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双峰驼跖趾关节解剖结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用大体解剖学方法,研究了成年双峰驼的8个跖趾关节,并与马、牛、羊、猪、犬等动物的对等器官进行了比较。结果发现,双峰驼跖趾关节的形态结构有以下显著特征:(1)跖骨远端关节面后部有矢状嵴,近趾节骨近端关节面后部有与之相对应的矢状沟,这种结构与跖行动物和趾行动物相类似;(2)籽骨上没有对应近趾节骨近端的关节面;(3)籽骨间韧带只连接同一趾上的2个籽骨,与牛的将2趾的4个近籽骨连在一起的结构不同;(4)轴侧侧副韧带不像牛的那样与对侧的同名韧带共同起始于跖骨远端滑车间切迹,而是分别起始于此切迹的轴侧韧带窝及韧带结节;(5)轴侧侧副韧带仅为1层,而远轴侧侧副韧带分为2层;(6)籽骨直韧带、趾间趾节骨籽骨韧带及趾间近韧带均缺如。  相似文献   

用一日龄Arbor Acres(AA)雏鸡80只(公母各半)进行试验,研究中脚趾骨灰Mn含量替代跖骨灰Mn含量作为肉仔鸡Mn生物学有效性评价指标的可行性。玉米一豆饼基础饲粮(含Mn 22ppm)分别添加无机Mn(试剂级MnSO_4·H_2O)0、50、100、150和200ppm,自由采食28天。随饲粮Mn的增加,中脚趾骨灰及跖骨灰中的Mn含量均高度线性上升(P<0.01),它们之间以及它们与饲粮Mn添加水平间的相关系数分别达0.9963、0.9713和0.9870,差异极显著(P<0.01)。结果提示,中脚趾骨灰Mn含量可满意地代替跖骨灰Mn含量而用于评价肉仔鸡Mn的生物学有效性。  相似文献   

介绍1例长颈鹿跖骨骨折的诊断与治疗。患鹿左侧跖骨远端开放性横骨折,采用全身镇静配合神经传导阻滞麻醉和局部浸润麻醉,使用外固定支架进行骨折断端的恢复,植入物完成后采用氩弧焊焊接牢固,术后恢复良好。  相似文献   

用寿光鸡与黑乌骨鸡、斗鸡和AA鸡进行杂交试验,结果表明:①寿光鸡与黑乌骨鸡杂交,其F2代体增重介于两品种之间,跖长比寿光鸡降低17.2%;羽型多表现为扁羽,约15%为丝状羽;皮肤为白色;均为5趾。②鲁西斗鸡与寿光鸡杂交F3代与寿光鸡相比,体增重降低6.3%,料重比增加5.9%,胸宽增加5.3%。③寿光鸡与AA鸡杂交,F1代增重速度比寿光鸡本身提高85.2%,料重比降低14.3%。④白乌骨鸡比黑乌骨鸡增长快,F1代比黑乌骨鸡100日龄增重提高24%,比白乌骨鸡本身增重快9.1%。  相似文献   

鸡多趾性状和候选基因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鸡的常见趾型为四趾 ,多趾是丝羽乌骨鸡和一些地方鸡种的品种特征 ,鸡多趾性状为不完全显性。鸡 2p染色体与人 7q36及小鼠 5号染色体为同源区间。性状定位和比较基因组分析表明 ,鸡 2p染色体是鸡多趾性状的关键候选区间。本文就鸡多趾性状及其候选基因研究现状进行综述  相似文献   

白羽乌骨鸡,又名丝毛鸡,原产于江西泰和县武山下,故又称泰和鸡、武山鸡。白羽乌骨鸡毛色白如雪,反卷,呈丝状。归纳其外貌特征,有十全之称:即紫冠、缨头、绿耳、胡须、五爪、毛脚、丝毛、鸟皮、乌骨和乌肉。眼、喙、跖、趾、内脏及脂肪均为乌黑色。体型小,公鸡体重1-1.25千克,母鸡0.75-1千克。白羽乌骨鸡的药用价值较高,在祖国医药文献中早有详细记载。《本草纲目》中写道:乌骨鸡甘平无毒,主治补虚劳亏损,益产妇。乌骨鸡具有8种必需氨基酸,“乌鸡白凤丸”就是以白羽乌骨鸡为主要原料制成的妇科良药,具有补气养血…  相似文献   

