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为了解舟山口岸进出境鱼类自然感染异尖线虫情况,取进出境各种鱼类1 152尾,解剖鱼体进行检查。检获虫体清洗后,用70%酒精固定,在显微镜下鉴定。结果显示检出645尾感染异尖线虫幼虫,总感染率为55.99%(645/1 152),发现检出10 065条异尖线虫幼虫,总感染强度为15.60(10 065/645)。调查结果表明,进出境鱼类异尖线虫的感染率较高,生食海鱼时,应注意对异尖线虫病的预防。  相似文献   

进境海鱼异尖线虫幼虫感染情况调查   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对来自15个国家和地区的78批次、31种、共255尾海鱼进行了异尖线虫幼虫的检验,100尾海鱼检出异尖线虫幼虫感染,总感染率为39.2%(100/255).16种海鱼检出异尖线虫幼虫,占所检鱼种的51.6%(16/31).共检获异尖线虫幼虫1 554条,平均感染强度为15.5条/尾.在体重≤100 g的海鱼中感染率最高...  相似文献   

异尖线虫病是一种危害严重的食源性人兽共患寄生虫病,人类由于生食或半生食含有异尖线虫Ⅲ期幼虫的海鱼而引起感染,严重威胁人类健康。据报道我国沿海地区海鱼仍有异尖线虫感染,为了解我国黄海海域连云港市售海鱼异尖线虫的寄生情况,于2017年3―10月对该地市售海鱼的感染情况进行了形态学观察与PCR鉴定。随机选取本地海鲜市场采购的不同种类海鱼,剖检鱼体、分离其内脏和肌肉中Ⅲ期幼虫;应用多重PCR方法进行分子生物学鉴定。结果显示,19种海鱼中有11种被检出有异尖线虫感染(57.89%),海鱼的总检出率为37.89%,带鱼、小黄花鱼、梭鱼、黑鱼检出率最高为100.00%,鲳鱼、鲈鱼、鮟鱇鱼、海鲫鱼、沙丁鱼、黄姑鱼、白姑鱼、巴浪鱼均未检出异尖线虫;阳性海鱼平均感染强度为5.24条/尾,总体平均感染强度为1.99条/尾,带鱼感染强度最高为10.60条/尾;感染部位以肠和肠系膜最为严重,占虫体数67.55%。多重PCR鉴定本次获得的虫体为简单异尖线虫、派氏异尖线虫、伪地新线虫和内湾宫脂线虫,其中简单异尖线虫为优势种。结果表明,连云港市售海鱼异尖线虫具有较高的感染率和感染强度,本次调查为连云港市人群预防和控制该病提供了理论依据,对异尖线虫病的流行病学研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

用PCR和PCR-RFLP方法检测和鉴定进口海鱼中的异尖线虫幼虫   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用PCR和PCR-RFLP方法对厦门口岸进口的各种海鱼中的异尖线虫幼虫进行检测鉴定。结果在带鱼、竹荚鱼、金线鱼、大眼鲷和白姑鱼等海鱼中发现了简单异尖线虫、典型异尖线虫、对盲囊线虫和针回线虫等4种异尖线虫。带鱼和竹荚鱼的异尖线虫感染率达100%,竹荚鱼异尖线虫感染强度最高,白姑鱼感染率和感染强度相对较低。少数海鱼同时感染2种以上异尖线虫,从带鱼中同时检出简单异尖线虫和针蛔线虫,从竹荚鱼中检出简单异尖线虫、对盲囊线虫和典型异尖线虫。内切酶实验结果表明,应用限制性内切酶HinfI有效鉴别上述4种异尖线虫。  相似文献   

应用PeR和PCR—RFLP方法对厦门口岸进口的各种海鱼中的异尖线虫幼虫进行检测鉴定。结果在带鱼、竹荚鱼、金线鱼、大眼鲷和白姑鱼等海鱼中发现了简单异尖线虫、典型异尖线虫、对盲囊线虫和针回线虫等4种异尖线虫。带鱼和竹荚鱼的异尖线虫感染率达100%,竹荚鱼异尖线虫感染强度最高,白姑鱼感染率和感染强度相对较低。少数海鱼同时感染2种以上异尖线虫,从带鱼中同时检出简单异尖线虫和针蛔线虫,从竹荚鱼中检出简单异尖线虫、对盲囊线虫和典型异尖线虫。内切酶实验结果表明,应用限制性内切酶UinfI有效鉴别上述4种异尖线虫。  相似文献   

