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动物饲粮主要是以植物饲料原料为主体配制而成的饲料类型.然而,植物饲料原料中的磷元素主要的存在方式是植酸磷.植酸磷不易被动物所利用,因此,为了满足动物对磷元素的需求,往往会在饲料中添加磷酸氢钙等额外的磷元素,这样做导致的后果是增加了饲料成本,并且动物排到体外的磷元素也大大增加,既不经济也不利于环境保护.植酸酶是一种能够将植酸以及植酸盐分解为磷酸盐和肌醇的一类酶,饲粮中添加植酸酶能够提高动物对饲料中磷元素的利用.有研究表明,植酸酶还能够提高动物对蛋白质、氨基酸、矿物质元素的利用率,提高动物的生产性能.本文主要从植酸酶的作用和饲粮中添加植酸酶对猪生产的影响这两方面综述植酸酶的功效,以期为我国猪生产上减少其他磷元素等矿物质饲料提供依据,也希望能够为降低我国猪生产的饲料成本提供指导.  相似文献   

植酸广泛存在于粮食、饲料中,与磷及其他养分结合形成不溶性的络合物,降低磷和其他养分利用率。植酸酶能够分解植酸及其盐类,释放出磷元素及其他养分,因而可以在饲料中添加植酸酶来减少磷酸氢钙用量。但如果饲料中降低了磷酸氢钙添加量,而忘记添加植酸酶会造成动物缺磷,导致饲料产品质量降低,动物生产性能及产品品质下降,因而,监控检测饲料中植酸酶活性对保证饲料产品质量至关重要。目前,植酸酶常用的检测方法不适合饲料生产及畜禽养殖企业现场实时检测。本文提出了用免疫学检测技术检测植酸酶活性的设想,并展望了免疫学技术在植酸酶活性检测中应用前景。  相似文献   

植酸酶在饲料中的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
植酸酶是降解植物性饲料中植酸(肌醇六磷酸酯)及其盐类的一种脂酶。植物饲料中的磷由于大部分存在于植酸及植酸盐中,难以被单胃动物利用,随粪便排出,污染环境,并且植酸通过螯合作用还降低了动物对锌、锰、铁、钙和钾等主要矿物元素以及蛋白质的利用率。植酸酶可促进饲料中植酸和植酸盐的分解,使磷得以被动物利用,促进动物生长发育,同时有利于改善饲养环境,减少污染。本文拟从植酸磷的性质、植酸酶的生物特性及研究应用现状诸方面来论述在饲料中添加植酸酶的重要意义和应用前景。1植酸磷的性质植酸或植酸盐几乎存在于所有植物性饲…  相似文献   

432只艾维因肉仔鸡用于研究小麦基础日粮中添加木聚糖酶(320FXU/kg)或添加750U/kg植酸酶降低日粮中0.08%的非植酸磷后,对生长性能、日粮表观代谢能、粗蛋白和植酸磷表观消化率的影响。试验结果表明:无论是单一添加木聚糖酶或植酸酶,还是同时添加这两种酶,都能提高1-6周龄肉仔鸡的增重和饲料转化率,降低死亡率。添加木聚糖酶可提高肉仔鸡小麦日粮的表观代谢能2.14%,增加氮的存留量2.58%。750U/kg的植酸酶完全可以降低肉仔鸡小麦日粮中0.08%非植酸磷。添加植酸酶的处理组可提高植酸磷的表观消化率43.25%,减少植酸磷排泄量55.0%。植酸酶和木聚糖酶对全期饲料转化率和植酸磷的表观消化率表现有明显的正互作效应(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

植酸酶作为一种新型的酶制剂,可以作为动物饲料添加剂使用。添加到猪饲料中后,植酸酶能提高猪对植酸磷的利用率,还能降低粪便中磷的排放,减少磷污染。不仅如此,饲料中添加植酸酶,可显著提高钙、镁、锌、锰等矿物元素的生物利用率,且促进了动物矿物质营养的平衡,进而保持动物组织结构的完整性,促进了软骨和骨细胞的有序化。植酸酶还能够促使与植酸相结合的氨基酸和蛋白质释放出来,增加消化酶量和底物蛋白质浓度,从而提高蛋白质和氨基酸的利用率。植酸酶用作猪饲料添加剂能够显著提高猪的饲料利用率和采食量,从而提高日增重、提高生产性能。  相似文献   

