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水质改良剂对犊牛饮水量及饮水质量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本试验旨在了解规模化奶牛场犊牛饮水量,分析水质改良剂对犊牛饮水量和饮水质量的影响。试验选取24头犊牛分为3组,即对照组、碘制剂组、泡腾片组,测定各组犊牛日饮水量,并在更换饮水后0h、2h、4h、6h采集犊牛饮水桶中水样,测定大肠杆菌最大可能数,并分析24头40日龄犊牛3次饲喂期间饮水量的变化情况。结果表明:犊牛40日龄日平均饮水量为4.411±1.855L,犊牛饮水中添加碘制剂和泡腾片不影响犊牛饮水量,对照组饮水2h后大肠杆菌最大可能数达到76448MPN/100mL,超出无公害食品畜禽饮用水水质(NY5027-2008)规定犊牛饮水中大肠菌群数(<10MPN/100mL)的760倍,而添加水质改良剂的犊牛饮水中4h内未检出大肠杆菌,表明犊牛饲养管理中的犊牛用一个器具饲喂牛奶和饮水的方式需要引起关注,可通过饮水改良剂进行饮水质量控制。  相似文献   

2008年7月2日,天气炎热,淮安韩桥某奶牛养殖户李师傅,没有控制牛犊的饮水量,犊牛一次暴饮达10埏,犊牛饮水后2h排出红色尿液,经综合诊断,该病犊为水中毒。现就犊牛水中毒的诊疗经过报告如下。  相似文献   

1989年春,我们给犊牛饮用次氯酸钠水,预防肠炎取得满意效果。利用小型氯酸钠消毒发生器。在1升水中加入30克食盐,通电10分钟,产生有效氯0.44克,保存在玻璃瓶中,用时用440千克水稀释配成有效氯含量1.0ppm的次氯酸钠溶液。试验组与对照组各40头。犊母牛在其它条件不变情况下,给试验组犊牛两个月饮水,每天中午一次2.0升。结果试验组犊牛肠炎发病率为3.0%,对照  相似文献   

正犊牛管理是牛场饲养工作中比较重要的环节,犊牛一旦患病甚至死亡,会给牧场带来比较大的经济损失,所以应该加强犊牛的饲养管理,避免不必要的损失。水中毒主要是犊牛在口渴时饮入了大量的水而引起的阵发性血红蛋白尿,也称犊牛血红蛋白尿症。本病多发于断奶后的犊牛,但2月龄以内的犊牛也有发病的。6个月龄以上的小育成牛也可发病,但发病少,病情轻。本病无明显季节性,发病严重的犊牛可引起死亡。根据犊牛饮水次数少,有暴饮水的病史,饮水后排红  相似文献   

天津市奶牛饮用水质量评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究的目的是对天津市奶牛饮用水质量进行综合评定。通过对天津市奶牛养殖重点区县武清区、北辰区、宝坻区、大港区、宁河县、静海县的6个奶牛场的地下水管道中的水、成母牛水槽中的水和犊牛饮水桶中的水进行采样,测定分析了重金属、硫酸盐、硝酸盐及溶解性总固体、氟化物的含量及大肠菌群计数。经与NRC(2001)和NY5027-2008对比得出:18个样品中重金属铅、砷、硫酸盐、硝酸盐和氟化物五项指标均合格。武清区、宝坻区和北辰区的氟化物含量接近NRC和国标的上限指标,溶解性总固体均符合国标。大港区的溶解性总固体超出NRC的上限标准。在大肠菌群数方面,与国标相比,地下水管道水均合格,成母牛水槽中的水只有50%合格,犊牛饮水桶中的水均不合格。说明奶牛场不仅要求水源符合国标,更重要的是要有严格的奶牛饮用水管理制度,尤其要加强对犊牛饮用水的管理。  相似文献   

<正> 犊牛口渴时,在短时间内一次性饮大量的水,引起阵发性血红蛋白尿,又称犊牛水中毒,或犊牛血红蛋白尿症、阵发性血红蛋白尿症。1 病因和发病机理犊牛水中毒的原因有以下几个方面,首先是天气炎热、气温过高或驱赶犊牛走路,犊牛出汗多,缺失盐分,饮水次数又少,导致犊牛一次暴饮大量温水或冷水,阴雨天气时发病少。其次是我国北方地区,每年的10月份至次年4月份为夜长昼短、天寒地冻时期,水冷易结冰,犊牛饮水次数减少或只能饮冷水,常可引起许多犊牛发病。第三为犊牛断奶前后,特别是断奶后,改姨饲料饲草,需要的水分增多,饲养人员又未能及时增多供水次数,或其他  相似文献   

<正>初乳期结束到断乳前这一阶段称作犊牛的常乳期,又叫哺乳期。犊牛经过5~7天的初乳期后,即可开始饲喂常乳,哺乳期一般为90~150天,总喂奶量一般为300千克左右,温度25℃。犊牛饮用的鲜奶品质要好,凡患有结核病、布氏杆菌病、乳腺炎的牛,所产奶都不能喂犊牛,也不能喂变质的腐败奶。奶的温度应在35℃~38℃,温度不能  相似文献   

