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Urban forests are important for the health of cities. These forests face high anthropogenic pressure, including demands on their multi-functional role. Therefore, the impact of pests-induced disturbances may be greater for urban forests than forests outside of cities. Monitoring of pests in their native environment is an important tool for the management of urban forests. To better understand how pest population density is affected by the forest environment, we used the Oak bark beetle, Scolytus intricatus, as a model organism. The study was carried out in 2014–2015 in the urban forests of Pardubice City, Czech Republic. Pest population density was studied at three levels: branch, tree and patch. The increasing branch diameter was identified as an important variable with a threshold of 70 mm for entrance holes and 45 mm for emergence holes. Increasing host tree diameter at breast height with a threshold of 46.8 cm was statistically significant at the tree level in terms of the number of entrance holes. Increasing spring canopy openness was identified as an important variable at the patch level with a threshold of 50.78% and had a decreasing trend for the number of reared adults and their total body size. Big oak trees with thick branches under closed spring canopy are the most susceptible to attack by S. intricatus. Based on our findings, we propose that the maintenance of mature oaks under open canopies is important for urban forest management. Avoiding mixed plantings of oaks and conifers should promote these open canopies and lead to multiple advantages regarding oak silviculture.  相似文献   
Accurately measuring the biophysical dimensions of urban trees, such as crown diameter, stem diameter, height, and biomass, is essential for quantifying their collective benefits as an urban forest. However, the cost of directly measuring thousands or millions of individual trees through field surveys can be prohibitive. Supplementing field surveys with remotely sensed data can reduce costs if measurements derived from remotely sensed data are accurate. This study identifies and measures the errors incurred in estimating key tree dimensions from two types of remotely sensed data: high-resolution aerial imagery and LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging). Using Sacramento, CA, as the study site, we obtained field-measured dimensions of 20 predominant species of street trees, including 30–60 randomly selected trees of each species. For each of the 802 trees crown diameter was estimated from the aerial photo and compared with the field-measured crown diameter. Three curve-fitting equations were tested using field measurements to derive diameter at breast height (DBH) (r2 = 0.883, RMSE = 10.32 cm) from the crown diameter. The accuracy of tree height extracted from the LiDAR-based surface model was compared with the field-measured height (RMSE = 1.64 m). We found that the DBH and tree height extracted from the remotely sensed data were lower than their respective field-measured values without adjustment. The magnitude of differences in these measures tended to be larger for smaller-stature trees than for larger stature species. Using