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挥别五月的微风,季节的信笺又洒上六月的温情。六月,婀娜的莲容撩拨思绪;婆娑的美姿映衬隽永。这是大自然赋予它最为潇洒的灵韵。六月,对孩子们而言,是开心快乐的。可以拥有一个专门的节日,在稚拙的世界里欢声笑语,缠着大人给买喜爱的东西,和小朋友  相似文献   

黄文诚 《蜜蜂杂志》2007,27(9):32-33
2006年美国大陆有惊人数量的蜜蜂群死亡.随后的调查推测,这种不明原因的蜂群消失至少在最近两年是养蜂人经历过的.到2007年春季全美国有20多个州报道了蜜蜂灾难性的损失.蜜蜂飞出去采集花粉和花蜜,却神秘地不再返回蜂巢,目前还查不出原因.这种情况经过媒体的报道,特别是在万维网上迅速的传播(到2007年7月上旬"谷歌"网上已有621 000项关于蜜蜂神秘失踪的报道),引起了世界各国的科学家、养蜂企业和农场主的关怀.  相似文献   

在建设社会主义新农村时期,利用科学技术发展现代畜牧业,提高生产效率,是新时期赋予畜牧兽医工作者的一项重要的历史使命.随着国民经济水平的不断提高,大格勒乡养猪业由传统"养猪为过年"落后的状态,开始面向市场.但转型的养猪业还不具备一定的经济规模和系统科学的饲养管理程序,以及必要的市场流通渠道,极易遭受市场经济规律无情的淘汰.笔者就大格勒乡养猪业通过多年的调查研究,浅析大格勒乡养猪业存在的问题,以供广大的同仁和养猪户借鉴.  相似文献   

随着养禽业的发展,疾病也在不断地变化.为防治各种疾病的发生,投药是不可避免的,但如果投药的方法不当(如剂量过大或用药时间过长),则会引起药物中毒,严重影响鸡的健康和生产性能,甚至造成大批死亡,给养鸡业造成不应有的损失.现就鸡常用药物中毒的原因及其预防措施简述如下.  相似文献   

何昕 《中国蜂业》2008,59(5):34-35
国家蜂蜜新标准GB18796-2005的实施对治理混乱的蜂蜜市场意义重大,但标准的实施不仅存在着执行的困惑,而且存在着缺陷,主要是没有面对我国养蜂生产和产品加工的实际,没有处理好养蜂生产者、生产经营者和行业长期利益的关系,与国际标准还存在一定差距,是企业标准行业化的垄断。中国已经加入WTO六年,随着世界经济文化的一体化,蜂蜜的标准不仅是中国的,也是世界的。本文就标准存在的缺陷提出一些看法,以期能起到抛砖引玉,促进我国蜂蜜标准更为科学和合理的修订。  相似文献   

导读:用禽流感病毒疫苗给家禽进行免疫接种是预防禽流感发生与传播的主要措施.但是,用疫苗进行免疫接种可能不会使病毒的复制和排泄停止,并且对在免疫接种的鸡群中特别是在集约化生产方式的鸡群中可能出现毒力更强的病原体.文章特别指出,当前,用行政手段强行取缔小规模的家禽生产被认为是既不现实也不适宜的.  相似文献   

七月,火红的季节,勾起人们无限的追忆与遐想。当南湖红船的誓言冲破华夏大地的阴霾,当遵义会议毛泽东思想成为行路的指南,当春天的故事唱响十三亿人民走进新时代的诗篇,当和平崛起的  相似文献   

记:对于一个规模化的猪场来说,贵场今年的养猪效益怎么样? 张:还不错.虽然今年广东地区也属于高致病性猪蓝耳病的暴发区,但对于规模化的猪场来说,受到的影响较小.今年的整体行情很好,根据各规模猪场的情况不同,养猪利润稍有差异,大概每头猪在200~300元,中小户的利润更高些,有许多养猪企业和养猪户是赚了钱的.但对整个行业来说,今年整体赚的钱不会比往年多,因为猪出栏量减少的程度比较严重.  相似文献   

