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目前,全混合日粮(TMR)饲喂技术在反刍动物生产中被普遍使用,收到了良好的效果,相关的研究也不断深入。笔者介绍了TMR饲喂技术在肉牛、奶牛、肉羊、奶山羊中的应用效果,重点就其应用研究进展进行介绍,以期对未来的生产和实践提供参考。  相似文献   

通过对陕西省某3 000 只规模化奶山羊养殖场进行方案配置,完成了饲料准备区位置选取和主传送带走向路径的设计,并基于全群饲喂模式选取了固定式TMR、填料设备等系统组成设备的容量,确定其数量,最后进行了传送带式智能饲喂系统与牵引式TMR饲喂车在该奶山羊养殖场的运营成本对比分析。结果显示,传送带式智能饲喂系统的应用可为该养殖场每年节省人力成本约8 万元、能耗成本约14 万元,共计约22 万元,因此应用该系统具有显著的经济、节能、环保优势,为国内奶山羊养殖场饲喂设备的选择提供了一种新思路。  相似文献   

TMR饲喂环节是奶牛养殖的重要环节,TMR饲喂目前已被我国大多数牧场所采用。利用TMR制备机加工TMR,需要了解TMR制备机作业形式、结构形式,选择适合的TMR制备机容积,按照一定的技术路线管理整个TMR饲喂环节,关注TMR制备机的技术要求。本文从奶牛养殖的TMR饲喂环节机械化配置、技术路线及技术要求3个方面分析了TMR饲喂技术及设备,为牧场选配TMR制备机和运行TMR饲喂技术提供参考。  相似文献   

乳制品的质量会受日粮中不饱和脂肪酸在瘤胃中氢化的影响。本试验主要研究动物饲喂葵花籽油(SO)和鱼油(FO)后对瘤胃细菌区系的影响。试验1动物为32头泌乳奶山羊,分为8个组,每组4头,每2组为1个处理。试验1分4个处理:①高精料的TMR的日粮;②TMR+2%葵花油(SO);③TMR+1%鱼油(FO);④TMR+2%SO+1%FO。饲喂21 d处理日粮后,从每组山羊中采集瘤胃食糜样用于DNA的提取和原位免疫荧光杂交(FISH)分析。试验2所用试验动物为5头安装瘤胃瘘管的奶山羊,动物饲喂高粗料的TMR日粮。试验处理为高粗料TMR+2%SO+1%FO。当饲喂处理日粮0、3、10 d后,采集瘤胃内容物用于DNA提取和原位免疫荧光杂交(FISH)分析。通过末端限制性酶切片段长度多态性分析分析瘤胃中的细菌种类和丁酸弧菌属种类,用RT-PCR定量产生异油酸和硬脂酸的丁酸弧菌数量。利用FISH分析瘤胃内容物中总细菌数和梭状芽胞杆菌属IX和XIV量。试验结果表明,日粮中添加葵花油和鱼油会改变瘤胃中总细菌和丁酸弧菌属的数量,并且个体间差异较大。外源脂类对瘤胃微生物的影响取决于瘤胃中微生物群落组成。日粮中添加SO和FO会增加瘤胃中梭...  相似文献   

为了研究青贮杂交构树替代蛋白饲料对肉羊粪污排放和表观消化率的影响,试验选取健康状况良好、体重相近的萨寒杂交肉羊48只,随机分成4个处理,其中A组为对照组,饲喂基础日粮,B、C、D组为试验组,分别饲喂添加不同比例的青贮杂交构树日粮,进行为期100 d的饲喂试验。结果表明:与对照组相比,3个试验组对肉羊单位增重粪污排放量以及DM、CP、NDF、ADF、EE和P消化率均无显著影响(P0.05),但随着青贮杂交构树添加量的增加,单位增重粪污排放量有增加趋势,DM、CP、NDF和EE的消化率有降低趋势。说明青贮杂交构树可以作为肉羊日粮中的蛋白饲料,但适宜添加量有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

随着我国无抗养殖产业的快速推进,以及杂交构树在我国的大力发展,本试验旨在观察生长肉猪饲喂发酵构树粉,对其生长性能及健康指数的影响。试验结果表明,肉猪日粮中使用发酵构树粉有提高肉猪生长性能的趋势;饲喂发酵构树粉更能满足肉猪的营养需求,减少毒素累积,降低过敏反应,提高肉猪的综合健康指数。  相似文献   

