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Higher harvest index, widely reported as a main trait supporting major improvements in rice yield potential, also supports the higher performance of hybrids over inbreds. Although higher sink size is generally claimed for being the driver of higher grain filling in hybrid rice, it is relevant to question whether efficient sink regulation, that is timing and magnitude of the successive sink activities over crop growth from early stage, plays a role in supporting higher harvest index and is a key feature ensuring higher performance of hybrid rice. The partitioning coefficient (PC), as the increase in dry matter of one single organ over that of shoot, was calculated over short and successive periods to quantify the dynamics of dry matter partitioning. Four hybrid and four inbred genotypes of similar crop duration were grown under the same cropping management on the IRRI farm during a wet and a dry seasons. While PC to blade and sheath was similar for both plant types in both seasons at the early stage, PC to culm of hybrids was higher than that of inbreds, and PC to blade was lower, in the late vegetative and early reproductive phases. During the late reproductive phase, PC to panicle of hybrids was higher than that of inbreds, and PC to culm was lower whereas culm elongation was similar for both plant types. During grain filling, PC to culm was significantly more negative with hybrids which indicated stronger remobilization with hybrids. Specific culm length before anthesis, as low as 40 cm g−1, accounted for storage ability, and at maturity, as high as 130 cm g−1, for remobilization ability. Sink strength index, as a better indicator of dry matter partitioning efficiency than harvest index, and unfilled grain size, as an indicator of assimilate wastage, were suggested as key indices to account for the better sink regulation in hybrid rice and to improve screening protocols for increasing yield potential and tolerance to lodging.  相似文献   
为研究不同品种辣木中铁、锰、铜和锌等微量营养元素的分布特征,对西双版纳不同树龄的‘多油辣木’、‘狭瓣辣木’和‘PKM1 辣木’,在不同采收时期不同采收部位中的4 种微量元素含量进行分析比较。结果表明:对于不同种类品种、树龄和采收季节,在辣木的嫩梢和老梢中微量元素的含量有较大差异。不同品种辣木中微量元素含量总体呈现:铁>锰>锌>铜的趋势;叶中铁含量低于茎,锰和锌含量高于茎;辣木嫩梢铁、锰和铜含量低于老梢,锌含量高于老梢。铁和锌含量为:‘多油辣木’和‘PKM1 辣木’>‘狭瓣辣木’,锰含量为:‘狭瓣辣木’>‘多油辣木’和‘PKM1 辣木’,随辣木树龄的增加铁含量呈增加趋势,锰和锌含量呈下降趋势。铁和锌含量夏季低于冬季,锰含量夏季高于冬季。铜含量随品种、树龄和季节变化差异较小。  相似文献   
为了提高受控生态生保系统(CELSS)的能量利用效率,研究了在受控环境下开花前后光照强度对春小麦生长发育及生产效率的影响。结果表明,提高开花前光照强度(IBF)可显著缩短春小麦生育期;开花后光照强度(IAF)对小麦生育进程影响不显著。IBF的增强有利于春小麦营养体的构建,小麦籽粒产量有所提高,但小麦收获指数、粒叶比和能效比显著降低。IAF增强使小麦叶片光合速率、籽粒产量、收获指数、粒叶比和能效比均显著提高。高IBF下小麦籽粒产量的增加主要是因为提高了每株穗数和穗粒数,而高IAF下小麦籽粒产量的增加主要是因为提高了粒重。IBF和IAF提高均使得春小麦籽粒淀粉含量增加,蛋白质含量减少。高IBF对小麦产量的促进作用有限,而低IBF+高IAF的光照策略可以显著提高小麦的源库协调性和能量利用效率,可作为载人航天CELSS小麦培养的光照方案。  相似文献   
北疆玉米大田机械粒收质量调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北疆是我国玉米机械粒收率最高的区域,为了解北疆玉米大田粒收质量现状,2012-2017年在新疆奇台总场、伊犁新源71团、伊宁县和温泉县等地农户田块调查了机械粒收质量,共获得269组样本,结果表明:(1)子粒破碎率均值为6.38%,高于5%的国家标准[玉米收获机械技术条件(GB/T 21961-2008)]要求;杂质率和产量损失率均值分别为0.41%和0.96%,分别低于3%和5%的国家标准要求,子粒破碎率高是当前北疆玉米大田机械粒收存在的主要质量问题。(2)收获玉米子粒含水率均值为23.3%,其与破碎率呈显著相关,可用二次函数y=0.0263x 2-1.0433x+15.867(R 2=0.108,n=269)拟合。(3)在子粒含水率相同条件下,不同品种之间子粒破碎率表现出明显差异,其中,新引M751子粒破碎率明显低于KWS2564,而KX3564介于两者之间。(4)筛选早熟、脱水快、耐破碎品种,实施玉米密植高产全程机械化绿色生产,可以有效改善机械粒收质量,实现玉米高产高效协同。  相似文献   
