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尼里水牛与温州水牛杂种后代的主要生产性能测定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用巴基斯坦尼里水牛作父本与温州水牛(母本)进行杂交试验,观察其后代的主要生产性能(泌乳性能、生长性能、繁殖性能、产肉性能).结果表明,尼温水牛的泌乳、生长、繁殖、产肉、役用等主要生产性能均得到明显提高.  相似文献   

养猪的关键所在是母猪,而母猪的繁殖性能又起着举足轻重的作用,繁殖性能作为衡量母猪生产性能高低的一项重要指标,越来越受到种猪场及养殖专业户的重视。包括产仔性能和哺育性能,而产仔性能包括产仔数、产活仔数、初生成活率、初生重、初生窝重;哺育性能包括20日龄窝重(泌乳力)、断乳重、断乳窝重、断乳仔数、断乳成活率等指标。  相似文献   

草科鸡品种选育研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从草科鸡原产地选择草科鸡种鸡,建立30个家系,进行了3个世代的选育研究.通过选育和提纯,形成了外貌特征明显、优质性状突出、遗传稳定和生产性能良好的草科鸡种群;在选育过程中,进行了草科鸡体形体貌、种用性能、肉用性能、生长性能、屠宰性能和营养成分的基础性测定,各种性能和指标呈世代显著提高.  相似文献   

牛体尺影响因素及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牛体尺指标在一定程度上可以评价品种优劣及生产性能的高低。本文对影响牛体尺的因素做一综述,并从体尺与估测体重、屠宰性能、种公牛繁殖性能、奶牛产奶性能4个方面概述牛体尺应用情况,以期为今后生产中评估牛的肉用经济价值、群遗传选育、改善群体繁殖性能和提高生产性能提供一定的借鉴和指导。  相似文献   

沥青性能的差异取决于沥青的化学组成,在进行沥青性能的研究中,期待得到一种沥青组分与性能之间的关联,本文分析几种沥青组分与性能之间的关联程度,以确定影响沥青性能的关键因素。分别以沥青的针入度、软化点、延度、粘度、PG分级相关数值作为参考数列,以沥青质、饱和分、芳香分、胶质作为比较数列,应用关联度计算软件,计算四组分对沥青性能的关联系数。  相似文献   

为了解雏鹰黑猪新品系培育所取得的进展,分别对雏鹰黑猪新品系进行了繁殖性能、生长性能、屠宰性能及肌肉品质等测定,其中,选择300窝测定繁殖性能,50头生长育肥猪(30~100 kg)测定生长性能,16头育肥猪[(101.9±7.4)kg]测定屠宰性能、肌肉品质。结果表明,在繁殖性能方面,雏鹰黑猪新品系母猪窝平均产仔数11.53±2.41头、平均活仔数(11.18±2.45)头、初生重(1.36±0.42)kg;在生长性能方面,雏鹰黑猪新品系平均日增重达(610±6.4)g、料重比约3.4:1;在屠宰性能方面,雏鹰黑猪新品系屠宰率为74.09%、瘦肉率为57.33%、平均背膘厚34.49 mm;肉色鲜红,pH和大理石纹适中。由此可以得出,雏鹰黑猪新品系与国内外优良品种相比在繁殖性能、生长性能、屠宰性能等方面的性状,均已达到理想水平。雏鹰黑猪新品系的培育已经取得较大进展。  相似文献   

微量元素在反刍动物生产中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
微量元素在反刍动物体内发挥着重要作用,作者阐述了微量元素在反刍动物体内的营养作用,以及其对反刍动物生产性能、繁殖性能和瘤胃微生物的影响。为合理补饲微量元素、调控瘤胃发酵、提高生产性能和繁殖性能提供参考依据。  相似文献   

大通牦牛是世界上第一个在高原高寒自然生态条件下人工培育成功的牦牛新品种。是含野牦牛基因的肉用型牦牛品种。它具有生产性能(特别是产肉性能)高、生长发育快、繁殖性能好、抗逆性能强、体型外貌高度一致、遗传性能稳定等  相似文献   

畜禽归芪益母汤为中兽药传统方剂,由黄芪、当归和益母草组成。归芪益母汤中的黄芪和当归具有养血安神、补气生血的作用,可提高动物的生长性能。益母草则具有促进血液循环和增强免疫力的作用。这些因素共同作用,提高了动物的生长性能、生产性能、免疫性能,以及调节奶牛的瘤胃环境。畜禽归芪益母汤因其优良的效果被广泛应用。该文就畜禽归芪益母汤提高动物生长性能、生产性能、免疫及抗病性能,以及调节瘤胃环境情况进行综述。  相似文献   

