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动物粪便经过科学加工处理后,是饲喂畜禽的一种优质再生饲料,这对有效地开辟饲料资源,减少环境污染,降低养殖成本,提高经济效益等具有明显的效果。为此,笔者将常用的几种动物粪便饲料的加工方法介绍如下: (一)鸡粪饲料 鸡粪是质优价廉的蛋白质补充料。据  相似文献   

鸡粪含有丰富的蛋白质,具有较高的开发利用价值.发酵是鸡粪作为畜禽饲料的一种理想的技术处理措施.据多种资料报导,加藤菌微生物制剂是一种较好的发酵剂.猪是一种耗料型家畜,需要大量的蛋白质饲料支持.针对我国鸡粪资源丰富、动植物蛋白质饲料缺乏、养猪成本高等实际情况,笔者在山西榆次区演武村某猪场进行了加藤菌发酵鸡粪喂猪试验.……  相似文献   

鸡粪饲料的加工与利用幸奠权(四川省万县市响水中学634109)随着养鸡业的发展,鸡粪的数量日益增多。充分利用鸡粪再生处理饲喂畜禽,既提供了大量蛋白质饲料,降低了养殖业成本,又减少对环境污染,净化了空气,保护了生态平衡。国外早已把鸡粪当做一种商品饲料流...  相似文献   

联合国粮农组织认为,青贮是成熟的畜禽粪便加工方法,也是加工鸡粪中较安全可靠的一种方法,青贮不仅可防止粗蛋白的过多损失,还可将部分非蛋白氮 (NPN)转化为蛋白质以及杀灭几乎所有的有害微生物。本试验拟通过收集 1月龄土杂鸡 (土种鸡与乌骨鸡杂交后代 )新鲜粪便,配以当地廉价的能量饲料 (红苕 ),调整含水量后青贮,评价鸡粪添加辅料青贮后的常规养分含量及感观质量,并饲喂产奶牛,观察奶牛对鸡粪再生料的适口性和适应期,测得饲喂前后奶中蛋白质、脂肪、干物质的含量变化,了解鸡粪再生料对奶成分的影响情况,为鸡粪再利用探索一…  相似文献   

李铁坚 《中国猪业》2008,3(5):51-54
由于配合饲料的广泛应用,鸡粪营养成分的浓度显著提高,目前,鸡粪已成为廉价养分的大贮存库,鸡粪的加工利用实质上是饲料的循环利用,它不仅可降低饲养成本,还有利于环境净化与可持续发展,本文主要介绍鸡粪的营养成分、加工方法、利用方法及其效果。  相似文献   

近年来我国畜牧业发展很快,尤其是养鸡业,发展更为迅猛。畜牧业的发展也带动饲料行业进步,但问题也随之而来,鸡饲料(粗蛋白14%-21%,能量11.34%-12.60兆焦/千克)是高能量、高蛋白饲料,大部分由粮食提供,也就造成鸡与人争粮的局面。饲料的短缺,特别是蛋白质饲料的供求矛盾加剧,已经成为制约我国畜牧业发展的主要因素之一。然而,随着我国产业化、集约化养鸡业的发展,每年全国可产厂鸡粪1600万吨。这些鸡粪基本上都用作肥料或废弃物,不仅是蛋白质资源的浪费,而且严重污染环境。鸡粪是一种来源广,成本低,营养价值高的蛋…  相似文献   

李骁驽 《中国家禽》2006,28(1):26-26
1及时清粪及时清理鸡粪,可以有效地避免鸡粪长期在鸡舍中堆放产生的空气污染。2合理用料首先,要根据鸡的不同品种、不同发育阶段的营养需要,选用知名度高、化验设备先进厂家生产的全价配合饲料,保证蛋白质、必需氨基酸、矿物质、维生素等营养物质的供给和平衡,尤其要注意蛋白质  相似文献   

鸡粪饲料因加工处理的不同,可分为干燥鸡粪饲料和发酵鸡粪饲料两种: 一、干燥鸡粪饲料 (一) 加工: 1、通常将湿鸡粪经70℃12小时,140℃1小时或180℃30分钟加热即可。这样处理后的鸡粪,可以达到干燥、灭菌和耐藏的目的,营养物质损耗较少。  相似文献   

