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家蚕突变基因分析和基因资源库的建立及应用研究   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4  
秦俭  易文仲 《蚕业科学》1996,22(1):13-19
通过家蚕品种资源的基因调查,对80多个突变基因进行了基因分析;确立了家蚕28个连锁群的标志基因或代表基因;建立了较完整的家蚕基因资源库;修改了家蚕第18连锁群图,并获得国际学术界公认和采纳。利用形态性状标记抗浓核病基因,研究出一种利用形态标记进行抗浓核病品种选育的新方法;利用突变基因,选育出几个有特殊用途的育种素材及基础材料。  相似文献   

在国家提出"一带一路"建设的大背景下,广东省农业科学院蚕业与农产品加工研究所积极与东南亚重要蚕业国家开展务实合作,分别在泰国和越南建立合作示范基地,开展了热带家蚕种质资源的引进与利用引进的热带家蚕种质资源进行家蚕新品种选育的合作研发。对引进的热带家蚕种质资源的性状进行了调查,并利用引进的热带家蚕种质资源创制的基础材料初步选育成适合东南亚地区热带气候条件的优质抗性家蚕新品种九抗·九化×研石·石7以及抗高温多湿家蚕新品种丰9N·九化×湘AT·研7T,为广东省乃至全国有关单位与东南亚国家进一步开展家蚕品种选育合作提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

家蚕性别控制种质资源库的构建与利用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用引进的家蚕性别控制品系为基础材料,采用自行设计的蚕性别控制品种选育方法,建立了一个由100多个品系组成的家蚕性别控制种质资源库,用该种质资源库的品系,育成了一系列雄蚕实用品种,在生产上推广应用.  相似文献   

山东省区保存家蚕品种的RAPD分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用RAPD标记技术分析山东省区保存的58个家蚕品种资源的DNA多态性。选用重复性较好的20个引物对58份家蚕品种资源材料扩增的总条带数为155条,多态率为93.73%,RAPD标记在家蚕品种间表现出丰富的多态性。根据58个家蚕品种的指纹图谱,采用UPGMA方法进行聚类分析,构建了供试家蚕品种资源的分子系统发育树,可为家蚕新品种选育提供基础信息。  相似文献   

介绍了陕西家蚕品种资源概况,回顾了西北农林科技大学蚕桑丝绸研究所建所50多年来在家蚕品种保育、选育以及品种引入、引进等方面取得的成果,概述了陕蚕品种的经济性状和陕西家蚕品种资源的创新利用简况。  相似文献   

家蚕品种资源数据库的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用中国农作物种质资源信息系统 (CGRIS)软件建成家蚕品种资源数据库。软件由FOXPRO 6 0与C语言混合编程 ,系统可在DOS或Windows操作系统上运行 ,具有检索、查询、统计和维护功能。利用家蚕品种资源数据库 ,可对家蚕的 81个性状进行检索 ,并可选择列表模式和分页模式对检索结果进行浏览、打印或保存供用户再次使用 ,检索结果中同时提供该品种的幼虫、卵、茧、蛹、蛾等图片。家蚕品种资源数据库的构建 ,可为家蚕品种资源保存及家蚕育种工作提供高效、快速的信息检索服务。  相似文献   

对云南省农业科学院蚕桑蜜蜂研究所保存的102份家蚕品种资源进行了人工饲料摄食性调查。通过将每份家蚕品种资源的转青卵取4个1/2卵圈的蚕卵作为一区,蚕卵孵化后进行混合育,以24 h疏毛率为指标调查各家蚕品种资源的摄食率。3龄起蚕改用桑叶饲喂,以饷食48 h的实际存活头数与孵化头数计算存活率。用SPSS17.0软件对摄食率与存活率进行相关性分析。结果显示,摄食率为90.1%~100%的家蚕品种资源有23份,占所调查家蚕品种资源总数的22.55%;摄食率为80.1%~90.0%的家蚕品种资源有12份,占所调查家蚕品种资源总数的11.76%;摄食率在40.1%~80.0%的家蚕品种资源有8份,占所调查家蚕品种资源总数的7.84%;摄食率在10.1%~40.0%的家蚕品种资源有18份,占所调查家蚕品种资源总数的17.65%。对摄食率在80%以上(80.1%~100%)的家蚕品种资源的存活率调查结果显示,35份摄食率在80%以上的家蚕品种资源中有13份家蚕品种资源的摄食率、存活率的差距都在10个百分点以内,对摄食率、存活率的差距都在10个百分点以内的13份家蚕品种资源的摄食率与存活率进行了相关性分析,它们的相关系数为0.747(P0.01),呈显著正相关。通过对高摄食率和高存活率家蚕品种资源进行进一步的继代筛选,有望选育出对人工饲料具有良好适应性的家蚕新品种。  相似文献   