营养与繁殖性能的关系越来越受到人们关注,而种公猪的繁殖性能对养猪生产至关重要。研究表明营养是影响种公猪繁殖性能的主要因素,营养缺乏使得种公猪繁殖性能低下。文中主要综述了能量、蛋白质与氨基酸、维生素、矿物质等营养素与种公猪繁殖性能关系以及种公猪的营养需要等。  相似文献   

胡红菊 《中国饲料》2021,(1):115-118
财务绩效是财务管理和决策对实现生产经营目标和最终经营业绩的贡献。财务绩效是资金来源配置、资产管理和成本控制效果的综合反映。对于公司来说,管理人和企业投资人共同关注的问题是企业金融管理。财务管理绩效指标评估通常是公司财务绩效管理过程中的一个重要核心内容,其通过科学的财务指标和方法,客观、真实地评价企业的财务贡献。随着我国经济进入新常态和会计电算化的普及,饲料行业也正处于整合和改革的关键时期,也面临着新的挑战。针对饲料加工企业财务绩效评价,优化财务绩效评价体系建设,可以促进饲料加工企业财务工作全面健康发展。本文介绍了基于饲料加工企业的财务绩效评价体系的优化构建方法,并研究其管理应用价值。  相似文献   

蛋鸡对光照周期的变化极为敏感,适宜的光照周期可使蛋鸡达到最佳生产性能,不良的光照周期对蛋鸡的生产性能会产生负面影响,降低经济效益。文章综述了近年来有关光照周期对蛋鸡生产性能影响的研究进展,并结合光照周期对蛋鸡生产性能的作用机理,阐述了实际生产中通过调节光照周期提高蛋鸡生产性能的措施。  相似文献   

The objectives for this study were to 1) determine the relationship between sexual performance class and lambs sired in a competitive mating environment, and 2) determine whether the male-oriented ram test is valid. Fifteen 2- to 3-yr-old whitefaced rams classified as female-oriented, with high or low sexual performance, or classified as male-oriented were used in a multiple-sire breeding arrangement. Five groups of approximately 200 ewes each were exposed for 21 d to 3 rams per group consisting of 1 ram from each class. Rams were blocked for sexual class, and those with close genetic relationship were assigned to different pens. Genomic DNA was prepared from blood collected from 15 rams, 934 ewes, and 1,757 lambs. Up to 4 microsatellite markers were used to determine a lamb's sire. Of 884 ewes with identifiable lambs (known sires), 178 ewes had single lambs, 408 had multiples sired by 1 ram, and 298 had multiples sired by more than 1 ram. The sexual partner preference test used to identify male-oriented rams did not absolutely reflect their sexual performance during competitive breeding. In contrast to only mounting and servicing males in preference tests before breeding, male-oriented rams sired 480 lambs from 330 ewes. Serving capacity tests predicted sexual performance of high and low sexual performance rams. High performance rams impregnated more ewes (499 vs. 258; P < 0.05) and sired more lambs (756 vs. 357; P < 0.05) than did low performance rams, respectively. Low performance and male-oriented rams did not differ for ewes impregnated or lambs sired. We conclude that 1) sexual partner preference tests used to classify male-oriented rams were not absolute in reflecting their breeding performance in a competitive breeding environment; 2) serving capacity tests predicted that high performance rams would breed more ewes than low performance rams and sire more lambs than either low performance or male-oriented rams; and 3) under the conditions of this study, low performance and male-oriented rams did not have an adverse impact on the overall breeding outcome. Combined, low performance and male-oriented rams sired 81 more lambs than did high performance rams, but this required twice as many rams to obtain approximately equal breeding results. Therefore, we suggest that serving capacity tests should be used to select high performance rams, reduce number of rams with marginal sexual performance, and make decisions on ram numbers needed.  相似文献   

Equine gastric ulceration syndrome (EGUS) is commonly recognised in Thoroughbred racehorses. Although EGUS has previously been associated with reduced athletic performance, no objective studies have been reported. This case report describes 4 racehorses referred for investigation of poor athletic performance where EGUS was the only abnormal finding during a thorough investigation of all body systems. All horses showed considerable improvement in performance following treatment with omeprazole. Therefore, this is the first report in which evidence is presented suggesting a direct link between EGUS and decreased performance, other causes of poor performance having been excluded.  相似文献   