通过对川南常羽乌骨鸡三种羽色系的纯繁、杂交以及与三个浅肤品种的杂交,初步揭示了川南常羽乌骨鸡肤色的遗传现象。结果表明,所用乌骨鸡的肤色主要受遗传控制,存在杂合类型,黑羽系和麻羽系的肤色遗传较为稳定。乌肤性状终生不变,且与趾色、肉骨及内膜色高度相关。乌肤公鸡与不同浅肤母鸡的杂交后代可表现出较高的不同的乌肤比例,表明适当引入浅肤血缘尚可保持乌骨鸡的乌色性状。  相似文献   

通过对川南常羽乌骨鸡三种羽色系的纯繁、杂交以及与三个浅肤品种的杂交,初步揭示了川南常羽乌骨鸡肤色的遗传现象。结果表明,所用乌骨鸡的肤色主要受遗传控制,存在杂合类型,黑羽系和麻羽系的肤色遗传较为稳定。乌肤性状终生不变,且与趾色、肉骨及肉膜色高度相关。乌肤公鸡与不同浅肤母鸡的杂交后代可表现出较高的不同的乌肤比例,表明适当引入浅肤血缘尚可保持乌骨鸡的乌色性状。  相似文献   

正乌骨鸡又名乌鸡、丝毛鸡等,养殖历史悠久,是我国特有的集观赏、食用和药用于一身的代表品种。该鸡遍体羽毛雪白呈丝状,躯小而短矮,头小颈短,紫冠绿耳,丛冠凤头,两颊生须,五爪毛脚;以乌皮、乌骨、乌肉,眼、喙、趾、内脏、脂肪均为乌黑色而得名。目前,乌骨鸡在我国的饲养较为普遍,现将其饲养管理要点介绍如下,供大家参  相似文献   

<正>冠鹤,亦称戴冕鹤,主要产于西非,属鹤形目、鹤科、冕鹤属。其体态高雅华贵,顶冠羽毛靓丽别致,是动物园中珍贵的观赏禽类。2014年2月,在我园引进的15羽冠鹤群中,有2羽冠鹤先后发生以跖骨弯曲、增生变粗,趾关节肿大、跛行为主要症状的疾病。根据临床症状、剖检病理观察及实验室检验,诊断为鸡毒支原体感染。现将该病例诊治情况报告如下。1临床症状1.1病例一该鹤雄性,生性好斗,与同类不合群,为避免攻  相似文献   

In recent years, pain arising from the proximal metacarpal and metatarsal regions has become well recognized as a cause of lameness and various disease entities have been identified. However, our knowledge of normal patterns of radiopharmaceutical uptake is limited, making interpretation of images problematic. It is therefore important to characterize normal patterns of radiopharmaceutical uptake at specific sites to ensure valid interpretation of images in clinical cases with subtle lesions. The purpose of this study was to describe the pattern of radiopharmaceutical uptake in the proximal metacarpal and proximal metatarsal regions in clinically sound horses. Scintigraphic images from 64 clinically normal horses were evaluated. All the images were assessed subjectively. The lateral, dorsal, and plantar scintigraphic images were assessed qualitatively using horizontal line profiles through the proximal metacarpal and proximal metatarsal regions. Mean ratios of radiopharmaceutical uptake were calculated from three regions of interest sited over the proximal metacarpal and proximal metatarsal regions and a reference site. In 78% of forelimbs the peak of radiopharmaceutical activity was at the dorsal to central portion of the proximal metacarpal region. Seventy-five per cent of the dorsal plane profiles of activity were symmetrical, with the highest peak over the medial to central portion of the proximal metacarpal region. In 80% of hindlimb lateral images the peak radiopharmaceutical activity was at the central to plantar aspect of the proximal metatarsal region. All (100%) plantar image profiles of activity were symmetrical, with the highest peak being over the lateral portion of the proximal metatarsal region. There was no significant left and right variation between sites for mean ratios on the lateral and dorsal images of the proximal metacarpal region. However, using lateral images the mean ratios from all regions of the right proximal metatarsal were greater than left (dorsal P = 0.003, plantar P < 0.0001 and whole proximal metatarsal, P = 0.0006). There was no significant variation in mean ratios between left and right on plantar images. However, the mean ratio for the lateral proximal metatarsal region was significantly greater than for the medial proximal metatarsal regions (P < 0.0001). There was no significant effect of age. Left/right symmetry of radiopharmaceutical uptake was shown in the proximal metacarpal region. However, there was a significant difference between left and right proximal metatarsal regions. There was higher radiopharmaceutical uptake in the right proximal metatarsal region than the left, which agrees with previous studies of the tarsal and metatarsophalangeal joints. There were differences in the pattern of radiopharmaceutical uptake between the forelimbs and hindlimbs. In the forelimbs maximum radiopharmaceutical uptake was located at the dorsal to central portion of the proximal metacarpal region in the lateral image, with peak activity over the medial to central portion of the proximal metacarpal region on dorsal images. In the hindlimbs the maximum radiopharmaceutical uptake was at the central to plantar aspect of the proximal metatarsal region in the lateral image, with peak activity over the lateral portion of proximal metatarsal region on plantar images. The results of this study support the hypothesis that there would be a standard pattern of radiopharmaceutical uptake across the proximal metacarpal and l metatarsal regions, but the pattern of uptake observed would be different in the proximal metacarpal region compared with the proximal metatarsal region. There was left/right symmetry of radiopharmaceutical uptake in the proximal metacarpal region. However, there was a significant difference between left and right proximal metatarsal regions, with higher radiopharmaceutical uptake in the right. There was no variation of radiopharmaceutical uptake pattern with age.  相似文献   

