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1玉米胚芽粕 玉米胚芽粕是以玉米胚芽为原料,经压榨或浸提取油后的副产品,又称玉米脐子饼。在生产玉米淀粉之前先将玉米浸泡、破碎、分离胚芽,然后取油。分干法与湿法,取油后即得玉米胚芽粕,除极个别品种属于蛋白质饲料外,大部分产品属于能量饲料。  相似文献   

1求购玉米小麦麸皮棉粕菜粕豆粕鱼粉次粉肉骨粉玉米胚芽粕青霉素糟蛋白粉 湖北富民吉康饲料(集团)有限公司为了满足本公司生产的需要,现常年收购:玉米、小麦、青霉素糟、棉粕、菜粕、豆粕、玉米胚芽粕、蛋白粉、鱼粉、次粉、麸皮等饲料原料及饲料添加剂,现款结算。  相似文献   

玉米胚芽粕是玉米深加工的重要副产品之一,营养成分较为全面,且价格低廉,是优质的饲料资源。本文主要综述了玉米胚芽粕的营养特性及其在动物生产中的应用。  相似文献   

试验旨在对植物性非常规饲料的营养价值进行评定,为非常规饲料在羊上的应用及开发提供参考。选择3只12月龄、平均体重(35±1.0) kg的小尾寒羊母羊,采用单因素试验设计,用11种非常规饲料:桑树叶、杨树叶、桃树叶、白酒糟、稻壳粉、玉米芯粉、豆腐渣、菊花粕、玉米胚芽粕、玉米皮粉和小麦糠各替代30%基础日粮进行消化代谢试验和气体代谢试验,检测每种饲料原料的常规营养成分以及实测甲烷能,并通过套算法计算其表观消化能、代谢能和可消化粗蛋白值。结果表明:11种非常规饲料代谢能值为2.21~11.83 MJ/kg,由高到低分别为玉米胚芽粕、菊花粕、豆腐渣、桃树叶、小麦糠、桑树叶、白酒糟、玉米芯、玉米皮、杨树叶、稻壳粉;可消化粗蛋白为19.86~170.45 g/kg,由高到低分别为豆腐渣、白酒糟、桑树叶、桃树叶、菊花粕、玉米胚芽粕、小麦糠、玉米皮、杨树叶、稻壳粉、玉米芯。综上,本试验测定的11种植物性非常规粗饲料均可作为羊的饲料资源,其中玉米胚芽粕、豆腐渣、菊花粕、桑树叶和桃树叶等营养价值相对较高。  相似文献   

玉米胚芽粕是玉米深加工的重要副产品,我国年产玉米1.39亿吨,每年都生产出大量的玉米胚芽粕[l-2]。因其营养成分较为全面、适口性好、价格低廉且蛋白质含量高、氨基酸组成合理,因此,研究它在畜禽日粮中的饲用效果有一定的实际意义。近年来,国内外用玉米胚芽粕作为蛋白质补充饲料饲喂畜禽已作过一些研究,但研究不够系统深人[3-5]。本文主要从玉米胚芽粕的营养成分、实际应用及对畜禽生产的影响等方面进行介绍,旨在为研究畜禽的营养需要及科学配制日粮提供依据。  相似文献   

本试验探讨了常用饲料在瘤胃的降解特性及非降解饲料的小肠消化率,旨在为研究反刍动物的营养平衡和消化规律及科学配制日粮提供依据。试验选用3头装瘤胃瘘管和十二指肠瘘管的肉牛,采用尼龙袋法研究反刍动物常用饲料粗蛋白质和氨基酸瘤胃降解参数和表观小肠消化率。结果表明,在本试验中粗蛋白质降解率由低到高的顺序为:酒糟蛋白、黄玉米、羊草、玉米胚芽饼、菜粕、棉粕、豆粕、花生饼、啤酒糟、苜蓿、米糠、小麦麸;总氨基酸瘤胃降解率由低至高的顺序依次为:酒糟蛋白、黄玉米、羊草、玉米胚芽饼、菜粕、豆粕、棉粕、啤酒糟、花生饼、苜蓿、米糠、小麦麸。除花生饼、酒糟蛋白和黄玉米外,粗蛋白质和总氨基酸的有效降解率差异不显著(P>0.05)。粗蛋白质的表观小肠消化率由低至高的顺序依次为:苜蓿、羊草、米糠、小麦麸、啤酒糟、玉米胚芽饼、棉粕、菜粕、玉米、酒糟蛋白、花生饼、豆粕;总氨基酸的小肠消化率由低至高的顺序依次为:羊草、苜蓿、米糠、小麦麸、啤酒糟、玉米胚芽饼、菜粕、棉粕、花生饼、玉米、酒糟蛋白、豆粕。由此可见,不同的饲料瘤胃降解特性是不同的,并且为小肠提供的各种可吸收氨基酸潜力也是不同的。  相似文献   