选择体重35kg左右的杂交猪34头,采用饲养试验和屠宰试验,研究了育肥结束体重和屠宰体重对试验猪的肥育性能及胴体肉品质的影响。结果显示:育肥结束体重在85~110 kg阶段对试验猪的生长肥育性能没有显著的影响;屠宰体重除对屠宰率形成显著差异外,对试验猪的其它胴体性能及肉品质影响不明显;采用综合选择指数对试验猪肥育性能及胴体肉品质进行综合评定,结果显示,体重在95~100kg阶段结束育肥并屠宰的试验猪生长性能及胴体肉品质的综合选择指数最大。因此,在该试验日粮水平下杜莱商品猪的适宜育肥结束及屠宰体重为95~100kg。  相似文献   

本文对影响奶牛繁殖性能的营养因素及其饲养调控技术方面的研究进展进行了综合评述。结论认为奶牛营养状况与繁殖性能密切相关,随着遗传性能和饲养管理技术的改进,奶牛泌乳量得以迅速提高的同时,对营养需要量的要求也随之提高。营养需要量的提高常常导致奶牛特殊生理阶段发生能量负平衡,致使奶牛繁殖能力下降;高蛋白日粮有利于提高产奶量,却往往降低了繁殖性能;日粮中矿物质和维生素含量偏高或偏低以及比例不当都会影响奶牛的繁殖性能;奶牛营养的全过程,包括采食量及采食的营养成分水平都与奶牛的繁殖性能密切相关。  相似文献   

曹婷婷  邓亮  朱琳  赵云翔 《猪业科学》2020,37(7):110-113
随着规模化养猪业的发展及人工授精技术的普及,公猪繁殖性能已是影响猪场经济效益的重要因素。如何准确评定公猪的繁殖能力,保证人工授精效果,进而保证母猪的繁殖性能的发挥,是养猪人工作中的重要环节。生产实践中最常用的是通过显微镜对猪精细胞水平进行检测。科研人员也在一直研究影响人工授精效果的因素,将精液的检测从细胞水平上升至分子水平,再用分子标记手段将公猪繁殖性能由检测提前至预测,最大限度地保证公猪的繁殖性能,保证优良公猪的性能得到最大程度的发挥。文章从精液品质、人工授精效果、分子水平检测、标记物等几个方面介绍公猪繁殖性能评价时需要衡量的指标,为公猪繁殖性能评定提供参考。  相似文献   

The performance of animals is determined by the interaction of their genes with environmental circumstances. Accordingly, animals exhibiting superior performance are not necessarily the animals with the best genes nor are they the best choice of parents. Statistical analyses of production records for repeated traits, e.g. lactation yields and reproductive performance, show that part of the variation in performance among animals in the same herd and year is due to genetic differences, and the remainder is due to so-called residual or environmental factors that are not passed on to offspring. These within-herd environmental factors can be partitioned into a component that affects performance throughout an animal's lifetime, and a part that is unique to each observation. The process of animal evaluation from pedigree and performance records partitions the superiority of each cow into these three components. Reliable assessment of the genetic merit of bulls has required progeny testing, and for cows has required observation of their own individual performance. Selection on the genetic or breeding value component has systematically improved animal performance over recent decades, but has been limited by the age at which assessments of genetic merit are available.

Emerging molecular technologies can read DNA sequences or measure RNA expression and have allowed the identification of a number of chromosome regions, and a few specific genes in those regions, that influence economic performance. This information allows better characterisation of the relationships between animals and more accurate predictions of genetic merit in bulls without progeny information and in cows that have yet to produce their own performance record. At some stage, enough genes responsible for variation in performance will be identified to allow faster genetic progress through selection of animals at young ages and therefore more rapid turnover of the generations. Mechanisms that modify gene expression have been identified and these may ultimately allow animals to be selected at an early age for lifetime productivity, accounting for processes that modify gene expression and lead to differences in performance that are not reflected by DNA sequence information. This review describes the status of these emerging technologies and their likely role in the improvement of dairy cattle.  相似文献   

运用因子分析法对重庆市的上市公司进行财务业绩的综合评价,从其2004年度的11个主要财务指标提取了4个主要因子,用它们代表的各公司的综合业绩,根据每家公司的最后得分进行业绩的分析评价。  相似文献   

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