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寄生虫病是规模化猪场常见的一大类疾病,可以造成重大经济损失.规模化猪场寄生虫病的防治以药物防治为主导.常用于规模化猪场寄生虫防治的药物主要有:  相似文献   

我国是世界上最大的养猪生产国之一,寄生虫病感染对养猪生产的影响不容忽视.深入了解集约化猪场寄生虫病的存在和发生情况,将对集约化猪场的疾病控制具有非常重要的意义.通过对集约化、规模化猪场寄生虫病调查,摸清规模化猪场寄生虫病感染、药物控制情况,并对猪场药物控制效果进行评价,旨在引起养殖户对寄生虫病危害性的重视,为今后寄生虫病防治工作提供科学依据,从而保障集约化猪场规模高效发展.  相似文献   

张浩吉 《兽医导刊》2013,(12):27-30
规模化猪场由于饲养密集,猪舍温、湿度相对稳定,猪群所感染的寄生虫的类群会发生显著的交化,大多数寄生虫病表现为“亚临床症状”不断地蚕食养猪业的利润,也有一些寄生虫病以急性病形式在猪群中暴发和流行,给规模化猪场造成巨大的经济损失。时至今日,越来越多的养猪业者非常重视对寄生虫病的控制,因为做好寄生虫病的控制不仅能为养猪业带来巨大的收益,而且寄生虫病的流行情况能折射出猪场的卫生消毒和管理水平。在此就我国规模化猪场寄生虫病的流行现状和寄生虫病防治中存在的一些问题进行分析。  相似文献   

本文探明了鲁西地区规模猪场寄生虫病流行特点,分析了危害性,并制定了综合防控措施和驱虫方案,对于规模化猪场寄生虫病综合防控具有参考意义.  相似文献   

为了防止规模化猪场寄生虫病的发生,减少由此造成的损失,通过提高规模化猪场的环境卫生条件,加强猪场各项管理,规范驱虫模式,选用左旋脒唑、敌百虫、丙硫苯脒唑、阿维菌素等药物定期驱虫,制定合理、有效的防范监控体系,能够减少寄生虫病的发生,降低寄生虫病危害。  相似文献   

规模化猪场寄生虫病的防治技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
寄生虫病是养猪场的常见疾病之一,其危害的表现不明显,却使猪场蒙受巨大的经济损失。我国规模化猪场发展迅速,寄生虫病防控应该引起足够  相似文献   

近年来一些规模化猪场生猪饲养量逐渐增加,常见寄生虫病发病越来越多,给养猪业造成很大经济损失,因此,本文通过一系列的调查研究,根据规模化猪场常见寄生虫病流行特点,切实加强饲养管理,采取综合性防治措施,减少该病造成的经济损失。  相似文献   

寄生虫病是制约养猪业的主要问题之一,猪的寄生虫种类较多,一直以来,猪场养殖业生产中寄生虫病引起相当程度上的经济损失。国内外许多学者对规模猪场消化道寄生虫做出了大量的调查研究。该研究为规模化猪场消化道寄生虫病的综合防治提供理论依据。根据调查结果制定出适合的综合防治措施,应用于实际可以保障猪场创造更好的经济效益。  相似文献   

猪消化道寄生虫病是规模化养猪场的常见疾病之一,其危害巨大,使养猪场蒙受巨大的经济损失.如今规模化猪场发展迅速,猪消化道寄生虫病防治应该引起足够的重视.  相似文献   

在规模化猪场的猪病中,猪寄生虫病常常被管理音忽视,但由此病造成的影响则严重影响到猪的生产性能和猪场的盈利能力。笔者通过收集关于规模化猪场寄生虫病的感染情况与综合防控措施研究,掌握了猪感染寄生虫的种类、感染率、感染强度等重要参数,并将此成果与雏鹰公司的驱虫方案结合起来,并进行实施,最终取得了良好的成效。  相似文献   

