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肉牛运输应激综合征的诊治   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
肉牛运输应激综合征是由支原体引起的并继发多种细菌感染的、以呼吸道疾病为主要症状的一系列非特异性病理反应,其发病率与死亡率均较高,易给养殖户造成极大的损失。分析和总结了1例肉牛运输应激综合征的诊断和治疗过程,以期为临床应用提供一定的理论依据和实践指导。  相似文献   

因运输应激引起的各类疾病是困扰肉牛养殖业发展的难题,不少牧场肉牛运输入场后的发病及死亡率较高,增重水平低,严重影响生产经济效益的发挥。运输应激综合征的发生通常是由多种不良因素综合作用的结果。应激会干扰动物正常生理机能,降低牛只免疫力,常会引发支原体为主继发大肠杆菌等病原微生物感染,导致呼吸道、消化道甚至全身病理性反应。病牛由于营养摄入不足而机体脂肪蛋白消耗增加导致极度消瘦。犊牛的生理和免疫系统尚未发育完善,因此对应激因素尤为敏感。本文对犊牛运输应激相关研究进行分析和阐述,包括运输相关应激因素,以及评估运输应激的指标和方法,以期降低运输应激导致的不良影响,改善运输犊牛的健康和福利。  相似文献   

犊牛运输应激综合征是由支原体引起并继发多种细菌感染的以呼吸道疾病为主要症状的一系列非特异性病理反应,其发病率与死亡率均较高,给养殖户造成极大的损失。分析和总结发病情况、临床症状、病理变化、诊断及病因分析,提出了防治措施。以期为该病的防治提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

运输应激一直是肉牛行业关注的重要问题,生产管理不当可能对肉牛健康造成极大危害。北牛南调和异地育肥使肉牛运输成为我国大动物运输的主体,但由于缺乏相关规章制度,很多运输管理细节缺乏标准,操作仍主要依靠经验。目前,针对我国肉牛运输状况进行的调查较为缺乏,本试验目的是采取问卷调查的方式对我国肉牛运输现状以及肉牛养殖人员对运输应激的认知水平进行统计分析。本试验通过勃林格殷格翰动物保健公司平台,向我国各省的肉牛养殖人员发送在线问卷,在2周内共收到160份有效答卷,问卷主要调查内容包括国内肉牛运输现状、养殖人员对肉牛运输应激的认识以及牛呼吸疾病综合征(BRDC)的防治现状等。结果显示,我国大多数肉牛养殖人员对运输应激有一定认知,同时也采取了一定的预防措施,但运输过程中仍然存在诸多问题。因此,建立符合我国畜牧业国情的肉牛运输相关规章制度十分必要。  相似文献   

众所周知,牛肉的营养价值很高,但随着现代人的生活条件越来越好,选择牛肉制品的机会也随之增加.肉牛在交易中经常需要运输,而因运输造成的应激反应却会对肉牛造成很大的伤害,例如体增重、免疫力和生产性能等都会有一定的影响.目前国内外抗应激的方法有很多,均为提高肉牛抵抗应激的能力,从而降低损失.  相似文献   

早期断奶犊牛的消化系统、免疫器官等都还没有发育完全,机能尚不完善,在断奶期间容易产生生长停滞、腹泻等应激症状。本文系统介绍了犊牛断奶应激的表现、产生的原因,并着重论述了日粮蛋白、能量水平和添加剂等对犊牛断奶应激的影响。  相似文献   

以广西为例,综述了肉牛运输应激综合症的发病机制、危害及防治措施,为南方地区在肉牛养殖发展过程中减少长途运输引起的应激损失提供理论依据。  相似文献   

正肉牛运输热是肉牛转场育肥过程中长发的疾病之一,抓好肉牛运输前、运输过程中及运输抵场后三个环节的管理技术措施,将对降低该疾病发生起到至关重要的作用。当前,我国农户养殖的肉牛主要采取6月龄断奶,断奶后除部分母犊牛作为基础母牛留用外,其余的均被育肥场购买。在多数情况下,肉用犊牛都要经历或长或短的运输后抵达集中育肥场。肉用犊牛在运输过程中由于采取的措施不当,给肉牛造成严重的应激反应,其中肉牛运输热是较常见的应激疾  相似文献   

运输应激会对动物的生产、内分泌、肉品质以及免疫功能等造成一定的影响。肉牛在经过长途运输后会造成瘤胃功能减退,瘤胃微生物菌群失调,进而导致肉牛采食量、反刍次数减少,体温升高,体重下降等。文章综述了运输应激对肉牛神经内分泌、生化指标、肉品质、免疫、抗氧化功能等的影响,概述了缓解肉牛运输应激的相关措施,以期为肉牛运输应激后续的相关研究及生产过程中实际应用提供参考。  相似文献   

