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猪的球虫病是由艾美科的球虫引起,它寄生于猪肠道上皮细胞内。病猪表现为肠黏膜出血性炎症和腹泻等症状,一般情况下死亡率不高,但在温暖潮湿、仔猪群过于拥挤和卫生条件恶劣时,发病率与死亡率增高,有些条件较差的猪场,母猪群感染率较高,仔猪呈急性发作,成年猪呈亚急性或慢性经过。仔猪感染该病后如不及时控制易造成大批死亡。近年来临床发现猪球虫病感染率较高是造成仔猪腹泻的主要原因之一,但有关猪球虫病的报道很少,  相似文献   

猪球虫病是由猪的艾美耳球虫和等孢球虫寄生于猪肠上皮细胞引起的一种原虫病,本病只发生于仔猪。该病的主要特征为引起仔猪严重腹泻、脱水和迅速死亡,在临床上与仔猪黄痢和仔猪白痢有相似之处,不易区别,并有可能并发细菌、病毒或其它寄生虫病,且死亡率相当高,给猪场造成较大经济损失。笔者现将一起仔猪球虫病的诊治情况报告如下:  相似文献   

猪球虫病一般情况下死亡率不高,但在温暖潮湿、仔猪群过于拥挤和卫生条件恶劣时,发病率与死亡率增高。仔猪呈急性发作,成年猪呈亚急性或慢性经过。条件较差的猪场,母猪群感染率高。仔猪感染该病后如不及时控制易造成大批死亡。近年来发现猪球虫感染率较高是造成仔猪腹泻的主要原因之一,现就一起典型病例介绍如下。  相似文献   

张振玲 《猪业科学》2023,40(2):18-19
猪等孢球虫(Cystoisosporasuis)是一种肠道寄生虫,可引起猪等孢球虫病(球虫病),导致哺乳仔猪腹泻(图1),给猪场造成损失。猪等孢球虫分布在世界各地,影响遍及各类型猪场。这种寄生虫具有宿主特异性,主要以卵囊经口感染仔猪并在其体内发育成熟。卵囊经口侵入感染后会经历几个阶段,最终导致猪只小肠上皮细胞感染,显著影响肠道黏膜的完整性。  相似文献   

猪球虫病是一种由等孢属球虫和艾美耳属引起的仔猪消化道腹泻的寄生虫疾病,多发生于仔猪,可引起10~20日龄仔猪回肠变厚乃至出血的肠道疾病,带虫小猪成年后多变成带虫猪,排出粪便感染小猪,成为主要传染源,不同猪场均有该病发生。猪球虫类型繁杂,猪等孢球虫对仔猪的危害最大、致病力最强。  相似文献   

猪球虫病是由艾美科的球虫引起,寄生于猪肠道上皮细胞内,表现为肠粘膜出血性炎症和腹泻等症状。一般情况下死亡率不高,但在温暖潮湿环境,仔猪群过于拥挤和卫生条件恶劣时,发病率与死亡率增高。有些条件较差的猪场,母猪群感染率高。仔猪呈急性发作,成年猪呈亚急性或慢性经过。仔猪感染该病后如不及时控制易造成仔猪大批死亡。近年来在临床上已发现猪球虫病感染率较高,对养殖业构成了威胁。  相似文献   

仔猪球虫病是由等孢属和艾美耳属的球虫所引起的以腹泻为特征的原虫病,规模化的猪场与散养的猪场均有该病的发生。该病的病原为猪等孢球虫,各种猪均可感染该病,但??日龄以内仔猪最易感,成年猪多为带虫者,是本病的传染源。该病的主要特征是腹泻、排淡黄色粪便、消瘦和生长发育受阻等降低,该病是危害养猪业的疾病之一。因此,预防和控制该病具有重要意义。  相似文献   

猪球虫病是由猪艾美耳球虫和等孢球虫寄生于猪肠上皮细胞引起的一种原虫病,只发生于仔猪。该病的主要特征为仔猪严重腹泻、脱水和迅速死亡,在临床上与仔猪黄痢和仔猪白痢有相似之处,不易区别,并有可能并发细菌、病毒或其他寄生虫病,且死亡率相当高,给猪场造成较大经济损失。笔者现将一起仔猪球虫病的诊治情况报道如下。  相似文献   

猪球虫病是由艾美科的球虫引起,寄生于猪肠道上皮细胞内,表现为肠粘膜出血性炎症和腹泻等症状。一般情况下死亡率不高,但在温暖潮湿环境下仔猪群过于拥挤和卫生条件恶劣时,发病率与死亡率增高。有些条件较差的猪场,母猪群感染率高。仔猪呈急性发作,成年猪呈亚急性或慢性经过。仔猪感染该病后如不及时控制易造成仔猪大批死亡。  相似文献   

