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[目的] 比较母猪和仔猪不同形式的补铁补硒对仔猪生产性能、血液生化指标、免疫性能的影响。[方法] 将32头母猪随机分为8组,每组4头,1~4组基础日粮中添加硫酸亚铁和亚硒酸钠,5~8组基础日粮中添加甘氨酸螯合铁和硒代蛋氨酸。2组和6组母猪所产仔猪于3日龄肌注铁硒合剂;3组和7组仔猪基础日粮中添加硫酸亚铁和亚硒酸钠;4组和8组仔猪基础日粮中添加甘氨酸螯合铁和硒代蛋氨酸;1组和5组仔猪饲喂基础日粮,不接受任何形式的补铁补硒。母猪预产期前30 d开始饲喂试验日粮,仔猪7日龄时开始饲喂试验日粮,试验至仔猪21日龄断奶结束。测定并比较不同组别仔猪生长性能指标、血液生化指标以及免疫性能指标,以及不同组别母猪初乳和常乳中的铁硒含量。[结果] 在仔猪补铁补硒形式相同的条件下,母猪基础日粮中添加甘氨酸螯合铁和硒代蛋氨酸(5~8组)与基础日粮中补充硫酸亚铁和亚硒酸钠(1~4组)相比,能够显著(P<0.05)或极显著(P<0.01)提高仔猪的初生重、断奶重、断奶存活率、断奶合格率,2日龄和21日龄血浆铁含量、血浆硒含量、血红蛋白含量、血浆转铁蛋白含量、IgA含量、IgG含量、IgM含量,以及母猪初乳和常乳中的铁硒含量;在2种形式的母猪补铁补硒条件下,与不补铁补硒相比,仔猪不同补铁补硒形式(2~4组和6~8组)对其断奶重、断奶存活率、断奶合格率,以及21日龄血浆铁含量、血浆硒含量、血红蛋白含量、血浆转铁蛋白含量、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶活性、IgA含量、IgG含量、IgM含量均有极显著(P<0.01)的提高作用,并且仔猪基础日粮中添加甘氨酸螯合铁和硒代蛋氨酸的效果优于肌注铁硒合剂和基础日粮中补充硫酸亚铁和亚硒酸钠。[结论] 母猪和仔猪基础日粮中添加甘氨酸螯合铁和硒代蛋氨酸,能有效提升仔猪的生长性能、血液生化指标和免疫性能。  相似文献   

本研究旨在评估母猪饲料中添加两种不同水平螯合态的有机铁对仔猪生长性能和改善仔猪贫血效果的研究。选取体重相近、胎次相近、遗传结构一致、健康的二元杂母猪30头,随机分为5组。对照组1组,在基础饲料中添加硫酸亚铁100 g/kg;处理组2、3、4、5分别在基础饲料中添加甘氨酸亚铁80 g/kg和100 g/kg、复合氨基酸螯合铁80 g/kg和100 g/kg。结果表明,母猪饲料中添加有机铁甘氨酸亚铁100 g/kg和复合氨基酸螯合铁80 g/kg可提高21日龄断奶仔猪体重,分别提高12.26%和10.3%;母猪饲料中添加有机微量甘氨酸亚铁和复合氨基酸螯合铁可改善母猪生产时和产后21日龄以及仔猪初生和断奶后体内血液红细胞数量(RBC)、血液平均红细胞的体积(MCV)和血液中红细胞压积(HCT),其中母猪日粮中添加甘氨酸亚铁80 g/kg和复合氨基酸螯合铁100 g/kg组仔猪血液红细胞数量(RBC)在初生和21日龄断奶分别提高6.06%和9.29%;母猪饲料中添加有机微量甘氨酸亚铁和复合氨基酸铁都可提高母猪初乳和常乳中乳铁的含量,其中添加甘氨酸亚铁100 g/kg和复合氨基酸螯合铁100 g/kg组初乳中铁浓度分别提高276%和346%。综上,通过提高母猪乳中有机铁含量可提高初生仔猪体内的铁储存与代谢以达到仔猪抵抗贫血风险的作用。  相似文献   

本试验在母猪日粮中添加蔗糖铁,研究对哺乳仔猪生长性能的影响。试验结果表明:在母猪日粮中添加1 000 mg/kg蔗糖铁,可以显著提高母乳中铁含量(P≤0.05);提高哺乳仔猪的平均初生重、21日龄断奶重和平均日增重(P≤0.05);降低哺乳仔猪的腹泻率和死亡率(P>0.05)。开发蔗糖铁作为新型补铁剂对养殖生产具有重要的应用价值。  相似文献   