应用ISSR分子标记技术分析云南蚕区保存的44份家蚕品种资源的亲缘关系,为家蚕种质资源的合理保存、利用及育种亲本选择提供依据。以筛选的13条ISSR引物从44个家蚕品种的蛹基因组DNA中扩增得到116个条带,其中多态性条带98条,多态性比率为84.5%,表明44个家蚕品种间具有丰富的遗传多样性。44个家蚕品种间的遗传相似系数为0.517 2~0.905 2,平均遗传相似系数为0.711 2。基于品种间ISSR分子标记的遗传相似系数,采用UPGMA法进行聚类分析,供试品种首先按中系和日系形成2大类群,在遗传相似系数0.69处,2大类群又各自再分成2个组群。4个组群中,均是育种材料亲缘关系较近的品种聚在同一组群内。ISSR分子标记结果较好地揭示了云南蚕区44份家蚕品种资源之间的遗传差异和亲缘关系。  相似文献   

为探明不同家蚕品种对高温多湿抗性的差异,笔者对我单位保育的10个家蚕品种进行抗高温、多湿试验,结果显示:不同品种之间有显著差异,以乙9(932江苏保存品系,2000年从何斯美老师处引进)对高温多湿的抗性最好;杂交种的综合抗性与其对高温多湿抗性存在一定的正相关关系。探索建立家蚕品种对高温、多湿抗性鉴定平台。  相似文献   

家蚕突变体的发现与鉴定对家蚕功能基因组研究具有十分重要的意义。目前通过自然突变或人工诱导的方式获得了大量的突变材料,涉及家蚕体色、卵色、致死等多个方面。重点介绍了家蚕突变体的鉴定与筛选,基于非定位克隆或定位克隆技术在分子水平上对家蚕突变体进行的相关研究,以及利用家蚕突变品种来鉴定分析突变基因,并展望了家蚕突变种质资源在育种方面的广阔前景。  相似文献   

海南热带植物叶黄素和β-胡萝卜素含量分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
应用高效液相色谱法分析海南113种热带植物的叶黄素和β-胡萝卜素含量。结果表明:叶黄素含量>1000mg/kg者44种,500mg/kg<叶黄素含量<1000mg/kg者42种,200mg/kg<叶黄素含量<500mg/kg者21种、在200mg/kg以下者6种;β-胡萝卜素含量>50g/kg者33种、20g/kg<β-胡萝卜素含量<50g/kg者65种、小于20g/kg者15种;研究结果对热带植物类胡萝卜素资源综合开发与利用者有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

小尾寒羊高繁殖力候选基因RARG的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以视黄酸受体γ(retinoic acid receptor-gamma,RARG)基因为候选基因,采用PCR—SSCP技术分析了RARG基因在高繁殖力绵羊品种(小尾寒羊、湖羊)以及低繁殖力绵羊品种(特克塞尔、多赛特、萨福克)中的单核苷酸多态性,同时研究这个基因对小尾寒羊高繁殖力的影响。结果表明:RARG基因引物1扩增片段在5个绵羊品种中存在PCR—SSCP多态性,AA基因型只出现在湖羊中,AB和BB基因型均出现在5个绵羊品种中;BB基因型小尾寒羊平均产羔数比AB基因型多0.41只,但差异不显著(P〉0.05)。RARG基因引物2扩增片段在5个绵羊品种中存在PCR—SSCP多态性,CC和CD基因型均出现在5个绵羊品种中,5个绵羊品种中都没有检测到DD基因型;CC基因型小尾寒羊平均产羔数比CD基因型多0.55只(P〈0.05)。  相似文献   

