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动物的肠道内有复杂而动态的微生物生态系统,这些微生物通过促进营养摄取、宿主防御、免疫调节等,在维持机体健康方面起着至关重要的作用。菌落的结构组成因母体、饲粮、环境、生理状态变化及自身菌种间互作等因素而不同。水禽(鸭和鹅)属于卵生动物,与哺乳动物相比,其肠道的微生物系统具有特殊性。作者介绍了水禽肠道微生物的建立、肠段不同部位的微生物群结构组成特征及发育性变化,从肠道微生物对水禽生长性能、养分消化吸收的影响,以及与免疫系统的关系3个方面阐述了水禽肠道微生物的主要功能,同时通过饲粮组成、动物体生理状态、外界环境因素、微生物自身因素及互作等4个方面分析了影响水禽肠道微生物的多重因素,并对水禽肠道微生物今后的研究思路及发展方向进行了展望,以期为养殖中饲料配方设计、改善肠道健康、提高生产效益等提供理论依据,从而为从肠道微生物这一崭新靶点精准调控水禽的营养、免疫和生长过程,以及水禽肠道微生物的进一步深入研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

牦牛是青藏高原代表性的反刍动物,其肠道是重要的消化吸收部位和免疫器官。肠道微生物不仅与宿主消化吸收、生理健康、疾病的发生和发展密切相关,而且对宿主适应不同的地理环境极其重要。近年来,探究各种因素对牦牛肠道微生物组成和功能的影响成为研究热点。本文主要从海拔、饲料、疾病等因素与牦牛肠道微生物结构的关系进行阐述,以期为牦牛的生产管理及肠道微生物研究提供参考。  相似文献   

正人们低估了肠道微生物菌群及其遗传学对动物健康和生长性能的影响。饲料和抗生素仅是少数能改变动物肠道微生物菌群组成的物质。遗传学在动物生长和存活性状中起着重要的作用,这并不是什么新的观点;但是,肠道微生物菌群的遗传组成及其对上述性状的影响却很少能成为人们的理论和研究  相似文献   

鹅的粪便是由饲料中未消化吸收部分以及体内代谢产物、消化道粘膜脱落和分泌物、肠道微生物及其分解产物等共同组成的.在实际生产中.鹅粪便中还含有在喂料及鹅采食时洒落的饲料、脱落的羽毛、破蛋等。而在地面平养时,收集到的则是鹅粪和垫料的混合物。鹅的相对采食量大,消化能力差.因此.鹅粪便产量很大.  相似文献   

正益生菌又称益生素,是指可以直接饲喂动物并通过调节动物肠道微生态平衡达到预防疾病、促进动物生长和提高饲料利用率的活性微生物或其培养物,又称为微生态制剂或微生物饲料添加剂。目前,我国微生物饲料添加剂的年产量为1万吨左右,远跟不上饲料工业的发展与畜牧业生产的需要。现代研究证实,在养猪生产中猪只饲养失调,生产性能下降,产品品质不佳,多种肠道疾病的发  相似文献   

<正>益生菌又称益生素,是指可以直接饲喂动物并通过调节动物肠道微生态平衡达到预防疾病、促进动物生长和提高饲料利用率的活性微生物或其培养物,又称为微生态制剂或微生物饲料添加剂。目前我国微生物饲料添加剂的年产量约为1万吨左右,远跟不上饲料工业的发展与畜牧业生产的需要。现代研究证实,在养猪生产中猪只营养失调,生产性能下降,产品品质不佳,多种肠道疾病的发生,  相似文献   

鸡肠道微生物组成及影响因素的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动物肠道内的复杂菌群对动物机体的代谢和免疫有重要作用。鸡肠道微生物的生长定植容易受到如日龄、饲粮、饲料添加剂和环境等多种因素的影响。维持肠道内有益微生物群落多样性和微生态平衡是保证肠道发挥正常生理功能的前提。文章阐述了鸡肠道微生物的组成多样性和影响其组成的因素,旨在为对鸡肠道菌群的进一步研究提供理论依据。  相似文献   

维持家禽肠道健康对家禽发挥最大的生长性能具有重要作用。我国饲料生产已进入"后抗生素"时代,研究建立符合绿色生态畜牧业发展需求的综合营养技术体系来调控家禽肠道健康势在必行且完全可能。文章先简析了家禽肠道疾病的病因及其危害,再从供给清洁饲料、抑杀或阻断病原微生物、坚固肠道屏障和增强免疫机能等多维角度来论述防控肠道疾病的技术方案,以期保障"后抗生素"饲料时代养殖业提质增效。  相似文献   

