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通过探讨日粮添加精氨酸(Arg)对胎鼠宫内生长迟缓的影响,为Arg应用在动物生产上提供理论基础。试验将120只雌性小白鼠随机分为6组:0.0%Arg组、0.25%Arg组(基础日粮添加0.25%Arg,下同)、0.5%Arg组、0.75%Arg组、1.0%Arg组、1.5%Arg组,试验期间各组自由采食和饮水。每组随机抽取10只孕鼠进行眼球摘除采血,颈椎脱臼处死孕鼠,剖腹取胎鼠、胎盘和子宫,分别称重,记录胎鼠数、胎儿宫内发育迟缓(IUGR)数、死胎数(含吸收胎数)、胎鼠重、子宫重和相应的胎盘重。结果:(1)所添加的Arg浓度对孕鼠无毒性作用;(2)与对照组相比,日粮添加0.5%Arg可降低死胎率达54.70%(P〈0.05),从而极显著提高胎鼠数(P〈0.01);(3)日粮中添加0.5%ArgIUGR率比对照组降低了约64.9%(P〈0.05)。结论:日粮添加精氨酸可以降低死胎率和IUGR率,提高胎鼠数和胎鼠重。  相似文献   

探讨精氨酸(Arg)对孕鼠子宫及其胎盘肥大细胞和组胺的影响。将120只雌性小鼠随机分为6组:0.0%Arg组,0.25%Arg组(基础日粮添加0.25%Arg,下同)、0.5%Arg组、0.75%Arg组、1.0%Arg组和1.5%Arg组。试验期间各组自由采食和饮水。每组随机抽取10只孕鼠进行眼球摘除采血,颈椎脱臼处死孕鼠,分别检测子宫肥大细胞(MC)分布和数量、组胺含量。结果:Arg有效缓解了胎鼠的宫内生长迟缓(IUGR);日粮添加不同剂量的Arg均可明显降低子宫MC数量(P0.05或P0.01);日粮添加不同剂量的Arg均可明显降低子宫胎盘组胺含量,0.5%Arg、0.75%Arg、1.0%Arg组子宫胎盘组胺含量比对照组的极显著减少(P0.01)。结论:精氨酸通过降低孕鼠子宫MC及组胺含量,进而调节子宫微循环,促进胎鼠发育。  相似文献   

本文旨在研究饲粮能氮限饲与补偿对蒙古羔羊肝脏重量、肝细胞增殖和增肥及生长激素受体(GHR)、类胰岛素生长因子Ⅰ(IGF-Ⅰ)、类胰岛素生长因子Ⅱ(IGF-Ⅱ)基因表达量的影响。选用体重相近的蒙古羔羊80只,随机分为4组,分别为对照组、蛋白质限饲组(PR组)、能量限饲组(ER组)、蛋白质能量双重限饲组(BR组),限饲期(60 d)内各组分别饲喂粗蛋白质(CP)为15.08%、9.24%、15.01%和6.27%,对应代谢能(ME)为10.61、10.49、8.36和8.10 M J/kg的饲粮。之后的90 d补偿期,各组均饲喂相同营养水平(CP为12.48%、M E为9.77 M J/kg)的饲粮。分别于限饲期和补偿期结束时屠宰,采集肝脏组织,称重,测定肝脏DNA含量、肝细胞DNA和蛋白质浓度,并应用实时定量PCR技术检测GHR、IGF-Ⅰ和IGF-Ⅱ基因表达量的变化。结果表明:限饲60 d后,ER组(P<0.05)、BR组(P<0.01)羔羊肝脏重量显著或极显著低于对照组;PR组、ER组和BR组肝细胞数量均低于对照组,肝细胞体积变化不大;各限饲组羔羊肝脏IGF-Ⅰ基因表达量显著低于对照组(P<0.05);PR组(P<0.01)、ER组(P<0.01)和BR组(P<0.05)羔羊肝脏IG F-Ⅱ基因表达量显著或极显著低于对照组。补偿90 d后,各限饲组羔羊肝脏重量、肝细胞数量、肝细胞体积以及GHR、IGF-Ⅰ和IGF-Ⅱ基因表达量与对照组均无显著差异(P>0.05)。结果提示,3月龄开始限饲的蒙古羔羊,限饲能量对肝脏生长发育的抑制强于比限饲蛋白质,而蛋白质能量双重限饲造成的负面影响最大;单独限饲能量或蛋白质羔羊肝脏中GHR、IGF-Ⅰ和IGF-Ⅱ基因表达量的下降幅度大于蛋白质能量双重限饲;经过饲粮能氮补偿,限饲影响的指标均恢复到与未限饲相同水平。  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究饲粮中添加玉米赤霉烯酮(ZEN)对母猪繁殖性能和胎盘免疫相关基因表达量的影响。选择胎次相近、体重200 kg、妊娠第30天的长×大二元杂交母猪40头,随机分为2组,每组20个重复,每个重复1头。对照组饲喂基础饲粮,试验组饲粮在基础饲粮中添加1.5 mg/kg的ZEN。试验期74 d。结果表明,与对照组相比:1)饲粮中添加ZEN显著提高了妊娠期母猪死胎数和弱仔猪数(P0.05),显著降低了母猪总产仔数(P0.05);2)饲粮中添加ZEN显著提高了妊娠期母猪血清孕酮含量(P0.05);3)饲粮中添加ZEN显著提高了妊娠期母猪胎盘中Toll样受体-2(TLR-2)和孕酮受体(PGR)基因表达量(P0.05)。由此可见,母猪妊娠期饲粮中添加1.5 mg/kg ZEN可显著降低母猪总产仔数,并显著提高死胎数和弱仔猪数。饲粮中低水平的ZEN对母猪繁殖性能仍产生不利影响。  相似文献   

本研究旨在评估饲料限饲及日粮中添加益生菌混合物作为天然生长促进剂对肉用鹌鹑生长性能、饮水量、死亡率和胴体性状的影响。试验选择1日龄未交配鹌鹑250只,随机分为5组,对照组饲喂基础日粮(不做任何处理),T1组饲喂基础日粮(限饲4h/d),T2组饲喂基础日粮+0.1g/kg复合益生菌(限饲4h),T3组饲喂基础日粮(限饲8h),T4组饲喂基础日粮+0.1g/kg复合益生菌(限饲8h)。试验从0~14d时开始饲喂试验料,然后从14~28d时开始限饲。结果显示:对照组鹌鹑比其他处理组消耗更多的饲料和水(P 0.05),但其体重与其他处理组无显著差异(P 0.05)。与其他组相比,添加益生菌的T3和T4组鹌鹑料重比最低(P 0.05)。饲喂益生菌对鹌鹑健康有积极作用,降低了死亡率。此外,无论是否补充益生菌,限饲均可显著降低死亡率(P 0.05)。试验处理对鹌鹑胴体参数无显著影响(P 0.05)。结果表明,每天限饲4~8h的情况下,在鹌鹑日粮中添加益生菌可以提高其生长性能。  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究饲粮添加不同水平叶酸对超早期断奶宫内发育迟缓(IUGR)仔猪肝脏结构和细胞凋亡相关基因表达的影响。选取24头14日龄断奶、平均体重(2.79±0.34)kg的"杜×长×大"三元杂交仔公猪,随机分为3个处理,分别饲喂在基础饲粮中添加0、5和10 mg/kg叶酸的试验饲粮,每个处理8个重复,每个重复1头猪。