TMR饲喂技术应注意的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
TMR是将精料、粗饲料及其他农副产品用TMR车搅拌后饲喂给奶牛,保证奶牛吃到的每一口都是一样的,从而减少奶牛瘤胃发酵的昼夜波动,保证奶牛瘤胃健康,延长奶牛使用年限.TMR饲喂技术包含奶牛场牛群分群、转群、日粮制作、搅拌等方面.本文结合西安现代农业综合开发总公司畜牧开发公司实施TMR饲喂技术的经验,对TMR饲喂技术中应注意的几个问题进行研究和探讨.  相似文献   

全混合日粮(TMR)饲喂技术是现代牧场普遍采用的一项先进养殖技术,是我国奶牛业走向规模化、集约化、现代化、科学化的必经之路。近年来,TMR饲喂技术在我国规模化牧场得到了大力的推广,并取得了显著的成效。但是,经过多年的发展利用,奶牛TMR饲喂技术在推广应用过程中也出现了较多的问题,这些问题不仅影响了TMR的稳定性和营养的均衡性,同时也使TMR的饲喂效果大大降低。概述了我国在推广应用奶牛TMR饲喂技术时存在的问题,并提出了相应的解决对策。  相似文献   

不同泌乳期高产奶牛TMR技术应用的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
TMR饲喂技术是指根据不同生长发育及泌乳阶段奶牛的营养需求,按照营养专家提供的配方,用特制的TMR饲料搅拌机对日粮各组分进行科学的混合,提供奶牛自由采食的全混合日粮.TMR日粮保证了奶牛所采食的每一口饲料都是营养均衡的,饲喂TMR全混日粮能使奶牛场养殖效益大幅度提高,能够使奶牛场从传统的养殖方式顺利地过渡到现代化的饲养方式.为了验证TMR饲喂技术对高产奶牛泌乳前期的饲喂效果,课题组按首次产犊第一泌乳期母牛,第二、三泌乳期母牛和第四泌乳期以上母牛分别进行了应用TMR饲喂技术的试验,以确定不同泌乳期母牛TMR的结构和饲喂技术.  相似文献   

为了研究青贮杂交构树替代蛋白饲料对肉羊生产性能的影响,试验选取健康状况良好、体重相近的萨寒杂交肉羊48只,随机分成4个处理,其中A组为对照组,饲喂基础日粮,B、C、D组为试验组,分别饲喂添加不同比例的青贮杂交构树饲料日粮,进行为期90d的试验。结果表明,与对照相比,3个试验组对肉羊采食量、日增重、料肉比均无显著影响(P﹥0.05),但随着青贮杂交构树添加量的增加采食量、日增重、只均日盈利有降低趋势,料肉比有增加趋势。本研究表明,青贮杂交构树可以作为肉羊日粮中的蛋白饲料,但适宜添加量有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

全混合日粮(TMR)是现代标准化、规模化奶牛场普遍采用的饲喂技术。该技术是依据奶牛各阶段的营养需要,一次性供给奶牛精粗比合适、适口性较好、各部分营养浓度相同的日粮。[目的]为了定量分析TMR技术效果。[方法]采用全混合日粮技术饲喂奶牛。[结果]产奶牛奶量提高了10.8%,干物质、蛋白质、脂肪含量分别提高了1.6%,3.9%和4.6%,每头产奶牛日均增加效益10.7元。[结论]应用全混合日粮饲养技术可以提高产奶量、乳品质以及经济效益。  相似文献   

TMR饲喂技术在规模化养殖场的应用效果调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过TMR技术的使用,保证了奶牛获得全面均衡的营养,充分发挥了奶牛的生产潜能,提高了当地饲料资源的利用率,简化了养殖技术,降低了劳动成本,为优质安全的奶业生产、为生态环保型奶业基地建设提供了有效保障。  相似文献   

研究了具有南方奶牛日粮类型特征的相同精粗比日粮的不同饲喂方式对奶牛的采食行为、产奶性能、全肠道养分表观消化率和血清代谢产物的影响。选用体重相近的12头荷斯坦奶牛,采用单因子设计,根据产奶量、胎次及泌乳天数随机分为2组(n=6),分别为精粗分饲组(SI)和全混合日粮组(TMR),精饲料:粗饲料均为50:50。试验结果表明:奶牛采食量无差异,在相同精粗比日粮下,TMR饲养技术极显著减少了奶牛的采食时间(P〈0.01),显著增加了反刍时间(P〈0.05),TMR组奶牛的乳脂率、4%标准奶产量、乳脂产量、乳糖产量和乳固形物产量分别比SI组显著提高11.20%、11.60%、17.50%、13.21%和9.86%(P〈0.05),但对奶牛咀嚼行为、全肠道养分表观消化率和血清代谢产物影响不显著(P〉0.05)。在南方奶牛典型日粮采用TMR饲养技术时,与精粗分饲相比,可提高奶牛的产奶性能,但对奶牛的采食量、咀嚼行为、全肠道养分表观消化率和血清代谢产物没有显著影响。  相似文献   

