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介绍了核酸杂交技术的发展历史背景、基本原理、杂交方法、标记方法、技术特点,概述了目前已报道的海水养殖动物病害的病原核酸杂交检测技术的进展,并对核酸杂交技术进行了展望。  相似文献   
三沙湾盐田港海水养殖海域水质调查与评价   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
根据2012年8月-2013年7月为期一年、每月一次的对三沙湾盐田港海水养殖海域水环境质量的监测结果,分析了该海域基本理化指标以及营养盐的特征与变化趋势,并应用有机污染评价指数(A)、营养状态指数(E)和海水营养状态质量指数(NQI)法评价了该海水养殖海域的水环境质量状况。结果表明,盐田港海域悬浮物含量符合Ⅲ类海水水质标准,pH符合Ⅲ至Ⅳ类海水水质标准。溶解无机氮(DIN)和溶解无机磷(DIP)符合Ⅳ类至劣Ⅳ类的海水水质标准,年平均值分别为0.644和0.061 mg/L,范围分别在0.256~1.147和0.027~0.103 mg/L之间。NO3-N占DIN的比例平均为82.86%。盐田港海水养殖海域的DIN和DIP的浓度已处于较高的水平。有机污染评价指数和海水营养状态指数的评价显示,盐田港海水养殖海域已经处于严重的富营养化状态,同时有机污染相当严重。分析表明盐田港海水养殖的自身污染是导致该养殖海域富营养化与有机污染严重的重要原因之一。  相似文献   
The successful culture of the east coast rock lobster Panulirus homarus rubellus is reliant, among other factors, on the provision of optimal water quality for growth and survival. This study investigated the effect of temperature over a range of 9.7 °C (18.9 ± 0.7 °C to 28.6 ± 1.5 °C) on the growth and survival of juvenile (40.4 ± 9 mm CL; 63.64 ± 12.05 g) P. h. rubellus fed a diet of fresh mussel flesh. Specific growth rate (SGR) was significantly different between temperatures (p = 0.01), with the highest values recorded for the 24 and 28 °C treatments. There was no significant difference in moult increment (MI) between temperatures in terms of both an increase in weight (p = 0.83) and carapace length (p = 0.54). Intermoult period (IMP) differed significantly between temperatures (p = 0.0015) with mean IMP lowest at 24 °C, although not significantly different from the means of the 26 and 28 °C treatments. IMP was highest at 19 and 21 °C. Apparent feed intake was significantly different between treatments (p < 0.0001) and exhibited a strong positive correlation with increasing temperature (y = − 1.67 + 0.16x ; r2 = 0.81). Food conversion ratio (FCR) differed significantly between temperatures (p = 0.02) with 24 °C exhibiting the most efficient FCR. Results indicate that efficient growout of juvenile P. h. rubellus, in terms of both growth and food conversion efficiency, is obtainable at 24 °C.  相似文献   
This study establishes a practical methodology for storm damage risk assessment and zoning for offshore cage culture by superimposing the vulnerability theory onto hydrodynamic modeling. The peak significant wave height is statistically correlated to the normalized fatigue load criteria at specified loading cycles to classify the destruction duration and damage state during storm events. The yield damage of the flotation pipe under cyclical wave oscillations was identified as the major failure mechanism of the sea cage. The structural failure risk would significantly decrease to 4.5-m waves, which is much lower than the manufacturing standard due to cumulative damage in a relatively short operation time. The wave-circulation model was applied to hindcast 112 high-impact typhoon scenarios in the study area for the return period analysis of the storm wave field. The damage risk distribution of the cage culture was mapped across the landscape to increase storm strength according to the vulnerability classification. The effectiveness of island shielding was explicitly revealed, and the leeward side was overall less risky as the return period increased, with the safe area shrinking inshore. For extreme conditions over a 100-year return period, the shield performance of leeward bays varied significantly due to the shoreline profile differences. Some existing cage deployment locations are at-risk relative to the structural resistance capability, whereas other unrecognized areas might be suitable for cage culture. These findings imply the necessity of storm risk assessment before proactive prevention measures and deployment zoning. The methodology may also be adapted to storm risk predictions for other facilities in the coastal ocean.  相似文献   