试验期21 d。结果表明:1)饲粮添加叶酸对35日龄仔猪血清葡萄糖浓度无显著影响(P>0.05),添加5和10 mg/kg叶酸分别显著(P<0.05)和极显著(P<0.01)降低了血清甘油三酯浓度。2)饲粮添加5 mg/kg叶酸能显著降低肝细胞直径(P<0.05)。3)饲粮添加5 mg/kg叶酸显著提高了肝脏B细胞淋巴瘤蛋白2(Bcl-2)的基因表达量(P<0.05),极显著降低了Bcl-2相关X蛋白(Bax)和促凋亡相关基因肿瘤蛋白53(p53)的基因表达量(P<0.01);饲粮添加10 mg/kg叶酸,Bax和p53的基因表达量分别极显著(P<0.01)和显著(P<0.05)地降低了。4)饲粮添加叶酸对肝脏毛细血管扩张性共济失调症突变基因(ATM)、脱嘌呤嘧啶核酸内切酶1(APE-1)基因和一碳单位代谢关键酶编码基因的表达无显著影响(P>0.05)。结果提示,饲粮补充一定水平的叶酸有助于改善早期断奶IUGR仔猪35日龄时肝脏结构和细胞凋亡相关基因Bcl-2、Bax和p53的表达;本试验条件下,饲粮添加5 mg/kg叶酸效果较好。  相似文献   

研究精氨酸(Arg)对胎鼠子宫微血管的影响,阐明其缓解宫内发育迟缓(IUGR)的部分机理。将120只雌性小鼠随机分为6组,即对照组,A 组(基础日粮添加2.5 g/kg Arg,下同),B 组(5 g/kg Arg),C组(7.5 g/kg Arg),D 组(10 g/kg Arg),E 组(15 g/kg Arg)。试验期间各组自由采食和饮水。每组随机抽取10只孕鼠进行眼球摘除采血,颈椎脱臼处死孕鼠,分别检测 IUGR、子宫胎盘的微血管密度、NOS 活力和NO 含量。结果与对照组相比,D 组可显著降低 IUGR 发生率达64.99%(P <0.05)。B、C、D、E 组可极显著(P <0.01)提高小鼠胎盘 NOS 活力及 NO 含量,各组子宫胎盘均未见病变。B 组比对照组子宫微血管密度和胎盘微血管密度分别增加了16.30%和10.58%,但未达到显著水平(P >0.05)。说明 Arg 可能通过改善子宫和胎盘血液循环和母胎营养物质供应,达到缓解 IUGR 的作用。  相似文献   

本试验旨在探讨饲粮添加亮氨酸和谷氨酸对肥育猪生长性能、胴体性状和肉品质的影响。试验选取体重为77 kg左右的"杜×长×大"肥育猪60头,随机分为5个组,每组12头猪,公母各占1/2。对照组饲喂基础饲粮,试验组分别在基础饲粮中添加2.05%L-丙氨酸(等氮对照组)、1.00%亮氨酸+1.37%L-丙氨酸(亮氨酸组)、1.00%谷氨酸+1.44%L-丙氨酸(谷氨酸组)、1.00%亮氨酸+1.00%谷氨酸(亮氨酸+谷氨酸组)。试验期为60 d。结果表明:与对照组相比,谷氨酸组1~30 d的平均日采食量、末重和背膘厚均显著降低(P0.05),31~60 d的平均日增重降低了22.50%(P0.05);亮氨酸组、亮氨酸+谷氨酸组背最长肌和股二头肌中的肌内脂肪含量显著增加(P0.05),且亮氨酸+谷氨酸组1~30 d的平均日增重增加了8.04%(P0.05),31~60 d的平均日增重则降低23.70%(P0.05)。与等氮对照组相比,亮氨酸组和谷氨酸组的熟肉率、滴水损失和肉色均无显著差异(P0.05),亮氨酸+谷氨酸组肌肉黄度值显著降低(P0.05);各试验组背最长肌和股二头肌中风味氨基酸含量均无显著差异(P0.05)。上述结果提示,饲粮添加1.00%亮氨酸可降低1~30 d肥育猪的料重比,增加背最长肌肌内脂肪含量;饲粮添加1.00%谷氨酸或1.00%亮氨酸+1.00%谷氨酸可增加1~30 d的平均日增重,降低31~60 d的平均日增重;饲粮添加1.00%亮氨酸+1.00%谷氨酸可降低肉色黄度值,增加肌内脂肪含量,从而改善猪肉品质。  相似文献   

试验选用1 600只健康中速型黄羽肉鸡雏鸡,根据体重、性别随机分为4个处理,每处理分5个重复(栏),每重复80只鸡(公母各半),采用玉米-豆粕型基础饲粮,处理1饲粮中不添加抗生素或甘露寡糖,处理2饲粮中添加60 mg/kg金霉素,处理3、4饲粮中分别添加0.1%、0.2%甘露寡糖(MOS),各组饲粮营养成分一致。结果显示:1~21日龄,添加0.1%MOS组平均日增重和采食量均较空白对照和添加金霉素组高,料重比降低(P0.05);22~42日龄,添加MOS组采食量显著低于添加金霉素组(P0.05)。整个试验阶段,添加MOS组采食量和料重比均显著低于金霉素组(P0.05)。盲肠菌群分析结果:添加0.1%MOS有提高乳酸杆菌和双歧杆菌数趋势(P0.05)。试验结果提示:MOS能促进黄羽肉鸡生长,提高饲料利用率,改善肠道微生态环境,添加量以0.1%较适宜。  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究在低蛋白质饲粮中添加不同水平亮氨酸对育肥猪氮平衡的影响,以确定低蛋白质饲粮中亮氨酸的适宜添加水平。试验选取10头初始体重为(70.7±3.1)kg的健康杜×长×大杂交去势公猪,采用5×5拉丁方设计,饲喂5种试验饲粮,包括1个正常蛋白质饲粮(粗蛋白质含量为14.5%)和4个添加不同水平(0、0.4%、0.8%和1.2%)亮氨酸的低蛋白质饲粮(粗蛋白质含量为10.0%)。整个试验期为50d,共分为5期,每期10d,前5天为预试期,后5天为收集期。采用全收集粪尿法测定育肥猪的氮平衡指标。结果显示:饲粮蛋白质水平的降低导致育肥猪的氮摄入量显著降低(P<0.05),继而氮排出量和氮沉积量也显著降低(P<0.05),但4个低蛋白质饲粮组的氮沉积率均显著高于正常蛋白质饲粮组(P<0.05);低蛋白质饲粮中添加0.4%的亮氨酸时,氮排出量最低,氮沉积量最高;而当亮氨酸添加水平高于0.4%时,氮沉积量显著下降(P<0.05),同时,随着亮氨酸添加水平的升高,异亮氨酸和缬氨酸的全肠道表观消化率有下降的趋势。综合以上结果得出,育肥猪低蛋白质饲粮(粗蛋白质含量为10.0%)中亮氨酸的适宜添加水平为0.4%。  