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The aims of this study were to estimate, simultaneously, the genetic parameters of test‐day milk fat‐to‐protein ratio (FPR), test‐day milk yield (MY), and days‐open (DO) in the first two lactations of Thai Holsteins. A total of 76 194 test‐day production records collected from 8874 cows with 8674 DO records between 2001 and 2011 from different lactations were treated as separated traits. The estimates of heritability for test‐day FPR in the first lactation showed an increasing trend, whereas the estimates in the second lactation showed a U‐shape trend. Genetic correlations for FPR‐DO and MY‐DO showed a decreasing trend along days in milk (DIM) in both lactations, whereas genetic correlations for FPR‐MY increased along DIM in the first lactation but decreased in the second lactation. Genetic correlations of FPR between consecutive DIM were moderate to high, which showed the effectiveness of simultaneous analyses. Selection of FPR in the early stage has no adverse effect on MY and DO for the first lactation but has a negative effect on MY and positive effect on DO for the second lactation. This study showed that genetic improvement of the energy balance using FPR, MY and DO with multi‐trait test day model could be applied in a Thailand dairy cattle breeding program.  相似文献   

The test‐day milk fat‐to‐protein ratio (TD‐FPR) could serve as a measure of energy balance status and might be used as a criterion to improve metabolic stability and fertility through genetic selection. Therefore, genetic parameters for fertility traits, test‐day milk yield (TD‐MY) and TD‐FPR, as well as, their relationships during different stages of lactation, were estimated on data collected from 25 968 primiparous Thai dairy crossbred cows. Gibbs sampling algorithms were implemented to obtain (co)variance components using both univariate linear and threshold animal models and bivariate linear‐linear and linear‐threshold animal models with random regression. Average TD‐MY and TD‐FPR were 12.60 and 1.15. Heritability estimates for TD‐MY, TD‐FPR and selected fertility traits ranged from 0.31 to 0.58, 0.17 to 0.19 and 0.02 to 0.05, respectively. Genetic correlations among TD‐FPR and TD‐MY, TD‐FPR and fertility traits, and TD‐MY and fertility traits ranged from 0.05 to ‐0.44, from ‐0.98 to 0.98 and ‐0.22 to 0.79, respectively. Selection for lower TD‐FPR would decrease numbers of inseminations per conception and increase conception at first service and pregnancy within 90 days. In addition, cow selection based only on high milk production has strong effects to prolong days to first service, days open and calving interval.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to estimate genetic parameters and breeding values for the twinning rate of the first three parities (T1, T2 and T3) and 305‐day milk yield in first lactation (MY), using a four‐trait threshold‐linear animal model in Japanese Holsteins. Data contained 1 323 946 cows calving between 1990 and 2007. Twinning was treated as a binary character: ‘single’ or ‘twin or more’. Reported T1, T2 and T3 were 0.70%, 2.87%, and 3.73%, respectively. Individual 305‐day milk yield was computed using a multiple trait prediction for cows with at least eight test‐day records. (Co)variance components were estimated via Gibbs sampling for randomly sampled subsets. Posterior means of heritabilities for T1, T2 and T3 were 0.11, 0.16 and 0.14, respectively. Genetic correlations between parities were 0.92 or greater. Genetic correlations of MY with twinning rate were not ‘significant’ (i.e. their 95% highest probability density intervals contained zeros). Multiple births at different parities were considered as the same genetic trait. The average evaluations of T1 (T2) for sires born before 1991 was 0.48% (2.25%) compared with a mean of 0.76% (3.37%) for sires born after 1992. A recent increase in the reported twinning rate reflects the positive genetic trend for sires in Japanese Holsteins.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to estimate genetic parameters of milk, fat, and protein yields, fat and protein contents, somatic cell count, and 17 groups and individual milk fatty acid (FA) contents predicted by mid‐infrared spectrometry for first‐, second‐ and third‐parity Holstein cows. Edited data included records collected in the Walloon region of Belgium from 37 768 cows in parity 1, 22 566 cows in parity 2 and 8221 in parity 3. A total of 69 (23 traits for three parities) single‐trait random regression animal test‐day models were run. Approximate genetic correlations among traits were inferred from pairwise regressions among estimated breeding values of cow having observations. Heritability and genetic correlation estimates from this study reflected the origins of FA: de novo synthetized or originating from the diet and the body fat mobilization. Averaged daily heritabilities of FA contents in milk ranged between 0.18 and 0.47. Average daily genetic correlations (averaged across days in milk and parities) among groups and individual FA contents in milk ranged between 0.31 and 0.99. The genetic variability of FAs in combination with the moderate to high heritabilities indicated that FA contents in milk could be changed by genetic selection; however, desirable direction of change in these traits remains unclear and should be defined with respect to all issues of importance related to milk FA.  相似文献   

