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目的:探讨藏兽药蓝花侧金盏对兔螨的抑杀作用。方法:应用体外培养杀螨实验,比较了蓝花侧金盏水提取物、甲醇提取物、乙酸乙酯提取物及石油醚提取物的杀螨活性,并对活性较强的提取物的毒力和治疗兔螨病效果进行了评价。结果:4种提取物中,乙酸乙酯提取物具有较强的体外杀螨活性,高剂量(500 mg/mL)在体外培养6 h内全部杀死螨虫,4种浓度(500、250、125和62.5 mg/mL)的半数致死时间分别为0.743、2.73、5.919和22.536 h,并且其能有效治疗兔螨病,总有效率为90%。结论:蓝花侧金盏乙酸乙酯提取物具有良好的杀兔螨活性。  相似文献   

兔疥螨病也称为兔螨病,俗称"生癞",是由疥螨科、痒螨科、肉食螨科的螨类寄生于兔体表或表皮内能引起患兔产生剧烈痒觉和各类皮肤炎为特征的一种慢性体外寄生虫病。其中疥螨科螨(包括疥螨属、背肛疥螨属、膝螨属等)和痒螨科螨(包括痒螨属、足螨属、耳痒螨属等)寄生最为常见。兔螨病还可引起人的螨性皮炎等。兔螨病不仅影响养兔业的  相似文献   

以BY软琼脂为培养基对兔痒螨(Psoroptes cuniculi)进行离体培养,考察培养温度、湿度及培养基pH等因素对兔痒螨存活率的影响,并通过正交试验优选兔痒螨的培养条件.结果表明,对兔痒螨存活率影响的因素由大到小依次为温度、湿度和pH,最佳培养条件为培养温度18℃,相对湿度95%,培养基pH6~8.在最佳培养条件下,70 h兔痒螨存活率为86.5%.低温和高温环境有利于兔痒螨的存活,而兔痒螨对酸碱度有一定耐受性.  相似文献   

兔痒螨寄生于兔的外耳道 ,可引起剧烈的外耳道炎 ,有分泌物渗出 ,严重者干涸成痂如纸卷样。笔者在临床上用硫磺软膏治疗兔痒螨病 ,收到了良好的效果 ,现报告如下。1 发病情况2 0 0 2年 6月 ,我室饲养的 2 0只兔子中有数只发生痒螨病 ,未作处理 ,陆续传染 ,发生不同程度的痒螨病兔有 10只 ,表现为患部异常发痒 ,痒螨病患部位主要在外耳道内 ,引起剧烈的外耳道炎 ,如纸卷样 ,以分泌物多少分为轻度、中度和重度。轻者外耳道分泌物较少 ,未形成纸卷样 ,红点痂样分泌物分布两外耳道内 ;中度少量纸卷样分泌物填塞两外耳道内 ;重者多量纸卷样分泌…  相似文献   

<正>1临床症状导致家兔螨病的病原主要包括疥螨和痒螨。兔疥螨主要寄生于患兔掌面,嘴、鼻、眼周等少毛部位,患兔病变部出现灰白色痂块,其影响兔的采食及运动,使兔极度瘦弱而死。兔痒螨主要寄生于患兔外耳道内,可引起外耳道炎,其渗出物干燥后,形成黄色痂皮塞满耳道,患兔烦躁不安,不断摇头、抓搔耳朵,如虫体向兔耳内寄生,进入内耳、脑部,则可导致病兔出现神经症状。2诊断家兔螨病一般根据临床症状即可做出初步诊断,诊断过程中应注意本病与家兔皮肤真菌病、营养性脱毛等疾病的区别。确诊必须进行病原检测。  相似文献   

敌碘合剂治疗兔螨效果好   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
兔螨病是由于痒螨或疥螨寄生于家兔体表引起的一种皮肤病。关于兔螨病的治疗,有关资料介绍的方法很多.但大多是以杀灭螨虫为主,而忽视了对炎症的治疗,因而疗程较长。笔者在实践中采用敌碘合剂治疗兔螨,取得了好的效果,现介绍如下,供同行们参考。  相似文献   

1 兔螨病 兔螨病是由兔痒螨、疥螨和寄食姬螨分别寄生于耳部、全身皮肤和育胛部而引起的外寄生虫病.病兔剧痒、摩擦、爪抓、嘴啃,皮肤发炎、结痂、脱毛、龟裂.  相似文献   

兔螨病,又叫兔疥癣病,是由寄生于兔体表的疥螨或痒螨引起的一种体外寄生性皮肤病,又称“生癞”、“石灰脚”、“干爪病”等,其中以寄生于耳壳内的疥螨病最为常见,危害也较为严重,其次为寄生于足部的足螨病.1 病原与流行特点寄生于兔的螨已经发现的有痒螨科、疥螨科等五科,而较常见的有4种:痒螨科的兔痒螨和兔足螨、疥螨科的兔疥螨和兔背肛螨.痒螨和疥螨的外形大小与结构有所不同.  相似文献   