通过30d的生长试验,研究了中草药复合有机铁、阿散酸和有机铁、不同剂量有机铁与基础日粮组对28日龄杜长大三元杂交断奶仔猪生长性能及皮毛感官的影响。结果表明,中草药复合有机铁试验组的生长性能和皮毛效果最好;和对照组相比,在基础日粮中添加中草药复合有机铁显著提高了仔猪的日增重15%(P<0.05),降低料肉比12%,改善仔猪的肤色和毛况(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

为了弄清复合脂肪中的高卵磷脂和必需脂肪酸对改进繁殖母猪生产性能的功效。选择妊娠85 d母猪(长白×大白)24头,随机分为2个处理。研究结果表明:妊娠后期和泌乳期母猪日粮添加复合脂肪,能提高断奶仔猪体重(P0.05),有提高产仔数(P=0.09)和断奶活仔猪数(P=0.08)的趋势,以及降低弱仔数的趋势(P=0.10)。同时,复合脂肪的添加,减少了母猪皮屑、改善了毛色亮度,减少了便秘。母猪妊娠后期日粮使用1.5%复合脂肪,泌乳期使用3%复合脂肪,替代等量大豆油,产仔数增加了2.85%,弱仔数降低了7.69%,仔猪断奶体重提高了2.19%,断奶活仔猪数增加2.10%。复合脂肪中的高卵磷脂和必需脂肪酸可以改进母猪生产性能和仔猪健康。  相似文献   

试验旨在研究复合脂肪酸对母猪繁殖性能、仔猪抗氧化性能和免疫性能的影响。选择体况相近、健康、预产期接近的4~6胎次美系母猪42头,随机分成3组,每组14个重复,每个重复1头母猪。对照组饲喂基础饲粮,试验Ⅰ组在基础饲粮中添加长链脂肪酸和中链脂肪酸比例为8∶2的复合脂肪酸,试验Ⅱ组在基础饲粮中添加长链脂肪酸和中链脂肪酸比例为7∶3的复合脂肪酸。试验从妊娠期第107 d开始,至仔猪21日龄断奶时结束,试验共28 d。结果表明,与对照组相比,试验Ⅰ组母猪初乳中乳脂率和总固形物含量显著提高(P<0.05);试验Ⅰ组15、22日龄仔猪的丙二醛(MDA)含量有降低的趋势(P>0.05)。研究表明,在母猪妊娠后期和哺乳期饲粮中添加长链脂肪酸和中链脂肪酸比例为8∶2复合脂肪酸,可以改善母猪初乳品质,增强仔猪机体的抗氧化能力。  相似文献   

不同锌源对哺乳母猪及其仔猪生产性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
试验选用产前4周的长白×大白母猪72头,采用3个日粮处理,研究有机微量元素蛋白螯合锌部分或完全替代日粮中的无机锌对母猪繁殖力及其仔猪生长性能的影响,结果表明,母猪日粮中添加有机锌能提高仔猪出生重及断奶重,改善仔猪的断奶存活率。  相似文献   

为研究人参绞股蓝混合发酵粉对母猪分娩和仔猪生长性能的影响,本试验选取品种相同、3~5胎次、怀孕90日龄左右的母猪30头,按随机区组法分为对照组和试验组,每组15头母猪。试验从母猪怀孕90日龄开始至仔猪21日龄断奶结束,试验期45 d。试验期间,对照组饲喂基础日粮,试验组在每吨基础日粮中添加2 kg的人参绞股蓝混合发酵粉,结果表明:在母猪怀孕后期和哺乳期基础日粮中添加2 kg/吨料的人参绞股蓝混合发酵粉,母猪启动分娩距离预产期天数和产仔间隔时间均显著缩短(P<0.05),仔猪初生个体重、断奶个体重和平均日增重显著提高(P<0.05),断奶窝重极显著提高(P<0.01)。综上所述,在本试验条件下,人参绞股蓝混合发酵粉对促进母猪分娩和仔猪生长有显著的作用。  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究甘氨酸亚铁对断奶仔猪生长性能、铁表观消化率及血清铁相关指标的影响。试验选取12头(28±1)日龄"杜×长×大"断奶仔猪,根据体重、健康状况等均衡分布原则分为2组,每组6个重复,每个重复1头仔猪,单个饲养于消化代谢笼。试验分为2个阶段,第1阶段:2组均饲喂缺铁基础饲粮10 d,使仔猪处于临近贫血状态;第2阶段:对照组在缺铁基础饲粮中额外添加100 mg/kg的硫酸亚铁(以铁计),试验组额外添加100 mg/kg的甘氨酸亚铁(以铁计),试验期10 d。结果表明:与添加硫酸亚铁相比,饲粮添加甘氨酸亚铁有降低仔猪料重比的趋势(P0.10),降低了4.57%,但对仔猪的平均日增重、平均日采食量无显著影响(P0.10);饲粮添加甘氨酸亚铁能显著降低粪中的铁排出量和铁排出总量(P0.05),分别降低了23.11%和22.09%;饲粮添加甘氨酸亚铁能极显著提高铁表观消化率和表观代谢率(P0.01),分别提高了13.34%和22.42%;同时,饲粮添加甘氨酸亚铁能显著提高血清中的铁饱和度和血液中的铁含量(P0.05)。综上,甘氨酸亚铁可提高断奶仔猪的生长性能,提高血液铁含量,改善仔猪铁代谢状况,降低粪便铁排出量,是一种绿色高效的新型补铁剂。  相似文献   

