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通过在以色列学习考察,了解了以色列荒漠化治理的概况,介绍了以色列沙漠农业的先进技术和荒漠治理的成功经验,结合宁夏生态建设的发展情况及存在的问题,就以色列荒漠化治理的经验及在宁夏的应用提出了建议。  相似文献   
张军红 《安徽农业科学》2014,(26):9193-9194
以色列国土面积狭小,区域内淡水资源十分匮乏.面对严酷的自然条件,以色列自建国伊始就将水资源作为国家战略资源管理,通过技术、法律法规、先进管理、宣传教育等多项措施,以色列人成功克服了水资源短缺的问题,并在节水农业等方面创造了惊人的成就.以色列的成功经验对我国建设节水型社会具有十分重要的借鉴意义.  相似文献   
通过对以色列奶牛场、奶业相关企业和政府部门进行专项考察,着重在奶业宏观调控、奶牛繁育体系、精细牛舍设计、专业化管理系统、日粮营养结构与饲喂管理5个方面对以色列奶业成功经验进行分析总结,并结合我国奶业发展现状提出几点建议,以期为我国奶业发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   
以色列土地贫瘠,全国近2/3的土地是沙漠,且水资源极其贫乏,比我国大多数地区发展农业的条件更为恶劣.但以色列面对恶劣的自然环境,却实现了农业的高速、高度和可持续发展,其成功经验是值得我国借鉴的.为此,从高科技装备、节水滴灌技术、生态农业等方面探究了以色列农业的成功经验.以色列的许多理念、方案和技术值得我国学习和借鉴,为我国农业的发展提供了参考的依据.  相似文献   
A long line of inquiry on the notion of ecological convergence has compared ecosystem structure and function between areas that are evolutionarily unrelated but under the same climate regime. Much of this literature has focused on quantifying the degree to which animal morphology or plant physiognomy is alike between disjunct areas. An important property of ecosystems is their behavior following disturbance. Yet, this aspect of ecosystems has not been investigated in a comparative study of convergence. If different ecosystems are under similar environmental controls, then one would predict that the rates and patterns of response to disturbance would also be similar. The objective of this study is to compare landscape dynamics following disturbance using spatiotemporal models to quantify vegetation change in Mediterranean ecosystems found in California and Israel. We model the process of tree and shrub regeneration at the landscape scale in two similar study sites in Israel (Mount Meron) and California (Hasting Nature Reserve). During the periods studied (1964-1992 for Israel and 1971-1995 for California), average annual change in tree cover was 5 times larger in Israel than in California. Based on multiple regression models, differences were found in the relative importance of specific variables predicting vegetation change. In Hastings (California), initial tree cover accounted for most of the explained variability in 1995 tree cover (partial R2 = 0.71), while in Meron (Israel), grazing type and intensity, topography indices, and initial vegetation each accounted for about a third of the explained variability. These findings support the notion that traits such as regeneration pattern and rate, both at the individual level and at the landscape level, were largely affected by the human land use history of the region.  相似文献   
In a study of date fruit damage caused byOligonychus spp., we investigated whether the cultivar affects phenology, and on what hosts the mites over-winter. Samples were taken from ‘Deglet Noor’, ‘Barhi’ and ‘Medjool’ trees from mid-April through mid-September during the years 1999–2002. In the ground-cover mites were monitored by collecting Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon) under each sampling tree. Over 99% of the mites collected on Deglet Noor and Barhi fruit were identified asO. afrasiaticus. Mean population levels ofO. afrasiaticus reached ten mites or more (initiation of infestation) on Medjool in the second half of May, whereas on Deglet Noor this did not occur before the first week of July. On Barhi the initiation of infestation varied between plots and years, ranging from the second half of May to the beginning of July, but always occurred earlier than Deglet Noor. Mite populations on the pinnae remained low from June through October, not exceeding seven mites per pinna, whereas on fruit strands they reached peak populations of approximately 4000 mites per strand. The sex ratio (proportion of females) ofO. afrasiaticus on fruit of all three cultivars was highly female-biased, usually above 0.85. During winter,O. afrasiaticus was found on Bermuda grass in the orchard ground-cover as well as on fronds of all three cultivars. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Jan. 30, 2003.  相似文献   
Thirty-five species of Cleridae and Thanerocleridae are recorded from Israel, 15 for the first time. General and local distribution, phenology, prey insect and their host plants are listed.  相似文献   
能在热带荒漠地区进行商业化栽培的作物种类是有限的,园艺作物尤其如是。本研究的目的就是通过引种驯化为热带荒漠区开发新品种。我们以下述两个来源的多年生植物为基础:干旱区和半干旱区人民食用的有营养价值的水果或干果的野生植物种;第二是从当地市场或栽培者那里能收集到的珍稀种类。以色列的内盖夫荒漠气候条件变幅宽广,水土类型多样,是本项研究的理想地点。本研究利用内盖夫的异质特点对向荒漠区引种驯化的不少植物的适宜性进行了预选试验。本文总结了从1984年开始的4年工作,并叙述了总的进展,详细介绍了六种预选植物。  相似文献   
Data are presented on the 26 species of Anthocoridae of Israel, five of which are new to this country. Five species are abundant; two of them (both monophagous) reduce significantly the populations of their preys —Elatophilus hebraicus Per. feeding onMatsucoccus josephi (Coccoidea: Margarodidae), a destructive pest of Aleppo pine, andMontandoniola moraguesi (Put.) feeding onGynaikothrips ficorum (Thysanoptera), deforming the leaves ofFicus microcarpa; the three other abundant species areAnthocoris nemoralis (F.) — preying mostly on psyllids and aphids,Scoloposcelis pulchella (Zett.) — destroying the young stages of pine bark beetles, andCardiastethus nazarenas Reut. — feeding on many groups of small arthropods. Contribution from the Agricultural Research Organization. No. 2621-E, 1989 series.  相似文献   
通过对以色列地理环境、农业发展、农业科研和农技推广、农村生产组织考察,介绍了该国农业、农业科技及其推广体系和农村经济的发展成就,并进行了原因分析。  相似文献   
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