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of Moringa oleifera leaf powder (MOLP) as a dietary supplement on growth performance, gastrointestinal (GIT) morphometry and liver function using weanling Sprague Dawley rats to model humans under ad libitum and restricted feeding. An MOLP‐based diet was generated by supplementing normal rat feed with the leaf powder at 20%. Four dietary regimens included normal rat feed fed at 20% of body mass (NRF: ad libitum), NRF fed at 14% of body mass (NRFR, restricted), Moringa‐supplemented feeds fed at 20% and 14% of body mass (MOF: ad libitum and MOFR: restrictedly) respectively. Thirty‐two pups were randomly assigned to the diets and fed for 5 weeks, after which they were fasted, euthanased and GIT viscera masses, lengths and histology were assessed. Blood was collected for metabolite and markers of liver function assays. Tibiae and femora lengths were used to determine linear growth. Rats fed the restricted diets had lower weekly body mass gains (p = 0.0001) than those on ad libitum feeding; however, they showed compensatory growth by 5 weeks. Terminally, the rats fed MOFR had shorter (p < 0.05) femora and tibiae than their counterparts on the other diets. Except on the caeca, diet had no effect on the absolute masses and lengths of GIT viscera. Relative to tibia length, rats on the MOF had significantly heavier stomachs and caeca and longer small and large intestines than their counterparts on NRF, but this was not supported histologically. Level of feeding and supplementation did not affect blood metabolite concentration, liver glycogen and lipid storage nor the plasma activities AST and ALP in the rats. Supplementing diets with MOLP under restricted access to feed (low calorific supply) might compromise linear growth.  相似文献   

选用270只21日龄的扬州公鹅,随机分成6组,每组3个重复,每个重复15只鹅。采用2×3二因子试验设计,采用两种饲喂方式(自由采食和90%限制饲喂,限制饲喂组鹅饲料供给量为前一天自由采食组饲料消耗量的90%)和低、中、高3个色氨酸(Trp)水平(含量分别为0.14%,0.22%和0.30%),分别对3个不同生长阶段的生长性能和屠宰性能指标进行测定。结果表明,在28~42日龄,与低、高Trp组相比,中Trp组扬州鹅平均日采食量和平均日增重显著提高(P<0.05),饲喂方式和Trp水平对扬州鹅平均日采食量、平均日增重和饲料转化率有交互作用(P<0.05);在42~56日龄,自由采食组扬州鹅平均日采食量和饲料转化率极显著高于限制饲喂组(P<0.01),平均日增重显著高于限制饲喂组(P<0.05)。与低、高Trp组相比,中Trp组扬州鹅平均日采食量显著提高(P<0.05),Trp水平对平均日增重和饲料转化率无显著影响(P>0.05),饲喂方式和Trp水平对扬州鹅平均日采食量有交互作用(P<0.05);在56~70日龄,Trp水平对扬州鹅平均日采食量、平均日增重和饲料转化率均无显著影响(P>0.05)。饲喂方式和Trp水平对扬州鹅平均日增重和饲料转化率有交互作用(P<0.05);在28~70日龄,自由采食组扬州鹅平均日采食量和平均日增重极显著高于限制饲喂组(P<0.01)。与低、高Trp组相比,中Trp组扬州鹅平均日采食量和平均日增重显著提高(P<0.05),而Trp水平对饲料转化率无显著影响(P>0.05),饲喂方式和Trp水平对扬州鹅平均日采食量和平均日增重有交互作用(P<0.05)。自由采食组扬州鹅全净膛率、胸肌率和腹脂率显著高于限制饲喂组(P<0.01),随着Trp水平的增加,扬州鹅胸肌率显著增加(P<0.01),而Trp水平对其他屠宰性能指标无显著影响(P>0.05),饲喂方式和Trp水平对扬州鹅腹脂率有交互作用(P<0.01)。由此可知,饲粮中Trp水平过低或过高均会对扬州鹅生长性能产生不利影响,并且这种不利的影响具有阶段性,因此日粮添加适当水平的Trp能够一定程度改善扬州鹅生长性能。  相似文献   