异尖属线虫隶属于线虫动物门 (Nematode),尾感器纲 (Phasmida),蛔目(Ascaridida),异尖科(Anisakidae),是鱼类常见寄生线虫.异尖属线虫中的A. simplexs complex幼虫可引起人类异尖线虫病,该病呈世界性分布,是重要的人兽共患寄生虫病,主要引起胃异尖线虫病、肠异尖线虫病和胃肠外异尖线虫病,给人类健康构成严重威胁,已被列为我国禁止入境的二类寄生虫.  相似文献   

异尖线虫是人畜共患寄生虫病病源之一,当人误食含有活异尖线虫蚴的海鱼或软体动物即被感染,临床表现为急性腹泻。发病后容易误诊因而得不到及时治疗,严重危胁人体健康。自1998年以来,我们先后对到达长春火车站的30车冷冻海鱼进行了检测,发现严重感染了异尖线虫。  相似文献   

辽宁西部海域主要食用鱼类寄生虫感染情况初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用鱼类全身性寄生虫学检查法,在辽宁西部海域随机抽检主要食用鱼类19种共计769尾,其中养殖鱼类4种202尾、野生鱼类15种567尾,发现该海域19种食用鱼类感染体内外寄生虫15种,分别隶属于6纲12科15属。在统计感染率和感染强度的基础上,确定优势虫种为异尖线虫科的3属幼虫:宫脂线虫属幼虫、对盲囊线虫属幼虫、异尖线虫属幼虫,野生和养殖鱼类均有较高的感染率,而针对4种养殖鱼类而言,尤其是牙鲆和大菱鲆,其优势虫种为指状拟舟虫和刺激隐核虫,在各个鱼类养殖场中均有较高的感染率和发病率。  相似文献   

为配合检疫部门检查,2017年8月对乌鲁木齐市市售海鱼随机采样,收集寄生虫并通过形态学和分子生物学进行鉴定。从鳕鱼块中发现5只线虫,虫体无胃盲囊和肠盲囊,黑色圆柱形的胃与"Y"型的肠管以斜线相连,尾短且有一圆塔形的尾突。PCR扩增ITS基因片段获得924 bp的基因序列,测序后经BLAST比对分析显示,与简单异尖线虫(Anisakis simplex)(GenBank登录号:KY275505.1)相似性达99%,确定分离出来的虫体为简单异尖线虫。本研究在远离海洋的乌鲁木齐市发现随海鱼运输携带到新疆的异尖线虫,系异尖属线虫在新疆的首次发现和报道。  相似文献   

异尖线虫病是由食入异尖线虫科某些属的活的第三期幼虫感染而引起的,最早由荷兰的Van Thiel报道,随后大量病例在日本、韩国和法国等国家出现。该病属于海洋自然疫源性疾病,大量存在于海洋动物中。到目前为止根据报道可以感染人的异尖线虫主  相似文献   

From the fact that older saithes (more than 5 years old) are showing significantly lower prevalence of attack by Anisakis larvae in lateral muscle than younger saithes (3-4 years old), the question arises if this phenomenon is based on a specific immune response. Therefore we have investigated serum samples from saithes of different ages by using an indirect ELISA to estimate the antibody-titer against excretory-secretory Anisakis antigen. Results showing a moderate correlation (r = 0.66) between the height of titer and the age of underfeeding saithes (post spawning) and a close correlation (r = 0.93) of saithes in an optimal condition (pre spawning). It may be concluded that the migration-distance and the lifetime of Anisakis larvae in lateral-muscle is influenced by a specific immune response which increases with the age of the saithes.  相似文献   

A flock of 13,951 hens and 1379 cockerels was monitored from 26 to 58 weeks of age for the complex of salpingitis, peritonitis and salpingoperitonitis (sps). Two hundred and forty-three hens (78 per cent of the hens that died) were examined postmortem, and sps was recognised by gross examination for inflammatory exudate, in the body cavity or oviduct in 111 (46 per cent) of them. Salpingoperitonitis was the most common form, followed by salpingitis and then peritonitis. There were acute and chronic cases in all three conditions, but only in peritonitis were acute cases more common than chronic cases. Seventeen birds that had died of sps were cultured for aerobic bacteria within 12 hours of death. Escherichia coli was recovered from a variety of tissues from all of them, and other bacteria, including staphylococci, Mannheimia haemolytica and Streptococcus bovis, were isolated from a few carcases, either alone or together with E coli. Relatively few isolations of E coli were made from normal hens cultured 48, 72 and 96 hours after death.  相似文献   

