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人工授精技术中深部输精法的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
被称为子宫深部或子宫内人工输精的技术,具有受胎率高和大幅度减少每次输精所需精量等优点,是指使用一根前部又长又细的输精管,将精液送过子宫颈而进入子宫腔内的一项人工输精技术。  相似文献   

一、子宫深部人工授精技术最近,育种界兴起了子宫深部人工授精技术。其基本程序就是使用约1.7m长的柔软薄输精管,直接插入子宫的输卵管交界处,并设计一个小角放置少量的精液。临床试验证明,这种深部授精技术具有一定的作用,尽管这项技术尚未被养猪生产者广泛推广使用。该技术最大的亮点是专利液压AMG系列输精管的开发与利用。AMG系列输精管兼备了深部人工授精的技术性能和传统宫颈授精的安全性。这种输精管具备一种柔性膜,当技术人员挤压精液瓶时,该膜可向前移动。  相似文献   

7海绵头的锁定当海绵头滑行至子宫颈口遇到阻力时,操作者将输精管用力向左、向前旋转推送3~5 cm,使海绵头进入子宫颈管,此时子宫颈管受到刺激引起收缩,将海绵头锁定于子宫颈管内(图20)。一些体型较小的初配母猪,子宫颈管较细,插入过程中用力要适当。有时需要将输精管后撤一些,并改变方向,以绕过子宫颈内的凸起。强行插入常会造成子宫颈出血。  相似文献   

我团天山牧场,一直采用人工授精进行绵羊细改纯化。1963年以来,虽然对原用的以试情公羊试情的古老方法作了改进,改用作过输精管创外切断术的公羊试情。但输精  相似文献   

大鸨生殖系统形态结构初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对7只不同年龄♂♀体大鸨生殖系统的形态结构解剖发现:大鸨雄性生殖系统由睾丸、附睾、输精管和交配器组成,无真正的阴茎,而具有阴茎体。睾丸一对,黑色、长形、豆状,右侧在前,左侧睾丸略大于右侧。大鸨睾丸从孵化出壳到性成熟无颜色变化,只是体积和重量增长。附睾在幼年时不明显,而在成体发情期时显著,呈前端较大的纺锤形。输精管外观为半透明、黑色弯曲的线状,沿输尿管向后延伸至泄殖腔壁形成突起,即输精管乳头;雌性生殖系统由卵巢和输卵管组成。卵巢和输卵管仅左侧正常发育,右侧输卵管退化为—短白色盲管。左卵巢因卵泡发育而呈葡萄串状。左输卵管在性未成熟时为一直形细管,性发育成熟后有较多弯曲,管径也增大,可分为漏斗部、壶腹部、峡部、子宫和阴道5部分。  相似文献   

(一)输精管被折断原因:母牛性情暴躁,暴跳不安或母牛突然倒地引起。对策:遇到这种母牛,不要强行输精,要对它进行刷拭、拍眼、按腰,以转移其注意力。把输精管放松,手随牛动,以免输精管断裂和损伤生殖道。若输精管断头在阴道之外,可迅速抽出输精管,另换一支;若输精管断头在阴道内,可迅速把手臂洗涤干净并消毒,伸到阴道中,取出折断的输精管,但要  相似文献   

笔者以输精管结扎精索的方法去势黄牛392头,收效较好。方法是,将公牛按一般倒卧法横卧保定,去势刀和阴囊皮肤等作常规消毒。术者左手握紧精索,使两个睾丸绷紧,右手持刀,从阴囊两侧(靠腿侧)根据睾丸大小,纵形切口5~8厘米,一次切透,睾丸全部突出,分离提睾韧带,从副睾处切断输精管,将睾丸向外拉,总鞘膜向上推,在睾丸上方约10~15厘米处精索较细的部分,  相似文献   