1995年版《中国饲料成分及营养价值表》在1994年版的基础上,增加了玉米胚芽饼、玉米胚芽粕、粉浆蛋白粉、黑麦4种原料,并对次粉的猪消化能、鸡代谢能值进行了修订。玉米胚芽饼因其加工工艺不同,营养价值变异较大。本表根据国内实测数据,列出玉米胚芽饼、玉米胚芽粕的营养成分数据,供读者参考。粉浆蛋白粉又名淀粉醪蛋白,因加工工艺、得率、原料的不同,饲料成分及营养价值有一定变异,但经过近年来的饲养实践是一种优质蛋白质补充饲料。表中所列数据是根据国内已有实测数据,经统计计算得到。由于未测定饲料有效能值,本表暂时空缺。…  相似文献   

1995年版《中国饲料成分及营养价值表》在1994年版的基础上,增加了玉米胚芽饼、玉米胚芽粕、粉浆蛋白粉、黑麦4种原料,并对次粉的猪消化能、鸡代谢能值进行了修订。 玉米胚芽饼因其加工工艺不同,营养价值变异较大。本表根据国内实测数据,列出玉米胚芽饼、玉米胚芽粕的营养成分数据,供读者参考。 粉浆蛋白粉又名淀粉醪蛋白,因加工工艺、得率、原料的不同,饲料成分及营养价值有一定变异,但经过  相似文献   

传统蛋白质饲料主要是植物性蛋白饲料和动物性蛋白饲料。植物性蛋白饲料的蛋白含量为20%~50%,包括大豆及其饼粕、棉籽饼粕、菜籽饼粕、花生饼粕、葵花饼粕、亚麻籽饼粕、玉米蛋白粉及其加工副产品玉米麸料和玉米胚芽粕。动物性蛋白饲料的蛋白含量为40%~90%,包括鱼粉、肉骨粉、肉粉、  相似文献   

白坤  李晓明 《饲料工业》1998,19(6):40-42
1玉米饲料加工技术11玉米饲料加工工艺美国玉米饲料加工工艺为湿磨法工艺,这种工艺的特点是将淀粉和玉米油提出做为食用,然后将玉米的化学成分,按照饲料标准分别生产出玉米浆、胚芽粕、玉米麸质饲料和蛋白粉4种饲料,然后配合各种辅料和添加剂制成各种动物的专用...  相似文献   

The objectives of this experiment were to determine the apparent ileal digestibility and the standardized ileal digestibility (SID) of CP and AA in bakery meal, corn gluten meal, corn gluten feed, corn germ meal, and hominy feed and to compare these values with the apparent ileal digestibility and SID of CP and AA in corn and distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS). Eight growing barrows (initial BW: 82.5 ± 5.5 kg) were randomly allotted to an 8 × 8 Latin square design with 8 diets and 8 periods. Diets contained corn, DDGS, bakery meal, corn gluten meal, corn gluten feed, corn germ meal, or hominy feed as the sole source of protein and AA. An N-free diet was used to measure basal endogenous losses of AA and protein. Pigs were fed experimental diets for eight 7-d periods, with ileal digesta being collected on d 6 and 7 of each period. Results indicated that the SID of Lys in corn gluten meal (78.7%) was greater (P < 0.01) than in DDGS, bakery meal, corn germ meal, and hominy feed (46.0, 48.4, 68.4, and 58.8%, respectively). The SID of all indispensable AA except Arg, Leu, and Met in bakery meal were not different from those in DDGS. The SID of Arg, His, Leu, and Met in corn gluten feed were less (P < 0.01) than in corn, but the SID of all other indispensable AA in corn gluten feed were not different from those in corn. However, for most indispensable AA, the SID in corn gluten feed was not different from the SID in DDGS. The SID of all indispensable AA in corn germ meal, except Arg, His, Leu, and Met, were not different from the SID in corn. Likewise, the SID of all indispensable AA in corn germ meal, except Arg and Leu, were not different from those in DDGS. The SID of Ile, Met, Phe, and Val in hominy feed were less (P < 0.01) than in corn, but the SID of the remaining indispensable AA in hominy feed were not different from the SID of indispensable AA in corn. All indispensable AA in hominy feed also had SID values that were not different from the SID values of AA in DDGS, except for Arg and Lys, which had greater (P < 0.01) SID than in DDGS. In conclusion, bakery meal had SID values of most AA that were less than in corn, but corn gluten meal had SID values for most AA that were greater than the SID of AA in corn, bakery meal, and corn coproducts.  相似文献   