正肠道微生物对动物获取、存储和消耗能量等方面起着重要作用。随着新技术的发展,科研人员已经能够对肠道微生物组成进行系统的研究,例如:肠道微生物失衡与肥胖及相关疾病的联系。从养殖业、实验动物和人方面的大量研究数据表明,调控肠道微生物组成可导致体重改变。上个世纪,在养殖生产过程中将生长促进剂添加到动物饲料,可以改善动物健康状况并显著降低养殖生产成本。生长速度的增加通常能够降低动物的生产成本,并且  相似文献   

赵怀宝 《饲料研究》2023,(6):101-106
肠道微生物群有助于宿主肠道发挥多种生理功能,对改善猪的肠道健康、提高猪的生产性能具有重要作用。肠道微生物具有很强的可塑性,易受饮食、抗生素的摄入、病原体感染、宿主状况、外界环境等因素的影响。饮食的变化是影响肠道微生物群的主要因素。很多营养素和饲料添加剂具有调控猪肠道微生物的结构组成、促进肠道健康的作用。调节日粮营养素水平、补充饲料添加剂是猪生产中常用干预肠道微生物方法之一。文章综述膳食营养素和饲料添加剂(益生菌、益生元、酶制剂和植物生物素等)对猪肠道微生物群的影响,为其在猪生产中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

近年来,通过运用新的分子微生物学技术以及数据分析方法,许多研究证实饲用酶制剂不仅会促进机体对营养物质的消化吸收,而且会影响肠道中特定微生物的发育。其机理可能是通过调节食糜的物理化学性状以及肠道微生物所需营养物质的量,同时提高具有潜在益生效应物质的含量,从而影响肠道微生态的发育,本文拟总结饲粮添加饲用酶制剂对单胃动物肠道微生态的影响并探讨相关机理。  相似文献   

The intestinal immune system is affected by various factors during its development, such as maternal antibodies, host genes, intestinal microbial composition and activity, and various stresses (such as weaning stress). Intestinal microbes may have an important impact on the development of the host immune system. Appropriate interventions such as probiotics may have a positive effect on intestinal immunity by regulating the composition and activity of intestinal microbes. Moreover, probiotics participate in the regulation of host health in many ways; for instance, by improving digestion and the absorption of nutrients, immune response, increasing the content of intestinal-beneficial microorganisms, and inhibiting intestinal-pathogenic bacteria, and they participate in regulating intestinal diseases in various ways. Probiotics are widely used as additives in livestock and the poultry industry and bring health benefits to hosts by improving intestinal microbes and growth performance, which provides more choices for promoting strong and efficient productivity.  相似文献   

Heat stress is a very universal stress event in recent years. Various lines of evidence in the past literatures indicate that gut microbiota composition is susceptible to variable temperature. A varied microbiota is necessary for optimal regulation of host signaling pathways and disrupting microbiota-host homeostasis that induces disease pathology. The microbiota–gut–brain axis involves an interactive mode of communication between the microbes colonizing the gut and brain function. This review summarizes the effects of heat stress on intestinal function and microbiota–gut–brain axis. Heat stress negatively affects intestinal immunity and barrier functions. Microbiota-gut-brain axis is involved in the homeostasis of the gut microbiota, at the same time, heat stress affects the metabolites of microbiota which could alter the function of microbiota–gut–brain axis. We aim to bridge the evidence that the microbiota is adapted to survive and thrive in an extreme environment. Additionally, nutritional strategies for alleviating intestinal heat stress are introduced.  相似文献   

饲粮纤维影响猪肠道健康的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
肠道健康包括有效的营养物质吸收、稳定的肠道微生物群落及健全的免疫功能等多个方面。肠道的健康状况决定了动物的健康状况。肠道健康取决于饲粮、肠道黏膜和肠道微生物群落3个主要方面。饲粮纤维是由纤维素、半纤维素、果胶和木质素等组成的成分和结构复杂的混合物,具有改善肠道营养物质吸收、降低肠道环境p H、改变有益菌与潜在致病菌比例、优化肠道微生物群落组成及加强黏膜屏障作用等功能。来源不同和理化性质相异的饲粮纤维对肠道健康的影响及作用机理并不一致。本文就饲粮纤维的分类、理化性质及其对肠道健康影响的研究进展进行综述,以促进饲粮纤维在猪饲粮生产上的进一步广泛合理利用。  相似文献   

