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<正>家畜破伤风病是由破伤风梭菌引起的以全身肌肉强直性痉挛,四肢僵直,牙关紧闭等神经症状为病理特征的急性中毒性传染病。主要通过在适宜的伤口内厌氧环境下,迅速繁殖滋生产生外毒素引发感染。本病在世界各地均有发生,多成散发。笔者采用中药加针灸的疗法治疗本病取得了很好的治疗效果。破伤风梭菌为厌氧菌,在厌氧环境下迅速繁殖,并通过毛细血管进入血液而散发全身。主要分为三种:一是经外伤感染的称为破伤风,主要是因为外伤愈合过快,在外表愈合的伤口内  相似文献   
<正>2014年9月28日,一养殖户携带几只病死鸡来本站就诊。该养殖户养殖3000只30日龄柴鸡,地面散养。该鸡群中出现鸡冠和可视黏膜发白鸡只,稀便带血,翅膀下垂,两腿痉挛性收缩,个别食欲废绝。已出现死鸡2d,剖检可见病鸡胸肌颜色发白,肠道变粗,浆膜层可见针尖状出血点,盲肠高度肿大,有出血。初步诊断为球虫病。又经实验室检验,可见卵圆的卵囊,进一步确诊为巨型艾美耳球虫和柔嫩艾美尔球虫的混合感染。现将诊  相似文献   
<正>为了掌握青海省共和县绵羊细颈囊尾蚴病的感染情况,制定切实有效的防制措施,2014年1月份、9月份,对本县农业区、牧业区各选10户共880只绵羊进行了投药前、投药后屠宰过程细颈囊尾蚴感染情况调查。本次调查结果表明,未投药前农业区感染率为20%,感染强度1.25(1~5)个;牧业区感染率为35.5%,感染强度1.49(1~5)个,牧业区自然放牧羊细颈囊尾蚴感染明显高于农业区舍饲放牧羊细颈囊尾蚴感染,投药后农业区感染率为  相似文献   
为弄清贵州某野生动物园长臂猿死亡的原因,本试验采用流行病学调查、临床症状观察、病理剖检诊断和RT-PCR检测确诊等方法,对该野生动物园发病长臂猿进行了诊断。试验结果显示,流行病学调查、剖检病理初步诊断该野生动物园长臂猿疑似流感病毒、支原体和细菌混合感染,RT-PCR/PCR检测确诊发病长臂猿为流感病毒、支原体混合感染,细菌分离培养、生化特性鉴定和动物致病性试验确诊为多杀性巴氏杆菌感染。结果表明造成该野生动物园长臂猿发病死亡的原因为流感病毒、支原体和多杀性巴氏杆菌混合感染。根据诊断及药敏试验结果,制定出了免疫预防及治疗措施。  相似文献   
<正>附红细胞体病寄生于人和动物细胞表面、血浆骨髓内引起以贫血、黄疸、发热等为主要症状的人畜共患传染病。1病原学附红细胞体呈圆、环形、月芽、网球拍、杆形、逗号形等形态,附在红细胞上单个或成链,可游离在血浆中。姬姆萨和瑞氏染色成紫红色和蓝紫色。以二分裂方式增殖,无性繁殖。一般消毒药几分钟可杀死,较抵温度下呈较强抵抗力。2流行病学几十种动物感染本病,接触、血源、垂直和昆虫传播,人为因素也可传播,四季均可发生,但以夏季  相似文献   
To investigate the pathogen of bovine respiratory disease complex (BRDC) of a dairy farm in Guangxi, a strain of Mycoplasma and a strain of gram-negative pathogenic bacterium were isolated and identified by the means of field surveys, clinic observation, pathological examination, isolation studies and so on.Treatments were taken according to drug sensitivity test results.The Mycoplasma strain, growing on PPLO medium, formed typical "fried egg" colonies.A 448 bp of oppF fragment was amplified by PCR from the strain and had 98.4% nucleotide identity with Mycoplasma bovis reference isolate PG5 of USA.The biochemical features of the gram-negative bacterial isolate were same with Serratia marcescens.The PCR amplified 16S rDNA of the gram-negative pathogenic bacterium strain was 1 400 bp.It shared 99.0% nucleotide identity with other Serratia marcescens reference strains obtained from GenBank.Animal experiment showed that the gram-negative pathogenic bacterium isolate could cause the mice to die.The drug sensitivity tests showed all isolates were sensitive to spectinomycin, azithromycin, amikacin, gentamicin and neomycin.It was effective to treat with dexamethasone and spectinomycin.Pathogen analysis and drug treatment showed that the BRDC was caused by Mycoplasma bovis and Serratia marcescens.  相似文献   
