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黄强  曾志将 《蜜蜂杂志》2009,29(10):6-7
蜜蜂是多雄性社会昆虫.在分蜂过程中它们主要通过信息素和蜂舞进行交流.不同种的蜜蜂在长期的进化过程中已经形成了属于自己的一套语言系统.以同群饲养的意大利蜜蜂和中华蜜蜂为试验材料,观察在自然分蜂中意大利蜜蜂是否能解读并参与中华蜜蜂的自然分蜂.结果表明,意大利蜜蜂会参与中华蜜蜂的分蜂.说明意大利蜜蜂具有解读中华蜜蜂自然分蜂语言的能力.  相似文献   

白万明 《蜜蜂杂志》2009,29(10):22-22
雄蜂的食量是工蜂的3倍;分蜂季节里因雄蜂太多.还会引起分蜂.所以我认为,在雄蜂完成了传宗接代以后,就应把它们消灭.  相似文献   

方兵兵 《中国蜂业》2001,52(3):44-44
在分蜂季节到来之前 ,应加强分蜂前的一切准备工作 ,即蜂群经过调整 ,分群 ,准备交尾群 ,添加继箱等 ,这样才不致于发生自然分蜂。不过 ,有时还会发生意想不到的事情。正处于分蜂状态的蜂群 ,大量蜜蜂密集在巢箱外 ,尽管外界蜜源很好 ,亦不去采集 ;蜂王停止产卵 ,巢内仅有少量卵虫 ,王台即将封盖。那么 ,怎样处理好自然分蜂 ?割掉王台 ,增加更多的继箱 ,分群。然而 ,在分蜂热严重的情况下 ,这样做也很难控制分蜂 ,有效的补救措施是要使蜜蜂感觉到它们已经分过蜂。1 .防止分蜂的方法之一这种方法需要 1块隔王板和 1块Snelgrove板 (…  相似文献   

蜂群分蜂技术问答   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李金彦  王妍 《养蜂科技》2006,(2):11-12,42
在蜂群的饲养管理过程中,蜂群会发生分蜂现象。对分蜂的处理,我地的养蜂工作者积累了丰富的经验。现将其经验以问答的形式介绍如下,供养蜂朋友参考。问:为什么蜂群要分蜂?答:蜜蜂繁殖和其他生物不同,因其是营群体生活的昆虫,个体不能单独生存,工蜂还担负着育幼的工作,因此两性生殖不保它们永生,这就需蜂群本身分开,产生新蜂群、致使部分蜂和蜂王脱离旧巢,另营巢生活,将旧巢让给快出房的新蜂王和剩余的蜜蜂。用以补偿因饥饿、疾病和其他原因造成的损失。各系品种的蜂对繁殖要求强度不同,如喀呢阿兰蜂,很爱分蜂,而意蜂则分蜂倾向较低。问:蜂群…  相似文献   

为了弄清西方蜜蜂在不同方法下进行分蜂后的繁蜂效果和生产性能,对2011年石榴花期前1个月左右已达11脾的蜂群,采取异地和本地分蜂两种方法进行人工分蜂,并对两种分蜂方法的蜂群增殖情况和蜂蜜产量进行了分析。结果表明,第1种分蜂方法优于第2种分蜂方法。第1种分蜂方法分出的蜂繁殖快、进蜜好,是一种理想的分蜂方法。  相似文献   

也谈解除分蜂热   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方俊海 《中国蜂业》2004,55(2):17-17
自然分蜂是蜜蜂生物学特性之一.但在养蜂生产中,自然分蜂是不受欢迎的,为此必须采取一定措施解除分蜂热,如给有分蜂意向的蜂群下浆框、调入幼虫脾并适当提出老蛹脾及出房子脾或者与弱群互调箱位等措施,以上措施在一定程度上都有解除分蜂热的作用,但我认为应根据当时外界的蜜粉源情况以及生产目的采取有针对的、对生产有利的措施为佳,下面谈谈我在养蜂生产实践中的做法.  相似文献   