方新连 《蜜蜂杂志》2007,27(2):19-19
在季节交替的时候,由于气温起伏较大,长期患有高血压、高血脂的老年人极易诱发脑血管病.所以应注意以下几点: 1.患有高血压病、心脏病、短暂性脑缺血、动脉硬化等疾病的人群应引起高度重视,并在医生的指导下进行正规的、长期的治疗和观察,同时服用蜂产品制剂.  相似文献   

孟俊英 《养猪》2008,(3):40
鉴别现有PRRS(猪繁殖与呼吸综合征)病毒基因 型的工作是瑞典2007年流行病研究的重要内容.在德 国,从1990年首次暴发PRRS起,PRRS就成了地方病.汉诺威的兽医大学与英特威国际公司合作,测定从下 萨克森郡(该国养猪密度最大的地区)分离到的病毒 株类型发现,2004-2007年问病例分离出的病毒类型 关系密切,大多形成了具有自身特征的族群,与其它欧洲国家的PRRs病毒毒株类型不同.  相似文献   

本文概述了猪的毛色类型、猪的毛色遗传模式,着重综述了猪毛色基因分子基础的研究进展,指出存在问题并就未来发展方向做了思考。  相似文献   

This experiment was aimed to study the nutritional content and value of the muscles of two mallards (White feather mallard and mallard),and provide basic data and theoretical basis for the development and utilization of mallard meat products.60 White feathered mallards and mallards (30 for each breed,half of male and female) were chosen,and the composition and content of pectoral muscle crude protein,crude fat,cholesterol,amino acids,fatty acids,trace elements and vitamins were determined according to national standards and the nutritional values of muscle were evaluated.The results showed that the content of crude protein in muscle of White feather mallard was significantly lower than that of mallard (P<0.05).17 kinds of amino acids with contents higher than 0.01% were detected in the muscles of the two kinds of mallards,among which the contents of threonine,histidine,serine and proline in the muscles of the White feather mallard were significantly higher than those of mallard (P<0.05).The contents of lysine,glutamate and arginine were significantly lower than those of mallard (P<0.05).13 kinds of fatty acids with contents higher than 0.01% were detected,and the contents of stearic acid and oleic acid were significantly lower than those of the mallard.9 mineral elements (sodium,magnesium,potassium,calcium,manganese,iron,copper,zinc and selenium) in two kinds of mallards were detected,and there was no significant difference between the two kinds of mallards (P>0.05).8 kinds of vitamins were detected,and the content of vitamin B1 in muscle of White feather mallard was significantly higher than that of mallard (P<0.05),but the contents of vitamin D and vitamin E were significantly lower than that of mallard (P<0.05).The ratio of amino acids in muscle of two kinds of mallards was close to the ideal model recommended by WHO,which was rich in mineral elements and vitamins for human body,and had a broad prospect of development and utilization.  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究两种绿头鸭(白羽绿头鸭和绿头鸭)肌肉营养组成和价值,为绿头鸭肉产品的开发利用提供基础数据和理论依据。选择白羽绿头鸭和绿头鸭60只(每个品种各30只,公母各半),依照国家标准测定胸肌粗蛋白质、粗脂肪、胆固醇含量及氨基酸、脂肪酸、微量元素和维生素的组成和含量,并对胸肌进行氨基酸评价及脂肪酸营养价值评价。结果显示,白羽绿头鸭肌肉粗蛋白质含量显著低于绿头鸭(P<0.05);两种绿头鸭肌肉中均检测到17种含量大于0.01%的氨基酸,其中白羽绿头鸭肌肉苏氨酸、组氨酸、丝氨酸和脯氨酸含量显著高于绿头鸭(P<0.05),赖氨酸、谷氨酸和精氨酸含量显著低于绿头鸭(P<0.05);检测到13种含量均大于0.01%的脂肪酸,其中白羽绿头鸭硬脂酸和油酸含量显著低于绿头鸭(P<0.05);检测到9种矿物质元素(钠、镁、钾、钙、锰、铁、铜、锌和硒),两种绿头鸭差异不显著(P>0.05);检测到8种维生素,白羽绿头鸭肌肉维生素B1含量显著高于绿头鸭(P<0.05),维生素D和维生素E含量显著低于绿头鸭(P<0.05)。两种绿头鸭肌肉氨基酸比例接近世卫组织推荐的理想模式,富含人体所需的矿物质元素和维生素,具有广阔的开发利用前景。  相似文献   