螨病(疥癣病)又叫干爪病、癞病,是由螨寄生在兔皮肤而引起的一种接触传染的慢性皮肤病,其特征是剧痒、脱毛、结痂。1病原引起兔疥癣病常见的螨有四种:疥螨科中的兔疥螨和兔背肛螨,痒螨科中的兔痒螨和兔足螨。兔疥螨体小,呈圆形,外形如龟,背面、腹面扁平,整个虫体的头、胸、腹融为一体,前面为假头,上有马蹄形口  相似文献   

耳痒螨病是由耳痒螨属(Otodectes)的螨引起的,螨虫多寄生于兔、犬或猫的耳内.肉兔耳痒螨病是由寄生于肉兔体表的兔痒螨(P.communis cunicoli)引起的一种外寄生虫病,以剧痒及各种类型的皮肤炎症,形成糠麸样痂皮、蜕皮和消瘦为特征.其传染性很强,以接触感染为主.轻者使患兔消瘦、掉毛,严重时引起病兔的死亡,给养兔业造成很大危害.2004年10月,在动物生理学教学实习过程中,笔者发现购买的实验兔可能患有肉兔耳痒螨病,立即对供应实验兔的3家小型养兔场进行追踪调查,确诊为肉兔耳痒螨病.现将结果报告如下.  相似文献   

抗蜂螨中草药的药效研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将筛选具有杀灭蜂螨作用的中草药薄荷、百部、博落回提取物配成不同浓度,用于9群有蜂螨寄生的蜂群,通过对蜂体寄生率、落螨数和死亡蜂的统计,对药物的作用与安全性进行了评价.试验结果表明,三种中草药提取物对大蜂螨与小蜂螨都有杀灭作用,且对蜜蜂安全(P>0.05),其中 25%薄荷提取物对蜂螨的杀灭作用最明显.薄荷的最佳用药浓度为25%,百部与博落回的用药浓度分别在0.05%和1.00%以上,其最佳用药浓度有待进一步研究.  相似文献   

A study was carried out to compare the efficacy of two injectable formulations of ivermectin, Ivomec,(1) Merial (IVM reference) and Ivogell,(2) Intervet (IVM generic) in the treatment of psoroptic mange (Psoroptes ovis) in Charollais feedlot cattle. A total of 22 animals were ranked in order of the severity of mange and allocated to 11 replicates of 2 animals each. Within each replicate, one animal was randomly allocated to IVM reference product treatment (Group 1) and one to IVM generic (Group 2). Animals were treated on Day 0 and on Day 8 at the recommended dosage of 200 microg ivermectin/kg bodyweight. The pharmacokinetics profiles (pK) of both IVM formulations were evaluated in plasma samples taken from 6 cattle randomly chosen per group on Day 0, before treatment, and then at 6, 12, 24 hours and daily from Day 2 to Day 7 after the treatment on Day 0. Additionally, the severity of mange lesions was assessed and mites were counted in skin scrapings on Days 0, 8, 15 and 25. Animals were weighed on Day 0 and 25 and body weight and average daily gains (ADG) were evaluated. No statistical differences were found between the cattle of the two groups in any pK parameters, although the mean IVM plasma concentrations in cattle treated with the IVM reference product were consistently higher than those found in cattle treated with the generic compound. By Day 25, all animals in Group 1 had recovered clinically and parasitologically from psoroptic mange while cattle from Group 2 still had mange lesions and, in two animals, living mites were found in the skin scrapings; these differences were significant (P<0.001). The mean body weight of the two groups was significantly different on Day 25 (P<0.01) when animals in Group 1 weighed 20 kg more than those in Group 2. In conclusion, despite similarities in their pharmacokinetic profiles and formulations, the clinical efficacy of the two injectable formulations of IVM differed significantly in their therapeutic efficacy against psoroptic mange in feedlot cattle up to 25 days after treatment: this difference in response was reflected in an incomplete clinical and parasitological response in Group 2 and a slower growth rate.  相似文献   

Seven trials including 768 cattle were conducted in South Africa and Namibia to evaluate the efficacy of the systemic parasiticide ivermectin when administered subcutaneously at a dose rate of 200 micrograms/kg against sarcoptic (Sarcoptes scabiei var. bovis), chorioptic (Chorioptes bovis) and psoroptic (Psoroptes ovis var. bovis) mange mites. The efficacy of a single treatment against Psoroptes and Sarcoptes was greater than against Chorioptes. There was marked clinical cure in all treated cases with loss of crusts and hair regrowth. The number of cases of psoroptic mange in two large herds, of which 42.4% of 724 animals were clinically affected prior to mass treatment, was reduced by 99.3% following a single subcutaneous treatment with ivermectin; a single animal from which mites were recovered may not have been treated. The apparent prevalence and prospects for control and eradication of cattle mange in South Africa and Namibia are discussed.  相似文献   