分蜂是蜂群发展的自然规律,也是种族繁衍生息的需要。在外界蜜源丰富的春季,中华蜜蜂(以下简称“中蜂”)群势发展到一定规模后会发生自然分蜂,自然分蜂的蜂团往往集结在蜂场周围的高处,蜂群回收有一定的困难,而且分蜂效率低;若分蜂后回收不及时,分蜂群还会发生迁移,造成蜂量损失。因此,规模蜂场一般通过有计划地人工分蜂来扩大种群,并采取措施控制自然分蜂。浙中地区常用的中蜂人工分蜂方法有异地分蜂、人为控制分蜂、原地分蜂和桶养中蜂分蜂,本文对人工分蜂方法和春季饲养管理要点进行总结,蜂场可根据实际情况选择适宜的分蜂方法。  相似文献   

蜜蜂是真社会性昆虫,分蜂是其种族繁衍的唯一方式。养蜂者需要根据外界环境条件对分蜂有选择地进行控制,当外界蜜源条件好或即将越冬的时候,需要保持强群控制分蜂,当外界主要蜜源不属于流蜜期时可以适当分蜂以扩大养殖规模。在总结"分蜂热"出现的原因和前人控制分蜂方法的基础上,在实践中通过(1)去除王台,添加巢础,增加脾距;(2)去王;(3)囚王,去脾;(4)人工分蜂等方法对分蜂群进行控制。经观察分析,认为控制分蜂应该以原始群或分出群不能正常的繁衍为基准进行操作处理。  相似文献   

分蜂的现象原因及预防措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分蜂是蜜蜂繁殖的特有现象,它不满足于在箱内生儿育女,而是在繁殖到一定程度后,老王带上原群中的1/2或2/3的工蜂飞离原群,另找新址,独立成群,这叫做自然分蜂.自然分蜂意味着蜂群管理上的失败,意味着经济上的损失.因为原群失掉了一半工蜂,变成了弱群,当年蜂蜜生产无望,越冬困难.因此,应当防患于未然,控制自然分蜂.本文所述的分蜂现象是指意蜂在温带的情况.  相似文献   

分蜂热在季双三规范管理作用下自然消失   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自然分蜂是蜜蜂的本能行为。在野生和旧法(桶养)饲养条件下,起到了种族繁衍的积极作用。新法(活框)饲养后,养蜂人逐渐发现自然分蜂前的准备阶段,蜂王产卵逐渐减少,直至停产,影响繁蜂。工蜂怠工,影响采集。这一现象养蜂学业称为分蜂热。另外还有分蜂群飞出  相似文献   

The mode of transmission between hosts (horizontal versus vertical) of disease agents is important for determination of the evolution of virulence in pathogens. For disease management, it is imperative that the epidemiology of the disease is understood and pathogen transmission rates between hosts is a key factor for this understanding. Surprisingly little is known about transmission rates in honey bee pathology. We have studied the rate of vertical transmission of Paenibacillus larvae, the causative agent of American foulbrood (AFB) in honey bee colonies, as colonies reproduce by colony fission (swarming), by culturing for the spores from repetitive samples of adult bees. The results demonstrate vertical pathogen transmission to daughter swarms. The spore density declines over time in both mother colonies and daughter swarms if mother colonies do not exhibit clinical disease symptoms. Occasional positive samples more than a year post swarming, also in daughter swarms, indicate production of infectious spores from diseased larvae, without clinical disease observable by beekeepers, and/or maintenance of infective spores in the hive environment, allowing both horizontal and vertical transmission to be maintained. The results suggest that the virulence of AFB, being lethal at colony level in contrast to other bee diseases shaped by evolution, could be dependent on apicultural practices and that the pathogen probably would be maintained without causing frequent colony mortality in a natural system.  相似文献   

Argyrosomus hololepidotus (kob) is a top predator in the shallow marine environment of the south-eastern Cape. There is considerable change in prey taken over the size range of predators examined (256-1701 mm). Young A. hololepidotus are planktivorous taking swarming mysids, but as they grow they become piscivorous, feeding on both pelagic and demersal prey associated with soft sediments. The pelagic cephalopod Loligo reynaudi is also taken by large specimens. Prey selection varies with locality and time of year. A field experiment in which the prey were compared with fish caught in a small-mesh net revealed a preference for some slow-moving demersal species. The length distributions of dominant prey species are given and these clearly show that larger prey are preferred by larger predators.  相似文献   

本实验从鸡肠道分离出50株菌种,通过对菌种菌落培养特性、形态观察、生理生化实验,初步鉴定出8株为芽孢杆菌。通过产蛋白菌株的筛选试验筛选出1株能够分泌蛋白的芽孢杆菌,该菌株可望成为外源蛋白高效分泌表达的宿主。  相似文献   