Two finishing experiments were conducted to determine the effects of concentration (Exp. 1) and composition of wet corn gluten feed (Exp. 2) in steam-flaked corn-based diets on feedlot steer performance. In Exp. 1, 192 English x Continental crossbred steer calves (299 +/- 0.6 kg) were used in a completely randomized design with six dietary treatments (four pens per treatment). Treatments were six concentrations of wet corn gluten feed (Sweet Bran, Cargill Inc., Blair, NE; 0, 10, 20, 25, 30, and 35%) replacing steam-flaked corn (DM basis). All diets contained 10% corn silage, 5% supplement, and 3.5% tallow (DM basis). Gain efficiency and ADG were similar (P > 0.25) among treatments. Dry matter intake was lower (P < 0.10) with 0% wet corn gluten feed than with concentrations of 20, 25, and 35% WCGF. Dry matter intake did not differ among treatments containing wet corn gluten feed. In Exp. 2, 160 English x Continental crossbred steer calves (315 +/- 0.6 kg) were used in a completely randomized design with five dietary treatments (four pens/treatment). Treatments were assigned based on four ratios of steep to corn bran/germ meal mix in wet corn gluten feed plus a negative control (CON). Wet corn gluten feed was fed at 25% of the dietary DM and was made by mixing steep and corn bran/germ meal into the diet. The four concentrations of steep in wet corn gluten feed that comprised the ratios were 37.5, 41.7, 45.8, and 50% (DM basis), with the remaining proportion being the bran/germ meal mix. Bran/germ meal mix was comprised of 60% dry corn bran, 24% germ meal, and 16% fine-cracked corn (DM basis). All diets contained 10% corn silage, 5% supplement, and 3.5% tallow (DM basis). Daily gain did not differ (P = 0.18) among treatments. Gain efficiency did not differ between CON and 50% steep; however, G:F was decreased (P < 0.05) for concentrations of 37.5, 41.7, and 45.8% steep compared with CON. A linear improvement (P < 0.05) was observed for G:F as concentration of steep increased as a proportion of wet corn gluten feed. These data suggest that wet corn gluten feed can be used at concentrations up to 35% of the dietary DM without adversely affecting performance, and that steep has more energy than bran/germ meal in steam-flaked corn-based diets.  相似文献   

Growth traits with starter and grower pigs and a digestion trial were conducted to compare the nutritional value of Quality Protein Maize (QPM), food corn and conventional feed corn. The QPM, food and feed corn contained .45, .31 and .29% lysine, respectively. The growth trials evaluated a QPM-soybean meal diet formulated on a lysine basis (.96% in starter and .7% in grower diets) and four diets arranged in a 2 (food corn vs feed corn) X 2 (low vs high soybean meal) factorial. Soybean meal was either added in the same amount as in the QPM diet or was added to provide the lysine content of the QPM diet. Performance was similar for pigs fed food corn and feed corn in both trials. The QPM diets resulted in greater performance than food and feed corn diets containing the same level of soybean meal supplementation; starter pigs were more (P less than .10) efficient and grower pigs had a higher (P less than .01) rate and efficiency of gain. However, performance of pigs fed the QPM diets was not equal to that of pigs fed isolysinic food and feed corn diets; growth rate was lower (P less than .05) in starter pigs and gain:feed was lower (P less than .05) in grower pigs. Diets in the digestion trial consisted of the corns plus 3.25% casein. Energy digestibility was similar for all diets. Ileal N and amino acid digestibilities were highest for QPM, intermediate for food corn and lowest for feed corn. In most instances, these differences were significant (P less than .05). Apparent biological value was highest (P less than .05) for QPM. These trials indicate that food corn and feed corn have similar nutritional value, and that starter and grower pigs can benefit from the higher protein quality of QPM.  相似文献   

