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1方法从第1个产蛋周期结束的四川白鹅群中选留健壮、母性外貌特征显著的母鹅106只组群。当年母鹅为2000年12月出雏的四川白鹅,经两次外貌选择,选留母鹅970只,分6小群,公母比例均为1∶4,公鹅均为当年选留。于2001年4月同等条件下饲养。至8月10日统一加料,9月10日前后陆续见蛋。产蛋前全部用吡喹酮驱虫,注射鹅副粘病毒油乳剂苗、种鹅用小鹅瘟疫苗、蛋子瘟菌苗。产蛋期种鹅饲料配比(%):早籼稻70%,豆粕10%,玉米粉17.1%,石粉1.5%,贝壳粉2%,磷酸氢钙1%,食盐0.3%,微量元素0.1%,多维素10g/100kg,蛋氨酸100g/100kg。每只种鹅每天500g青饲料。青饲料品…  相似文献   

通过对皖西白鹅生态习性和行为系统的观察研究,发现皖西白鹅采集、饮水、睡眠、嬉游、就巢、放牧等,具有生物节律性,公母配种适宜比例是1:4,每只公鹅平均交配次数2.5次/日,母鹅产蛋时间集中于清晨4:00-上午9:00之间,约占产蛋母鹅的83%,有就巢性母鹅为93%,其中一年就巢两次者为921%.  相似文献   

潘琦  陈伟 《家畜生态》1994,15(4):26-28
皖西白鹅是安徽省优良地方品种,是我国中型白鹅品种之一。本文通过对皖西白鹅雏鹅及成年鹅生态习性和行为进行系统的观察研究,结果表明,皖西白鹅采食、饮水、睡眠、嬉游、就巢、放牧以及对热的反应等具有生物节律性。公母配种双例是1:4-5,每只公鹅平均交配次数2.5次/日,母鹅产蛋时间集中于清晨4:00-上午9:00之间,约占产蛋母鹅的83%。有就巢性的母鹅占母鹅总数的98.9%,其中一年就巢两次者占92.1%。  相似文献   

为了解皖西白鹅与霍尔多巴吉鹅杂交后代的外貌特征和生产性能,选用皖西白鹅公鹅与霍尔多巴吉鹅母鹅进行杂交试验。结果表明,杂交鹅体型多数与霍尔多巴吉鹅一致,少数与皖西白鹅一致;成年母鹅背部有少量灰毛,其余为白色,公鹅的羽毛全部为白色。25%的公鹅头部明显有肉瘤,但比皖西白鹅的肉瘤小,另有25%的公鹅头部有肉瘤但较小,其余公鹅头部无肉瘤;母鹅头部均无肉瘤。杂交鹅1-70日龄平均增重4 795.91 g,与皖西白鹅和霍尔多巴吉鹅相比分别提高了12.70%和8.68%,差异显著(P〈0.05﹚;杂交鹅的平均产蛋量(40.4枚/只)、种蛋的受精率(90.0%)和受精蛋的孵化率(91.0%)都高于皖西白鹅,且差异显著(P〈0.05﹚,但与霍尔多巴吉鹅相比产蛋量有所下降,种蛋的受精率和受精蛋的孵化率相近。  相似文献   

本研究旨在揭示不同鹅品种间求偶和交配行为的差异及其对受精率的影响,为科学选配、提高水禽生产力和经济效益提供一定的理论依据。采用观察记录法,比较四川白鹅与浙东白鹅求偶行为和交配行为的差异,分析发现,鹅求偶方式可分为公鹅单方主动求偶、母鹅单方主动求偶和公母鹅互相求偶3种,其中公鹅单方主动求偶为主要方式,且纯繁组公鹅主动求偶的频次大于杂交组。浙东白鹅纯繁组互相求偶频次显著低于其他组(P0.05),该组存在明显的选择性交配。浙东白鹅母鹅主动求偶频次与追逐公鹅频次均大于四川白鹅母鹅,其中反交组(四川白鹅♂×浙东白鹅♀)母鹅单方主动求偶和追逐公鹅的频次显著大于四川白鹅母鹅(P0.05)。对不同鹅品种杂交组合中求偶交配行为与受精率进行相关性分析,发现受精率与成功交配频次和母鹅配合交配频次显著正相关(P0.05)。结果表明:不同杂交组合鹅的求偶行为与交配行为存在差异,且种蛋受精率明显受交配次数的影响,研究结果为制定种鹅科学选配方案提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