Multiple‐trait (MT) finite mixture random regression (MIX) model was applied using Bayesian methods to first lactation test‐day (TD) milk yield and somatic cell score (SCS) of Canadian Holsteins, allowing for heterogeneity of distributions with respect to days in milk (DIM) in lactation. The assumption was that the associations between patterns of variation in these traits and mastitis would allow revealing the hidden structure in the data distribution because of unknown health status of cows. The MIX model assumed separate means and residual co‐variance structures for two components in four intervals of lactation, in addition to fitting the fixed effect of herd‐test‐day, and fixed and random regressions with Legendre polynomials. Results indicated that the mixture model was superior to standard MT model, as supported by the Bayes factor. Approximately 20% of TD records were classified as originated from cows with a putative, sub‐clinical form of mastitis. The proportion of records from mastitic cows was the largest at the beginning of lactation. The MIX model exhibited different distributions of data from healthy and infected cows in different parts of lactation. Records from sick cows were characterized by larger (smaller) means for SCS (milk) and larger variances. Residual, and daily genetic and environmental correlations between milk and SCS were smaller from the MIX model when compared with MT estimates. Heritabilities of both traits differed significantly among records from healthy, sick and MT model estimates. Both models fitted milk records from healthy cows relatively well. The ability of the MT model in handling SCS records, measured by model residuals, was low, but improved substantially, however, where the data were allowed to be separated into two components in the MIX parameterization. Correlations between estimated breeding values (EBV) for sires from both models were very high for cumulative milk yield (>0.99) and slightly lower (0.95 in the interval from 5 to 45 DIM) for daily SCS. EBV for SCS from MT and MIX models were weakly correlated with posterior probability of sub‐clinical mastitis on the phenotypic scale.  相似文献   

通过奶牛生产性能(dairy herd improvement,DHI)测定体细胞数,探究奶牛的胎次及其不同泌乳阶段对其乳体细胞数(somatic cell count,SCC)和乳损失量的影响。通过对某养殖场泌乳期奶牛DHI的测定进行分析,结果表明:体细胞评分(somatic cell score,SCS)随奶牛胎次的增加而增加,但SCS在不同胎次的不同泌乳阶段表现有所不同。一胎牛SCS随着泌乳期的延长而增加,前期、中期与后期的SCS呈显著性差异(P<0.05);二胎牛与三胎牛SCS呈现相同变化规律,泌乳前期的SCS较泌乳中期高,而泌乳后期SCS显著高于前2个泌乳阶段(P<0.05)。乳损失量随胎次的增加整体呈现增加趋势,且泌乳早期和泌乳后期乳损失量高于泌乳中期。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate genetic associations between alternative somatic cell count (SCC) traits and milk yield, composition and udder type traits in Italian Jersey cows. Alternative SCC traits were test‐day (TD) somatic cell score (SCS) averaged over early lactation (SCS_150), standard deviation of SCS of the entire lactation (SCS_SD), a binary trait indicating absence or presence of at least one TD SCC >400,000 cells/ml in the lactation (Infection) and the ratio of the number of TD SCC >400,000 cells/ml to total number of TD in the lactation (Severity). Heritabilities of SCC traits, including lactation‐mean SCS (SCS_LM), ranged from 0.038 to 0.136. Genetic correlations between SCC traits were moderate to strong, with very few exceptions. Unfavourable genetic associations between milk yield and SCS_SD and Infection indicated that high‐producing cows were more susceptible to variation in SCC than low‐producing animals. Cows with deep udders, loose attachments, weak ligaments and long teats were more susceptible to an increase of SCC in milk. Overall, results suggest that alternative SCC traits can be exploited to improve cow's resistance to mastitis in Italian Jersey breed.  相似文献   