The aim of the presented investigation was to test the sensibility of macroalgal aquaculture in offshore wind farms in the North Sea and to find arguments for the choice of appropriate sites among the planned wind farms. Based on experience with an offshore aquaculture farm of Laminaria saccharina conducted in 2002, we assessed the maximum hydrodynamic forces affecting farmed algae by applying the model software “WaveLoad”. Drag measured in a towing tank was considerably higher on algae with a more ruffled margin and wider blade collected from sheltered environments than on flat and narrow farmed Laminaria despite comparable blade areas. Drag varied according to frond size, current velocity and acceleration reaction. Dislodgement of laminarian holdfasts and the forces necessary to break the stipe depended on blade length and surface area. Neither did our measured nor our calculated values of drag exceed those forces, provided the algae had been grown in a current > 1 m s 1. Even in storm conditions with maximum current velocities of 1.52 m s 1 and wave heights of up to 6.4 m can cultivated L. saccharina withstand the high energy environment.  相似文献   
对虾池塘养殖生态系的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
了解养殖生态系统结构和功能对指导健康养殖至关重要。本文概述了对虾池塘养殖生态系统的基础研究和应用研究现状及存在问题,并从生态学角度阐述了对虾养殖生态系统的特点,提出对虾养殖生态系统的建立和维持要以去除过剩的营养盐为目标,注重进行物流和能流畅通的立体养殖体系和多池循环的综合养殖体系的定量研究与模拟,以实现对虾养殖的可持续发展。  相似文献   
工厂化海水养鱼循环系统的工艺流程研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
讨论了一种经济型的封闭式海水养殖水处理技术。包括机械过滤固体废弃物、泡沫分离悬浮物、臭氧消毒、生物膜降解“三态氮”、滴滤除去气态废弃物、贝壳调节pH、氧气罩与溶氧罐混合氧浴增氧等工艺,并就研制的活性生物填料进行了净水实验。结果表明,经过以上系统处理后的水质指标为:COD<2.8mg/L,SS<7.2mg/L,非离子氨<0.02mg/L,细菌含量低于自然海水,养殖牙鲆平均单产为29.92kg/m^2,成活率为95.39%。  相似文献   
The goal is to determine the requirements allowing cultured Salvelinus alpinus to thrive in seawater, as they do in the wild. In late-June, eight families of individually identified 1+ year-old charr (mean wt: 427 g) of a domesticated strain derived from the Fraser River population were directly transferred from freshwater (9 °C) to salinities of either 0, 10, 20 and 30 ppt at 10 °C, then on-grown in tanks until December. Cumulative mortality was 16% in 30 ppt salinity, and < 4% in the lower salinities. Repeated measures analysis revealed somatic growth was inhibited by both elevated salinity and sexual maturation. Among immature fish, final mean weight and condition factor in 30 ppt salinity was 490 g and 1.2, compared to nearly 1 kg and > 1.7 in 0 and 10 ppt. In 20 ppt salinity, growth was initially similar to that in ≤ 10 ppt salinity but deteriorated from September onwards. Sexually maturing fish in ≤ 10 ppt salinity attained a final mean weight about 35% less than immatures. Plasma osmolality was only slightly elevated in the 30 ppt salinity, remaining < 340 mOsm kg− 1. Food intake and conversion were affected by the interaction between salinity and time, being optimum in 0 and 10 ppt treatments. Family effects on final body size were large, but the effect of salinity on growth was independent of family. In conclusion, despite their large body size, direct transfer of this strain from freshwater to seawater does not appear viable for commercial aquaculture.  相似文献   
丁字湾海水交换规律研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
为研究对虾养殖和水环境污染问题,通过调查,探讨了丁字湾的水交换特点和自净能力。丁字湾为典型半日潮海湾,进出海湾的潮流以往复流为主,平均每个潮周期湾内与湾外海水交换率大约为13.85%,湾内水交换50%大约需经过17个潮周期,即8.5d左右的时间。  相似文献   
海水养殖业向高新技术产业转变之探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
改革开放以后海水养殖业已成为沿海地区海洋渔业的“半壁江山”。无论海水养殖业如何发展,其仍然属于海洋第一产业,并面临着向高新技术产业转变的趋势。在转变中,目前存在着一些制约因素,如养殖科技结构不合理,出现了“几多几少”的现象等。如何趋利避害,本文提出了优先解决的关键技术与重点,及建立适合高新技术产业化的运行机制、建立健全水产科技推广体系、建立完善的海水养殖环境监测体系、重视品牌开拓,打造名牌企业等对策。  相似文献   
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