猪球虫病是由艾美科的球虫引起,寄生于猪肠道上皮细胞内,表现为肠粘膜出血性炎症和腹泻等症状。一般情况下死亡率不高,但在温暖潮湿环境,仔猪群过于拥挤和卫生条件恶劣时,发病率与死亡率增高。有些条件较差的猪场,母猪群感染率高。仔猪呈急性发作,成年猪呈亚急性或慢性经过。仔猪感染该病后如不及时控制易造成仔猪大批死亡。近年来在临床上已发现猪球虫病感染率较高,对养殖业构成了威胁。  相似文献   

Chlamydiae are frequently encountered Gram‐negative intracellular eubacteria that can cause clear manifestations or clinically asymptomatic disorders. C. suis and other chlamydia are primarily isolated in cases of reproductive disorders. This study was performed to estimate the impact of Chlamydia suis infection on reproduction in sows by analyzing reproduction rates and breeding parameters. The test was conducted on first generation (F1) pigs from Polish Landrace (PL) × Polish Large White (PLW). Sixty‐four herds were investigated and 500 vaginal swabs were collected. Isolation of DNA was carried out directly from the swabs. All samples were analyzed for Chlamydia suis by real‐time PCR with a locked nucleic acid (LNA)‐containing probe. To analyze the impact of chlamydia infection on reproductive parameters, evaluation questionnaires were used. Reproductive problems were found in 77.3% of the farms tested. The receiver operating characteristic curve indicated that in the farms with 10 up to 120 sows, there were higher reproductive problems with chlamydia infection than in smaller and bigger pig farms. The most common problems were estrus repetition, which was reported by 57.81% of the surveyed farms, and the birth of dead piglets, which was reported by 31.25% of the investigated pig farms. Abortions, which were reported by 28.12% of the surveyed farms, were the least common reproductive disorders.  相似文献   

A total of 4338 faecal samples, 135 of sows, 3368 of pre‐weaned and 835 of post‐weaned piglets from eight farms in South Bohemia, Czech Republic were collected and examined for Cryptosporidium infection. No sow, but 5.7% pre‐weaned and 24.1% post‐weaned piglets were positive for Cryptosporidium infection. No relationship was found between diarrhoea and Cryptosporidium infection in any of the different age groups (pre‐ and post‐weaned piglets). Four piglets, which were sporadically shedding cryptosporidia in faeces, were necropsied. Neither clinical signs of diarrhoea nor macroscopical changes were found. Histologically, a moderate infection of cryptosporidia was detected in the glandular epithelium along the large intestine, with predisposition to the ansa centralis of the colon. No inflammatory response in the lamina propria was observed. Cryptosporidia were also commonly found in the glandular epithelium of submucosal lymphoglandular complexes in the colon. Cryptosporidium isolates from all farms were identified as Cryptosporidium suis using molecular markers (SSU rRNA). All of the C. suis strains obtained were larger [6.2 (6.0–6.8) × 5.5 (5.3–5.7) μm] than any isolate described so far [4.6 (4.4–4.9) × 4.2 (4.0–4.3) μm] and did not appear to be infective for neonatal BALB/c mice.  相似文献   

陈维  谭涛 《猪业科学》2021,38(8):42-45
为了促进食品安全和养猪业的健康发展,禁止在饲料中使用促生长抗生素势在必行。随着我国的饲料禁抗相关法规的推行,饲料企业被严格禁止在饲料生产过程中加入抗生素,这也导致了猪场疾病尤其是肠道疾病的高发,而仔猪肠道发育未完全,免疫系统未发育成熟,更容易发生严重的腹泻甚至死亡。文章对几种常见的仔猪细菌性腹泻疾病进行了回顾,病原包括大肠杆菌、沙门氏菌、魏氏梭菌,讨论了它们的临床症状与防控措施,为猪场在防控这些细菌性腹泻提供参考。  相似文献   

重庆市猪球虫病流行病学调查与虫种鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的为了解重庆市猪场球虫感染情况。方法选取重庆市9个县14个猎场作为采样点,对被检猪采用直肠取粪法或采集猪刚排出的新鲜粪便,饱和食盐水漂浮法收集卵囊,镜检观察。对收集到的卵囊进行培养,待其孢子化后进行种类鉴定。结果14个猪场均感染了球虫,球虫的平均感染率为33.83%,阳性率最高的场为76.09%;仔猪感染率为41.87%,后备猪感染率为26.33%,种猪感染率为67.80%。发现8种艾美耳属球虫和1种等孢属球虫,分别是猪艾美耳球虫(检出率13.56%),豚艾美耳球虫(检出率41.59%),有刺艾美耳球虫(检出率12.84%),平滑艾美耳球虫(检出率4.70%),新蒂氏艾美耳球虫(检出率10.49%),蒂氏艾美耳球虫(检出率11.03%),粗糙艾美耳球虫(检出率2.35%),极细艾美耳球虫(检出率3.07%),及猪等孢球虫(检出率0.36%)。结论重庆市猪球虫感染率较高,应加强猪球虫病的防制。  相似文献   