Genetic parameters were estimated for loge somatic cell count (LSCC) for the first three lactations of 31 236 Holstein/Friesian cows with 308 534, 236 277 and 206 729 test day yields in parities 1, 2 and 3, respectively. An animal random regression model was employed in the analyses using Gibbs sampling with each parity regarded as different traits. Linear and quadratic functions were fitted for the animal and permanent environmental effects respectively, using orthogonal polynomials. Daily heritabilities increased with days in milk (DIM) and averaged about 0.07 in all three parities. This increase in heritabilities with DIM was due to an increase in genetic variance and decreases in both permanent and residual environmental variances with DIM. Environmental effects have a large influence on LSCC in early lactation in all three parities. Within lactation, genetic correlations were highest between adjacent DIM but decreased as DIM got further apart. However, this decrease was slowest in parity one and greatest in parity three. The lowest correlation within lactation was 0.10 between DIM 7 and 305 in parity 3. Across lactations, genetic correlations were highest between parities 2 and 3, intermediate between 1 and 3, and lowest between 1 and 2. The genetic correlations computed for completed lactations were 0.69, 0.79 and 0.98 between parities 1 and 2, 1 and 3, and 2 and 3, respectively. Corresponding phenotypic correlations between parities were 0.38, 0.31 and 0.52, respectively. A test day model, accounting for these variations in heritabilities and genetic correlations, should result in a more accurate evaluation.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to estimate the heritability of mastitis incidence and genetic correlations between the mastitis and the somatic cell score (SCS) statistics, and to compare the practicability between different models. We used test‐day records with the mastitis incidence and SCS collected from Holstein cows calving from 1988 to 2015 in Hokkaido, Japan. As indicators of mastitis, the average SCS (avSCS), the standard deviation of SCS (sdSCS), and the maximum SCS (maxSCS) were calculated using test‐day records up to the first 305 days in milk within a lactation. We compared a four‐trait repeatability animal model (MTRP) with a four‐trait multiple‐lactation animal model (MTML). The heritability for mastitis was equal to or lower than 0.05 in all the models. Genetic correlations between lactations with MTML within the same trait were positive and close to 1. With MTRP, the estimated genetic correlations of the mastitis incidence with avSCS, sdSCS, and maxSCS were 0.66, 0.79, and 0.82, respectively. A joint evaluation with SCS statistics is expected to give an extra reliability for mastitis because of high and positive genetic correlations among the traits.  相似文献   