A ranch-level model using state-and-transitions models for three ecological sites is used to determine the trade-offs of providing various ecosystem services. The hypothetical ranch is located in northern Colorado and is based upon area average ecological site characteristics and livestock production practices. Management decisions include stocking rate and brush control. The model includes exogenous factors such as precipitation and fire. The model solves for optimal decisions over an infinite planning horizon using stochastic dynamic programming. Results show that a ranch cannot provide all ecosystem services in tandem at their highest level, implying that land managers must decide which ecosystems service they want to provide. Also, it is much cheaper in terms of foregone profitability for a ranch to continue to provide a specific ecosystem service that is already provided by the ranch rather than try to transition the ranch to a new ecological state in order to provide a service currently not provided.  相似文献   

不同规模工厂化养猪的成本及效率分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国生猪养殖规模和水平参差不齐,本文以26家规模化猪场为研究对象,其中包括规模Ⅰ(2000头以下基础母猪)3家、规模Ⅱ(2000~3000头基础母猪)3家、规模Ⅲ(3000~4000头基础母猪)4家、规模Ⅳ(4000头以上基础母猪)16家,比较不同养殖规模工厂化养猪场的生产成本和生产效率。结果表明:不同规模的工业化猪场在生产成本与生产效率方面有显著差异。随着规模增加,生长育肥期饲料成本、兽药疫苗、固定资产折旧及人工费用降低,生长育肥阶段成本明显下降,出栏猪成本与规模呈现负相关。仔猪哺乳及仔猪保育阶段对管理水平要求较高,随着养殖规模增大,管理难度相应加大,需要强调实施精细管理,以维持平均每头基础母猪年提供断奶仔猪头数(PSY)以及平均每头基础母猪年提供出栏猪头数(MSY),达到最大限度的规模效益。  相似文献   

为有效控制规模猪场生产中产生的粪水对环境的影响,加快推进规模猪场粪水资源化利用,促进一、二、三产业融合,文章立足于武汉市规模猪场粪水资源化利用实际,选取规模猪场粪水资源化利用典型模式进行分析,以期为提高规模猪场粪水资源化利用提供借鉴。  相似文献   

内蒙古草原作为全球干旱、半干旱区的重要组成部分,是诸多研究关注的热点区域。家庭牧场作为内蒙古草原基本的生产和管理单元,探析其可持续发展有助于为实现区域可持续发展提供科学依据。本研究阐述了内蒙古草原家庭牧场的形成历程及定义;并分别侧重自然生态系统、社会经济系统、自然-经济-社会复合生态系统3个方面总结了其研究进展;最后分别在坚持草牧业发展理念、依托景观可持续性科学指导、加强3个界面耦合研究、扩展沙地草原、关注未来发展模式、重视技术支撑等6个方面就内蒙古草原家庭牧场进行了研究展望。希望本研究在为内蒙古草原可持续发展提供科学支撑的同时,亦能为全球干旱、半干旱草原区的可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

通过对榆阳区规模化生猪养殖情况进行调查,对小规模散养和标准化生猪示范园区进行经济效益分析,结果,规模养殖小区的经济效益明显好于小规模散养,即每头生猪的收益比家庭养殖方式的生猪收益增加近160.00元。并针对当前榆阳区生猪产业存在的问题,提出了发展生猪生产的合理建议。  相似文献   

生猪规模化养殖与生态保护适度性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
 生猪规模化养殖是中国目前生猪养殖的主要方式及发展趋势,规模化养殖会带来生猪产量提高及养殖成本下降,但同时也会造成环境污染和破坏。论文主要从生猪养殖规模发展现状、生猪规模化养殖负外部性以及解决对策三个方面进行了综述,并进行了简单评述,指出了生猪规模化养殖今后的重点研究方向。  相似文献   

Working ranches are often promoted as means of private rangeland conservation because they can safeguard ecosystem services, protect open space, and maintain traditional ranching culture. To understand the potential for generating broad social benefits from what have come to be called “working landscapes,” one must consider the synergies of people, environment, and institutions needed to accomplish conservation, as well as complicating factors of scale and uncertainty. Focusing on the problem as it has unfolded in the western United States, we review the state of knowledge about the extent of ranchland conversion; reasons why maintaining working ranches may benefit conservation; and the challenges and opportunities of rancher demographics, attitudes, values, and propensities for innovation. Based on this review, we explore whether the supply of traditional, full-time ranch owners is likely to be sufficient to meet conservation demand, and conclude that although demographic trends seem to suggest that it is not, there exist alternative enterprises and ownership forms that could achieve the goals of ranch conservation. We offer suggestions on how potential shortfalls might be addressed.  相似文献   