王海英 《中国饲料》2021,1(8):13-16
文章旨在通过体内外试验评估不同类型黑麦草的营养价值。试验选择平均体重为(66.87±2.34)kg的绵羊12头,随机分成3组,每组4个重复,每个重复1头。3组绵羊分别饲喂新鲜、青贮和晒干黑麦草。经过14?d的饲养试验后收集粪便和牧草样品进行后续分析。结果:晒干黑麦草的干物质、有机物和无氮浸出物含量均表现最高(P<0.05)。新鲜黑麦草粗蛋白质和半纤维素含量较青贮黑麦草分别显著提高42.10%和10.82%(P<0.05)。青贮黑麦草粗脂肪、粗纤维、中性洗涤纤维和酸性洗涤纤维含量显著高于其他两种类型的黑麦草(P<0.05)。新鲜、青贮和晒干黑麦草的粗蛋白质、粗脂肪和粗纤维表观消化率无显著差异(P>0.05)。晒干黑麦草干物质表观消化率较新鲜和青贮黑麦草显著提高6.34%和6.21%(P<0.05),同时晒干黑麦草有机物表观消化率较新鲜黑麦草显著提高6.65%(P<0.05),无氮浸出物表观消化率较青贮黑麦草显著提高15.44%(P<0.05)。当体外代谢能值以MJ/kg有机物表示时,新鲜和青贮黑麦草代谢能值较晒干黑麦草分别显著提高21.34%和22.41%(P<0.05),而当体外代谢能值以MJ/kg干物质表示时,新鲜黑麦草能值最高,青贮黑麦草能值次之,晒干黑麦草能值最低(P<0.05)。结论:新鲜、晒干和青贮黑麦草在不同营养成分上各有优势,但3种牧草主要营养物质的表观消化率和代谢能值无显著差异。因此,无论是新鲜、晒干还是青贮黑麦草都可以作为反刍动物粗饲料的良好来源。 [关键词]黑麦草;青贮;营养价值;消化  相似文献   

乳酸杆菌益生作用机制的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
乳酸杆菌作为益生菌广泛用于人和动物。本文综述了乳酸杆菌改善宿主健康的机制。乳酸杆菌可通过产生抗菌物质如乳酸、过氧化氢、细菌素,或者通过竞争营养或肠道黏附位点来抑制致病菌;通过诱导黏附素的分泌或阻止细胞凋亡而增强肠道的屏障功能,从而保护肠道。文章重点讨论了乳酸杆菌表面成分(表面蛋白、脂磷壁酸和肽聚糖)与肠道受体(C型凝集素受体、Toll样受体和 Nod样受体),阐述了他们结合后启动免疫调节信号,调控肠道免疫功能以发挥改善健康作用的机制。  相似文献   