This experiment was to study the effects of corn germ meal in different levels on use value of finishing pigs.120 health PIC piglets aged 45 days with similar body weight (17±2.1)kg were randomly divided into 4 groups of 5 replicates for each group and 6 pigs for each replicates (male and female were the same in each replicate).Control group was fed basic diet,group one to three were fed diets containing different amounts of corn germ meal (5%,10% and 15%) with the same concentration of the main nutrient items.The results showed that compared with the control group,feed conversion rate in group one was no significant difference (P>0.05),feed conversion rate in group two had a significantly decreased (P<0.05),feed conversion rate in group three was significantly increased (P<0.05),average daily feed intake in control group was significantly lower than that in other groups (P<0.05),and there were no significant differences in daily feed intake among experimental groups (P>0.05).With the corn germ meal level increasing,the daily feed intake was increased slightly.Group one and group two had a tendency to reduce the serum urea nitrogen content,but group two had a significant difference (P<0.05),the content of serum urea nitrogen in group three was increased significantly (P<0.05),there were no significant differences in serum albumin,total protein and glucose levels among all groups (P>0.05). Compared with the control group,the apparent digestibility of crude protein and crude fiber in group one had no significant differences (P>0.05).The apparent digestibility of crude protein and crude fiber in group two increased significantly (P<0.05),and the apparent digestibility of crude protein and crude fiber in group three decreased significantly (P<0.05).There were no significant differences in the apparent digestibility of crude fat and crude ash compared with the control group (P>0.05).Theses results indicate that the best supplementation level of corn germ meal was 10%,the anti-nutritional factors of corn germ meal may be the cellulose.  相似文献   

试验基于NRC-2001模型预测不同玉米副产品代谢蛋白产量,利用光谱技术分析不同玉米副产品的分子功能团特征及二者之间的相关性并建立回归方程。采用NRC-2001模型对奶牛饲料蛋白营养价值进行评价,利用傅立叶变换红外光谱(Fourier transform infrared,FTIR)技术收集光谱数据并分析。结果显示,利用NRC-2001模型预测不同玉米副产品代谢蛋白特征参数具有显著差异(P<0.05)。其中,小肠中真可吸收代谢蛋白总量在玉米蛋白粉中有最高值,其次是玉米胚芽饼、玉米胚芽、玉米皮及玉米籽粒。饲料产奶价值(FMV)存在相同趋势。在光谱结构分析中,饲料的分子功能团特征参数存在显著差异(P<0.05),蛋白代谢预测产量与分子功能团特征参数之间存在相关性,建立的回归模型拟合度较好。其中,玉米籽粒中酰胺Ⅰ带与纤维性碳水化合物的面积比值(Amide Ⅰ_CELC)显著高于其他饲料原料(P<0.05),玉米胚芽的酰胺Ⅰ带与结构性碳水化合物的面积比值(Amide Ⅰ_SCHO)和Amide Ⅰ_CELC比值均较低(P<0.05),而玉米皮的蛋白质酰胺Ⅱ带与结构性碳水化合物(SCHO)和纤维性碳水化合物(CELC)之间的光谱面积比值均显著低于其他饲料比值(P<0.05),玉米胚芽饼的蛋白质酰胺Ⅱ带与总碳水化合物之间峰面积比值(Amide Ⅱ_TNSCHO)显著高于其他饲料原料(P<0.05)。在不同玉米副产品饲料中,瘤胃合成微生物蛋白(MCP)和小肠真可吸收微生物蛋白(AMCP)含量与蛋白质酰胺Ⅰ带与非结构性碳水化合物之间的峰面积比值(Amide Ⅰ_TNSCHO)无显著相关性(P>0.05),但与其他各光谱分子功能团特征参数存在显著负相关(P<0.05)。Amide Ⅰ_TCHO和Amide Ⅱ_SCHO可共同作为预测因子估测小肠真可吸收瘤胃非降解蛋白(ARUP)、代谢蛋白(MP)和FMV,其决定系数均为0.997。本试验结果表明,不同玉米副产品基于NRC-2001模型下代谢蛋白预测产量与分子功能团特征参数之间存在相关关系,可利用傅立叶变换红外光谱分析技术对饲料营养价值进行快速分析和估测。  相似文献   