为评估四川白鹅与百子鹅在辽宁地区生产性能的适应性,以360只70日龄豁眼鹅、四川白鹅和百子鹅为试验素材,比较3个品种生产性能差异。结果表明:3个鹅种母鹅体重差异显著(P0.05),百子鹅四川白鹅豁眼鹅;百子鹅在体斜长、胫围、潜水长高于豁眼鹅和四川白鹅,其中,百子鹅的胫围和潜水长极显著高于豁眼鹅(P0.01);公鹅潜水长比较为百子鹅四川白鹅豁眼鹅(P0.01),百子鹅公鹅的胫长极显著高于四川白鹅(P0.01),胫围极显著高于豁眼鹅和四川白鹅(P0.01);3个鹅种各项屠宰指标间均存在着不同差异,百子鹅母鹅全净膛率、半净膛率、胸肌率显著高于豁眼鹅(P0.05),四川白鹅腿肌率8.79%,极显著高于豁眼鹅(P0.01);百子鹅公鹅的全净膛率和胸肌率显著高于其他2个品种的公鹅(P0.05);豁眼鹅公鹅的腹脂率显著低于其他2个品种(P0.05);百子鹅早期生长较快,活重最大为3 230.21 g,屠体重为2 810.97 g,依次为和四川白鹅和豁眼鹅,豁眼鹅屠宰性能好于四川白鹅。不同品种鹅体尺、屠宰性能各指标间有不同程度的相关性。  相似文献   

血红蛋白含量可作为临诊诊断疾病的依据之一。凉山钢鹅、四川白鹅及其正反交F1代血红蛋白含量尚未见报道。本试验测定了上述鹅的血红蛋白含量,为研究鹅的生理和疾病提供科学依据。材料和方法(一)试验动物3-12日龄凉山钢鹅公56只,母95只;四川白鹅公50只,母60只;川凉公鹅(四川白鹅♂×凉山钢鹅♀)34只,母54只;凉川公鹅(凉山钢鹅含♂×四川白鹅♀)36只,母52只。(二)采血方法每只试管加人EDTA-Na10mg,心脏穿刺采血,每只ldri,采后立即注人试管内,并摇匀,即刻测定。(三)血红蛋白测定方法:沙利氏(Sahli)比色法。测…  相似文献   

本试验以籽鹅、莱茵鹅、四川白鹅为研究对象,分别以莱茵鹅为父本、四川白鹅为母本(莱川),四川白鹅为父本、籽鹅(川籽)为母本进行二元杂交,比较分析两个杂交F1代1~90日龄的生长性能、屠宰性能及体尺状况的相关性。结果显示:90日龄时,莱川组合公鹅体重达3 840.91 g,母鹅体重3 395.32 g,莱川组合平均体重为3 618.12 g,川籽组合公鹅体重3 424.66 g,川籽组合母鹅体重3 017.29 g,川籽组合平均体重为3 220.98 g,全净膛重、半净膛重等屠宰指标莱川组合也都好于川籽组合,试验结果表明莱茵鹅与四川白鹅杂交效果无论从体增重还是屠宰性能都好于四川白鹅与籽鹅组合。  相似文献   

为探讨钢鹅和四川白鹅体尺性状和屠宰性能的差异,随机选取10周龄44只钢鹅和59只四川白鹅进行体尺和屠宰性能测定,并进行简单相关和典型相关分析。结果表明:无论是公鹅还是母鹅,钢鹅的活重、屠体重、半净膛重、全净膛重、胸肌重、腹脂重和皮脂重均显著高于四川白鹅(P0.05);钢鹅在半潜水长和体斜长高于四川白鹅(P0.05)。相关分析结果表明钢鹅体尺与屠宰性状各指标间共有37对相关性达到了极显著水平(P0.01),14对相关性达到了显著水平(P0.05),而四川白鹅体尺与屠宰性状间只有30对相关性达到了极显著水平(P0.01)。由此可见,钢鹅的体尺和屠宰性能优于四川白鹅。  相似文献   