<正>初乳期结束到断乳前这一阶段称作犊牛的常乳期,又叫哺乳期。犊牛经过5~7天的初乳期后,即可开始饲喂常乳,哺乳期一般为90~150天,总喂奶量一般为300千克左右,温度25℃。犊牛饮用的鲜奶品质要好,凡患有结核病、布氏杆菌病、乳腺炎的牛,所产奶都不能喂犊牛,也不能喂变质的腐败奶。奶的温度应在35℃~38℃,温度不能  相似文献   

犊牛栏是为出生到断奶阶段犊牛而设计的。目前,规模化牛场均设有单独的犊牛栏,常用的犊牛栏主要有室内犊牛栏、室外犊牛栏或犊牛岛,应根据气候的不同,决定犊牛是在室内饲养还是在室外饲养。一般来说,气候适宜的情况下,犊牛出生后即可在室内犊牛栏中饲养,7d后转入室外犊牛栏或犊牛岛中饲养。犊牛栏或犊牛岛要求清洁、干燥、通风良好、光线充足,防止贼风侵袭,避免栏舍潮湿。  相似文献   

1病因分析 先天因素,犊牛出生后吸食母乳,不会造成水中毒的发生,但随着精、粗饲料的摄取及瘤胃和皱胃的发育,胃容量增大,采食量增加,犊牛饮水量增加过快,机体对水及电解质代谢机能尚不完善,则容易发生水中毒。此因素造成的水中毒多十分轻微,只是造成一过性的血尿,犊牛中毒带来自身不适而造成条件反射的形成,犊牛自然控制饮水量并很快痊愈。自然因素,如体液损失严重,或因运动量增大所致体温升高,犊牛突然饮用冷水时,因舒适感导致暴饮。冬季寒冷,犊牛饮水量减少,突遇温水导致的暴饮均可引发此病。人为因素,如犊牛代乳粉的冲配比例过稀或使用常乳人工喂养兑水比例过高,导致犊牛一次性饮用大量水,也是引发此病的重要原因。  相似文献   

The provision of drinking water to veal calves for welfare purposes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Growth performance, behavior, physiology, forestomach development, abomasal lesions, and meat quality of veal calves fed a milk-replacer diet (No Water) were compared to those obtained from calves fed the same diet and provided with increasing amounts of drinking water (Water). Two groups of 69 Polish Friesian calves, balanced according to initial BW, were assigned to two water treatments in a 3 x 2 x 2 factorial arrangement that provided solid feed in addition to the milk-replacer diet (No solid feed, 250 g x calf(-1) x d(-1) of wheat straw or the same amount of beet pulp), and the adoption of two housing systems (individual stall vs group pen). The fattening trial lasted 160 d, and calves received drinking water starting from the 2nd wk of the study. The amount of drinking water was progressively increased from 3 to 8 L x cal(-1) x d(-1). Although not dehydrated, as shown by hematocrit and Na, K, and total protein hemoconcentration, calves consumed almost all the offered amount of water throughout the fattening period. Therefore, the water provided by the milk replacer alone, which ranged between 6 to 16 L calf d(-1), was not sufficient to satisfy the need of the animal. Drinking water did not affect the calves' growth performance but it reduced nonnutritive oral behavior throughout the fattening period. Based on these results, drinking water did not cover a shortage in the calves' water requirement but it played a role in environmental enrichment. Health status was similar between treatments, although water provision reduced the episodes of feed refusal. The measurement of chronic stress by ACTH challenge showed that the administration of drinking water would be advisable when calves are fed with small amounts of solid feed for well-being. Feces consistency and animal cleanliness were not affected by drinking water. At slaughter, forestomach development was similar between treatments, and drinking water did not affect the number of calves showing rumen hair-balls and abomasal lesions. No differences in color and other meat quality traits were observed between Water and No Water calves. Despite the lack of direct effects on productive traits, when water was available, the calves drank it, and positive effects were noticed on their nonnutritive oral behaviors and chronic stress indicators.  相似文献   

犊牛在6月龄以内面临着生理和环境的巨大转变,容易出现抵抗力下降,感染多种疾病甚至死亡。因此做好该阶段犊牛的舒适度管理,对犊牛的正常发育和健康生长非常重要。本文从传统牧场与现代牧场的饲养管理角度出发,重点分析犊牛的舒适度管理,为提高犊牛健康水平,进一步发挥其生长潜能提供参考。  相似文献   