DBH and tree height calculated from remotely sensed data, aboveground biomass (r2 = 0.881, RMSE = 799.2 kg) was calculated for individual tree and compared with results from field-measured DBH and height. We present guidelines for identifying potential errors in each step of data processing. These findings inform the development of procedures for monitoring tree growth with remote sensing and for calculating single tree level carbon storage using DBH from crown diameter and tree height in the urban forest.  相似文献   
为丰富桂东地区速生树种多样性以及为生态敏感地区桉树改造提供新的树种,2017年5月在桂东地区试种黑木相思17号无性系20hm^2,分别在造林后第8个月和14个月调查试验林不同海拔、坡向、坡位的林分生长情况,试验结果表明:黑木相思17号无性系在桂东地区造林成活率85%以上,造林后第8个月成活率、地径和树高分别为92%,3.1cm和2.3m,造林第14个月地径、胸径和树高分别为7.4cm,5.8cm和5.0m;黑木相思造林后8-14个月,上坡生长表现优于下坡,海拔200m生长表现优于海拔320m。说明黑木相思17号无性系适合在桂东地区生长,避开谷底和山脚等光照不足地块、及时抚育是黑木相思在桂东地区造林成功的关键。  相似文献   
唐彦 《防护林科技》2019,(3):23-24,40
在辽西干旱地区选择30年生的油松人工林作为研究对象,进行高强度的林下抚育,10年后再进行林下高强度抚育1次,后经过12年的天然更新后调查林间的层次结构以及树木的树高结构、胸径结构分布。结果表明,高强度的抚育可以促使油松林更好地更新,使林间层次明显,形成主林层、演替层、更新层,其中演替层的油松树木在数量、结构上均符合生产实际的需求;整个林分的树高、胸径结构均出现多个高峰,林分结构更加稳定。  相似文献   
基于视觉里程计的森林样地调查系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以视觉里程计技术恢复连续摄影序列图像位姿,并以恢复位姿的图像为基础构建样地调查系统。该系统通过对图像位姿尺度恢复、定义样地坐标系、标记立木等过程估计样地中立木位置及胸径。用相机对12块半径为7. 5 m的圆形样地进行连续摄影,获取有序图像序列,并使用构建的样地调查系统对图像序列进行处理,以获取样地中立木位置及胸径。实验结果表明,所有样地立木位置估计值x轴与y轴方向的偏差(BIAS)分别为0. 04、-0. 03 m,均方根误差(RMSE)分别为0. 21、0. 17 m;样地中立木胸径估计值的BIAS及RMSE分别为0. 09 cm(0. 51%)和0. 88 cm(5. 03%)。  相似文献   
近年来,地形和竞争对树木生长影响机制的研究备受关注。本文基于黑龙江凉水国家级自然保护区内9 hm2典型阔叶红松林动态监测样地,使用2010年和2015年的野外调查数据,分析了地形(坡向、坡度、坡位)和树木间竞争对阔叶红松林主要组成树种胸径生长的影响。结果表明:紫椴、色木槭、冷杉径级Ⅰ(1 cm≤DBH<10 cm)以及红松、紫椴、色木槭、水曲柳径级Ⅱ(DBH≥10 cm)的胸径年均生长量与地形显著相关(P<0.05);竞争对红松、紫椴、色木槭、水曲柳、冷杉、枫桦、青楷槭径级Ⅰ以及红松、紫椴、色木槭、冷杉、春榆径级Ⅱ的胸径年均生长量有显著影响(P<0.05)。总体上,阔叶红松林中耐荫和非耐荫树种组的胸径年均生长量均受地形和竞争的显著影响;阔叶红松林中大径级树木的胸径生长主要受地形影响,而小径级树木的胸径生长主要受竞争影响。   相似文献   
以黄秆乌哺鸡竹为试验材料,研究了竹子个体结构因子之间的相关性,建立了黄秆乌哺鸡竹各个相关结构因子之间的线性方程模型.结果显示,竹子各个结构因子之间具有较好的相关性,其中胸径是影响竹子其他生物量因子的决定因子;单株竹秆质量、竹壁厚以靠近竹基部表现最为明显,是竹材具可利用性的有效段位.研究结果可为估算竹子的生物量与生产力、描述竹子的秆形特征、量化各结构因子之间的关系提供依据.  相似文献   
桤木人工林林分胸径与树高的威布尔分布拟合   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据桤木人工林 8个年龄段样地资料 ,分别对胸径与树高的样数分布进行威布尔拟合 ,经统计检验 ,全部属于左偏的威布尔分布  相似文献   
北京市13 个常见树种胸径估测研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
随着高分辨率遥感数据、LiDAR 技术在森林资源调查中应用的日益普遍,以及自动快速提取树木冠幅、树高 方法的日益成熟,需要建立新的树木模型来估测其他林分因子,以适应林业调查手段更新和发展的需求。在参考 国内外大量文献的基础上,选择常用的胸径鄄冠幅模型和树高鄄胸径曲线模型,根据北京市178 块森林样地调查数 据,建立了北京市13 个常见树种的胸径鄄冠幅模型,胸径鄄树高模型,胸径鄄冠幅、树高综合模型。结果表明:并不是 所有树种的冠幅、树高都与胸径有高相关性;13 个树种中,只有臭椿、雪松、栾树和加杨的胸径鄄冠幅模型的R2 大于 0郾7,胸径鄄树高模型R2 大于0郾5,胸径鄄冠幅、树高综合模型达到0郾8 以上;油松、杨树、槲栎、圆柏4 个树种的胸径鄄 冠幅模型的R2 小于0郾3;核桃、油松、火炬树、柳树、国槐5 个树种的胸径鄄树高模型R2 低于0郾3。并提出在下一步工 作中,把林龄,林分密度,立地条件如坡度、坡向、海拔、地位级等林分因子与树木冠幅、树高联合建立估测模型来提 高胸径估测的精度。该方法可用于现代遥感技术快速获取树木冠幅、树高之后,根据已有的数据库资料,用树种的 冠幅、树高估测胸径,再推算其他林分因子,实现森林资源的快速调查与更新。   相似文献   
为了探明雷公山甜槠栲群落的物种结构与多样性特征,采用典型样地调查法,对雷公山甜槠栲群落进行观测.结果表明:1)群落内共有植物69种,隶属46科59属.其中,乔木层36种(隶属18科),灌木层43种(隶属31科),草本层树种12种(隶属11科),灌木层和乔木层重合的有22种.2)群落内植物科的分布区类型以泛热带分布最多,达34.78%;其次是北温带分布和世界广布,分别达23.91%和17.39%.总体而言,科的分布区类型热带(52.17%)成分大于温带成分(28.26%).3)群落垂直分布面,乔木层高度5~10 m的占大多数,比例达65%左右;灌木层高度值在0~1 m的树种占大多数比例,可达76%左右;草本层高度在0.1~0.2 m的树种所占比例较大,达41%,群落层次分层明显.4)群落乔木和灌木径级分布呈倒“J”形状,更新良好.5)不同群落层次的多样性指数、均匀度指数及丰富度指数均呈现出灌木层>乔木层>草本层的规律.  相似文献   
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