Forest disturbance and recovery are critical ecosystem processes,but the temporal patterns of disturbance have not been studied in subtropical China.Using a tree-ring analysis approach,we studied post-logging above-ground(ABG)biomass recovery dynamics over a 26-year period in four plots with different degrees of logging disturbance.Before logging,the ABG biomass ranged from 291 to 309 t ha-1.Soon after logging,the plots in primary forest,secondary forest,mixed forest and singlespecies forest had lost 33,91,90 and 100%of their initial ABG biomass,respectively.Twenty-six years after logging,the plots had regained 147,62,80 and 92%of their original ABG biomass,respectively.Over the 26 years following logging,the mean CAI(Current annual increment)were 10.1,5.5,6.4 and 10.8 t ha^-1 a^-1 and the average MAI(Mean annual increment)8.7,2.5,5.6 and 7.8 t ha^-1 a^-1 for the four forest types,respectively.The results indicate that subtropical forests subjected to moderate logging or disturbances do not require intensive management and single-species plantings can rapidly restore the above-ground biomass to levels prior to heavy logging.  相似文献   
为了研究茬次和一天内不同收获时间对紫花苜蓿青贮饲料品质的影响,并进一步评价其饲用价值,本试验采用双因素设计,两茬紫花苜蓿于现蕾期同一天08:00(AM),13:00(M)和18:00(PM)刈割并调制青贮饲料,室温下保存45 d后,取样分析并采用体外发酵法评价其饲用价值。结果表明,第1茬紫花苜蓿青贮饲料的相对饲喂价值(relative feed value,RFV),干物质体外消化率(in vitro dry matter digestibility,IVDMD)及体外发酵挥发性脂肪酸(volatile fatty acids,VFA)、产气量均显著高于第2茬(P<0.05)。下午收获的紫花苜蓿青贮饲料有更高的干物质(dry matter,DM)含量及IVDMD (P<0.05)。因此,在实践生产中,要抓好第1茬的苜蓿生产,推迟刈割时间至中午或下午,可获得更高品质的紫花苜蓿青贮饲料。  相似文献   
种植密度对油菜重要农艺性状与收获指数的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
[目的]研究种植密度对油菜重要农艺性状与收获指数的影响。[方法]研究了2012—2014年国家(九江点)油菜区域试验7个续试品种的油菜收获指数、重要农艺性状,分析不同种植密度对油菜收获指数、重要农艺性状的影响。[结果]随着油菜种植密度的增加,全田实际干物质重与实际产量呈增加趋势,但其他性状有增有减;种植密度对2012—2014年油菜各性状有较大影响;种植方式对油菜产量有显著影响;地力、气候和田间管理措施相对均匀一致时,各品种性状差异不大。[结论]该研究为选育适宜高密度机械化种植品种提供科学依据。  相似文献   

The present study was designed to evaluate the efficiency of different biogenic amines (putrescine, cadaverine, tyramine, spermine and spermidine) and their precursory amino acids (arginine, histidine, lysine and tyrosine), as well as animal extracts (from fish, crustaceans and mollusks) and vegetable extracts (Chara sp., coconut and alfalfa) as baits in traps for red swamp crayfish, P. clarkii. The methodology was conceived as a logical sequence to proceed from rapid screening of a large number of treatments and was divided into three phases: (1) chemo-detection bioassays, (2) chemattraction bioassays, and (3) field bioassays carried out under natural conditions. The attractants that showed the best performance as baits for P. clarkii, were: the fish soluble extract (included at 2.96%), the putrescine (included at 0.30%) and the red crab soluble extract (included at 2.69%). The benefits of using these attractants, when added to common pelleted feed, come from their low cost, availability and enhanced handling properties.  相似文献   
开花期外施表油菜素内酯(epi-BR)对水稻的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
选用水稻品种日本晴为试验材料,初花期喷施表油菜素内酯(epi-Brassinolide,epi-BR)处理,并以喷施BR合成抑制剂-芸苔素吡咯(Brassi-nazole,Brz)为负对照,研究不同处理条件下水稻剑叶形态、叶绿素含量和产量构成因素的变化。结果表明,epi-BR提高了水稻灌浆高峰期剑叶中的叶绿素含量和比叶重,增加了水稻的结实率和千粒重,从而提高了水稻的生物产量和收获指数,使水稻增产。  相似文献   
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