During intrauterine life, genome interacts with maternal signals to influence the mRNA expression levels of specific genes persistently by regulating DNA methylation status. The objective of this study was to examine the responses of glucocorticoid receptor (GR), peroxisome proliferator‐activated receptor alpha and gamma (PPARα and PPARγ) promoter methylation, mRNA expression of genes involved in energy metabolism and metabolite concentrations of intrauterine growth‐retarded (IUGR) piglets to dietary folic acid supplementation. According to a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement, 16 IUGR and 16 normal birth weight (NBW) piglets were fed a basal diet or a basal diet supplemented with 5 mg/kg of folic acid from weaning (day 14) to day 35 of age. Triglycerides in hepatic tissue and plasma were significantly elevated in control diets‐fed IUGR piglets compared with NBW piglets but were decreased by dietary folic acid supplementation. Hepatic mRNA expression levels of GR, PPARα, PPARγ, fatty acid synthase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) in IUGR piglets fed a control diet were significantly higher than that in NBW piglets, and promoter methylation status of GR, PPARα and PPARγ in IUGR piglets was reduced significantly compared with NBW piglets. However, the changes in gene expression and DNA methylation status of IUGR piglets were reversed by dietary folic acid supplementation. Hepatic DNA methyltransferase activity was greater with dietary folic acid supplementation regardless of birth weight. Taken together, these results demonstrated that folic acid supplementation during early period of life could prevent the changes of promoter methylation status and gene expressions in the liver of IUGR piglets.  相似文献   

试验旨在探讨添加亮氨酸的日粮对生长大鼠生长性能、骨骼肌蛋白质代谢和瘦素分泌的影响。试验选用24只4周龄雄性Sprague-Dawley大鼠作为试验动物,分别饲喂添加3%L-亮氨酸的试验日粮和添加2.04%L-丙氨酸的对照日粮,试验期为12 d。试验第12天,所有大鼠大剂量一次性腹腔注射L-[ring-2H5]苯丙氨酸注射液。结果表明:日粮添加亮氨酸对大鼠生长性能没有显著影响(P>0.05);试验组大鼠血浆中瘦素浓度显著高于对照组(P<0.01)。持续饲喂试验日粮的大鼠腓肠肌和比目鱼肌的蛋白质分解均显著低于对照组大鼠(P<0.01),但仅腓肠肌蛋白质合成显著高于对照组(P<0.01)。总之,长期饲喂添加L-亮氨酸的日粮可以提高生长大鼠血浆中瘦素浓度,并可显著调节生长大鼠骨骼肌蛋白质代谢。  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to investigate the effects of dietary supplementation with dihydroartemisinin (DHA) on growth performance, hepatic inflammation, and lipid metabolism in intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR)‐affected weaned piglets. Eight piglets with normal birth weight (NBW) and 16 IUGR‐affected piglets were selected and fed either a basal diet (NBW and IUGR groups) or the basal diet supplemented with 80 mg/kg DHA (IUGR‐DHA group) from 21 to 49 day of age. Blood and liver samples were collected on day 49. DHA supplementation significantly alleviated the compromised growth