分别以鸡胚来源的不同细胞为饲养层培养精原干细胞,比较3种不同的饲养层对精原干细胞体外培养的影响。结果显示:精原干细胞在鸡胚成纤维细胞饲养层和鸡睾丸支持细胞饲养层上存活时间较长、生长增殖状况良好。在鸡胚成纤维饲养层上传至四代,每代的AKP阳性克隆率分别为45%、40%、36%和21%。在以睾丸支持细胞为饲养层进行培养时传至三代,每代的AKP阳性克隆率分别是40%、32%、和22%。而以鸡肝细胞作为饲养层,精原干细胞未见有克隆形成,不能进行传代培养,表明鸡胚肝细胞饲养层不适合培养精原干细胞。  相似文献   

雄蜂是三型蜂的重要组成部分,在蜂群中承担着与处女王交配繁殖后代等重要作用。为研究蜂群培育雄蜂的规律,探明养蜂实践中限制雄蜂数量是否对蜂群发展产生影响,设置试验组(割除雄蜂蛹)与对照组试验蜂群,观察蜂群培育雄蜂情况及其对蜂群的影响。结果表明:蜂群中培育雄蜂不随人为干预而改变,人为限制雄蜂发展会导致蜂群接受外来雄蜂,人为增加雄蜂数后蜂群会弃养多余的雄蜂。雄蜂数量及其精液量具有明显的时间动态变化特征,群势强和饲料储存较多的蜂群,培育雄蜂的时间更早;蜂群4月下旬开始培育雄蜂,6月中上旬至7月中下旬和8月下旬雄蜂数较多,9月10日左右群内无雄蜂;6月10日至7月20曰雄蜂的精液量最多,8月10曰至8月30日雄蜂精液量则较少。限制雄蜂的发展对蜂群增殖速度、饲料消耗量均无明显影响,对照组椴树蜜产量略高于试验组,但未见统计学差异。  相似文献   

The first permanent European settlers of Australia arrived in 1788 to establish a penal colony at Sydney, New South Wales (NSW). As the colony grew and wool production increased, more free settlers and emancipists developed farming in inland Australia. During the 1840s veterinarians commenced arriving in small numbers but they were not closely associated with the development and execution of disease control programs, which was left to lay inspectors of stock. The arrival of William Tyson Kendall and coordinated action with Graham Mitchell led to the establishment of a private veterinary college following the passage of veterinary surgeons legislation in Victoria. From this time, veterinarians came to be appointed to positions formerly occupied by lay inspectors and the veterinary profession was able to take up the role of planning and executing government-led disease control programs. From a colony relying on wool for export to the UK, technical advancements in meat freezing and pasture improvement widened the range and increased the quantity of exported products. Before the advent of veterinary advances, sheep scab was eradicated, a vaccine was developed for anthrax and glanders infection of horses was prevented entry to Australia. Graduates from the Melbourne Veterinary College spread across Australia and in this period a conservative quarantine policy was developed following inaction to control an outbreak of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP) and the escape of rabbits to form a plague across the continent. Coordinated control of CBPP had to await the next century and advancement of technology increased our understanding of bacteriology and immunity of infectious diseases. Veterinary services were provided to the militia sent by the colonies to the Boer Wars in South Africa 1987-1901 and the veterinarians from Victoria were led by an Australian trained veterinarian.  相似文献   

The symptoms and pathology of a domestic cat infected with Ollulanus are described. The subsequent investigation of the cat colony of which this cat was a member is detailed. It is concluded that Ollulanus tricuspis is a significant pathogen in the colony and that the management and housing of the colony may simulate the conditions under which Felidae in zoos have been shown to succumb to this parasite.  相似文献   

Trimethoprim-sulfadiazine and gentamicin sulfate decreased early mortality in an established model of fibrinous peritonitis in the rat. Both drugs failed to prevent abscess formation, indicating that there was poor penetration of fibrin; however, they significantly decreased (P less than 0.01) bacterial numbers in residual abscesses. The colony count per abscess in the gentamicin sulfate-treated group was significantly lower (P less than 0.01) than that in the trimethoprim-sulfadiazine-treated group.  相似文献   

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