试验研究不同剂量的复合益生菌对“杜×长×大”三元断奶仔猪生长性能、腹泻率、肠道微生物数量及营养物质表观消化率的影响。选择体重约7.0 kg的21日龄断奶仔猪150头,随机分为5组,每组3个重复,每个重复10头猪。试验断奶仔猪分别饲喂含有0(对照组)、0.1%、0.2%、0.4%、0.8%复合益生菌的基础日粮。试验期4周。结果显示,与对照组相比,0.2%、0.4%复合益生菌可有效提高断奶仔猪末重(P<0.05),降低料重比(P<0.05);添加复合益生菌可极显著降低仔猪的腹泻率(P<0.01)。与对照组相比,添加0.2%、0.4%、0.8%复合益生菌可显著提高断奶仔猪空肠中乳酸菌数量和盲肠中乳酸菌数量(P<0.05),添加复合益生菌可显著降低空肠和盲肠中大肠杆菌数量(P<0.05)。与对照组相比,添加复合益生菌可显著提高断奶仔猪对日粮中总能、干物质、粗蛋白、粗脂肪的表观消化率(P<0.05),添加0.4%复合益生菌可显著提高断奶仔猪的粗纤维消化率(P<0.05)。研究表明,日粮中添加复合益生菌可有效提高断奶仔猪的生长性能,降低腹泻率,增加有益菌数量,降低有害菌数量,提高仔猪对饲料养分的消化率,且复合益生菌的最适添加剂量为0.4%。  相似文献   

Previous studies showed that supplementation of sows' diets with L-carnitine increases body weights of their piglets at birth. This study was performed to investigate whether piglets of sows treated with L-carnitine differ in their growth potential from that of piglets of untreated control sows after weaning. It was also investigated whether supplementation of piglets' diets with L-carnitine improves their growth after weaning. In two trials, piglets of the first litters of primiparous sows (trial 1) and the second litters of the same sows (trial 2) were divided into four groups: group 1, piglets of control sows, fed a control diet; group 2, piglets of control sows fed a diet supplemented with 30 mg L-carnitine/kg; group 3, piglets of L-carnitine-treated sows, fed a control diet; group 4, piglets of L-carnitine-treated sows fed a diet supplemented with 30 mg L-carnitine/kg. Mean initial body weights of the piglets of the four groups were identical. They were 8.5 kg in trial 1 and 12.5 kg in trial 2. Diets were fed ad libitum over a period of 35 days. Piglets from sows treated with L-carnitine did not differ in body weight gains, feed intake and gain : feed ratio from those of control sows. In trial 1, piglets supplemented with L-carnitine had higher body weight gains (p < 0.005) and showed a tendency towards a higher gain : feed ratio (p = 0.09) than piglets fed the control diets. In trial 2, no significant difference in these parameters emerged between piglets fed the diet supplemented with L-carnitine and those fed the control diet. In conclusion, this study shows that dietary L-carnitine treatment of sows does not improve the growth potential of their piglets after weaning under the conditions of equal initial body weights. The study also shows that L-carnitine supplementation of their diets improves the growth performance in light piglets of primiparous sows.  相似文献   

