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Microsporidiosis caused by infection with Nosema apis or Nosema ceranae has become one of the most widespread diseases of honey bees and can cause important economic losses for beekeepers. Honey can be contaminated by spores of both species and it has been reported as a suitable matrix to study the field prevalence of other honey bee sporulated pathogens. Historical honey sample collections from the CAR laboratory (Centro Apícola Regional) were analyzed by PCR to identify the earliest instance of emergence, and to determine whether the presence of Nosema spp. in honey was linked to the spread of these microsporidia in honey bee apiaries. A total of 240 frozen honey samples were analyzed by PCR and the results compared with rates of Nosema spp. infection in worker bee samples from different years and geographical areas. The presence of Nosema spp. in hive-stored honey from naturally infected honey bee colonies (from an experimental apiary) was also monitored, and although collected honey bees resulted in a more suitable sample to study the presence of microsporidian parasites in the colonies, a high probability of finding Nosema spp. in their hive-stored honey was observed. The first honey sample in which N. ceranae was detected dates back to the year 2000. In subsequent years, the number of samples containing N. ceranae tended to increase, as did the detection of Nosema spp. in adult worker bees. The presence of N. ceranae as early as 2000, long before generalized bee depopulation and colony losses in 2004 may be consistent with a long incubation period for nosemosis type C or related with other unknown factors. The current prevalence of nosemosis, primarily due to N. ceranae, has reached epidemic levels in Spain as confirmed by the analysis of worker honey bees and commercial honey.  相似文献   

为了获得意大利蜜蜂重要农艺性状的分子遗传标记 ,本研究以 30种RAPD随机引物对平湖浆蜂、美意、澳意、苏意等 4个在产浆、采蜜和抗病性上存在较大差异的意蜂品系的基因组DNA进行RAPD_PCR扩增筛选。试验结果显示 ,随机引物W 1 8(5′_CGGACGGCGG_3′)和W2 3(5′_GTACCGCCCG_3′)的扩增图谱呈多态性。其中 ,在引物W 1 8所扩增出的 9条片断中 ,2 35 2bp和 36 4bp条带为美意所特有 ,表明可将之用于鉴别美意 ;2 0 92bp条带仅出现于蜂蜜高产的美意和澳意中 ,意味着该条带为一个蜂蜜高产性状的遗传标记 ;而 6 32bp条带在王浆高产品系平湖浆蜂中出现的频率 (0 91 )显著高于 (P <0 0 1 )美意(0 0 4 )、澳意 (0 0 2 )和苏意 (0 0 0 ) ,说明 6 32bp条带可能为王浆高产性状的一个遗传标记。在W2 3引物扩增条带中 ,6 5 1bp条带为澳意所特有 ,可用于澳意鉴别  相似文献   

The mode of transmission between hosts (horizontal versus vertical) of disease agents is important for determination of the evolution of virulence in pathogens. For disease management, it is imperative that the epidemiology of the disease is understood and pathogen transmission rates between hosts is a key factor for this understanding. Surprisingly little is known about transmission rates in honey bee pathology. We have studied the rate of vertical transmission of Paenibacillus larvae, the causative agent of American foulbrood (AFB) in honey bee colonies, as colonies reproduce by colony fission (swarming), by culturing for the spores from repetitive samples of adult bees. The results demonstrate vertical pathogen transmission to daughter swarms. The spore density declines over time in both mother colonies and daughter swarms if mother colonies do not exhibit clinical disease symptoms. Occasional positive samples more than a year post swarming, also in daughter swarms, indicate production of infectious spores from diseased larvae, without clinical disease observable by beekeepers, and/or maintenance of infective spores in the hive environment, allowing both horizontal and vertical transmission to be maintained. The results suggest that the virulence of AFB, being lethal at colony level in contrast to other bee diseases shaped by evolution, could be dependent on apicultural practices and that the pathogen probably would be maintained without causing frequent colony mortality in a natural system.  相似文献   