performance and liver damage in IUGR‐affected piglets. Additionally, DHA supplementation decreased the activities of alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase, as well as the serum levels of non‐esterified fatty acids (NEFA), very‐low‐density lipoprotein, and total cholesterol. In the liver, the concentrations of interleukin 1 beta, interleukin 6, tumor necrosis factor alpha, triglycerides, and NEFA were decreased. Fatty acid synthesis was decreased by DHA supplementation, whereas the activities of lipoprotein lipase, hepatic lipase, and total lipase were increased. Dietary DHA supplementation led to upregulation of the expression of AMPK/SIRT1 signaling pathway‐related genes, whereas that of inflammatory factor‐related genes were downregulated. In conclusion, dietary inclusion of 80 mg/kg DHA can alleviate IUGR‐induced impairments in piglets.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the effect of a 3-month dietary protein restriction - protein provided 9% of energy (20% in control group). In this dietary restriction folic acid, vitamins B(2) and B(6) were delivered in amount three times above the standard level. It was observed that animals fed a protein restricted (PR) diet weighed about 5% less than animals consuming adequate diet, but the difference was not statistically significant. Enrichment of PR diet with vitamin B or folic acid caused tendency to further suppression of weight gain, and in case of vitamin B(6) these differences were statistically significant. However, such body weight (BW) suppression was not observed when all studied vitamins were used together. Significant reductions in relative liver weight (vitamin B(2) addition), the heart (folic acid) and the lungs (vitamin B(6)) were observed. The PR diet, when all vitamins were added together, caused a decrease in weights of the lungs, heart and liver scaled to BW of rats, simultaneously with a significant increase in testis weight. Feed intake and feed conversion ratio were higher in animals given PR diet without a significant influence of vitamin supplementation (except vitamin B(6) causing further increase in feed conversion ratio). Hepatic fatty acids composition of rats was not affected by protein restriction, as well as by single vitamin supplementation. However, dietary supplementation of all examined vitamins together caused a decrease in monounsaturated fatty acids followed by an increase in polyunsaturated fatty acids participation in total fatty acids pool. It seems that enrichment of PR diet with a mixture of folic acid, vitamins B(2) and B(6) resulted in a partial reverse of growth suppression and reduction in testis size in rats.  相似文献   