母猪饲粮中添加蛋氨酸铁螯合物对预防仔猪贫血的影响   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
本试验研究了妊娠母猪饲粮中添加蛋氨酸铁螯合物对仔猪血液生化指标、生长速度和预防仔猪贫血的影响。试验结果表明在母猪妊娠第93天至哺乳21天饲粮中添加60mg/kg蛋氨酸铁螯合物,仔猪初生时不注射铁剂组的血红蛋白浓度较对照组仔猪提高15.67A%(10.78:9.32g/100ml),但差异不显著(P>0.05):7、21日龄的血红蛋白浓度为10g/100ml左右,铁营养处于适宜水平。试验组仔猪初生时的红细胞含量显著高于对照组(P<0.01),但7、21日龄时则低于对照组(P<0.o1,P<0.05);仔猪的初生重、日增重和35日龄断奶窝重与对照组相似(P>0.05)。仔猪血液生化指标和体重变化说明蛋氨酸铁螯合物可有效地防止仔猪缺铁性贫血的发生。  相似文献   

饲粮铁水平对妊娠母猪繁殖性能和生化参数的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
30头妊娠母猪随机分为3组,研究了饲粮不同铁水平对其繁殖性能的影响。结果表明,饲粮铁水平200mg/kg组和300mg/kg组与100mg/kg组相比,妊娠母猪90d血清孕酮水平、所生仔猪初生重、仔猪(生后不补铁)断奶重、新生仔猪血红蛋白量和红细胞数都有不同程度的提高;母猪血清含量和仔猪肝脏铁含量也有不同程度的提高。上述提示,适度提高母猪饲粮铁水平能改善母猪的繁殖性能和预防仔猪贫血。  相似文献   

本试验旨在比较吡咯喹啉醌(PQQ)与维生素E和有机硒对围产期母猪繁殖性能和抗氧化功能的影响。选用40头体重和背膘厚接近且妊娠90 d的第3胎大约克母猪,随机分为2组,每组20头。对照组在基础饲粮中添加60 mg/kg维生素E和0.20 mg/kg有机硒,试验组在基础饲粮中添加1 mg/kg PQQ。试验期为妊娠第90天至分娩后第7天。结果表明:与对照组相比,饲粮添加PQQ对母猪产程、产仔数、产活仔数及仔猪初生窝重、仔猪平均初生重以及产后7 d仔猪平均日增重均无显著影响(P0.05),但数值上有所升高;饲粮添加PQQ显著提高了初生仔猪和母猪血清总超氧化物歧化酶、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶活性及还原型谷胱甘肽含量(P0.05),显著降低了血清丙二醛含量(P0.05),对血清过氧化氢酶活性、总抗氧化能力及氧化型谷胱甘肽含量均无显著影响(P0.05)。综合得出,围产期饲粮中添加PQQ较维生素E和有机硒对母猪繁殖性能无显著影响,能显著增强围产期母猪及初生仔猪的血清抗氧化功能。  相似文献   

对产后母猪和断奶仔猪饲喂有效微生物菌群(EM),研究其对仔猪生产性能的影响。从产前7d开始给母猪基础饲料中添加5mL/kg的EM菌液,选产仔数不少于8头的3头母猪及其仔猪连续饲喂EM菌28d,仔猪进行断奶,统计母猪的增重、仔猪初生重、断奶重,仔猪成活率等,分析添加EM菌后对母猪生产性能的影响。在这24头断奶仔猪饲料中添加EM菌的饲料,饲喂至60日龄,统计仔猪的增重、采食量、料重比、发病数等,分析EM菌断奶仔猪生产性能的影响。另外选取3头同品种、同批次生产、产仔数相同的母猪及其仔猪饲料中不添加EM菌作为对照。结果表明,母猪产后日均采食量较对照组提高12.07%,仔猪的初生重较对照组提高15.90%,产活仔数提高了12.09%,断奶重增加9.09%,断奶头数增多20.99%,断奶成活率提高8.81%。断奶后仔猪试验组的平均采食量较对照组提高10.26%,料重比降低了7.14%,发病率下降了50.03%。说明EM菌对母猪和仔猪的生产性能均有提高作用,研究结果为EM菌在生猪养殖中的应用提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

This study was conducted to compare effects of dietary administration of iron dextran and bacterial‐iron on growth performance, fecal microbial flora, and blood profiles in sows and their litters. A total of 20 multiparous sows (Landrace × Yorkshire) were randomly allotted into two treatments: (i) ID (basal diet, piglets were injected with iron dextran); (ii) BR (basal diet + bacterial‐iron; bacterial‐iron was given to sows, piglets were not injected with iron dextran). There were five replicates per treatment with two sows per replicate. No differences were observed on sow and piglet growth performance, fecal microbial flora as well as sow blood profiles between ID and BR treatments. In piglets, blood iron, red blood cell and hemoglobin concentrations in ID treatment were higher (P < 0.05) on days 12 and 24. Furthermore, concentration of white blood cells in BR treatment was lower (P < 0.05) on day 12. However, the percentage of lymphocytes on day 12 was increased (P < 0.05) in BR treatment. In conclusion, effect of iron dextran and bacterial‐iron has no difference on growth performance in lactating sows and piglets, but iron dextran injection has higher blood iron, white blood cell, red blood cell and hemoglobin concentrations in piglets.  相似文献   