Viruses of the honey bee have been known for a long time; however, recently the attention of scientists and apiculturalists has turned towards the relationship between these viruses and the parasitic mite Varroa jacobsoni. Although clinical symptoms indicated the presence of some of the viruses of bees in Hungary, none have previously been isolated or identified. During July unusual adult bee and brood mortality was observed in some colonies of an apiary in Budapest known to be infested with Varroa jacobsoni. Large amounts of acute paralysis virus (APV) were detected serologically in healthy honey bee pupae killed by the injection of a bacteria-free extract of diseased adult bees. Crystalline arrays of 30 nm particles were seen in ultrathin sections of the tissues of injected pupae and naturally infected adult bees. In spite of the application of acaricide treatments the bee population in several colonies had collapsed by the end of summer and the apiary suffered severe wintering losses.  相似文献   

The necessarily truncated discussion of integumental neoplasia in invertebrates, given the lack of investigation of such lesions involving individual animals, shows how invertebrate veterinary medicine has a long way to go before reaching the levels of diagnosis and therapeutics of vertebrate exotic species. Nevertheless, the importance of a disease such as varoosis in a species such as the honey bee, which has a massive influence through pollination quite beyond its relevance as a honey producer, shows the importance of never excluding invertebrates from discussion of disease in exotic species. It is therefore commendable that this issue of the Veterinary Clinics of North America: Exotic Animal Practice seeks wherever possible to include invertebrates in its discussion.  相似文献   

通过对陇东地区不同生境下蜜蜂种类的系统调查,共鉴定出该地区的蜜蜂物种有32种,隶属蜜蜂科7属,其中甘肃省新记录4种,甘肃省特有种3种.同时介绍了这些物种的分布区域、活动时期和发生概况,对揭示、保护、利用当地的蜜蜂资源具有积极的指导作用.  相似文献   

以中医平衡医学的理论为指导,以蜂蜜、蜂皇浆、蜂胶、蜂花粉等蜂产品配制的“蜂宝康”对糖尿病患者进行治疗和调理,取得了意想不到的效果。近十年来,太泉蜂疗保健康复中心,在治疗、调理数百计的糖尿病患者的过程中,细心观察病情,反复探索病因,不断研究用“药”效果,终于积累了详实可靠的资料,找到了攻克糖尿病的途径,并提出了糖尿病治本新证,糖尿病并不是永远无法痊愈的终身病,天然、绿色的蜂产品完全可以对糖尿病进行有效的标本兼治,以期收到理想的效果,特提出以下理论供同道们参鉴。、  相似文献   

蜜蜂为塑料大棚西瓜和田间西瓜授粉试验报告   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
塑料大棚和田间种植西瓜,多利用人工授粉,田间西瓜也有依赖昆虫随机授粉,但西瓜的产量和质量还有很大的潜力。本试验分别在塑料大棚和田间种植的西瓜进行蜜蜂授粉和人工授粉对比试验,结果表明利用蜜蜂为西瓜授粉比人工授粉增产29.3% ̄32.8%。  相似文献   

通过通过箱体、实行中蜂贮蜜与繁殖分区管理,解决流蜜期繁殖与贮蜜的矛盾,发挥蜂群繁殖与采集的积极怀,增加蜂蜜的产量,获得纯正的成熟蜂蜜。三个阶段的试验结果表明:中蜂改造式蜂箱与中蜂标准箱、即氏蜂箱相比每群平均多增蜂1.0框,多造牌0.3和,越冬蜂损失少0.2框,提高蜂蜜产量30%以上,增加浓度1-2Be,中囊病病情指数低13.2%。  相似文献   

Nosemosis caused by the microsporidia Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae are among the most common pathologies affecting adult honey bees. N. apis infection has been associated with a reduced lifespan of infected bees and increased winter mortality, and its negative impact on colony strength and productivity has been described in several studies. By contrast, when the effects of nosemosis type C, caused by N. ceranae infection, have been analysed at the colony level, these studies have largely focused on collapse as a response to infection without addressing the potential sub-clinical effects on colony strength and productivity. Given the spread and prevalence of N. ceranae worldwide, we set out here to characterize the sub-clinical and clinical signs of N. ceranae infection on colony strength and productivity. We evaluated the evolution of 50 honey bee colonies naturally infected by Nosema (mainly N. ceranae) over a one year period. Under our experimental conditions, N. ceranae infection was highly pathogenic for honey bee colonies, producing significant reductions in colony size, brood rearing and honey production. These deleterious effects at the colony level may affect beekeeping profitability and have serious consequences on pollination. Further research is necessary to identify possible treatments or beekeeping techniques that will limit the rapid spread of this dangerous emerging disease.  相似文献   

