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牛的疥癣病是一种常见的多发性慢性、传染性皮肤病。这种病又叫做螨病,人们俗称"癞"病,本病是由于各种螨虫寄生在牛的皮肤内而引起的。但对牛危害较大的寄生螨虫主要有疥螨虫、痒螨虫2个寄生虫种。螨虫的体形非常小,体表覆盖有较厚的角皮,螨虫体躯的干部位是不分节的,螨虫体一般大都呈现卵圆形或者圆形,其长度是0. 2~0. 8 mm,前后各有两对脚。一般情况下,雌性螨虫要比雄性螨虫大一点。各种动物均可被螨虫侵袭、寄生而发病,螨虫的传染途径大多为直接性接触传染,但也有中间媒介物间接性的传染。  相似文献   

1 疥螨病 疥螨病又叫疥癣,俗称癞病.通常所称的疥螨病是指由于疥螨科的螨寄生于畜禽体表面引起的慢性寄生性皮肤病,剧痒、湿疹性皮炎、被毛脱落、患部逐渐向周围扩展和具有高度传染性是本病特症.皮毛动物狐、貉、犬等是螨虫寄生的很好宿主.  相似文献   

阿维菌素是近年来研制的一种新型的抗生素类驱虫药,对动物的体内线虫、体表的螨虫均有很好的驱杀作用。目前家庭饲养的宠物犬体表常有螨虫寄生(疥螨、痒螨),其中疥螨为人畜共患的体外寄生虫,给人类的健康带来威胁,同时犬体内常有蛔虫、钩虫寄生也给犬的健康带来严重的损害。为了保护人类的健康  相似文献   

1病原微生物侵害宿主的结果 微生物杀死宿主,同时也使本身陷入生存危机,病原微生物需要以活体细胞或物质为食。自身可能被宿主的免疫系统消灭和完全驱除体外。病原微生物与宿主达成寄生关系。病原微生物寄生在动物身体上,从动物那里索取少量食物,同时不致引起动物强烈免疫反应。  相似文献   

人畜共患住肉孢子虫是一种寄生在人和动物的肌肉或肠道中的原生动物寄生虫,需要在两个不同种的宿主循环,才能完成其生活史。无性发育阶段通常发生在中间宿主完成,有性发育阶段在终末宿主完成。林氏住肉孢子虫人为其中间宿主,人住肉孢子虫人是终末宿主。本文根据文献和自己的研究成果综述了人畜共患住肉孢子虫发现史、形态生活史、发病机制、症状体征与治疗、人和动物流行病学及防治措施。  相似文献   

阿维菌素是近年来研制的一种新型的抗生素类驱虫药,对动物的体内线虫、体表的螨虫均有很好的驱杀作用。目前家庭饲养的宠物犬体表常有螨虫寄生(疥螨、痒螨),其中疥螨为人畜共患的体外寄生虫,给人类的健康带来威胁,同时犬体内常有蛔虫、钩虫寄生  相似文献   

<正>寄生是指在一定条件下两种生物在一起生活,其中一方受益,另一方受害,后者给前者提供营养物质和居住场所,这种生活关系称为寄生。受损害的一方称为宿主,而受益的,过寄生生活的多细胞的无脊椎动物和单细胞的原生生物一方称为寄生虫。以生物种类分类广义上来说,细菌和病毒也是寄生虫。寄生是出现在寄生虫与宿主之间的一种特定关系。寄生虫进入宿主,对宿主产生不同的损害;同时宿主对寄生虫产生不同程度的抵御能力,设法把寄生虫清除。其结果寄生虫可能  相似文献   

三、犬的寄生虫病 螨虫病 犬的螨虫病,俗称“癞皮狗”病,患病犬伴有剧痒、脱毛和湿疹性皮炎,严重时出现皮肤增厚,大面积掉毛,形成痂皮。该病因剧痒严重影响肉犬的休息,还会因搔痒引起皮炎继发感染,影响肉犬经济效益。 一、病因:由犬体表寄生螨虫引起,一般寄生的螨虫包括疥螨、耳痒螨和蠕形螨三种,因寄生部位不同而得  相似文献   