许多发达国家对鸡粪再生饲料技术的开发很重视,有些国家已成功地使用一种新型的蛋白质饲料。美国主要以干燥方式加工利用,日本主要以青贮方式加工利用,我国则将热喷技术应用于鸡粪的开发。然而,国内外这些开发利用主要是针对笼养蛋鸡粪,对平养鸡垫料混合物的开发利用则报道很少。实际上,平养鸡(肉鸡、种鸡、育成蛋鸡和产蛋鸡)垫料也是一种良好的再生性蛋白质饲料资源,尤其适于反刍动物。  相似文献   

现代集约化养鸡场除生产出大量的肉蛋产品外,还生产出鸡场最主要的废物和最大的污染源——鸡粪。鸡粪中含有大量的病原微生物和重金属(Cu、Zn等),散发出多种有害气体。另外鸡粪堆放场所还是蚊蝇的主要孳生地,也是啮齿类和鸟类动物活动集中的区域。而鸡粪中蛋白质含量较高,经再生处理后是饲喂畜禽的优质饲料,可作为常规蛋白质饲料的补充。用鸡粪饲料替代部分饲粮饲喂畜禽,既可弥补常规蛋白质饲料供应的不足,节省粮食,降低饲养成本,提高经济效益;又可减少因鸡粪造成的环境污染,降低环保成本,提高牛态效益,促进养殖业的良性循环。  相似文献   

Digestive strategies of small hindgut fermenters   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Small mammalian herbivores have a limitation in their supply system of nutrients to their energy and protein demands because they need much more energy and protein per unit body mass than larger herbivorous animals. Therefore, small herbivores need to have characteristic strategies in their digestive systems to overcome the limitation of their small body mass compared with larger animals. Although small herbivorous mammals commonly have an enlarged cecum, the pattern of flow and mixing of digesta in the large intestine varies among them. Distinct separation of the larger fiber particles from smaller and liquid contents which are retained in the cecum can be recognized in some species. Coprophagy, practiced by many small herbivores, has nutritional significance providing a source of vitamins, amino acids, and other nutrients which are excreted with feces. Among coprophagous mammals, several species produce two types of feces: soft feces, which are eaten; and hard, which are not eaten. Soft feces contain more water than hard feces and dry matter includes more protein and less fiber. Coprophagic behavior must be supported by the colonic separation mechanism, which operates retrograde transport of fluid and fine particle digesta or bacteria trapped in the mucus, resulting in high density bacteria in the cecum contents, which is successively consumed as cecotroph. These mechanisms must be necessary for small herbivores to survive on the feed in their habitat.  相似文献   

The withdrawal of feed from the pens of broiler chickens for several hours before they are shipped for slaughter is an increasingly common practice, whose objective is to decrease fecal contamination of birds during processing. In this study, Salmonella typhimurium-infected market age broiler chickens were subjected to feed withdrawal for eight hours, then placed in crates for 18 hours before they were killed and weighed. The intestines, ceca, and cloacal feces were weighed and cultured for salmonellae. The feces deposited in the crates were also weighed and cultured. The results were compared with those of control birds whose feed was not withdrawn before they were placed in crates. The withdrawal of feed did not significantly affect the total liver weights of the birds, but reduced the weights of the intestines in 7/10 groups, and of the ceca in 5/11 groups, and dramatically reduced the amount of feces deposited in the crates. There was no consistent effect on excretion of salmonellae. These results indicated that feed withdrawal for eight hours before broilers are shipped for slaughter should be effective in reducing the spread of fecal contamination and of salmonellae during transport and processing, and in improving the effectiveness of crate washing procedures.  相似文献   

An economic model was developed that calculates economic optimal dietary balanced protein (DBP) contents for broiler chickens, based on performance input and prices of meat and feed. Input on broiler responses to DBP content (growth rate, feed conversion, carcase yield and breast meat yield) was obtained from the model described by Eits et al. (2005). Changes in broiler age, price of protein-rich raw materials and large changes (40%) in meat prices resulted in economic relevant differences in DBP content for maximum profit. Effects of changes in sex or feed price on DBP content for maximum profit were negligible. Formulating diets for maximum profit instead of maximum broiler performance can strongly increase the profitability of a broiler production enterprise. DBP content for maximum profitability depends on how the broilers are marketed; as whole birds, carcase or portions.  相似文献   