为了解湖南省规模化猪场猪伪狂犬病免疫状况及猪伪狂犬病病毒(PRV)野毒感染情况,2014年-2015年,采用随机抽样的方式,采集343个不同规模猪场血清样品7049份,采用 ELISA 方法开展PRV 抗体血清学调查.结果显示,160个规模猪场中,检测免疫猪血清3415份,PRVgB 抗体合格数为2206份,合格率仅为64.60%,表明规模猪场猪伪狂犬病免疫不确实;343个规模猪场中,210个规模猪场PRVgE 抗体阳性,场阳性率61.22%;检测猪血清样品7049份,PRVgE 抗体阳性数为 1661份,阳性率为23.56%,其中2014年 PRVgE 抗体阳性率为21.71%,2015年 PRVgE 抗体阳性率为25.17%,呈上升趋势.全省14个市州的规模猪场均存在不同程度的 PRV 感染,不同地区感染率差异明显,永州感染率最高,长沙感染率最低.不同养殖规模 PRV 的感染率不尽相同,其中,存栏数200头以下 PRV 感染率较高,存栏数500~1000头感染率较低;种猪场免疫抗体优于商品猪场,PRV 感染率较商品猪场低.结果表明,PRV 在湖南省感染普遍存在,疫苗免疫在一定程度上可以阻止临床病例,但仍然无法根除隐性感染,对规模猪场伪狂犬病采取综合防控和净化措施势在必行.  相似文献   

The potential of invasive plants to alter fuel properties over time has implications for the ranchers of semiarid rangelands throughout the world. A prime example of this phenomenon is the cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.) invasion of the native shrub-steppe lands in Great Basin of the western United States. The purpose of this study is to develop a bioeconomic model that optimizes simulated ranch behavior given the beginning stages of cheatgrass invasion on a public forage allotment. The bioeconomic model is applied to a typical eastern Oregon 300 cow-calf ranch. Livestock production decisions are simulated over a 40-yr planning horizon using a multiperiod linear programming model. Results showed changes in profit-maximizing ranch management strategies in the form of decreased optimal stocking rates and forage substitution. The net present value of the simulated ranch’s income stream declined, and the probability that the ranch cannot meet its full costs of livestock production and would exit the industry increased as a result. These economic impacts were more pronounced with decreased sale price. Sensitivity analysis showed that overall results in terms of ranch behavior were specific neither to the assumed discount rate nor to the assumed percentage of cheatgrass cover (as long as this percentage is within the reference state) on the public grazing allotment. This study introduces a method for managers to quantify impacts on ranches from fuel-altering invasive plants on public lands, emphasizing the importance of including information about native and invasive forage production characteristics and wildfire frequency as a function of the state of invasion.  相似文献   

We examine the rate of ranch sales and the nature of ranchland ownership change in the Rocky Mountain region. Interest in this phenomenon is high because ranches represent the largest parcels of private open space and relatively natural landscapes in the West and because anecdote, media coverage, and testimony from range professionals suggest that a significant turnover in ranch ownership is underway. Ranch sales activity is of special interest to groups seeking to conserve both ranchlands as habitat and ranching as part of the regional economy and culture. Very little work has been conducted on ranchland ownership per se, although we were able to build on studies of ranchland prices and on surveys that included some questions relating to operational goals, tenure, and future plans. The literature also offers a foundation for a ranch ownership typology. We tracked sales of ranch properties of 400 or more acres in 3 Rocky Mountain counties for the period 1990–2001, finding turnover (sale) rates from 14% to 45%. With help from local real estate agents, appraisers, and county officials, we classified ranch buyers according to a simple typology and found that the majority of acres sold (54%) went to “amenity buyers,” and 62% of acres sold went to out-of-state buyers. This 12-year slice of ranch sales suggests a significant ranchland ownership transition to a new type of owner is, indeed, underway in the Rockies.  相似文献   

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