[目的]为了筛选适应临泽县种植的高产优质苜蓿品种。[方法]选择阿迪娜、金皇后、阿尔冈金和甘农3号4个苜蓿品种在统一管理的情况下对生产性能、营养指标进行比对试验。[结果]结果表明,在相同条件下,粗蛋白平均含量最高是阿迪娜,含量达19.25%,其次是金皇后、甘农3号、阿尔冈金,含量依次为19.15%、19.05%、19.05%;酸性洗涤纤维含量最低的是金皇后,31.75%,其次是阿尔冈金、阿迪娜和甘农3号,含量依次为32.75%、33.15%、33.75%;中性洗涤纤维含量最低的是金皇后,41.9%,其次是阿迪娜、甘农3号、阿尔冈金,含量依次为41.9%、42.2%、43.05%。第二年干草产量最高是阿迪娜,达14 706 kg/hm^2,其次是金皇后、甘农3号、阿尔冈金,分别达到14 402 kg/hm^2,14 231 kg/hm^2、13 804 kg/hm^2。[结论]根据综合生产性能表现,阿迪娜是比较适应我县种植的高产优质苜蓿品种。  相似文献   

In order to explore the infection characteristics of Mycoplasma suis(M.suis), and optimize the establishment of infection model of M.suis,this research designed the infection test with different mice (A test), different pathogen forms (B test), frozen pathogens (C test), and studied on mice model of blood reinfection (D test). On the basis of a comprehensive assessment of each test in the blood of mice infection, the first infection time, the clinical symptoms and the average duration of infection, to analyze whether the different treatments and different pathogenic mice forms, cryopreservation of pathogen and the mouse model of blood infection had influence on the establishment of mouse model. PCR detection, electron microscope observation and specific gene fragment sequencing were used to determine whether the pathogen of mice infected with the model was consistent with that of M.suis. The results showed that the infection effect of the spleen group was the best in the A test. In the B test, the infection effect of the M.suis positive blood samples group was the best. In the C test, the infection effect of the non-frozen positive blood group was better than that of the cryopreserved group. In the D test, the positive model of pig blood samples and mice model positive blood group had no significant difference. The results of PCR detection, electron microscope observation and specific gene fragment sequencing showed that the pathogen of mouse model was identical with that of M.suis. The results showed that the infection condition of the mice infected with the mouse model was influenced by the different treatment of the mice, the different forms of pathogens and the cryopreservation of the pathogen,and the model of Kunming mice without spleen infected with M.suis positive blood samples was the best.  相似文献   

A retrospective review of records of 205 cats with histologically confirmed disease of the spinal cord was performed to identify the prevalence of disease in this nonrandomly selected population of cats. Clinical records were reviewed, and age, duration of neurologic illness, and clinical and histopathologic findings in cats with spinal cord disease were abstracted. Disease processes were classified into 7 categories and 23 groups. The most common diseases affecting the spinal cord of cats were feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), lymphosarcoma (LSA), and neoplasia of the vertebral column secondarily affecting the spinal cord. Information on age, onset and duration of clinical signs, and lesion localization at the postmortem examination in cats belonging to the 7 categories of disease were analyzed to create a practical list of differential diagnoses. Cats were also subcategorized into 3 groups based on their age at death. FIP was the most common disease of cats younger than 2 years of age. LSA and vertebral column neoplasia were the most common diseases affecting cats between 2 and 8 years of age. Vertebral column neoplasia was the most common disease affecting cats older than 8 years of age. Results of this histopathologic study showed that FIP and LSA were the most common disease processes affecting the spinal cord of cats. However, at least 21 other groups of diseases and their relative prevalence were identified.  相似文献   

在现代法律秩序中,商会自治规范是制定法的基础和必要的补充,甚至在某些方面替代了制定法;商会自治规范主要包括商会组织规范、行为规范、惩罚规范以及争端解决规范等;其效力仅及于其内部成员;商会自治规范和制定法之间存在冲突,但也存在整合的基础。  相似文献   

 利用单因素及正交试验法对高产虾青素酵母菌株摇瓶发酵条件进行探索。结果表明,碳源以葡萄糖为宜,氮源以硫酸铵为宜,葡萄糖、硫酸铵、磷酸二氢钾、酵母膏和番茄汁最适添加量分别为4%、0.4%、0.4%、0.6%和0.6%,培养基最适初始pH值为5,最适培养温度为22 ℃,最适装液量以50 mL/500 mL(发酵液体积/三角瓶体积)。  相似文献   

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