不同方法测定瘤胃非降解蛋白质小肠消化率及相关性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本试验分别采用移动尼龙袋法、改进三步体外法、原始三步体外法和酸性洗涤不溶氮(ADIN)估测法测定13种精料的瘤胃非降解蛋白质(RUP)小肠消化率,并对移动尼龙袋法与其他方法的测定结果进行相关性分析,同时对常规营养成分和RUP小肠消化率作回归分析,旨在寻找替代移动尼龙袋法测定RUP小肠消化率更简单快速的方法.试验采用单因素试验设计,选取3头装有永久瘤胃瘘管和十二指肠T型瘘管的奶牛.结果表明:移动尼龙袋法测得的豆粕、棉籽粕、菜籽粕、葵花粕、芝麻粕、玉米胚芽粕、玉米、米糠、米糠粕、米糠饼、大麦、麦麸和玉米麸质饲料的RUP小肠消化率分别为98.13%、87.37%、88.47%、82.60%、85.73%、75.40%、93.23%、69.27%、77.83%、92.10%、91.27%、72.37%和79.03%.改进三步体外法测定结果与移动尼龙袋法测定结果的相关系数为0.8383;原始三步体外法测定结果与移动尼龙袋法测定结果的相关系数为0.7899;ADIN估测法预测结果与移动尼龙袋法测定结果无显著相关(P>0.05);饲料RUP小肠消化率与饲料常规营养成分含量显著相关(P<0.05).改进三步体外法比原始三步体外法替代移动尼龙袋法测定饲料RUP小肠消化率效果更好.应用体外法替代移动尼龙袋法测定蛋白质饲料RUP小肠消化率比测定能量饲料RUP小肠消化率效果更好.用饲料的常规营养成分含量可较好地预测RUP小肠消化率.  相似文献   

The experiment was designed to assess whether corn fractions or extrusion of corn can result in feed ingredients with a greater nutritional value than corn. Corn grain (8.0% CP, 0.21% P, 9.8% NDF) was processed by extrusion (82.8 degrees C, 345 kPa steam pressure for 12 s) or by dry milling to derive fractions rich in germ (13.1% CP, 1.19% P, 17.2% NDF), hulls (8.1% CP, 0.27% P, 32.6% NDF), and endosperm, namely tails (6.6% CP, 0.07% P, 3.6% NDF) and throughs (7.4% CP, 0.15% P, 4.5% NDF). Relative recovery in each fraction was 16, 20, 44, and 20%, respectively. Ileal digestibility of DM, P, and amino acids was determined using diets containing 7.0% CP from soybean meal and 5.3% CP from one of the test products. To allow for determination of standardized ingredient, ileal digestibility, basal endogenous AA losses were determined using a protein-free diet (74.6% cornstarch and 18.7% sucrose). Soybean meal ileal digestibility was determined using a diet (12.3% CP) based on soybean meal (23.3%). Eight barrows (27 +/- 2 kg) fitted with T-cannulas were fed 8 experimental diets (5-d adaptation and 2-d collection period) such that each diet was evaluated in at least 5 barrows. Relative to corn (77.9 +/- 1.2%), ileal digestibility of DM was greater for extruded corn (82.5%; P = 0.02), tails (85.9%; P < 0.01), and throughs (85.0%; P < 0.01), but it was lower for hulls (62.2%; P < 0.01) and germ (51.1%; P < 0.01). For P, corn (41.6 +/- 9.5%), throughs (47.2%), and hulls (57.3%) had similar ileal digestibility, but germ (7.9%) had lower ileal digestibility (P = 0.02) than corn; tails (27.6%) and extruded corn (23.5%) were not different from corn or germ but were lower than throughs and hulls. For total AA, corn (84.7 +/- 2.4%), throughs (84.3%), and hulls (85.8%) had similar ileal digestibility, but germ (76.6%) had lower ileal digestibility (P < 0.01) than corn; tails (82.0%) and extruded corn (81.7%) were intermediate. In conclusion, germ and hulls have a low ileal DM digestibility; germ also has low AA and P digestibility. Extrusion improved the ileal DM digestibility of corn. To maximize the ileal digestibility, removal of germ and hull from corn or extrusion of corn may thus be of interest.  相似文献   

鹿生茸期配合饲料研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据鹿生茸期营养需要,设计一种适合梅花鹿和马鹿的配合饲料。该配合饲料由玉米、小麦麸、大豆粕、玉米DDGS、玉米蛋白饲料、玉米胚芽饼、常量元素添加剂、微量元素添加剂和维生素添加剂组成。对30只梅花鹿和30只马鹿进行饲养试验,结果表明:该配合饲料能显著提高梅花鹿和马鹿鹿茸产量和质量,降低饲料成本,提高个体产值、鹿茸售价、饲粮转化率和报酬率,直接经济效益提高1~2倍。  相似文献   

选用80只成年北京公鸭,测定了进口鱼粉、鸭肠粉、鸭血粉、皮革粉、鸭毛粉、玉米蛋白粉、黄豆、豌豆、玉米胚芽粕、棉粕、高粱酒糟、葵花饼、芝麻粕、高粱、大麦、稻谷、次粉、米糠共计18种饲料原料的表观代谢能(AME)和真代谢能(TME),排空、收集期为36h,强饲量为50g。  相似文献   

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