滇南中蜂是在横断山脉南麓生态条件下,经长期自然选择而形成的中华蜜蜂的一个类型。该蜂种耐高温、高湿。工蜂喙短,采集半径小,蜂群群势小,对当地丰富的蜜源资源和高热、高湿环境适应性强,是滇南适应性较强的中蜂类型,蒙自地区是其主要分布区之一。经过近几年养蜂实践,对滇南中蜂的快速繁殖探索一种新方法,采用2种箱体交替使用,有效地解决了蜂群在气温低时繁殖慢的弊端,达到快速繁殖蜂群的目的。  相似文献   

以安徽本地意蜂为育种素材,通过系统选育与定向选育,采用闭锁集团繁育与蜜蜂人工授精技术,选育出九州意蜂品种配套系,该品种配套系蜂王日有效产卵量高,春繁速度快,群势强,越夏越冬效果好,适应安徽地区生态环境和蜜粉源条件,具有蜂蜜高产、蜂王浆高产、蜂蜜和蜂王浆双高产的生产性能。其“中九州1号”(Eg1)属于蜂蜜高产型优良蜂种,同一花期蜂蜜产量明显高于本地意蜂(E(a)P﹤0.01),“九州2号”(Eg2)属于王浆高产型优良蜂种,同一花期王浆产量明显高于本地意蜂(E(a)P﹤0.01),10-HDA含量最高达2.14;水分、蛋白质、酸度基本接近,“九州3号”(Eg3)属于蜂蜜、王浆双高产型优良蜂种,同一花期蜂蜜、王浆产量均明显高于本地意蜂(E(a)P﹤0.01),适应于现代养蜂生产。  相似文献   

蜜蜂白垩病是一种由球囊菌属(Ascosphaera)的真菌寄生而引起蜜蜂幼虫死亡的传染性疾病,对蜂群的群势发展影响极大,近几年又呈现出大面积爆发的趋势。但目前对于该病的诊断和病原鉴定多依赖于典型症状,方法极不可靠。本文介绍了可用于分子鉴定和诊断的的研究基础,探讨利用球囊菌属的各病原rDNA的ITS1—5.8S-ITS2序列资料,分别设计出高特异性引物,用PCR技术扩增出可用于鉴定病原物种的分子标记,从而构建一套快速、准确诊断该病的分子技术。  相似文献   

The effect of propolis [it is a water‐soluble derivative (WSDP)] and related polyphenolic compounds of propolis (caffeic acid, caffeic acid phenethyl ester and quercetin), honey, royal jelly and bee venom on tumour growth, metastasizing ability and induction of apoptosis and necrosis in murine tumour models (mammary carcinoma and colon carcinoma) was investigated. WSDP and related polyphenolic compounds showed significant anti‐metastatic effect (P < 0.01 and P < 0.001) given either before or after tumour‐cell inoculation. Oral or systemic application of WSDP or caffeic acid significantly reduced subcutaneous tumour growth and prolonged the survival of mice. Honey also exerted pronounced anti‐metastatic effect (P < 0.05) when applied before tumour‐cell inoculation (peroral 2 g kg?1 for mice or 1 g kg?1 for rats, once a day for 10 consecutive days). Royal jelly did not affect metastasis formation when given intraperitoneally or subcutaneously. However, intravenous administration of royal jelly before tumour‐cell inoculation significantly (P < 0.05) inhibited metastasis formation. When mice were given 105 tumour cells intravenously immediately after bee venom injection, the number of tumour nodules in the lung was significantly lower (P < 0.001) than in untreated mice or mice treated with bee venom subcutaneously. Local presence of bee venom in the tissue caused significant delay in subcutaneous tumour formation. These findings clearly demonstrate that anti‐tumour and anti‐metastatic effects of bee venom are highly dependent on the route of injection and on close contact between components of the bee venom and tumour cells. These data show that honey bee products given orally or systemically may have an important role in the control of tumour growth and tumour metastasizing ability.  相似文献   