To effectively utilize total mixed ration (TMR) prepared with locally available feed resources, we studied the nutritional value and milk production in Jersey dairy cattle fed a local general diet (LGD) and fermented TMR in Mozambique. Ten head of Jersey dairy cattle with 337 ± 19.8 kg body weight, aged 3–4 years in mid location were used in this study. The LGD diet was designed following the general feeding method of local smallholding farms; it contained native grass, Napier grass, wheat bran, and mineral–vitamin mix. Fermented TMR was prepared using Napier grass, corn bran, wheat bran, formula feed, and mineral–vitamin mix. Fermented TMR was preserved as good quality, with a relatively low pH and high lactic acid content. Compared to LGD, fermented TMR significantly improved the dry matter intake and digestibility in dairy cattle. Milk yield was significantly higher in dairy cattle fed with TMR than in those fed with LGD, by 3.75 L/d; milk quality was not significantly different between treatments. The results confirmed that LGD had a low dry matter intake and milk yield, and fermented TMR prepared with local feed resources can attain good quality and improve milk yield in dairy cattle in Mozambique.  相似文献   

为了研究裹包全混合日粮(TMR)饲喂方式对泌乳奶牛生产性能、养分表观消化率和血液指标的影响,本试验选择24头泌乳天数为(124±20)d的荷斯坦奶牛,随机分为2个处理组,进行为期10周的饲养试验。对照组采用传统的精粗分开饲喂方式,试验组采用裹包TMR饲喂方式,精粗分开饲喂组和裹包TMR饲喂组的日粮配方组成和比例均相同,日粮精料比例为50∶50,裹包TMR水分含量调整为50%。结果表明,1)饲喂裹包TMR,可以显著增加干物质采食量(P<0.05),提高产奶量7.69%并提高3.5%标准乳产量5.20%(P>0.05);2)裹包TMR饲喂方式与精粗分开饲喂方式对乳成分含量和产量的影响差异不显著;3)裹包TMR饲喂可以显著提高粗蛋白和粗脂肪的表观消化率(P<0.05),干物质消化率有提高的趋势(P<0.1);4)裹包TMR饲喂显著降低了血清中尿素氮的含量(P<0.05),但对其他血液指标影响2组间差异不显著。裹包TMR技术可以作为一种有效的全混合日粮供给方式,可在我国中小规模奶牛养殖场和个体养殖户中推荐使用,以期提高奶牛生产性能和综合收益。  相似文献   

Most work dealing with the impact of species-rich herbage on milk fatty acid content has hitherto been carried out in alpine areas or semi-natural grasslands. The main objective of the present study was to examine the effect of herbs sown and intensively managed in a lowland sward on the concentration of n−3 and n−6 fatty acids and vitamins in cows' milk compared to clover grass and total mixed ration (TMR) feeding. Twelve cows were housed in tie-stall and randomly allocated to three diets fed ad libitum for 14 days: HERBS (mixture of fresh herbs); CLOVER (mixture of fresh white clover and ryegrass); or TMR (total mixed ration based on silage and concentrate). n−3 fatty acid (FA) content was similar between the three diets, while n−6 FA content was highest in the TMR diet. A twofold increase in n−3 FA concentration in milk was observed when feeding HERBS compared to CLOVER and TMR (0.8, 0.4 and 0.3 g/kg milk, respectively). n−6 FA concentration increased as well when feeding HERBS (1.4, 0.9 and 1.0 g/kg milk for HERBS, CLOVER and TMR, respectively). Transfer efficiency from feed to milk was doubled for n−3 FA when feeding HERBS and for transfer efficiency of n−6 FA from feed to milk an increase of 28% was observed for HERBS compared to CLOVER. Retinol content was highest in HERBS milk, while there was no difference in α-tocopherol and ß-carotene milk content between the three diets. The results thus support previous findings on the effect of herbs on the milk fatty acid profile, but it will require further research to understand the effect of herbs on n−3 and n−6 FA concentration in milk. In conclusion, milk content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), like n−3 and n−6 FA, was significantly increased when herbs constituted the major part of the herbage, despite lower or similar dietary content of n−3 and n−6 FA in herbs compared to clover grass- and TMR diets.  相似文献   

全混合日粮(TMR)饲喂技术是近年来我国规模化、集约化奶牛养殖谈论比较多的话题,而在肉羊生产上关注程度还不够高。论文介绍了TMR的概念,结合我国养羊业发展形势指出了使用TMR饲喂技术的必要性,并对TMR在肉羊生产中的应用进行了论述,提出TMR饲喂技术是肉羊集约化养殖的必然趋势。  相似文献   