马玺  单安山 《广东饲料》2002,11(2):17-20
植物植酸酶不但能分解内源植酸磷,对外源植酸磷同样有明显的降解作用。在饲粮中添加植酸酶活性高的植物性饲料,可提高猪和家禽对植酸磷的利用率,降低粪便中磷的排泄量,提高生产性能。麦类籽实中具有较高的天然植酸酶活性,发芽能显著提高种子中植酸酶的活性,因而有希望通过发芽提高麦类籽实中的植酸酶活性,经提纯浓缩后可达到在实际生产中应用的水平,从而减少在饲料中添加无机磷或价格昂贵的微生物植酸酶。  相似文献   

畜禽日粮中添加植酸酶,可以提高其对日粮中Ca、P等矿物元素的利用率,减少磷及植酸磷的排泄量达10%-30%,减轻环境污染程度。同时植酸酶的添加提高了饲料中多种养分的消化率,并可在一定程度上降低饲料成本。  相似文献   

植酸酶广泛存在于动物、植物和微生物中,是一类能将植酸分解为肌醇和无机磷的磷酸单脂水解酶.植酸酶在饲料中可以释放饲料中以植酸磷形式存在的磷,不但能提高动物对植物磷的吸收利用率,而且可以降解植酸盐蛋白质络合物,减少植酸盐对微量元素的螯合,提高动物对植物蛋白的利用率及植物饲料的营养价值,减少动物排泄物中有机磷的含量和动物饲料中矿物质磷的添加量.文章就植酸酶在鸡生产中的应用做一综述.  相似文献   

植酸酶在饲料中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
植酸酶是一种畜禽饲料添加剂,能有效地降解植酸盐,将植酸磷(六磷酸肌醇)降解为肌醇和无机磷,解除植酸的抗营养作用。植酸酶应用于饲料中,不仅可以提高植物性饲料中植酸磷的消化率,减少无机磷的添加量和磷排泄污染,还可以改善和提高畜禽对饲料中蛋白质、能量、氨基酸和微量元素的利用率,提高动物的生产性能。  相似文献   

植酸酶的研究进展   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
植酸酶是能降解饲料中植酸及其盐的酶。它能提高磷利用率,解除植酸对一些矿物元素如钙、锌、铁、铜等的抗营养效应,不仅对动物具有良好的增重效果,同时可降低动物排泄磷量,有利于环境保护。植酸酶作为饲料添加剂其作用效果受到饲料中钙、磷水平和钙磷比例以及维生素D含量的影响。植酸酶的运用需要降低饲料中钙、磷水平,维生素D与植酸酶之间可能存在协同效应。对植酸酶运用的经济分析表明,使用植酸酶能代替饲料中需添加的无机磷。  相似文献   

The present study gives an overview on the whole mechanism of phytate degradation in the gut and the enzymes involved. Based on the similarity of the human and pigs gut, the study was carried out in pigs as model for humans. To differentiate between intrinsic feed phytases and endogenous phytases hydrolysing phytate in the gut, two diets, one high (control diet) and the other one very low in intrinsic feed phytases (phytase inactivated diet) were applied. In the chyme of stomach, small intestine and colon inositol phosphate isomers and activities of phytases and alkaline phosphatases were determined. In parallel total tract phytate degradation and apparent phosphorus digestibility were assessed. In the stomach chyme of pigs fed the control diet, comparable high phytase activity and strong phytate degradation were observed. The predominant phytate hydrolysis products were inositol phosphates, typically formed by plant phytases. For the phytase inactivated diet, comparable very low phytase activity and almost no phytate degradation in the stomach were determined. In the small intestine and colon, high activity of alkaline phosphatases and low activity of phytases were observed, irrespective of the diet fed. In the colon, stronger phytate degradation for the phytase inactivated diet than for the control diet was detected. Phytate degradation throughout the whole gut was nearly complete and very similar for both diets while the apparent availability of total phosphorus was significantly higher for the pigs fed the control diet than the phytase inactivated diet. The pathway of inositol phosphate hydrolysis in the gut has been elucidated.  相似文献   

植酸酶是一种新型饲料添加剂,它能提高动物对饲料中植酸磷的利用率,降低粪便中磷的排泄量。本文对植酸的化学结构、理化性质与植酸酶的来源、生物学特性,并对影响植酸酶活力的因素及其在畜禽生产中的最新应用研究作了简要介绍。  相似文献   