正母猪子宫深部输精技术与常规人工授精相比,可以减少精液用量、降低饲养公猪成本、提高产仔数,提升猪场的经济效益。从20世纪50年代以来,我国的养猪业开始推行人工授精技术,近几年,在此基础上研发的经产母猪子宫深部输精技术在实际应用中具有更强的优势。所谓深部输精,是指在常规输精管的基础上,多了一根又长又细的内导管,将精液送过子宫颈进入子宫体内的一项人工输精技术。与常规人工授精相比,深部输精具有减少精液用量、降低饲养公猪成本、提高产仔数的优势。  相似文献   

旨在研究免疫细胞在健康雄性牦牛附睾和输精管的分布。采用免疫组织化学和实时荧光定量(qRT-PCR)方法对幼龄(5~6月龄)及成年(3~4岁)牦牛附睾(头、体、尾)和输精管中CD68+巨噬细胞、CD3+ T淋巴细胞、CD79α+ B淋巴细胞、IgA+和IgG+浆细胞的分布特征及其表面标志分子的表达水平进行研究。结果显示:CD68+巨噬细胞、CD3+ T淋巴细胞、CD79α+ B淋巴细胞、IgA+和IgG+浆细胞主要分布在附睾管和输精管的上皮和间质;另外,CD68和CD3 mRNA和蛋白水平在各年龄组牦牛附睾头和附睾体显著高于附睾尾和输精管(P < 0.05),而CD79α、IgA和IgG mRNA和蛋白水平在附睾尾和输精管显著高于附睾头和附睾体(P < 0.05);此外,在成年牦牛附睾和输精管CD3、CD79α、IgA、IgG、CD68 mRNA和蛋白水平均显著高于幼龄牦牛(P < 0.05)。综上提示,牦牛附睾头可能主要是细胞免疫发生的位点,而附睾尾和输精管则主要进行体液免疫应答,此外,成年牦牛附睾和输精管的局部免疫可能更完善,以上数据为进一步研究高原牦牛局部生殖免疫和病理提供了形态学资料。  相似文献   

1987年以前,我场奶牛的情期受胎率为50%左右,因输精造成子宫污染占配种牛的10%。近年来采用卫生套输精,情期受胎率提高到65%左右。其作法是:将4—5厘米宽的包扎绷带对折,用缝纫机将两边缘缝住,制战直径为1厘米左右的长简袋(以输精管能插入为宜),然后经高压消毒后放置备用。输精时剪其袋30厘米左右套在输精管上,上  相似文献   

The reproductive system of the male agouti is not well documented. This study describes the specific anatomical features of the free part of the penis occurring during penile erection in the agouti. Electro-ejaculation was used to induce erection in three male agoutis that had previously produced offspring. Results proved that there were four stages in the erection process. Stage 1 involved protrusion of the penis from the preputial orifice. The lateral penile cartilages were then spread (stage 2). During stage 3, there was the blooming of the head of the glans penis (penile flower) and eversion of the intromittent sac. The protrusion of the keratinaceous styles and ejaculation occurred during stage 4. This information could assist in semen collection for use in reproductive techniques for the agouti such as artificial insemination.  相似文献   

Light microscopic sections of Epon-embedded bull penis were examined for nerve endings. Tissue was taken from the dorsal midline of the glans penis and from the free portion of the penis in 6 mature bulls. Genital end bulbs were identified in both regions of the penis and were located from 1 to 500 micron beneath the epithelium, with most end bulbs concentrated next to the epithelium in the glans penis. Occasionally, end bulbs were found within nerve trunks. Other encapsulated endings were not seen. Ultrastructural correlation of the light and electron microscopic appearance of spherical end bulbs and elongated end bulbs indicated that their structure was identical. Two to 6 neurites filled with mitochondria were surrounded by several layers of thin cytoplasmic lamellae. The lamellae were characterized by pinocytotic vesicles, microtubules, and a scant basal lamina. A capsule of differing thickness enclosed the end bulbs. Fewer capsular layers surrounded more superficially located end bulbs. Near the epithelium, there were gaps in the capsule. Nonmyelinated fibers were seen within end bulbs and between end bulbs and the epithelium.  相似文献   