本研究通过对规模化牧场测定日数据进行分析,旨在估计不同地区305 d校正产奶量对应泌乳天数(DIM)的校正系数与胎次校正系数。利用Wood(不完全伽玛)模型对来自不同温度带9个参考群11 749头荷斯坦奶牛2010-2020年间的683 160条测定日产奶量拟合泌乳曲线,估计泌乳曲线参数,计算头胎牛和经产牛1~305 d泌乳天数对应的校正系数,分别分析参考群和验证群305 d校正产奶量和305 d实际累积奶量的差异;利用SAS 9.2中混合线性模型对1~6胎至少有前5个胎记录的牛估计305 d奶量的胎次效应值,并计算1~6胎各胎次的乘法校正系数;比较传统系数和新系数校正结果的差异。结果表明:①参考群头胎牛和经产牛中,泌乳曲线方程的拟合度R2范围分别为0.4593~0.4913和0.5796~0.6341,泌乳高峰日分别为79~85和53 d,泌乳高峰奶量分别为33.1~34.4和46.0~48.6 kg;②对于参考群,头胎牛和经产牛校正系数分别在泌乳≥90 d和泌乳≥30 d基本趋于一致,头胎牛和经产牛泌乳≥60 d的305 d校正产奶量均趋近于305 d实际累积奶量,奶量差值分别在100和200 kg以内;③对于验证群的305 d校正产奶量,头胎牛泌乳≥150 d和经产牛泌乳≥180 d的泌乳天数校正系数适用性更佳,305 d校正产奶量与305 d实际累积奶量比值高于79%;④1~6胎的胎次校正系数分别为1.2121、1.0380、1.0063、1.0000、1.0220和1.0290;⑤与传统系数相比,新泌乳天数校正系数校正效果更好,头胎牛和经产牛新系数校正的305 d奶量较305 d实际累积奶量相差分别在900和700 kg以内;利用新胎次校正系数,2~4胎产奶量可较为准确地校正到5胎成年当量。本研究结果表明,定期更新305 d校正产奶量的泌乳天数与胎次校正系数,便于准确地将不同泌乳天数、不同胎次状态下泌乳牛的产奶量调整到同一基准上,从而更好地比较奶牛个体泌乳性能的高低,为牧场管理提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Test-day (TD) records of milk, fat-to-protein ratio (F:P) and somatic cell score (SCS) of first-lactation Canadian Holstein cows were analysed by a three-trait finite mixture random regression model, with the purpose of revealing hidden structures in the data owing to putative, sub-clinical mastitis. Different distributions of the data were allowed in 30 intervals of days in milk (DIM), covering the lactation from 5 to 305 days. Bayesian analysis with Gibbs sampling was used for model inferences. Estimated proportion of TD records originated from cows infected with mastitis was 0.66 in DIM from 5 to 15 and averaged 0.2 in the remaining part of lactation. Data from healthy and mastitic cows exhibited markedly different distributions, with respect to both average value and the variance, across all parts of lactation. Heterogeneity of distributions for infected cows was also apparent in different DIM intervals. Cows with mastitis were characterized by smaller milk yield (down to -5 kg) and larger F:P (up to 0.13) and SCS (up to 1.3) compared with healthy contemporaries. Differences in averages between healthy and infected cows for F:P were the most profound at the beginning of lactation, when a dairy cow suffers the strongest energy deficit and is therefore more prone to mammary infection. Residual variances for data from infected cows were substantially larger than for the other mixture components. Fat-to-protein ratio had a significant genetic component, with estimates of heritability that were larger or comparable with milk yield, and was not strongly correlated with milk and SCS on both genetic and environmental scales. Daily milk, F:P and SCS are easily available from milk-recording data for most breeding schemes in dairy cattle. Fat-to-protein ratio can potentially be a valuable addition to SCS and milk yield as an indicator trait for selection against mastitis.  相似文献   

We used test‐day records and daily records from provincial weather stations in Japan to evaluate heat tolerance (HT) in Holstein cows according to a random regression test‐day model. Data were a total of 1,641,952 test‐day records for heritability estimates and 17,245,694 test‐day records for genetic evaluation of HT by using milk yield and somatic cell score (SCS) in Holstein cows that had calved for the first time in 2000 through 2015. Temperature–humidity index (THI) values were estimated by using average daily temperature and average daily relative humidity records from 60 provincial Japanese weather stations. The model contained herd–test‐day, with lactation curves on days in milk within month–age group as a fixed effect. General additive genetic effect and HT of additive genetic effect were included as random effects. The threshold value of THI was set to 60. For milk yield, estimated mean heritabilities were lower during heat stress (THI = 78; 0.20 and 0.28) than when below the heat stress threshold (THI ≤ 60; 0.26 and 0.31). For SCS, heritability estimates (range 0.08–0.10) were similar under all heat stress conditions. Genetic trends of HT indicated that EBVs of HT are changing in an undesirable direction.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of heat stress (HS) on production traits, somatic cell score (SCS) and conception rate at first insemination (CR) in Holsteins in Japan. We used a total of 228 242 records of milk, fat and protein yields, and SCS for the first three lactations, as well as of CR in heifers and in first‐ and second‐lactation cows that had calved for the first time between 2000 and 2012. Records from 47 prefectural weather stations throughout Japan were used to calculate the temperature–humidity index (THI); areas were categorized into three regional groups: no HS (THI < 72), mild HS (72 ≤ THI < 79), and moderate HS (THI ≥ 79). Trait records from the three HS‐region groups were treated as three different traits and trivariate animal models were used. The genetic correlations between milk yields from different HS groups were very high (0.91 to 0.99). Summer calving caused the greatest increase in SCS, and in the first and second lactations this increase became greater as THI increased. In cows, CR was affected by the interaction between HS group and insemination month: with summer and early autumn insemination, there was a reduction in CR, and it was much larger in the mild‐ and moderate‐HS groups than in the no‐HS group.  相似文献   