黑龙江某毛皮动物饲养场发生了疥螨病,经过正确防治得到了控制,以后没有再发生该病。毛皮动物螨虫病是由疥螨科和痒螨科所属的螨虫寄生于毛皮动物的皮肤内所引发的一种外寄生虫病。患病动物是主要的传染源,可通过和其他健康动物的直接接触传播本病,也可通过污染的笼舍、食盆、产箱以及工作服、手套等间接传播。剧痒为疥螨的主要症  相似文献   

姬螯螨是一种温和的,非化脓性的,可传染的皮炎,由肉食螨科的一种寄生于皮肤表面的螨虫引起.也被称为"会行走的皮屑".姬螯螨主要有三个虫种:布氏姬螯螨(猫),寄食姬螯螨(兔子)和雅氏姬螯螨(犬).螨虫不是严格的宿主特异性寄生虫,也有可能传染给人.  相似文献   

Zoonotic hepatitis E: animal reservoirs and emerging risks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is responsible for enterically-transmitted acute hepatitis in humans with two distinct epidemiological patterns. In endemic regions, large waterborne epidemics with thousands of people affected have been observed, and, in contrast, in non-endemic regions, sporadic cases have been described. Although contaminated water has been well documented as the source of infection in endemic regions, the modes of transmission in non-endemic regions are much less known. HEV is a single-strand, positive-sense RNA virus which is classified in the Hepeviridae family with at least four known main genotypes (1–4) of mammalian HEV and one avian HEV. HEV is unique among the known hepatitis viruses, in which it has an animal reservoir. In contrast to humans, swine and other mammalian animal species infected by HEV generally remain asymptomatic, whereas chickens infected by avian HEV may develop a disease known as Hepatitis-Splenomegaly syndrome. HEV genotypes 1 and 2 are found exclusively in humans while genotypes 3 and 4 are found both in humans and other mammals. Several lines of evidence indicate that, in some cases involving HEV genotypes 3 and 4, animal to human transmissions occur. Furthermore, individuals with direct contact with animals are at higher risk of HEV infection. Cross-species infections with HEV genotypes 3 and 4 have been demonstrated experimentally. However, not all sources of human infections have been identified thus far and in many cases, the origin of HEV infection in humans remains unknown.  相似文献   

The close genetic relationship of noroviruses and sapoviruses found in animals and humans has raised the question whether these viruses have a zoonotic potential. Transmission from animals to humans and vice versa would have far-reaching consequences for epidemiology and food safety. So far animal noro- and sapoviruses have not been found in humans. However detection of human noroviruses in animals as well as simultaneous presence of animal and human viruses in bivalve molluscs suggest a risk of transmission. Furthermore, antibodies against animal noroviruses were detected in humans as well as antibodies against human noroviruses in swine. Experimental infection of gnotobiotic calves and pigs with human noroviruses demonstrated that virus replication and seroconversion can occur. Accordingly the possible role of noro- and sapoviruses as zoonotic agents needs to be further investigated.  相似文献   

Desmin has been suggested as a possible histopathological marker for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) in humans. To test whether a similar pattern of desmin staining applies to HCM in cats, we conducted an immunohistochemical study on myocardial samples from 13 cats (HCM 4, other cardiomyopathies (OCM) 4, and control 5). The pattern of staining for desmin in HCM cats was not the same as that reported in humans, but was weaker than in OCM cats and controls. This suggested that desmin may be a possible histochemical marker for feline HCM, but our data was insufficient to clearly confirm this.  相似文献   