Gram-positive cocci were isolated from half a month diseased lambs with a fatal infection in a sheep farm in Minhe county, Qinghai province.The clinical symptoms observed were drooping, reduced feed intake, emaciated and fever.The infected lambs died several hours after the disease been observed.Necropsy of two dying lambs revealed that for one lamb, the liver was enlarged and capsule of the liver dropped, and other organs had no obvious changes;For the other one, the organs had no obvious changes.After gram staining, gram-positive cocci were observed from all the samples.Partial Tuf gene sequences of these isolates were amplified and sequenced for species identification, BLASTn conparison result revealed that they had the highest sequence similarity with that of Enterococcus faecium (E.faecium) AUS0085 (99.8%), we thus primarily confirmed that these strains belonged to E.faecium.Antimicrobial susceptibility test indicated that these strains could be divided into two classes.Class 1 was resistant to β-lactams, aminoglycosides, macrolides, tetracyclines, quinolones, rifamycins, lincomycin and clindamycin;Susceptible to chloromycetin and vancomycin.Class 2 was resistant to β-lactams, aminoglycosides, tetracyclines, quinolones, rifamycins;Intermediate resistance to erythromycin and roxithromycin;But susceptible to clarithromycin, azithromycin, clindamycin, lincomycin, chloromycetin and vancomycin.Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) based on seven housekeeping genes for E.faecium revealed that E.faecium lby1 strain in class 1 and E.faecium lbg3 strain in class 2 were defined as a new sequence type ST989.Phylogenetic tree analysis revealed the representative strain of these isolates, E.faecium lbg3, was clustered together with E.faecium ST468.The pathogenicity test revealed that E.faecium lby1 and lbg3 strains both had pathogenicity.  相似文献   
<正>伪狂犬病是危害养猪业最严重的传染病之一。该病在我国广泛存在,特别是从2011年10月以来,我国开始发生严重的伪狂犬病,引发巨大损失。伪狂犬病是危害养猪业最严重的传染病之一,引起巨大经济损失,西方养猪发达国家在20世纪90年代相继制定和启动了该病的根除计划,取得了很好的成效。该病在我国广泛存在并引发巨大损失,特别是从2011年10月以来,河南、山东、河北交界处开始发生严重的伪狂犬病,母猪、仔猪、育肥猪大批死亡,甚至猪场周边的犬猫也成批死亡。此后,伪狂犬病南下北上,东征西扩,蔓延到整个中国。  相似文献   
对南充市某猪场的一起疫情进行确诊,采集病死仔猪的病料进行实验室检查。PCR结果显示猪瘟病毒、高致病性猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒和猪伪狂犬病毒均为阳性。试验结果表明,该猪场疫情是由CSFV、PRRSV和PRV混合感染所致。  相似文献   
<正>鸡感染鸡毒支原体而发生的疾病通常又称为慢性呼吸道病。在沧州地带,有时出现在30日龄以后,发现鸡的关节周围组织肿胀,有时达到鸽蛋大小,触之有波动感,并在后期关节变形,久卧不起,衰竭而死。下面让我们一起来分析一下导致这种病的原因。(一)病原本病的病原体为鸡毒支原体,呈细小的圆形或卵圆形,革兰氏染色阴性,姬姆萨氏染色着色良好。(二)流行特点本病主发为鸡和火鸡,此外鸽、鹌鹑等也可感染。各日龄均易感染,尤以雏禽易染,成年的禽类为隐性感染。  相似文献   
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