Faecal samples from suckling piglets from 113 litters on 25 farms in the Netherlands were examined to study the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites, in particular Strongyloides ransomi and Isospora suis. S. ransomi was not found but I. suis was demonstrated in 17 of the 25 farms and in 41 out of 77 litters of these farms (53%). No other parasites were found. On the basis of these results, a longitudinal study on the incidence and significance of I. suis was performed on 10 farms (5 litters/farm). I. suis was found on 9 out of 10 farms and in 56% of the litters. Farms differed in infection levels, measured as the numbers of patent litters, and in the onset of patency. Other parasites were only found in faecal samples from the sows and from farrowing pens. These were, in order of prevalence, Balantidium coli, Ascaris suum, Eimeria spinosa, E. debliecki and E. suis.  相似文献   

猪圆环病毒3型是近年来发现的又一种致病性猪圆环病毒,已在不少地区存在。为了了解猪圆环病毒3型在一些地区的流行情况,用PCR方法检测了湖南省与京津冀地区523头断奶仔猪血清样品中的病毒核酸。结果显示,猪圆环病毒3型核酸的猪场阳性率为68.75%,个体阳性率为31.74%,整体存在极显著(P<0.01)差异。进一步分析发现,病毒核酸阳性率超过20%的猪场达到50%,超过70%的猪场占18.75%,为0%的猪场占31.25%。调查结果表明,猪圆环病毒3型感染在我国一些地区广泛存在,但在不同猪场的感染率差异很大。  相似文献   

A total of 413 pig faecal samples were collected from pre-weaners (119), starters (131), pre-growers (123) and sows (40) from a farm with a closed breeding system segmented into two breeding complexes and a growing complex in the region of Vysočina, Czech Republic and screened for the presence of Cryptosporidium using staining methods and genotyping (SSU rRNA). Cryptosporidium oocysts were detected by microscopy in the faeces of 21.1% of the samples (87/413). Sequence analyses and RFLP identified C. suis in 44, Cryptosporidium pig genotype II in 23 and C. muris in 2 samples. No mixed infections were found.Pigs under 7 weeks of age were infected with C. suis only. Cryptosporidium pig genotype II was found in animals from 7 weeks of age. No relationship was found between diarrhoea and any Cryptosporidium infection in any of the different age groups (P < 0.05). The pre-weaned pigs shed significantly more Cryptosporidium oocysts than older pigs and it was associated with C. suis infection.  相似文献   


Since 1983 some pig breeding and fattening farms in the Netherlands have been faced with a considerable mortality in pigs due to Streptococcus suis type 2 infections. The most predominant clinical feature of S. suis type 2 infection is meningitis, although sudden deaths often occur. It was noted that some affected farms had imported breeding stock from the United Kingdom.

Tonsils of slaughter pigs were collected from herds with and without a history of S. suis type 2 infections. Bacteriological examination was done by using an elective‐selective medium. No significant difference was found in carrier rates of S. suis type 2 between clinically healthy and affected herds (38% vs. 45%).

A cohort study was carried out by regular bacteriological examination of tonsil biopsies on a farm with a high incidence of streptococcal meningitis. Twenty‐seven percent of the pigs were carriers of S. suis type 2 at nine weeks of age. Possible methods for disease control are discussed.  相似文献   

猪流行性腹泻是由猪流行性腹泻病毒(PEDV)引起的高度接触性肠道传染病,临床以仔猪呕吐、严重腹泻、高死亡率(产房仔猪达到100%)为主要特征,随着PEDV毒株的变异及其规模化猪场的扩张,猪场布局密度日益扩大,猪流行性腹泻在猪场已经成为常态化,尤其在冬春季节更为严重,对养殖场造成的损失严重,笔者处理了一起规模化猪场的的腹泻案例,在此分享供大家参考借鉴。  相似文献   

仔猪等孢球虫与等孢球虫病研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
仔猪等孢球虫病是由猪等孢球虫寄生在哺乳期及新近断奶仔猪小肠上皮细胞所引起的一种寄生性原虫病,呈世界性分布,给养猪场造成严重的经济损失。本文对猪等孢球虫病的病原分类、虫体形态和生活史、致病性、流行病学特点、临床症状、病理变化、诊断、防治等方面的目前研究状况进行了综述,为猪等孢球虫病的有效防制提供参考。  相似文献   

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