从家蚕EST数据中检索到果蝇(D.melanogaster)硒磷酸合成酶基因(patuf)的氨基酸序列,用seqMAN延伸,电子克隆家蚕sps1的cds,用PCR克隆家蚕sps1基因序列.家蚕sps1基因cDNA长1817bp(登录号:ABA43639.1).利用BLASTN进行同源性分析表明与果蝇的同源性为94%,与大肠杆菌序列同源性最差为46%.Bmsps1基因在家蚕基因组中是单拷贝的,只有一个外显子.推导3'UTR序列包含AATAA终止信号和Poly(A).同时我们对Bm sps1进行了原核表达研究.  相似文献   

The accurate identification of anisakid nematodes at any life cycle stage is important both to deepen the knowledge on their taxonomy, ecology, epidemiology and for diagnosis and control, as larval stages cause a clinical disease in humans known as anisakidosis. With the aim to investigate the presence of anisakid larvae, specimens of horse mackerel, Trachurus trachurus (Linnaeus, 1758), silver scabbardfish, Lepidopus caudatus (Euphrasen, 1788), European anchovy, Engraulis encrasicolus (Linnaeus, 1758) and opah fish, Lampris guttatus (Brunnich, 1788), were collected by trawling at depths ranging from 50 to 400 m. A molecular approach based on restriction profiles obtained after digestion of the nuclear ribosomal ITS region was used to identify Anisakis spp. larvae recovered in fish samples. Restriction profiles showed three banding patterns, corresponding to Anisakis pegreffii, Anisakis physeteris and to heterozygote pattern between A. pegreffii and Anisakis simplex s.s. Specimens showing the heterozygote restriction pattern were also analyzed by sequencing of the entire ITS region, to confirm the heterozygote status.  相似文献   

简单异尖线虫广泛存在于海洋动物并呈全球性分布,人因食用含有该线虫幼虫的生鱼或未煮熟的鱼产品而发生感染,其所引起的临床症状与虫体在消化道所处位置相关,主要引起肠黏膜水肿等过敏性症状。文章综述了该症流行病学、病理变化、症状、诊断、抗原、过敏原和预防措施等方面内容。  相似文献   

为建立简单异尖线虫姊妹种分子生物学检测体系,以实现对其快速准确的鉴定,本实验对简单异尖线虫单条线虫总DNA进行PCR扩增,获得其rDNA-ITS序列,测序后与基因库中DNA序列比较,并根据rDNA-ITS序列比较结果鉴定线虫的种类,最后通过酶切技术获得线虫的PCR-RFLP图谱并以此作为线虫鉴定的分子标签。  相似文献   

冷冻饮品行业近年来发展迅速,但冷冻饮品消费市场不断扩大的同时,也暴露了微生物污染等一些突出问题。利用近年来冷冻饮品的食品安全抽检结果,本文对冷冻饮品的微生物污染进行风险分析,并结合冷冻饮品的生产工艺特点提出微生物污染的防控措施,为提升我国冷冻饮品食品安全水平提供参考。  相似文献   

A juvenile male greater shearwater (Puffinus gravis) found off the Georgia coast, United States, was lethargic, hypothermic, dehydrated, and emaciated. It was provided with supportive care but subsequently died. The coelomic cavity contained fibrinous fluid intermixed with hundreds of nematodes, some of which protruded through a perforation in the proventriculus. Nematodes were embedded in the wall of the proventriculus from the lamina propria to the serosal surface and were surrounded by granulocytes, epithelioid macrophages, multinucleate giant cells, lymphocytes, and fibroplasia. A full-thickness tear in the proventriculus was lined by heterophils and multinucleate giant cells. The nematode histomorphology was consistent with Anisakis spp. The definitive hosts of Anisakis spp. are marine mammals, which are infected through ingestion of parasitized fish and crustaceans. Marine birds are aberrant hosts of Anisakis spp., and young, inexperienced, immunocompromised birds might be more susceptible to severe infestations. Fatal anisakiasis is rarely reported in birds.  相似文献   

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