Holstein steers (164 kg) were used in a 70-d growing-finishing trial. Treatments were 1) basal diet (85% concentrate); 2) basal diet plus 1.5% blood meal (BM); 3) basal diet plus 3.0% BM and 4) basal diet plus 4.5% BM. Dietary crude protein levels were 12.5, 13.7, 14.8 and 15.9% for Treatments 1 through 4, respectively. Energy intake was restricted to allow for a daily weight gain of 1.43 kg. There were no treatment effects on animal performance. The influence of protein supplementation on characteristics of ruminal and total tract digestion was evaluated in a crossover design experiment involving six ruminally and intestinally cannulated steers (191 kg). Treatments consisted of Diets 1 and 4 of the feeding trial, with chromic oxide added as a digesta marker. There were no treatment effects on ruminal or total tract digestion of organic matter. Blood meal supplementation increased (P less than .01) non-NH3-N passage to the small intestine by 27.3% and N disappearance posterior to the abomasum by 32.5%. Ruminal escape of BM was 83.2%. Extrapolating to the level of intakes achieved in the performance trial, intestinal supplies of non-NH3-N, arginine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine and valine for steers consuming Treatment 1 were 119.5, 42.6, 14.7, 28.5, 49.8, 38.7, 14.1, 27.0, 28.5 and 39.0 g/d, respectively. A dietary crude protein intake of 695 g/d was adequate to meet the amino acid requirements of Holstein calves within the weight range of 163 to 267 kg and gaining 1.48 kg/d.  相似文献   

Four Holstein steers (282 kg) with cannulas in the rumen and proximal duodenum were used in a 4 x 4 Latin square experiment to evaluate the influence of dietary urea level (0, 0.4, 0.8, and 1.2%, DM basis) in a steam-flaked barley-based finishing diet on digestive function. There were no treatment effects (P > 0.20) on ruminal digestion of OM and ADF. Increasing dietary urea level increased (linear, P < 0.01) ruminal starch digestion. Ruminal degradability of protein in the basal diet (no supplemental urea) was 60%. Increasing dietary urea level did not increase (P > 0.20) ruminal microbial protein synthesis or nonammonia N flow to the small intestine. There were no treatment effects (P > 0.20) on total-tract ADF digestion. Total tract digestion of OM (quadratic, P < 0.01) and starch (linear, P < 0.05) increased slightly with increasing urea level. Urea supplementation increased (linear, P < 0.01) ruminal pH 1 h after feeding; however, by 3 h after feeding, ruminal pH was lower (cubic, P < 0.05) with urea-supplemented diets. Urea supplementation did not affect (P > 0.20) ruminal molar proportions of acetate and propionate. One hundred twenty