Blastocystis hominis is a protozoan parasite found in humans. B. hominis-like organisms have been found in a variety of animals, but have been called Blastocystis sp. because the isolates from animals were indistinguishable from B. hominis morphologically. Recent molecular studies show that some isolates from animals have genetic similarity with B. hominis. However, it has been unclear whether the isolates from animals have zoonotic potential or not. In the present study, the SSUrDNA of 19 Blastocystis isolates from these animals was sequenced in its entirety, and the phylogenetic relationship among isolates from humans and animals was clarified using available nucleotide sequences of the same locus. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the 19 isolates analyzed in the present study could be classified into seven groups (I-VII): Group I consisted of the isolates from humans, primates, cattle, pigs and birds; Group II of the isolates from humans and primates; Group III of the isolates from humans, cattle and pigs; Group IV of the isolates from primates, birds and rodents; Group V of the isolates from cattle and pigs; Groups VI and VII of the isolates from humans and birds. These results indicate that many of the isolates harboring in animals have zoonotic potential, or have cross-transmissibility among heterogeneous hosts.  相似文献   

Risk of Campylobacter infection in humans has been associated with many sources, including dogs. C. upsaliensis is the most common species found in canines, and has been occasionally isolated from symptomatic humans. This study aimed to investigate the genetic diversity of 41 C. upsaliensis isolates carried by dogs and from nine isolates carried by humans using Multilocus sequence typing (MLST). We identified considerable genetic diversity amongst the C. upsaliensis isolates from both dogs and humans, identifying 45 different sequence types (STs). All STs were new, apart from that of the reference strain. Only three STs were found in more than one isolate: ST-72 (2 isolates), ST-98 (2 isolates) and ST-104 (3 isolates). ST-104 was the only ST to be encountered in both dogs and humans. Thirty-one of the 45 STs were assigned to one of 13 clonal complexes (CCs). Four of these CCs contained STs originating from both humans and dogs. None of the CCs contained exclusively human isolates, and two isolates from dogs within the same kennel belonged to the same CC. The large amount of diversity found in both dog and human isolates of C. upsaliensis, combined with the relatively small database, made it difficult to assign strains to sources of infection. This emphasizes the need to increase the size of the database. Dog and human isolates occasionally grouped together, however there were insufficient human-derived isolates to determine whether or not dogs are a common source of infection. Although C. upsaliensis infection is rare in humans, dogs still remain a potential source, and are therefore a possible zoonotic risk. Further work is needed to investigate the epidemiology of C. upsaliensis infection in humans.  相似文献   

All mammals are colonised by Escherichia coli generally at birth and these organisms become part of their intestinal flora for the rest of their lives. New types are acquired generally by an oral route. Some E coli are pathogenic and some may have a far more enhanced ability to colonise the human intestine than most others. Recently enterohaemorrhagic E coli have emerged. They can cause a number of intestinal illnesses in humans including bloody diarrhoea and haemolytic uraemic syndrome. These organisms produce a number of virulence factors particularly the Shiga-like toxins (verotoxins). The intestines of animals may be the reservoir of these organisms for human infection, and cattle particularly have been shown to harbour them. Food, especially undercooked meat products, have been associated with a number of outbreaks throughout the world. While a certain serotype O157.H7 has been associated with many outbreaks throughout the world, other serotypes, particularly 0111.H-, have also been reported. This latter serotype appears to be more common in Australia.  相似文献   

Enhancement of the induction of cytotoxic T-cell responses by immunostimulatory CpG oligodeoxynucleotides has been described in humans and mouse models. The present study attempted to address whether CpG has a similar effect in cattle. Immunisation of cattle with a recombinant form of the polymorphic immunodominant molecule from Theileria parva emulsified with immunostimulatory CpG oligodeoxynucleotides in adjuvant had no effect on the induction of antibody responses including the isotype profile, but significantly enhanced the induction of cytolytic responses that were mediated by CD4+CD3+ T cells utilizing the perforin-granzyme pathway.  相似文献   