In dairy cows, exogenous α‐amylase is suggested to improve starch utilization and positively affect performance and health traits linked to energy balance and fertility. In a 1‐year feeding experiment, 421 cows were orally supplemented with α‐amylase (treatment: 12.5 g/kg dry matter (DM) addition rate to a concentrated feed) or non‐supplemented (control) on the basis of an ad libitum total mixed ration (TMR). Every cow was allocated to a high‐ (≥32 kg milk/day) or late‐lactation group (<32 kg milk/day), in which the TMR starch content was 220 ± 20.8 g/kg DM and 183 ± 24.8 g/kg DM, respectively. The energetic effect of α‐amylase supplementation seemed to be exclusively related to the high‐lactation stage (5–100 days in milk) in primiparous cows, where the daily milk yield was 32 ± 0.49 versus 31 ± 0.50 kg per cow in the treatment versus control group (< 0.05). The pluriparous cows did not benefit from the supplementation that way. In neither primiparous nor pluriparous cows, was the milk composition, the fat‐to‐protein ratio, the somatic cell score, the backfat thickness, serum total bilirubin, β‐hydroxybutyrate and the fertility found to be systematically affected by α‐amylase supplementation.  相似文献   

Genetic correlations between body condition score (BCS) and fertility traits in dairy cattle were estimated using bivariate random regression models. BCS was recorded by the Swiss Holstein Association on 22,075 lactating heifers (primiparous cows) from 856 sires. Fertility data during first lactation were extracted for 40,736 cows. The fertility traits were days to first service (DFS), days between first and last insemination (DFLI), calving interval (CI), number of services per conception (NSPC) and conception rate to first insemination (CRFI). A bivariate model was used to estimate genetic correlations between BCS as a longitudinal trait by random regression components, and daughter's fertility at the sire level as a single lactation measurement. Heritability of BCS was 0.17, and heritabilities for fertility traits were low (0.01-0.08). Genetic correlations between BCS and fertility over the lactation varied from: -0.45 to -0.14 for DFS; -0.75 to 0.03 for DFLI; from -0.59 to -0.02 for CI; from -0.47 to 0.33 for NSPC and from 0.08 to 0.82 for CRFI. These results show (genetic) interactions between fat reserves and reproduction along the lactation trajectory of modern dairy cows, which can be useful in genetic selection as well as in management. Maximum genetic gain in fertility from indirect selection on BCS should be based on measurements taken in mid lactation when the genetic variance for BCS is largest, and the genetic correlations between BCS and fertility is strongest.  相似文献   

[目的]研究产犊季节、胎次及不同牛场对奶牛泌乳性能的影响情况,以期为提高奶牛的泌乳性能及牛奶质量提供可靠的理论依据。[方法]收集3个千头以上奶牛场共8 872次相关信息,用多因素方差分析法分析产犊季节、胎次和牛场对泌乳天数、305d校正奶量、305d脂肪产量、305d蛋白产量和全泌乳期产奶量5个泌乳性能的影响进行分析。[结果]不同产犊季节、胎次和牛场都极显著影响奶牛的5项泌乳性能(P<0.01)。夏季和秋季产犊奶牛的泌乳性能较为理想。夏季产犊奶牛的泌乳天数和全泌乳期产奶量最高,其他三个泌乳性能都位居第二;秋季产犊奶牛的305d校正奶量、脂肪产量和蛋白产量都显著高于其他三个季节(P<0.05),泌乳天数和全泌乳期产奶量也仅次于夏季。头胎牛的各项泌乳性能都显著高于其他胎次的奶牛(P<0.05),其次为2胎产犊奶牛。随着胎次的增加,泌乳性能的各项指标都有不同程度的降低。除了泌乳天数之外,A牛场的各项泌乳性能都最佳,且显著高于B、C两个奶牛场(P<0.05)。[结论]在饲养条件良好的情况下,本研究中三个牛场的奶牛适宜在夏、秋两个季节产犊,此时泌乳性能较好;此外,头胎产犊奶牛的泌乳性能在各胎次中最高。  相似文献   