哺乳动物的肠道内栖息着庞大复杂的微生物群体,其微生物群体与宿主的消化吸收、物质的营养代谢和免疫功能密切相关,是影响机体健康的重要因素之一。随着分子生物学技术在肠道微生物领域的应用,特别是新一代测序技术的快速发展,使得人们对复杂的肠道微生物的研究更加深入。基于宏基因组学技术不仅能够研究肠道微生物组的多样性、揭示消化道微生物对宿主生理代谢的影响,还能进一步深入挖掘新的功能基因,并揭示宿主基因与微生物组间的互作关系和共同进化。作者综述了宏基因组学技术在哺乳动物肠道微生物中的主要应用和存在的不足,并展望了其在肠道微生物研究中的广阔应用前景,从而加深人们对肠道微生物影响宿主肠道健康作用的认识。  相似文献   

温度是一个重要的非生物环境变量,能够驱动动物谱系的适应轨迹和动物群落的组成。环境温度作为影响动物肠道微生物菌群变化的众多因素之一,能够影响肠道微生物菌群的组成及丰度,进而调控宿主生长、发育、繁殖、免疫等生物学过程及功能。动物肠道核心菌群的组成及其代谢产物在不同温度下存在显著差异,在单胃动物、反刍动物等中都有相应的报道。极端温度主要通过诱导肠道微生物菌群产生结构和功能上的差异,进而对宿主表型产生影响。目前,对于温度如何影响动物肠道菌群的了解仍非常有限。本文针对不同环境温度条件下,肠道微生物菌群结构和功能的差异及相关研究进行了总结及综述。探讨由环境温度引起的肠道微生物菌群与宿主适应机制之间的关系,包括对宿主产热机制、消化系统和免疫系统等其他方面的影响并开展研究,将为肠道微生物对宿主健康的调节提供参考和思路。  相似文献   

目前养猪业的饲料替抗方向大多专注于猪只肠道,主要针对肠道抗菌、抑菌、免疫调节、菌群调理和消化率提升等方面进行研究与尝试,往往忽略了肠道与肺部之间的关联性。替抗的本质是通过调节健康、调理代谢来改善猪只的生产性能。文章主要从三个方面阐述了肠道与肺部的关系,即肺部供氧状态与肠道结构功能之间的关系,肠道菌群平衡、肠道代谢产物变化与肺部功能之间的关系以及两者之间神经联系等,并提出"肺肠同制"理念,以期为替抗工作提供新思路。  相似文献   

Since the first publication on “regional ileitis”, the relevance of this chronic inflammatory disease condition termed finally as Crohn's disease is continuously increasing. Although we are beginning to comprehend certain aspects of its pathogenesis, many facets remain unexplored. Host's gut microbiota is involved in a wide range of physiological and pathological processes including immune system development, and pathogen regulation. Further, the microbiome is thought to play a key role in Crohn's disease. The presence of Crohn's-associated variants of NOD2 and ATG16L genes appears to be associated not only with alterations of mucosal barrier functions, and bacterial killing, but the gut microbiota, as well, reflecting a potential relationship between the host's genotype and intestinal dysbiosis, involved in disease etiology. This review aims to characterize some exciting new aspect of Crohn's disease pathology, focusing mainly on the role of intestinal microbes, and their interplay with the immune system of the host.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate host–microbiota interactions and explore the effects of maternal gut microbiota transplantation on the growth and intestinal functions of newborns in a germ-free (GF) pig model. Twelve hysterectomy-derived GF Bama piglets were reared in 6 sterile isolators. Among them, 6 were considered as the GF group, and the other 6 were orally inoculated with healthy sow fecal suspension as fecal microbiota transplanted (FMT) group. Another 6 piglets from natural birth were regarded as the conventional (CV) group. The GF and FMT groups were hand-fed with Co60-γ-irradiated sterile milk powder, while the CV group was reared by lactating Bama sows. All groups were fed for 21 days. Then, all piglets and then were switched to sterile feed for another 21 days. Results showed that the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and concentrations of short-chain fatty acids in the GF group decreased (P < 0.05). Meanwhile, the serum urea nitrogen concentration and digesta pH values in the GF group increased compared with those in the FMT and CV groups (P < 0.05). Compared with the CV group, the GF group demonstrated upregulation in the mRNA expression levels of intestinal barrier function-related genes in the small intestine (P < 0.05). In addition, the mRNA abundances of intestinal development and absorption-related genes in the small intestine and colon were higher in the GF group than in the CV and FMT groups (P < 0.05). The FMT group exhibited greater growth performance, lipase activity, and nutrient digestibility (P < 0.05), higher mRNA expression levels of intestinal development and barrier-related genes in the small intestine (P < 0.05), and lower mRNA abundances of pro-inflammatory factor in the colon and jejunum (P < 0.05) than the CV group. In conclusion, the absence of gut microbes impaired the growth and nutrient digestibility, and healthy sow gut microbiota transplantation increased the growth and nutrient digestibility and improved the intestinal development and barrier function of newborn piglets, indicating the importance of intestinal microbes for intestinal development and functions.  相似文献   

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