相似文献   
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