产犊季节、胎次及牛场对荷斯坦牛泌乳性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究收集了3个千头以上奶牛场共8872条相关信息,采用多因素方差分析法分析了不同产犊季节、胎次和牛场对泌乳天数、305d校正奶量、305d脂肪产量、305d蛋白产量和全泌乳期产奶量5个泌乳性能指标的影响。结果表明,不同产犊季节、胎次和牛场都极显著影响奶牛的该5项泌乳性能(P〈0.01)。夏季和秋季产犊奶牛的泌乳性能较为理想。夏季产犊奶牛的泌乳天数和全泌乳期产奶量最高,其他三个泌乳性能指标都位居第二;秋季产犊奶牛的305d校正奶量、脂肪产量和蛋白产量都显著高于其他三个季节(P〈0.05),泌乳天数和全泌乳期产奶量也仅次于夏季。头胎牛的各项泌乳性能都显著高于其他胎次的奶牛(P〈0.05),其次为2胎产犊奶牛。随着胎次的增加,泌乳性能的各项指标都有不同程度的降低。不同的牛场极显著地影响奶牛的泌乳性能(P〈0.01)。  相似文献   

Lifetime records of 442 Holstein cows on one farm in North Queensland, Australia, were analysed to evaluate the effects of age at first calving (AFC) and first lactation milk yield on parities per lifetime, longevity, milk yield in subsequent lactations, lifetime milk production and the longevity index (LI), that is the proportion of a cow's life spent in active milk production. The mean daily yield in the first lactation was a reliable indicator of milk yield in subsequent lactations, estimated lifetime production, longevity and LI. The afc had no effect on lifetime days in milk. Neither the AFC nor the milk yield in the first lactation significantly affected the number of parities per lifetime. For the majority of cows, which produced less than 30 l/day in the first lactation, there was a significant positive relationship between longevity and AFC. However, none of the cows that produced more than 30 l/day in the first lactation survived for more than two lactations. The optimal AFC was thus two to two-and-a-half years, as these cows had the highest first lactation yield, estimated lifetime production and LI. The optimal mean daily yield in the first lactation was 20 to 30 l/day, as these cows lived longer and had a higher LI and lifetime production.  相似文献   

Data comprising 7211 lactation records of 2894 cows were used to estimate genetic and phenotypic parameters for milk production (lactation milk yield, LMY and lactation length, LL) and fertility (calving interval, CI; number of services per conception, NSC and age at first calving, AFC) traits. Genetic, environmental and phenotypic trends were also estimated. Variance components were estimated using univariate, bivariate and trivariate animal models on based restricted maximum likelihood procedures. Univariate models were used for each trait, while bivariate models were used to estimate genetic and phenotypic correlations between milk production and fertility traits and between LMY, LL, CI and NSC within each lactation. Trivariate models were used in the analysis of LMY, LL, CI and NSC in the first three lactations. Heritability estimates from the univariate model were 0.16, 0.07, 0.03, 0.04 and 0.01 for LMY, LL, CI, AFC and NSC, respectively. The heritability estimates from trivariate analysis were higher for milk production traits than those from univariate analyses. Genetic correlations were high and undesirable between milk production and fertility traits, while phenotypic correlations were correspondingly low. Genetic trends were close to zero for all traits, while environmental and phenotypic trends fluctuated over the study period.  相似文献   

Milk somatic cell count is an indicator trait for mastitis resistance. Genetic parameters for somatic cell score in the Portuguese Holstein-Friesian population were estimated by modeling the pattern of genetic correlation over the first 3 lactations (days in milk) with a random regression model. Data records from the first 3 lactations were from the national database of the Portuguese Holstein Association herds. Heritability estimates ranged from 0.05 at the beginning of the lactation for the 3 lactations, to 0.07 at the end of the lactation period for the first and third lactations, to 0.09 for the second lactation. This increase in the heritability values was due to an increase in the genetic variance and a decrease in the residual variances. Genetic correlations evaluated for monthly time points were high (0.65 to 0.99) for all 3 lactations, whereas phenotypic correlations were much less than the genetic correlations (0.13 to 0.62).  相似文献   

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