crossbred steers (252 kg; approximately 25% Brahman breeding) were used in an 84-d feeding trial (five pens per treatment) to evaluate treatment effects on growth performance. Daily weight gain increased (linear, P = 0.01) with increasing urea level, tending to be maximal (1.53 kg/d; quadratic, P = 0.13) at the 0.8% level of urea supplementation. Improvements in ADG were due to treatment effects (linear, P < 0.01) on DMI. Urea supplementation did not affect (P > 0.20) the NE value of the diet for maintenance and gain. Observed dietary NE values, based on growth performance, were in close agreement with expected based on tabular values for individual feed ingredients, averaging 100.4%. We conclude that with steam-flaked barely-based finishing diets, ruminal and total-tract digestion of OM and ruminal microbial protein synthesis may not be increased by urea supplementation. In contrast, ADG was optimized by dietary inclusion of 0.8% urea. Urea supplementation may not enhance the net energy value of steam-flaked barely-based finishing diets when degradable intake protein is greater than 85% of microbial protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) causes significantly negative effects on the methylation status of genes related to cell apoptosis compared with normal body weight (NBW) piglets. Thus, the objective of the present study was to examine the effects of maternal dietary folic acid supplementation on genes expression profile for hepatic apoptosis in IUGR and NBW piglets. Twenty four Yorkshire gilts were allocated randomly to one of the two diets: control (C, folic acid 1.3 mg/kg) or folic acid supplementation (FS, folic acid 30 mg/kg) after mating. Gene expressions in liver samples were determined and revealed that the mRNA expressions of p53, BCL-2 associated X protein (Bax), and Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1A (CDKN1A) were upregulated in IUGR piglets compared with NBW piglets fed C diets, but could be reversed by maternal folic acid supplementation. The expressions of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), Serine-protein Kinase–Ataxia Telangiectasia Mutated (ATM), and Cadherin-associated protein–beta-catenin 1 (CTNNB1) were influenced by maternal folic acid supplementation significantly, but were not influenced by birth weight. Expression of p53 binding protein–MDM-2 (MDM-2) remained unchanged. In conclusion, these results demonstrated that maternal folic acid supplementation could exert positive effects on genes related to apoptosis in IUGR and NBW piglets, which might facilitate their postnatal health and growth performance.  相似文献   

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