The epidemic of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) has been the most expensive disaster ever to have befallen farming in the UK. It is believed to have led to a new form of spongiform encephalopathy in humans and as yet there is no way of knowing how many people will die of this disease. In order to curtail the BSE epidemic major decisions had to be made, often on the basis of inadequate scientific data. These data may have been derived from experiments using small sample numbers. Here we review some examples of where this has happened, sometimes with a beneficial outcome and sometimes with a misleading outcome. The identification of BSE as a new disease depended on precise neuropathological observation of a small number of cases rather than the obvious occurrence of large numbers of sick animals. Similarly, the recognition that BSE may have led to disease in humans was based on the neuropathological and clinical picture of new variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) rather than on an increase in the number of cases of CJD in the UK. Early in the BSE epidemic the possibility that disease could be maternally transmitted from cow to calf was raised, mainly because of a belief that such transmission occurs in scrapie disease of sheep. But, we argue, the evidence for maternal transmission of scrapie, collected in the 1960s, was based on small numbers and is inadequate. Subsequent research has shown a very substantial genetic component in scrapie and epidemiological data show no excess risk in the offspring of affected ewes relative to the risk in the offspring of affected rams. An experiment to determine whether maternal transmission occurs in BSE was flawed and was unable to distinguish between maternal transmission and genetic susceptibility to environmental contamination. An assessment of the risk of BSE to humans depends on determining the levels of infectivity in tissues and transmissibility across species. Data on both of these are deficient, so it is not possible to predict how many people in the UK or elsewhere will become affected with new variant CJD in the next fifty years. The assessment of whether BSE could be transmitted to sheep and whether sheep therefore pose a risk to humans is hampered by a serious lack of evidence about the epidemiology of scrapie in the UK and elsewhere. The UK has paid a heavy price for the BSE epidemic but lessons should be learned from the experience. Every country should have a Specified Offals Ban even if it has no cases of BSE because, by the time it has, it will be too late. Furthermore, the occasional case of BSE should not be regarded as insignificant since it may be the harbinger of an epidemic in the making.  相似文献   

Urinary liver-type fatty acid-binding protein (uL-FABP) is a clinically useful biomarker for monitoring chronic kidney disease (CKD) in humans. However, long-term monitoring of uL-FABP in CKD cats has not been reported. The objective of this preliminary study was to investigate whether the urinary excretion of L-FABP could predict the deterioration of renal function in 2 CKD model cats. Urinary liver-type fatty acid-binding protein (uL-FABP) increased before standard renal biomarkers, including serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, and symmetric dimethylarginine, in 1 cat with deteriorating renal function, but remained low and relatively stable in another cat with stable renal function. Our results suggest that uL-FABP is a potential clinical biomarker for predicting the progression of CKD in cats, as it is in humans.  相似文献   

Skin barrier dysfunction exists in both human and canine atopic dermatitis, leading to increased water loss and potentially facilitating allergen penetration and sensitization. Both lipid (e.g. ceramides) and protein (e.g. filaggrin) abnormalities have been described. Some are genetically inherited (e.g. filaggrin mutations are one of the major risk factors in humans) and some are secondary and linked to inflammation. In humans, numerous studies have shown efficacy of emollients and moisturizers in barrier restoration, and this approach has been for years the mainstay of therapy. Recently, this strategy has shown promise as a preventative function. In veterinary medicine, evidence regarding skin barrier impairment is rapidly building. Decreased ceramides and filaggrin (in some subsets of dogs) have been described. Altered metabolism of ceramides has also been proposed. Despite these preliminary data and the availability of products marketed to improve the skin barrier, evidence regarding the clinical benefit of skin repair intervention is still limited. Preliminary studies have demonstrated that topical application of fatty acids and ceramides and systemic administration of fatty acids improve lipid deficiencies in the skin of dogs with atopic dermatitis, but limited clinical evidence exists. Disease remission in humans is paralleled by an improved skin barrier, both with calcineurin inhibitors and glucocorticoids. In veterinary medicine, a preliminary study on ciclosporin and prednisone failed to detect significant improvement of water loss, while successful immunotherapy correlated with an improved skin barrier. Controlled, large studies are needed to address the question of which skin repair approach is clinically most effective and whether this can be used as a preventative strategy.  相似文献   

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