We present epidemiological data from Bavaria that indicates that animals of the Brown Swiss (BS) cattle breed might be more susceptible to BSE than animals from other breeds, both in terms of disease prevalence and length of the incubation period. BS animals were disproportionately represented among the BSE cases (BS represented about 9% of the susceptible population but 27% of actual cases). BS were slaughtered at a higher age (5.8 years vs. 5.0 years for other breeds), and there is a higher prevalence of feeding proprietary feeds to BS calves than calves from other breeds. There was no difference in the recorded feeding practice of BSE-positive animals from BS or other breeds. These results would lead to expect a higher prevalence of BSE in the BS population, with BS BSE animals being of equal age or older than BSE animals from other breeds. In contrast, median age at BSE detection was significantly lower in BS animals than in other breeds (61.4 vs. 68.8 months). There was no difference in the identification categories of BSE between BS animals and animals of other breeds that could explain this difference in age. BS cattle are reported to have more octapeptid repeats in the prion protein gene than other breeds, which could account for shorter incubation periods and higher susceptibility. These observations suggest that BS animals and their tissues should be used in further studies into genetic determinants of BSE susceptibility in cattle.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity was compared among eight dog breeds selected primarily for conformation (Standard Poodle, Italian Greyhound and show English Setter), conformation and performance (Brittany), predominantly performance (German Shorthaired and Wirehaired Pointers) or solely performance (field English Setter and Red Setter). Modern village dogs, which better reflect ancestral genetic diversity, were used as the standard. Four to seven maternal and one to two Y haplotypes were found per breed, with one usually dominant. Diversity of maternal haplotypes was greatest in village dogs, intermediate in performance breeds and lowest in conformation breeds. Maternal haplotype sharing occurred across all breeds, while Y haplotypes were more breed specific. Almost all paternal haplotypes were identified among village dogs, with the exception of the dominant Y haplotype in Brittanys, which has not been identified heretofore. The highest heterozygosity based on 24 autosomal microsatellites was found in village dogs and the lowest in conformation (show) breeds. Principal coordinate analysis indicated that conformation‐type breeds were distinct from breeds heavily used for performance, the latter clustering more closely with village dogs. The Brittany, a well‐established dual show and field breed, was also genetically intermediate between the conformation and performance breeds. The number of DLA‐DRB1 alleles varied from 3 to 10 per breed with extensive sharing. SNPs across the wider DLA region were more frequently homozygous in all pure breeds than in village dogs. Compared with their village dog relatives, all modern breed dogs exhibit reduced genetic diversity. Genetic diversity was even more reduced among breeds under selection for show/conformation.  相似文献   

The relative resistance of six breeds of sheep to Haemonchus contortus infection was investigated under field conditions on two stations situated in a semi-arid zone in Kenya. As judged by faecal egg counts, monitored throughout a two-year period, it was found that there were consistent differences between the breeds. The breeds studied in order of increasing susceptibility were Red Masai, Blackhead Persian, Merino, Dorper, Corriedale and Hampshire. Post mortem findings confirmed that the differences in faecal egg count were related to the establishment of worms rather than larval inhibition or the suppression of worm egg production. There was also evidence that the Red Masai showed self-cure more frequently than the other breeds.  相似文献   

用微卫星标记分析贵州地方鸡种的遗传多样性及亲缘关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用20个微卫星座位对贵州12个地方鸡种和隐性白洛克进行遗传分析,得到各品种的等位基因频率、平均杂合度、多态信息含量及品种间的Nei氏标准遗传距离,并进行了聚类分析。结果表明:13个鸡种在各微卫星座位上的遗传杂合度均有差异,平均遗传杂合度为0.6885(贵州地方鸡种为0.6915);平均多态信息含量为0.6297(贵州地方鸡种为0.6326),说明贵州地方鸡种遗传多样性较隐性白洛克丰富。UPGMA聚类分析结果显示,13个鸡种分为2大类群,隐性白洛克独自构成一个类群,12个贵州地方鸡种为另一个类群,12个贵州地方鸡种进一步可分为4个小类群。研究结果对贵州地方鸡种资源的评估、保存和利用具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