白垩病是意大利蜜蜂(Apis mellifera ligustica,简称意蜂)的一种常见真菌性疾病,不同蜂群间的抗白垩病能力强弱差异检测是抗病育种的基础.研究通过实验比较分析意蜂不同蜂群抗白垩病能力的差异.采用DPS软件方差分析系统分组实验统计分析和Tukey法多重比较,对4群患病蜂群和4群健康蜂群自然状态和接种蜜蜂球囊菌病原状态下的3次检测结果分别进行统计分析.结果表明:自然情况下不同蜂群间的抗病能力有差异;1号蜂群在接种蜜蜂球囊菌前、后蜂群患病个体数均显著高于其他蜂群(p<0.05);用白垩病死尸粉末拌入花粉饲喂的方法可以有效诱发蜂群发生白垩病;实验筛选出抗白垩病能力强、弱的蜂群为抗白垩病相关分子标记提供素材.  相似文献   

为了弄清西方蜜蜂在不同方法下进行分蜂后的繁蜂效果和生产性能,对2011年石榴花期前1个月左右已达11脾的蜂群,采取异地和本地分蜂两种方法进行人工分蜂,并对两种分蜂方法的蜂群增殖情况和蜂蜜产量进行了分析。结果表明,第1种分蜂方法优于第2种分蜂方法。第1种分蜂方法分出的蜂繁殖快、进蜜好,是一种理想的分蜂方法。  相似文献   

蜜蜂生态遗传学是蜜蜂生态学、蜜蜂遗传学交叉形成的一门边缘学科 ,它在实践和理论上都将有重要的意义 ,如引种、育种、种质资源的保存和开发利用、环境保护 ,以及抗性起源、适应、蜜蜂进化及未来学演变趋势等问题上 ,它都能发挥自己独特的作用。  相似文献   

吉林省蜜粉源、蜂种和科技资源丰富,扶贫成效显著,适合大力发展养蜂产业。通过对吉林省境内蜂产业调研,基本掌握了蜂群饲养、养殖户、蜂业组织发展、蜂产品企业、授粉产业发展等情况,对现存问题进行分析和探讨。  相似文献   

The bee diseases American and European foulbrood and nosemosis can be treated with anti-infectious agents. However, in the EU and the USA the use of these agents in beekeeping is strictly regulated due to the lack of tolerance (e.g. Maximum Residue Limit) for residues of antibiotics and chemotherapeutics in honey. This article reviews the literature dealing with antimicrobials of interest in apiculture, stability of these antimicrobials in honey, and disposition of the antimicrobials in honeybee hives.  相似文献   

Rangeland invertebrates contribute greatly to biodiversity and provide important services including pollination, pest control, and nutrient cycling. As wildfire frequency increases across these areas of the United States, it is imperative to understand how these disturbances affect beneficial invertebrate communities. We examined bee (Hymenoptera), spider (Araneae), and vegetative communities 1 yr before and 1 yr after a large wildfire swept across an intact grassland in eastern Oregon. Several sites were left unburned after the fire, and a before-after-control-impact study design was used to assess changes within the communities. Fire had no effect on bee or spider abundance, or spider diversity or richness; however, fire significantly increased native bee diversity and richness. In addition, composition of both native bee and spider communities differed significantly between burned and unburned areas 1 yr after the fire. Sheet web spiders (Linyphiidae) and several bee species (primarily large, generalist species) were associated with burned sites. Invasive annual grass and biological soil crust cover decreased significantly in burned sites, but maximum vegetation height and litter cover did not differ significantly among treatments. Forb abundance increased in burned sites; however, species richness of forbs in burned and unburned sites did not differ significantly 1 yr after the fire. Several forbs were indicative of burned areas including non-native species, such as Douglas’ knotweed (Polygonum douglasii) and Russian thistle (Salsola tragus), and native species such as Canadian horseweed (Conyza canadensis), hoary tansyaster (Machaeranthera canescens), and tall willowherb (Epilobium brachycarpum). This study demonstrates that both invertebrate and plant communities show strong short-term responses to wildfire, and our results can be used to inform management of rare habitat and biodiversity in rangelands impacted by wildfire in arid grasslands.  相似文献   

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