A female checkered giant cross rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) was presented with skin lesions on the perineal region. The cutaneous lesions extended 2 cm from the vulva and perineal glands. They were moist and erythematous, with abundant greasy yellowish scabs. Skin scrapings from the lesions were mounted in Amman’s chloral-lactophenol on microscope slides and examined at ×10 and ×40 magnification. Numerous mites were observed and identified as Psoroptes cuniculi, a common causal agent of otitis externa in rabbits. The rabbit was treated successfully with ivermectin. This case of psoroptic mange is atypical owing to the perineal location, apparent absence of auricular lesions, and the lack of contagion despite close contact with several other rabbits.  相似文献   

The efficacy of moxidectin 1% injectable for cattle was evaluated in dogs and rabbits with naturally acquired sarcoptic, demodectic or psoroptic mites. Twenty-two dogs with generalised demodicosis were orally treated with 0.4mg/kg moxidectin daily. Forty-one dogs suffering from sarcoptic mange were treated with 0.2-0.25mg/kg moxidectin either orally or subcutaneously every week for three to six times. Seven rabbits were treated orally with 0.2mg/kg moxidectin twice 10 days apart. Of the 22 dogs with demodicosis, 14% were stopped treatment because of side effects, 14% were lost and of the remaining 72% all were cured (mean therapy duration 2.4 months). Thirty-seven of the sarcoptic mange-infected dogs finished treatment and were cured. In 17% of dogs, side effects were noted. All seven rabbits treated for psoroptic mange were cured and did not show any side effect. Our results indicate that moxidectin is effective and a good alternative for the treatment of demodicosis and scabies in dogs and psoroptic mange in rabbits. Side effects seem to occur more frequently if applied subcutaneously, therefore the oral route should be preferred.  相似文献   

痒螨诱导宿主免疫应答研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
痒螨病普遍存在于世界各地,严重危害着动物的健康,也给动物养殖业造成巨大的经济损失。痒螨在宿主体表的物理活动、分泌物及其死亡后的瓦解产物,可激活宿主的一系列复杂级联反应,最终导致宿主的局部和系统性炎症反应及免疫应答。目前,国内外学者对痒螨的流行病学、治疗等方面研究较多,但在痒螨引起宿主的免疫应答方面研究相对较少。论文就动物感染痒螨后其组织和血液内炎性细胞的变化情况及痒螨诱导宿主发生的免疫应答——超敏反应、体液免疫应答和细胞免疫应答等方面进行综述。  相似文献   

本研究旨在分析绵羊痒螨兔亚种MMP2基因(PocMMP2)的虫体转录水平,及建立针对重组PocMMP2(rPocMMP2)蛋白抗体的间接ELISA检测方法(iELISA).通过实时荧光定量PCR(qRT-PCR)测定PocMMP2在不同发育阶段虫体、饱食与饥饿虫体的转录水平,采用原核表达系统获得rPocMMP2,经方阵...  相似文献   

Amitraz has been shown to be successful in controlling mange and lice infestations on pigs which had failed to respond to diazinon and gamma-BHC, respectively, and by the use of a prophylactic programme to maintain pig herds mange free. In addition, trials have indicated the elimination of psoroptic mange from sheep by applying the compound to the animal using either conventional or less conventional methods of treatment. Mixed infections of Chorioptes spp., Psoroptes spp. and Sarcoptes spp., in cattle have also been controlled using spray applications of amitraz, where in some cases organochlorine, organophosphorus and organotin compounds had failed. In a pilot study a heavy infestation of chorioptic mange was controlled on a calf using a pour-on formulation of amitraz.  相似文献   

Ural K  Ulutas B  Kar S 《Veterinary parasitology》2008,156(3-4):353-357
The purpose of this prospective, double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial was to investigate the efficacy of topical eprinomectin for the treatment of psoroptic mange infestation in horses. 24 privately owned hunter/jumper and dressage horses were diagnosed with psoroptic mange infestation based on physical findings and skin scraping results were enrolled and randomly assigned to either topical eprinomectin pour-on solution (at a dose of 500mug/kg body weight weekly once for four applications) treatment group or a placebo group (purified water). Clinical evaluations and skin scrapings were done by the same veterinary investigator at the beginning, during and at the end of the treatment. Both owners and veterinary investigator were blinded to the allocation to the groups. The efficacy of eprinomectin was assessed both clinically and parasitologically by the presence or absence of viable mites. Horses were scraped for psoroptic mites on days 7, 14, 21, 28 and 40 for follow-up. Fisher's exact test was used to assess differences between the eprinomectin treatment and placebo in the number of horses without mites (cure rates) on each assessment date. It was found that significantly fewer eprinomectin treated horses had P. equi mites detected on skin scrapings (p<0.01) than the placebo group. In conclusion, eprinomectin was effective and safe therapy against natural infestations of P. equi in the horses included in this study.  相似文献   

A severe outbreak of psoroptic mange in beef cattle is described. Up to half the animals in some groups were extensively affected and debilitated. Performance was poor with days to slaughter weight increased. Ivermectin was the most effective form of treatment. The possible origin of the infestation and the ways of controlling the condition are discussed.  相似文献   

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