Four groups of 12 pregnant sows of the same genetic background, with similar litter size, living under the same housing conditions and having the same hygienic and nutritional standards, were used. In control animals (gC), a basic feed was provided, in which the dietary level of alpha-tocopherol was 20 mg/kg of feed and that of selenium (Se) was 0.45 mg/kg of feed (standard ration). Sows in the second group (gE) received basic feed supplemented with 30 mg alpha-tocopherol per kg (50 mg/kg of feed, in total). To those in the third group (gSe) basic feed was provided but additionally they were injected with 30 mg Se (sodium selenite) on days 30, 60 and 90 of pregnancy. For the sows in the fourth group (gESe), basic feed was supplemented with 30 mg alpha-tocopherol per kg. In addition they received 30 mg injectable Se (sodium selenite) on days 30, 60 and 90 of pregnancy. The experiment started on day 30 of pregnancy and lasted until weaning day (28 days post-farrowing). It was found that alpha-tocopherol and selenium act synergistically. Piglets born from sows in gESe had the highest immunoglobulin concentration level up to weaning day. All productive and clinical parameters (number of piglets born/litter, number of weaned piglets/litter, and piglets' average body weight at birth and on weaning day) were greater in these piglets in comparison with the animals of the other groups. Diarrhoea problems were minimal in the piglets in gESe.  相似文献   

Keeping of piglets on slatted metal floor, without complementary iron supply, caused anaemia within seven days from parturition. Hb levels in the blood dropped from 7.00 +/- 1.16 to 3.47 +/- 0.74 mmol/l. Iron deficit reduced growth and vitality. The iron levels in blood plasma of the piglets tested varied between 5 and 35 mumol/l, immediately after parturition. Intraperitoneal or oral administration of Fe-dextran (150 mg Fe) on the first day after parturition resulted in physiological iron levels in blood plasma, after seven days. Yet, when 14 days had passed, the levels were similar to those recorded from piglets without additional iron supply. Iron bonding capacity of blood plasma increased in piglets of all groups up to the seventh day from birth. Death occurred, on the second day of age, to many piglets with protein levels below 50 g/l plasma. Copper levels in blood plasma of newborn piglets were below those recordable from sows, but they went up by more than three times of their original values up to the seventh day from birth. In piglets, zinc, levels of blood plasma after parturition were higher than those of sows and went up by some 50 percent, within seven days from birth.  相似文献   

The current study was carried out to determine the effects of alpha‐lipoic acid (LA) supplementation during late‐gestation and lactation on antioxidative ability and performance of sows and their nursing piglets. A total of 160 multiparous sows were randomly allocated to four treatments with 40 replicates per treatment according to parity number and backfat (BF) thickness. Sows were fed 1 of 4 diets from day 85 of gestation to day 21 of lactation. Diets were control without LA; 400 ppm LA supplementation; 600 ppm LA supplementation; and 800 ppm LA supplementation. BF thickness of sows was determined on day 85 and 110 of gestation and days 1 and 21 of lactation. Piglet bodyweight was measured at birth, days 7, 14 and 21. Blood samples were obtained from the sows, and average daily feed intake (ADFI) of the sows during lactation was recorded. There were no differences in BF thickness or ADFI among treatment groups. Dietary LA supplementation resulted in a decrease in blood urea nitrogen (p < 0.01) concentration at days 110 of gestation. Dietary 800 ppm LA increased serum glutathione peroxidase (GSH‐Px) activity (p < 0.05) and reduced maleic dialdehyde levels (p < 0.01) of sows compared with the control diet at days 21 of lactation. Alpha‐lipoic acid supplementation increased the birthweight and weaning weight of piglets (p < 0.01) compared with the control group. Weight gains of piglets from sows fed the 800 ppm LA diets were greater (p < 0.01) between days 7 and 14 compared with piglets from control sows. Weight gains of piglets from sows fed the LA‐supplemented diets were greater between days 14 and 21 (p < 0.05) and between days 1 and 21 (p < 0.01) compared with piglets from control‐fed sows. In conclusion, the results indicate that antioxidant LA was effective in enhancing antioxidant enzymes activity and improving the performance of sows and their nursing piglets.  相似文献   

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