本试验通过添加植酸酶、有机酸(柠檬酸、抗坏血酸)和维生素D3、木聚糖酶来减少无机磷的添加量,提高饲料中植酸磷的利用率,降低磷的排泄量。选择30 kg左右的"斯格"纯种猪70头,随机分成7组:常磷组、低磷日粮组(NC)、NC+600 U/kg植酸酶组、NC+600 U/kg植酸酶+10 g/kg的柠檬酸、NC+600 U/kg植酸酶+10 g/kg的柠檬酸+200 mg/kg抗坏血酸、NC+600 U/kg植酸酶+10 g/kg的柠檬酸+200 mg/kg抗坏血酸+100μg/kg的维生素D3、不添加磷酸氢钙。所有日粮中都添加50 mg/kg木聚糖酶。结果表明:低磷日粮添加植酸酶、有机酸(柠檬酸、抗坏血酸)和维生素D3,平均日采食量无显著影响(P0.05),日增重显著提高(P0.05),料重比显著降低(P0.05);养分消化率均显著提高;血液指标着中,白蛋白显著降低(P0.05),碱性磷酸酶、总蛋白、谷草、谷丙转氨酶无影响(P0.05)。  相似文献   

Phytate formed during maturation of plant seeds and grains is a common constituent of plant-derived fish feed. Phytate-bound phosphorus (P) is not available to gastric or agastric fish. A major concern about the presence of phytate in the aquafeed is its negative effect on growth performance, nutrient and energy utilization, and mineral uptake. Bound phytate-P, can be effectively converted to available-P by phytase. During the last decade, phytase has been used by aqua feed industries to enhance the growth performance, nutrient utilization and bioavailability of macro and micro minerals in fish and also to reduce the P pollution into the aquatic environment. Phytase activity is highly dependent on the pH of the fish gut. Unlike mammals, fish are either gastric or agastric, and hence, the action of dietary phytase varies from species to species. In comparison to poultry and swine production, the use of phytase in fish feed is still in an unproven stage. This review discusses effects of phytate on fish, dephytinisation processes, phytase and pathway for phytate degradation, phytase production systems, mode of phytase application, bioefficacy of phytase, effects of phytase on growth performance, nutrient utilization and aquatic environment pollution, and optimum dosage of phytase in fish diets.  相似文献   

Phytate is an antinutrient in animal feeds, reducing the availability and increasing the excretion of nutrients. Phytases are widely used to mitigate the negative influences of phytate. This trial was designed to compare the efficacy of 2 Escherichia coli-derived phytases on broiler performance and bone ash as influenced by dietary phytate level. A total of 1,024 Arbor Acres male broilers were used with 8 replicate pens of 16 birds/pen. Experimental diets were based on low available phosphorus (avP; 1.8 g/kg) with low (6.40 g/kg) or high (10.65 g/kg) phytate. The low-avP diets were then supplemented with mono-dicalcium phosphate to increase the avP level to 4.5 g/kg, 500 phytase units/kg of phytase A, or 500 phytase units/kg of phytase B to create 8 experimental diets. Feed intake, BW gain, FCR, and livability were influenced by a P source × phytase interaction. Feed intake, BW gain, and livability were reduced and FCR was higher in broilers fed low-avP diets, particularly in the presence of high phytate. Phytase A or phytase B improved feed intake, BW gain, and FCR, particularly in the high-phytate diet. However, broilers fed phytase A ate more and were heavier than broilers fed phytase B. Tibia ash was lowest in broilers fed the low-avP diet and highest in broilers fed the diet supplemented with mono-dicalcium phosphate. Phytase increased tibia ash, and broilers fed phytase A had an increase in tibia ash compared with broilers fed phytase B. In conclusion, high dietary phytate reduced broiler performance. Phytase A and phytase B improved bone ash and growth performance, especially in the high-phytate diets. However, phytase A was more efficacious than phytase B, regardless of the level of phytate.  相似文献   

饲用植酸酶来源及功能研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
植酸酶是一种畜禽饲料添加剂,能有效地将植酸磷降解为肌醇和无机磷,解除植酸的抗营养作用。本文综述了植酸酶的特性、种类、来源及其在动物生产中的应用。  相似文献   

植酸酶作为一种畜禽饲料添加剂,能有效地将植酸磷降解为肌醇和无机磷,消除植酸的抗营养作用。本文综述了植酸酶的来源、影响酶作用的因素及其在畜禽生产中的应用。  相似文献   

植酸磷和植酸酶研究进展   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:16  
大量研究结果显示,植酸酶在动物生产和环境保护方面具有很好的应用前景。本文从植酸磷和有效磷的关系、植酸磷测定方法、饲料中的植酸磷含量、植酸酶的来源和植酸酶在畜禽饲料中的应用等方面,就近10年来对植酸磷和植酸酶的研究动态和进展进行了简要综述。  相似文献   

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