肉牛专用运输车降低运输应激效果试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】为验证肉牛专用运输车降低运输应激的效果。【方法】将本团队研制的肉牛专用运输车和普通运输车进行肉牛运输效果对比试验。长途运牛过程中,从肉牛专用运输车和普通车各随机选择6头作为实验组和对照组,在运输前17h、运输后4h、20h、26h、45h、52h以及运输后7d、17d颈静脉采血后分离血清并提取牛外周血淋巴细胞,检测血清中K+、Na+、Cl-、Ca2+离子水平及外周血淋巴细胞HSP90水平,并称重、观察后统计两组在运输后15d的增重与发病率。【结果】结果显示专用车组肉牛运输后血清K+、Na+、Cl-以及外周血淋巴细胞HSP90的变化程度低于普通车组,运输后15天体重损失显著减少,消化道疾病发病率有降低趋势。【结论】本结果说明肉牛专用运输车的抗应激效果优于普通运输车,有一定的推广价值。  相似文献   

Calfhood diseases have a major impact on the economic viability of cattle operations. This is the first in a three part review series on calf health from birth to weaning, focusing on preventive measures. The review considers both pre- and periparturient management factors influencing calf health, colostrum management in beef and dairy calves and further nutrition and weaning in dairy calves.  相似文献   

A general bio-economic model for beef cattle production was used to define breeding objectives for Charolais cattle to be utilized in a variety of linked production systems. Economic weights were calculated for 16 traits (some with both direct and maternal components) in three production systems (pure-breeding and terminal crossing with beef or dairy cows) and two marketing strategies (sale or fattening of weaned surplus calves). Economic weights for the total breeding objective were calculated as weighted averages, where weights were numbers of cows expected to be mated with Charolais bulls in each production system and marketing strategy. Results suggest that the direct component of calving performance and cow longevity were of primary economic importance in all systems. Conception rate of cows and weaning weight reached about 50% of the standardized economic weight of calving performance in purebred systems with sale of weaned calves, whereas in purebred systems with fattening the economic importance of the direct component of cow conception rate, losses at calving, mature weight of cows, weaning weight, and fattening traits were of equal importance (each approximately about 20% that of calving performance). In terminal crossing systems, weaning weight was important when calves were sold at weaning, and fattening traits were important for systems selling fattened animals. The bio-economic model performed well under the conditions of this demonstration and could easily be customized for other applications.  相似文献   

随着肉牛产业从持续火热期逐渐回落,加上饲料价格的新一轮上涨,出栏育肥牛盈利空间被极度压缩,一度出现一定比例的亏损和弃养现象。这是市场规律调节的结果,是养殖业必然要经历的市场阵痛期。所以仅仅依靠高行情去获得盈利,促进肉牛产业的发展是不可能长久的。本文阐述了从提高种牛品质、提高母牛繁殖性能、抓好犊牛培育及早期断奶、粗饲料储备等几方面着手,抓技术提质增效,抓管理降低成本,理顺养牛投资理念,使肉牛产业安全走出低谷期,以突破肉牛产业发展效益瓶颈。这是市场规律调节的结果,是养殖业必然都要经过的市场阵痛期。所以仅仅依靠高行情去获得盈利,促进肉牛产业的发展是不可能长久的。文章阐述了从提高种牛品质、提高母牛繁殖性能、抓好犊牛培育及早期断奶、粗饲料储备等几方面着手,抓技术提质增效,抓管理降低成本,理顺养牛投资理念,使肉牛产业安全走出低谷期,以突破肉牛产业养殖效益瓶颈。  相似文献   

不同肉牛育肥的牛肉产品生产对饲料粮消耗比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对繁殖母牛、哺乳犊牛和架子牛进行饲养试验及调查的基础上,结合所进行的架子牛育肥试验和犊牛直线育肥试验,参考肉牛饲养标准和已发表的肉牛育肥试验数据,并根据目前我国牛肉产品提供状况和肉用牛育肥的饲料资源情况,分别比较不同肉牛育肥牛肉产品生产所需要的粮食。结果表明,为获得等同重量的肉牛产品,直线育肥技术比后期集中育肥要消耗较少的粮食,而高档牛肉生产(高端肉产品生产)需要消耗更多的饲料粮。  相似文献   