An unusual cause of urethral obstruction in the dog   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Priapism, a persistent long‐lasting involuntary erection of the penis, is uncommon in dogs. In this report, the case of a 13‐year‐old male Pointer, referred to our services due to persistent exposition of the penis, is described. This condition was consecutive to an intermittent priapism situation lasting for several days, which has been initially attributed to the inflammation and haematoma associated with a perianal bite. The owners became unable to retract the penis into the prepuce. At presentation, the dog was anorectic for 48 h, intolerant to manipulation, and showed poor body condition and unsteady locomotion. During physical evaluation, a marked engorgement of the local vessels in the prepuce and penis was found. An abdominal X‐ray was asked under the suspicion of a neurogenic origin for the clinical situation, which showed evidences of spondylosis. After discussion of the clinical condition, the owners asked for euthanasia. The necropsy confirmed the engorgement of the regional vessels deriving from the pudendal arteries and blood accumulation within all the cavernous spaces, accompanied by congestion and thrombosis within the erectile structures of the penis. No significant changes were observed in the pelvic organs that could be at the origin of priapism. The lumbar‐sacral spinal regions were carefully inspected and evidenced signs of L7‐S1 stenosis due to spondylosis. The case presented herein is a rare situation of priapism of neurogenic origin in a dog. Necropsy findings suggest that it was consecutive to cauda equina compression due to lumbar spinal stenosis.  相似文献   

豪猪雄性生殖器官的解剖研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
了解雄性豪猪的生殖生理,以便为豪猪的人工繁殖技术研究提供基础依据,进而提高豪猪繁殖效率,对雄性豪猪的生殖器官进行了系统解剖研究。结果表明,雄性豪猪的性腺没有明显的季节性变化。雄性豪猪没有阴囊,其睾丸位于腹股沟内;附睾很发达,附睾尾呈圆柱状,并有2.13~2.35 cm的长度游离于睾丸;阴茎前段具有阴茎骨,阴茎骨长2.68~2.90 cm;在阴茎龟头前端的尿生殖道开口处呈花瓣状。其它生殖器官也都具有各自的解剖特征。  相似文献   

A review of the literature is given concerning the anatomy and pathophysiology of the equine penis with regard to priapism: a prolonged erection of the penis not associated with sexual arousal. Several treatment options, such as flushing of the corpus cavernosum penis with heparinized saline and the creation of shunt between the corpus cavernosum penis and the corpus spongiosum penis are discussed. Subsequently, a case of priapism in a stallion following the injection of acepromazine, is discussed. The priapism resolved after the corpus cavernosum penis was flushed with the stallion under general anaesthesia.  相似文献   

The blood supply and the microvascularization of the bovine penis (Bos taurus) were demonstrated using the scanning electron microscope. The Corpus cavernosum penis of the bull consists of a surprisingly well-developed mesh of small to intermediate vessels. The architecture of the cavernous body is largely determined by trabeculae of connective tissue, the extent of which varies between penis segments. The Corpus cavernosum is arranged primarily as a ring around the trabeculae of connective tissue. Chambers of large bore are found in the central portions of the Corpus cavernosum penis, whereas a relatively fine vascular network predominates in the periphery. Vessels in the cavernous body of the urethra, on the other hand, show strictly parallel orientation to the urethra, which they surround like a sleeve. They also stand in close association with vessels in the outer layer of the Tunica albuginea. The vascular systems of the Corpus cavernosum penis and the Corpus spongiosum penis are not connected with one another. The vascular architecture of the Glans penis is characterized by the inclusion of well-developed vascular arcades at regular intervals. These course through a connective tissue matrix rich in glycoproteins and stretch to just under the skin of the penis, where they are intimately associated with a subpapillary network of arteries and veins. The venous legs of the vascular arcades are supplied by this network of veins. The Glans penis of the bull is considered to represent a specialization of the penile integument.  相似文献   