Economic and performance characteristics of a low cost grazing system based on annual ryegrass vs a total mixed ration (TMR) for cows during mid through late lactation were evaluated. Cattle used in the trial (28 Holstein and 12 Jersey cows) were blocked by parity, lactation number, days in milk, projected mature equivalent milk yield, and current milk yield, and cows were assigned to two treatments in a randomized complete block design. For 10 wk (March through May 1998), cows either received a corn silage-based TMR or grazed annual ryegrass and received no supplemental concentrates. Changes in feed composition, milk yield, milk composition, BW, condition score, and income over feed costs were examined. Cows on Treatment 1 were fed the TMR twice daily and were housed together in a free-stall barn. Cows assigned to grazing were allowed ad libitum access to annual ryegrass in a rotational 12-paddock system. Loose mineral was provided for ad libitum consumption, but no supplemental concentrate was offered. Daily milk production by the TMR cows was consistent, ranging between 22.5 and 27.2 kg per cow throughout the study. By contrast, daily milk production of the grazing cows declined from 26.6 to 15.9 kg per cow as lactation progressed. Ryegrass grazing reduced milk fat content during wk 4 and 8 of the study and increased MUN content during wk 2 but had no effect on milk protein content or somatic cell count. The BW, body condition score, and estimated DMI of grazing cows were less than they were for TMR cows. Milk income for the grazing cows was less than that for the TMR cows throughout the study. However, feed cost for grazing cows was substantially lower than that for the TMR cows. Hence, income over feed cost (IOFC) was greater for grazing cows than for TMR cows in all but the last 2 wk of the study. These results indicated that annual ryegrass grazing was more profitable than feeding a TMR to cows in mid to late lactation. However, grazing cows did lose body condition, which could have a negative effect on milk production in the subsequent lactation.  相似文献   

关于推进中国奶牛全混合日粮饲养技术的思考   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
全混合日粮(total mixed ration ,TMR)饲养技术的使用能够保证奶牛摄入均衡的营养,节省大量的人力和物力,并提高奶牛的生产性能,在中国加快推进TMR饲养技术有着重要的现实意义。而中国现阶段奶牛的饲养模式主要以小规模养殖为主,由于缺乏资金和技术支持,大多数中、小型奶牛场、养殖户还不能使用TMR饲喂技术来提高奶牛生产性能。TMR配送服务是由专门的配送公司集中生产不同饲养阶段的TMR日粮,再提供给周边养牛户的一种生产配送形式。此种方式可以使小规模奶牛养殖户也能用到TMR饲喂技术,从而提高奶牛生产水平,增加养殖者收益,并且推进TMR技术在中国的推广和应用。  相似文献   

Greater milk production is the promised outcome for selecting corn hybrids with various traits that impact forage quality. Our objective was to select a set of hybrids most likely to exhibit differences in forage quality and evaluate milk production of cows fed a high forage diet. Four hybrids were selected for the feeding trial: a leafy hybrid (Mycogen TMF 100®; Mycogen Seeds, Indianapolis, IN), a brown midrib (BMR) hybrid (Mycogen BMR F407®), and two conventional hybrids varying in fiber digestibility (Pioneer 36B08® [Conventional 1 {CONV1}] and Pioneer 35P12® [Conventional 2 {CONV2}]; Pioneer Hybrid International, Inc., Des Moines, IA). Diets were formulated to provide 1.0% BW as forage NDF (approximately 32% NDF) and were balanced to meet or exceed NRC requirements. Fifty-six cows were fed for 56 d. The DMI of cows fed the BMR and the leafy hybrid total mixed rations (TMR) were greater than those of cows fed the other hybrids. Differences in milk production reflected the differences in intake. Cows fed the BMR (41.7 kg/d) and leafy hybrid (42.1 kg/d) TMR were not different from each other in milk production, but had greater (P<0.05) milk production than cows fed CONV1 (39.0 kg/d) or CONV2 (39.2 kg/d) hybrids. Greater intake by cows fed the BMR TMR than by cows fed the CONV1 or CONV2 TMR is likely the result of greater digestibility. Although the leafy hybrid TMR tended to be greater in digestibility than CONV1 or CONV2 TMR, it is likely that a lesser forage-to-concentrate ratio of the leafy hybrid TMR compared with the other TMR also contributed to its greater intake. Ruminal concentrations of propionate were greater in cows fed BMR than in those fed other hybrids, which could also result in greater milk production. Corn silage hybrids selected for improved forage quality can result in greater milk production by cows fed the improved hybrids in high forage diets.  相似文献   

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