尹华贵 《四川畜牧兽医》2002,29(7):26-26,28
用川牧土鸡与固始鸡青脚系、乌骨系进行正反杂交,以测定F1代的生产性能。试验结果表明,川牧土鸡(♂)×固始鸡青脚系(♀)杂交组,受精率达93.04%,受精蛋孵化率88.03%,F1代90日龄成活率92.31%,公母均重1790.09g,料肉比3.01∶1,优于其他杂交组。  相似文献   

An 8-month-old castrated male Saint Bernard was evaluated for bilateral hind limb lameness. Lameness was ascribed to bilateral metatarsal rotational abnormalities on the basis of the physical examination and radiographic evaluations. Staged, bilateral deformity correction and tarsometatarsal arthrodeses were performed using circular external skeletal fixators. The dog's gait improved following surgery and the fixators were removed 3 (left hind paw) and 4 (right hind paw) months following surgery. Twenty months after the initial surgery, the owner reported that the dog was walking well without apparent lameness. Previous reports suggest that metatarsal rotation is untreatable; however, our results suggest that surgical correction of this deformity can substantially improve limb function in dogs affected with metatarsal rotation.  相似文献   

The proximal third of metatarsal IV is predisposed to open comminuted fractures due to its superficial and prominent position and controversy exists regarding the most appropriate management for this type of fracture. Fifty‐three horses treated for open comminuted fractures of the proximal third of metatarsal IV were selected for study from 6 equine hospitals across England. Comparisons were made between the 21 horses treated conservatively and the 32 horses treated surgically. Horses treated conservatively at referral centres had comparable rates of survival, rates of return to full work and convalescent periods but a significantly lower cost than those treated surgically. The results of this study suggest that aggressive conservative therapy may be indicated in open comminuted fractures of the proximal third of metatarsal IV.  相似文献   

This study evaluated whether anaesthesia of the dorsal metatarsal nerves in addition to a low 4-point nerve block provides significantly more analgesia to the metatarsophalangeal joint than to a low 4-point nerve block alone. A wireless, inertial, sensor-based, motion analysis system was used to evaluate gaits of six horses before induction of lameness, after administration of interleukin-1β into a metatarsophalangeal joint, after anaesthesia of the medial and lateral plantar nerves and the medial and lateral plantar metatarsal nerves, and after additional anaesthesia of the lateral and medial dorsal metatarsal nerves. The magnitude of hindlimb lameness was analysed considering both the push-off component (diffmaxpelvis) and the impact component (diffminpelvis) of the lame limb for all trials. There was no significant difference in the sum of diffmaxpelvis and diffminpelvis (SDMPs) when comparing the horse's gait after the low 4-point nerve block to the gait after additional anaesthesia of the dorsal metatarsal nerves, indicating that there is likely no benefit of medial and lateral dorsal metatarsal nerve anaesthesia when using regional anaesthesia to localise pain to the metatarsophalangeal joint during a lameness examination.  相似文献   