It is known that different breeds of cattle display differential susceptibilities to Trypanosome congolense infections, and that N'Dama cattle remain more productive after infection than Boran cattle which are more susceptible to T. congolense. Macrophages from both breeds were cultured in vitro and the expressions of a number of cytokines and iNOS mRNA were analyzed using real time RT-PCR after stimulation with antibody-opsonized trypanosomes. No significant difference was seen between the responses of the two breeds. However, RNA levels of TNF-alpha in the IFN-gamma-primed macrophages were about 100-fold higher than those in the non-primed macrophages. A significant ten-fold decrease was seen for the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10. These results indicate that priming of the cells with IFN-gamma cause a serious shift toward an inflammatory response.  相似文献   

Three hundred seventeen specimens of urinary calculi of renal origin from 214 female dogs and 103 male dogs, and 71 specimens of urinary calculi of renal origin from 38 female cats and 33 male cats were submitted for mineral analysis between July 1, 1981, and December 31, 1993. Among dogs, 45 breeds were affected with renal calculi. Thirty-three breeds and a crossbred group were represented among females, but 8 breeds and the crossbred group accounted for 81% of the total. Among male dogs, 30 breeds and a crossbred group were represented, but 7 breeds and the crossbred group accounted for 69% of the total. Among cats, 10 breeds and a crossbred group were represented. Dogs and cats with renal calculi were older than those of 2 comparison population groups. More than one-half of the renal calculi in both dogs and cats were from the 1st known episode of urolithiasis. The risk of formation of renal calculi was found to be higher for cats than for dogs, when compared to other stone-forming cats and dogs (approximately 4.95 per 100 stone-forming cats and 2.88 per 100 stone-forming dogs). Among dogs, breeds at highest risk of developing renal calculi were Miniature Schnauzers, Shih Tzus, Lhasa Apsos, Yorkshire Terriers, and female Pugs. Also at high risk were male Dalmatians and male Basset Hounds. Among small dogs, females generally were at higher risk of developing renal calculi than were males. Regardless of size, terrier breed males generally were at higher risk of developing renal calculi. Breeds of dogs at low risk for development of renal calculi included crossbreds, German Shepherd Dogs, Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, and female Dachshunds. When only 1 kidney was involved, the risk of left renal calculus was greatest for both dogs and cats, but bilateral renal involvement was relatively common in both species (19% and 9%, respectively). Among dogs, specimens composed of 1 mineral substance (eg, struvite) occurred more often in males (58.3%) than in females (37.9%). Female dogs formed renal calculi containing struvite or oxalate more often than did males; males formed calculi containing urate more often than did females. Calculi containing oxalate, apatite, or some combination of these minerals predominated among cats; only 1 specimen from 38 female cats and only 4 specimens from 33 male cats contained neither oxalate nor apatite. Crossbred cats were significantly less likely to have renal calculi than were other breeds. A single renal calculus specimen was identified in several uncommon breeds including Tonkinese and Birman cats, and Affenpinscher, Clumber Spaniel, English Shepherd, and Field Spaniel dogs. No significant differences were observed between male and female dogs or between male and female cats with regard to mineral type of the specimen and the presence of urinary tract infection.  相似文献   

中国9个地方山羊品种的遗传多样性和群体结构分析   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
采用联合国粮农组织(FAO)和国际动物遗传学会(ISAG)联合推荐的数据库中选取的16对微卫星引物对中国9个地方山羊品种和1个引进品种(波尔山羊)的遗传多样性及群体结构进行分析。结果表明,在15个微卫星位点上共检测到159个等位基因;9个地方山羊品种的Fst值为89.5%,说明89.5%的遗传变异存在于品种内,而10.5%的遗传变异存在于品种间;依据Da遗传距离构建UPGMA系统发生树,表明波尔山羊分开独自聚为一类,9个地方山羊品种分为两类;采用Structure软件对10个山羊品种的群体结构进行分析,可以将其分为4组。所得到的群体关系同聚类图得到的结果基本一致。  相似文献   

An investigation was undertaken of some haematological characteristics of one indigenous and five exotic breeds of pigs kept on a farm in the hot, humid climate of Ibadan, Nigeria. The total white blood cell counts were not affected by breed and sex but the other parameters exhibited various degrees of response to these two variables, the males of each breed tending to have higher values than the females. The indigenous pigs generally had higher values than the exotic breeds. Of the latter, only the Landrace and Large White had haematological values somewhat similar to those of the West African indigenous pig. This suggests that the Landrace and Large White breeds may be more suited than the other exotic breeds investigated to the climatic conditions prevalent in Ibadan.  相似文献   

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