本试验探讨了在日粮中使用发酵蛋白原料替代普通蛋白原料对生长育肥猪生产性能和猪肉品质的影响。结果表明,以发酵豆粕、发酵棉粕为主要蛋白原料的育肥猪无抗饲料配方产品与常规饲料相比,能显著提高育肥猪末重及平均日增重;能使每头猪养殖增收78.72元,提高毛利33.98%;能显著降低猪肉剪切力和滴水损失,提高猪肉氨基酸水平,改善了肉品质,提高了猪肉营养。  相似文献   

根据饲料可消化氨基酸研制肉仔鸡无鱼粉饲粮试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选用240只AA商品代出壳肉仔鸡进行试验,以探讨根据饲料中可消化氨基酸含量,研制菜籽粕型无鱼粉低蛋白肉仔鸡饲粮的饲用效果。结果表明:以可消化氨基酸为基础研制的菜籽粕型无鱼粉肉仔鸡低蛋白平衡饲粮,可降低饲粮蛋白质水平1-1.5个百分点,试验鸡49日龄体重达2158.26克、料肉比2.15:1,增重和饲料转化率均达到或接近鱼粉型高蛋白饲粮的效果;每吨菜籽粕型无鱼粉饲粮可比鱼粉型饲粮降低原料成本72-8  相似文献   

以藊豆(Dolichos lablab)和麦麸为饲料,研究2种饲料对黄粉虫(Tenebrio molitor)及其粪便的影响,探讨藊豆作为黄粉虫饲料来源的可行性.结果表明,藊豆喂养的幼虫粗蛋白含量、粪便中氮和钙含量显著高于麦麸喂养的幼虫.2种饲料对黄粉虫质量、幼虫粗脂肪含量、粪便中磷钾含量没有显著影响.表明藊豆作为黄粉...  相似文献   

不同饲养方式对猪生长性能影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分别选择斯格杂交商品猪60头,同时开展17~40 kg体重阶段的大群饲养(20头/栏)与小群饲养(10头/栏)对比试验,34~60 kg体重阶段的自由采食(10头/栏)与分餐饲喂(10头/栏)对比试验,试验期40 d。结果表明,大群饲养组生长速度比小群饲养组低4.95%(P>0.05),其日采食量减少9.72%(P>0.05),饲料转化效率提高5.45%(P>0.05),头均获毛利减少0.14元;自由采食组生长速度比分餐饲喂组提高13.3%(P<0.05),其日采食量增加16.87%(P<0.05),饲料转化效率降低3.14%(P>0.05),头均获毛利增加11.31元。  相似文献   

To further understand the source of the epidemic of salmonellosis in some species of birds using bird feeders in southern Ontario in the winter of 1997-1998, 124 bird feeder stations were examined for their state of hygiene and for Salmonella on 5 occasions during the winter of 1999 in a city of 100,000 people in southwestern Ontario. No Salmonella were isolated from feed contaminated with feces recovered from the feeders. Squirrel-proof feeders were significantly less contaminated with feces than were other feeder types (hopper, platform, silo), which did not differ significantly in their hygiene scores. Contamination of squirrel-proof feeders increased significantly through the course of the study, but other feeder types showed no significant change. Hygiene was poorer if feeders were maintained equally by both male and female household members, particularly as they grew older, but no age or gender effect was observed if only one person was largely responsible for maintaining the feeders. We concluded that winter bird feeder stations in a southern Ontario city were not contaminated with Salmonella but that bird feeder stations could be designed better to reduce fecal contamination of feed.  相似文献   

对影响毛皮品质的主要因素——品种、环境因素、饲养管理、剥皮及储存技术等进行了分析,以便规范毛皮生产技术,提高毛皮业经济效益。  相似文献   

We evaluated effect of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) specific lytic phage CJ12 in ETEC infected pigs. Phage was mixed with feed at a ratio of 1:1,000 (0.1%). One week after initially providing phage mixed feed, pigs were challenged orally with 10(11) CFU of ETEC and body weight, diarrhea score, bacterial CFU and phage PFU in the feces were measured. Pigs of phage treated groups C (10(6) PFU/g) and D (10(8) PFU/g) showed more resistance to diarrhea due to ETEC infection compared to positive control group B on the third day after the initial challenge. Moreover, during the quantitation of ETEC in feces, both groups C and D showed approximately 63.92 and 60.73% reduced ETEC compared to positive control group B. Phages were successfully isolated from feces in both groups C and D during the experiment without any adverse effects, suggesting the possibility of using CJ12 as a feed additive.  相似文献   

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