A 5-year-old National Hunt Thoroughbred mare presented with sudden onset left hindlimb lameness after race training on the gallops. Clinical examination revealed a marked painful reaction over the proximal metatarsal region but no other obvious abnormalities were detected. Survey radiographs at the yard did not reveal any abnormalities. Nuclear scintigraphic examination 3 days after injury revealed focal marked increased radiopharmaceutical uptake in the proximal metatarsal region. Subsequent radiography revealed an incomplete, articular fracture of the proximal left third metatarsal bone. Repair of the fracture using 3 × 4.5 mm cortical screws placed in lag fashion was performed under standing sedation following perineural analgesia. Follow-up radiographs demonstrated progressive healing of the fracture. The mare returned to race training 8 months after the fracture was repaired and raced successfully 12 months post injury.  相似文献   

Comminuted metatarsal fractures in a dog were treated using intramedullary pins externally connected and stabilized by epoxy resin putty and application of a fibreglass cast. Two weeks later the cast was removed. After further 2 weeks application of a Robert-Jones bandage the dog could stand and walk with the pin-putty apparatus in position. The pin-putty apparatus was removed 3 months postoperatively, and the dog resumed normal activity. This fixation method could be an easy, economical and effective alternative treatment for managing comminuted fractures of the metatarsal and possibly metacarpal bones in selected cases.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging abnormalities in horses with lameness localized to the proximal metacarpal or metatarsal region have not been described. To accomplish that, the medical records of 45 horses evaluated with MR imaging that had lameness localized to either the proximal metacarpal or metatarsal region were reviewed. Abnormalities observed in the proximal suspensory ligament or the accessory ligament of the deep digital flexor tendon included abnormal high signal, enlargement, or alteration in shape. Twenty-three horses had proximal suspensory ligament desmitis (13 hindlimb, 10 forelimb). Sixteen horses had desmitis of the accessory ligament of the deep digital flexor tendon. One horse had desmitis of the proximal suspensory ligament and the accessory ligament of the deep digital flexor tendon on the same limb and one horse had desmitis of the proximal suspensory ligament on one forelimb and desmitis of the accessory ligament of the deep digital flexor tendon on the other forelimb. Four horses did not have abnormalities in the proximal suspensory ligament or accessory ligament of the deep digital flexor tendon. Eighty percent of horses with forelimb proximal suspensory ligament desmitis and 69% of horses with hindlimb proximal suspensory ligament desmitis returned to their intended use. Sixty-three percent of horses with desmitis of the accessory ligament of the deep digital flexor tendon were able to return to their intended use. MR imaging is a valuable diagnostic modality that allows diagnosis of injury in horses with lameness localized to the proximal metacarpal and metatarsal regions. The ability to accurately diagnose the source of lameness is important in selecting treatment that will maximize the chance to return to performance.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to characterize radiopharmaceutical uptake patterns in horses with clinical and ultrasonographic evidence of proximal suspensory desmitis. It was hypothesized that radiopharmaceutical uptake in the proximal palmar (plantar) aspect of the third metacarpal (metatarsal) bone would be greater in lame limbs of horses with proximal suspensory desmitis than in sound limbs and that there would be a positive correlation between the severity of ultrasonographic abnormalities and the degree of radiopharmaceutical uptake. Nuclear scintigraphic evaluation of the proximal metacarpal or metatarsal regions of 126 horses with ultrasonographic evidence of proximal suspensory desmitis was performed. In all horses lameness was substantially improved by perineural analgesia of the palmar metacarpal (subcarpal) or plantar metatarsal (subtarsal) nerves. Scintigraphic images were assessed subjectively, by profile analysis and using region of interest analysis. Associations between the degree of ultrasonographic abnormality and radiopharmaceutical uptake ratios and the presence of radiographic abnormalities and radiopharmaceutical uptake ratios were analyzed. Subjectively, the majority of horses had normal radiopharmaceutical uptake. Profile analysis provided little additional information. However with region of interest analysis there was greater radiopharmaceutical uptake ratios in plantar images in the proximal metatarsal regions of lame limbs compared with nonlame limbs. There was no association between radiological abnormalities and radiopharmaceutical uptake ratios. In forelimbs there was no association between ultrasonographic lesion grade and radiopharmaceutical uptake ratios, however in hindlimbs there was a significant relationship between ultrasonographic grade and radiopharmaceutical uptake ratios.  相似文献   

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