Lungworm-infected seeder calves were used on four 1.41 ha paddocks to ensure that groups of 11 calves would be exposed to a heavy challenge with Dictyocaulus viviparus. By the 39th day after turnout there was a serious episode of respiratory disease and a diagnosis of parasitic bronchitis was confirmed by post mortem and faecal examination. One group of trial calves was treated with netobimin administered in the drinking water at 2.8 mg/kg/day for seven consecutive days; another group received the same treatment supplemented with flunixin meglumine at 2.2 mg/kg/day for three days; a third group was given a single oral dose of 7.5 mg netobimin/kg; only emergency treatments were given to calves in the control group. The clinical response to the drinking water treatments was highly satisfactory and better than the response to the single oral treatment.  相似文献   

In Switzerland between 35,000 and 50,000 farm calves per year are fed rations containing concentrated whey. If the ration is balanced, whey has no adverse effects on health and growth rates of calves. Feeding whey to farm animals makes ecological and economical sense and constitutes a sound management for the disposal of milk by-products. The described case consisted of 53 calves of which 7 (13.2%) died within the feedlot-period. Based on clinical and management findings, salt-intoxication was diagnosed because of deprivation of free access to water. When large amounts of hypertonic feed containing low quality whey are fed to calves, their health is adversely affected. Therefore, article 16 of the Swiss Animal Protection Regulation should be changed.  相似文献   

The effect of reconditioning therapy on 7 chronic ruminal drinking veal calves is described. Two calves that were persistent ruminal drinkers were used as controls. In addition to clinical parameters, the morphological features of proximal jejunum biopsies were used to monitor the effect of therapy. Ruminal drinking calves showed various degrees of hyperplastic villus atrophy. When the reticular groove reflex was restored, clinical recovery was observed within 10 days; the length of villi increased as well as the villus/crypt ratio at the end of the reconditioning period. Crypt depth, however, did not alter, and the mitosis index significantly decreased. Villus atrophy in the controls gradually worsened. While the calves gained weight after recovery, retarded growth from the ruminal drinking period was not compensated.  相似文献   


The effect of reconditioning therapy on 7 chronic ruminal drinking veal calves is described. Two calves that were persistent ruminal drinkers were used as controls. In addition to clinical parameters, the morphological features of proximal jejunum biopsies were used to monitor the effect of therapy.

Ruminal drinking calves showed various degrees of hyperplastic villus atrophy. When the reticular groove reflex was restored, clinical recovery was observed within 10 days; the length of villi increased as well as the villus/crypt ratio at the end of the reconditioning period. Crypt depth, however, did not alter, and the mitosis index significantly decreased. Villus atrophy in the controls gradually worsened.

While the calves gained weight after recovery, retarded growth from the ruminal drinking period was not compensated.  相似文献   

[目的]研究复合乳酸菌制剂对犊牛生长、肠道菌群、抗氧化及免疫性能的影响。[方法]选取体重相近的30日龄健康荷斯坦犊牛20头,随机分为对照组和试验组,每组10头。对照组与试验组饲喂相同的基础日粮,试验组饮水中添加复合乳酸菌制剂(饮水与复合乳酸菌制剂调配比例为50∶1),对照组不添加,试验期为90 d。计算2组犊牛试验期间平均日增重、腹泻率;分别于试验1、30、60、90 d测定粪便中细菌总数以及乳酸菌和大肠杆菌数量,并测定血液生化、抗氧化与免疫指标。[结果]试验组犊牛的平均日增重与对照组相比无显著(P>0.05)差异,腹泻率低于对照组。试验组犊牛粪样中的乳酸菌数量达到1.41×107 CFU/g,显著(P<0.05)高于对照组,而大肠杆菌数量显著(P<0.05)低于对照组。在试验30、90 d时,试验组犊牛血清中的葡萄糖(GLU)含量显著(P<0.05)高于对照组;在试验60、90 d时,试验组犊牛血清中的总蛋白(TP)含量显著(P<0.05)低于对照组。2组犊牛的抗氧化指标均无显著(P>0.05)差异。在试验90 d时,试验组犊牛的血清IgG、IgA含量高于对照组。[结论]饮水中添加复合乳酸菌制剂可以改善荷斯坦犊牛肠道菌群结构并降低腹泻率。  相似文献   

用微生态制剂调整初生犊牛肠道菌群、在哺乳犊牛饮水中第一周补加人工盐,第二周替换补加麻黄、杏仁、石膏、甘草熬制液,断牛犊牛日粮中添加清胃散、健胃宝中草药,以体重100kg、日采食精料1.5kg、日龄95天的标准断奶,高寒地区安格斯犊牛从初生到断奶,整个培育期间成活率达到96.77%。  相似文献   

犊牛是牧场发展的后备军,优质的犊牛培育是牧场可持续发展的有利保障之一。因此,科学的犊牛饲养管理措施和合理的犊牛饲养模式对于犊牛培育极其重要。通过对自动化饲喂饲养模式下哺乳犊牛的饲喂技术、管理措施以及疾病预防等方面进行综述,重点介绍初乳、饲喂计划、补饲、奶粉及开食料、饲喂标准、饲养环境、管理细节差异、疾病治疗方案等内容,以期对自动化饲喂饲养模式下的牧场提供参考。  相似文献   

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