The architecture of the retina, choroid and anterior eye segment was investigated in 12 Syrian hamsters using scanning electron micrographs of methylmethacrylate corrosion casts. The hamster eye receives its primary blood supply from the long posterior ciliary artery, which directly enters the optic nerve head, and divides into three branches: the central retinal artery and medial and lateral long posterior ciliary arteries. In the retina the central retinal artery divides into six radiating branches. Retinal arterioles form a slender and long course to capillaries. Retinal capillaries are extremely thin in diameter and form a sparse capillary network. The choroid is supplied by the long posterior ciliary arteries. Choroidal arterioles exhibit a thick and short course to the choriocapillaris. The choriocapillaris is thick and sinusoid-like, forming a dense network in the choroid. The ciliary body, iris and bulbar conjunctiva are supplied by the anterior ciliary arteries, which are branches of the long posterior ciliary arteries. Capillaries supplying the anterior margin of the ciliary process are large in diameter with an irregular bore, forming a thoroughfare channel draining blood in the ciliary arterioles into the pars plana vessels. Blood from the retina is drained by the central retinal veins. Venules from the anterior eye segment empty into the vortex veins via the pars plana vessels. Venous blood from the choroid is drained only by vortex veins via the choroidal veins. The functional significance of the vascular architecture and species differences are discussed.  相似文献   

The os penis in the cat has not been described radiographically, as compared with the dog. However, a small linear bony radiopacity is sometimes detected in the perineal area of male cats. We hypothesized that the feline os penis might be visible on survey radiographs of the pelvis, and we aimed to investigate the frequency of its visualization using analog and computed radiography (CR) system. One hundred radiographs of the pelvis of 99 male cats were reviewed retrospectively (50 were obtained with a CR system and 50 with an analog system). Age, breed, neutering status, and reason for presentation were recorded, as well as the visualization of the os penis. An os penis was detected in 19/50 (38%) cats with CR and in eight of 50 (16%) cats with analog radiography; this difference was statistically significant. With CR, the median age of cats with a visible os penis was significantly higher than in cats where the os penis was not seen. In one cat with a visible os penis examined with CR and analog radiography, the os penis was only visible on CR images. The penile tissues were examined histopathologically in one cat and well‐differentiated bone was found but there were no pathologic findings detected in surrounding tissues. Thus, the os penis can be detected on radiographs of cats and this should not be mistaken for a pathologic finding such as urolithiasis or dystrophic mineralization.  相似文献   

CASE DESCRIPTION: A 2-month-old male degu was treated for preputial damage and lateral penile displacement that occurred during attempted castration. CLINICAL FINDINGS: Bruising and swelling of the prepuce and severe edema to the left of the prepuce were evident. The penis could not be extruded from the prepuce. Radiography revealed a large bladder. Contrast medium injected into the prepuce filled the peripreputial subcutaneous tissues. TREATMENT AND OUTCOME: During surgical exploration through a peripreputial approach, the penis was found to be completely separated from the prepuce and located in the adjacent subcutaneous tissue. The penis was repositioned in the prepuce and anchored with a suture at its base. The following day, the preputial orifice was crusted over, urine was leaking from the incision, and the penis could not be extruded from the prepuce. The anchoring suture was removed, and the tip of the penis was sutured to the preputial orifice so that the penis protruded slightly from the prepuce. Urination was normal after the second surgery. Two years later, the preputial orifice remained adhered to the distal portion of the penis and the exposed penile tissue was healthy. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Penile displacement from the prepuce is an unusual complication of castration in degus. The surgical technique used in this animal may be an effective means of repair. Permanent exposure of the tip of the penis may be well-tolerated in degus.  相似文献   

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