奶公牛犊与育肥牛的屠宰性能及肉品质比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择6月龄育肥奶公牛犊和成年育肥杂交改良肉牛各四头,通过屠宰性能和肉品质比较,研究育肥奶公犊与杂交改良育肥肉牛的产肉性能和牛肉品质差异,为肉牛屠宰企业开发犊牛肉市场提供技术参数。结果表明,屠宰率为55.38%的犊牛胴体较屠宰率56.38%的育肥牛胴体,出肉率低6.25个百分点;骨骼占胴体比例高4.45个百分点;高档部位出品率高O.35个百分点;后臀腿部位肉出品率高1.67个百分点。犊牛肉水分含量、蛋白质含量分别较育肥牛高2.73、1.20个百分点,脂肪含量较育肥牛低1.22个百分点。胴体成熟72h、96h后分割的犊牛肉(外脊)剪切力值与育肥牛肉剪切力值差异极显著(P〈O.01)。成熟72h的犊牛肉(外脊)肉色值a值、L值分别较育肥牛低3.88、高6.55,差异极显著(P〈O.01);系水力指标中滴水损失的差异显著(P〈O.05),熟肉率指标差异不显著(P〉O.05)。由此可以看出,在产肉性能方面,育肥犊牛较成年育肥牛产肉率低,保水性低,但在肉质方面,具有细嫩、多汁、高蛋白低脂肪、肉色浅红等优点。  相似文献   

哺乳犊牛腹泻由多种原因造成,是犊牛养殖中相对常见的问题,在发病初期如得不到及时控制将造成严重损失,笔者结合牧场实践与现实情况,重点阐述了肉牛繁育场哺乳犊牛腹泻发病原因,同时分析、总结相关问题,针对性的提出肉牛繁育场哺乳犊牛腹泻管控方案,为行业内养殖者在处理哺乳犊牛腹泻时提供参考依据。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe a significant outbreak of foetal infection and subsequent losses due to bovine pestivirus on a 5200 ha beef breeding and fattening property in central Queensland. DESCRIPTION OF THE HERD: The affected herd consisted of 656 cows, including 269 recently purchased cows, and 221 heifers that were joined in December/January 1995/96. There were approximately 2500 cattle on the property. INVESTIGATION: Following the purchase of 269 cows in October 1995, which were mingled with the existing cow herd, losses were experienced due to foetal infection with bovine pestivirus. These losses were recorded between 1996 and 1999 as: reduced pregnancy rates, losses between pregnancy testing (midpregnancy) and branding (calves averaged 3 months-of-age), losses due to pneumonia and ill-thrift between branding and approximately 12 months-of-age, and losses due to ill-thrift and the chronic wasting form of mucosal disease thereafter. All surviving calves were tested for bovine pestivirus in 1997 at an average of 10 months. Fifty-three calves were identified as persistently infected with bovine pestivirus. A further 110 calf losses could reasonably be attributed to bovine pestivirus infection. Persistently infected cattle were always unthrifty compared to their virus negative counterparts. Only one persistently infected calf was identified, on the basis of severe ill thrift, in the 1997 birth cohort and none in 1998. CONCLUSIONS: This outbreak of foetal infection with bovine pestivirus resulted in significant production losses. These losses were recorded over the three years subsequent to the outbreak. Significant numbers of persistently infected calves were not evident among calves born in the two years after this outbreak.  相似文献   

为了查清目前张掖市百万头肉牛基地育肥牛的来源,对张掖市百万头肉牛基地15个肉牛育肥场的5560头育肥牛来源开展了调查。调查表明:来自当地散养户的犊牛占80.5%,来自外地的犊牛占10.6%,来自肉牛育肥场自繁的犊牛占5.8%,来自当地奶牛场的公牛犊占3.1%。  相似文献   

Three experiments were done to determine the influence of supplementary feeding with crushed whole cotton seed and weaning on the productivity of breeding female cattle under range conditions in the Kimberley region, north-western Australia. In the first experiment, supplementary feeding cut losses of breeding cows from 47% to nil, and increased calf turn-off from 18% to 58%, in a sample of cattle from Argyle Downs cattle station during a severe dry season. In the second experiment, weaning calves at 4–6 months of age reduced weight loss in supplemented cows, from 21 to 8% over the last 100 days of the dry season, although the subsequent growth of supplemented weaned calves was inferior to that of non-weaned calves. In the third experiment, weaning of calves had no effect on body weight changes in supplemented cows, although non-weaned calves gained significantly faster than weaned supplemented calves. Control of cattle tick infestation by spraying increased blood haematocrit and haemoglobin values, but had no effect on total plasma proteins. A survey of feral cattle in the Kimberley area showed depressed blood haeboglobin, haematocrit and plasma protein values in breeding cows compared with other classes of cattle.  相似文献   

文章调查了甘肃省张掖市甘浚镇农村繁殖母牛饲养规模、饲料资源、人力资源等情况。结果表明带犊繁育体系母牛养殖经营模式有“母牛+犊牛”经营模式、“母牛+犊牛+架子牛”经营模式、“母牛+犊牛(+架子牛)+育肥牛”经营模式,母牛养殖的成本由犊牛、架子牛、育肥牛分担后仍有盈亏正平衡。母牛养殖不同经营模式中,参与育肥可明显提高带犊繁育体系母牛养殖的效益。  相似文献   

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