选择7日龄健康四川白鹅480只(公母各半),分别将公鹅及母鹅随机分为4个处理,每个处理3个重复,每个重复20只鹅,分别饲喂不同铜含量的日粮,研究不同日粮铜含量(39.55、127.60、194.75、255.22 mg/kg)对四川白鹅生长性能、胴体性状及肉质性状的影响。7日龄预试,2周龄开始试验,12周龄结束。在2、4、6、8、10及12周龄时,每个重复称重,计算日增重及料重比。12周龄时每个重复选择3只接近平均体重的鹅进行屠宰,测定胴体及肉质性状。结果表明:①高铜有抑制8周龄前生长,降低2~4周龄日增重及饲料报酬的作用;②日粮铜含量对四川白鹅胴体性状和肉质性状无显著影响,但高铜有降低肌肉L~*值、a~*值、b~*值的趋势,可使肉色变浅。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to characterize the incidence and diagnostic features of amyloidosis and other diseases found at necropsy in captive trumpeter swans (Cygnus buccinator). A search of Iowa State University's Department of Veterinary Pathology and Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory databases yielded 31 trumpeter swan (C. buccinator) necropsy cases from captive swans in protected habitats. Eleven of the 31 birds had amyloid deposition most commonly in the spleen (8 of 11), liver (7 of 11), and kidney (6 of 11) and less often in the pancreas (2 of 11) and adrenal gland (2 of 11). Amyloid deposition effaced normal tissue with adjacent necrosis and hemorrhage in severe cases. Amyloidosis was most often diagnosed in February and March. Other disease diagnoses in the trumpeter swans included aspergillosis (5 of 31, 16%); bacterial infection (5 of 31, 16%); lead toxicosis (3 of 31, 10%); gout (2 of 31, 6%); parasitic infection (2 of 31, 6%); vitamin E deficiency (1 of 31, 3%); trauma (1 of 31, 3%); and ventricular foreign body (1 of 31, 3%). Histopathologic, toxicologic, and microbiologic analyses did not define an etiologic diagnosis in the deaths of 9 trumpeter swans. In these cases, necropsy lesions included emaciation (5 of 9), enteritis (1 of 9), pulmonary hemorrhage (1 of 9), and no lesions (3 of 9). The number of trumpeter swan case submissions was greatest in January and February. This study provides a reference for veterinary diagnosticians concerning incidence and diagnostic features of amyloidosis and other diseases in captive trumpeter swans of the midwestern United States.  相似文献   

Over the last 4-5 years the small captive population of black swans (Cygnus atratus) has consistently failed to reproduce at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding. The probable cause was hypothesized to be an abnormal sex distribution of the population. The black swan is an example of a sexually monomorphic species. The locus-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) approach based on the chromo-helicase-DNA-binding 1 (CHD1) gene, was adopted for the sex determination of the black swans. For this purpose, F1, F2 and R primers were designed using the primerselect software for amplification of the CHD1 gene region. DNA agarose gel electrophoresis showed that the female control displayed two bands, whereas only a single band was found in the male control. Sequence analyses of all seven unknown sex black swans demonstrated the sex-specific DNA band for female. Therefore, it was inferred that all the individuals of the black swan population are females, which has resulted in unfertilized eggs and reproduction failure. This method can be extended to the sexing of other monomorphic avian species and will assist in the design of breeding projects.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to determine some blood and other physiological parameters with potential for use as prognostic indicators of viability of newborn goat kids. Of the 143 kids born during the on-farm study, 97 were crosses of Galla x Small East African (SEA) and 46 were pure SEA. The SEA x Galla kids were 46 single males, with a mean body weight at birth of 2.77 +/- 0.22 kg, 43 females with a mean body weight at birth of 2.36 +/- 0.76 kg and 5 and 3 sets of female and male twins (mean body weight at birth of 1.8 +/- 0.19 kg and 2.05 +/- 0.07 kg for the female and male kids, respectively). The SEA kids comprised 36 single male and female kids (mean body weight at birth of 2.48 +/- 0.04 kg and 10 sets of twins (both male and female) (mean body weight at birth of 1.50 +/- 0.04 kg ). Pre-suckling sera obtained on-station from kids born of does vaccinated against Escherichia coli (n = 8) and unvaccinated does (n = 7) had a total protein content of <40.0 g/l and no detectable levels of IgG and A or E. coli antibodies. Sera obtained 12 hours post partum) from kids that survived in both groups contained about 19-22 g of Ig g/l, 50-80 g total protein/l, blood glucose of >5 mmol/l and had an E. coli antibody titre of between 1/160 and 1/640. On the other hand, kids that died within 48 hours of birth (parturient deaths) and had been classified in categories 3 and 4 righting reaction had low (<40 g/l) total protein, low white blood cell count (4,000/ml) and low blood glucose concentration (<4.9 mmol/l). It is concluded that kids with delayed righting reaction (>45 minutes), low rectal temperature (<36 degrees C), low birth weights (<1.5 kg for singles and <1.0 kg for twins), low white blood cells (<4,000/ml), low (<2 mmol/l) blood glucose levels, low total protein (<40.0 g/l), low (<1:160) E. coli antibody titre and IgG (< or =3,350 mg/l) in sera obtained 12 hours after birth have a poor prognosis for survival.  相似文献   

The knowledge of the correct morphological and biochemical parameters in mute swans is an important indicator of their health status, body condition, adaptation to habitat and useful diagnostic tools in veterinary practice and ecological research. The aim of the study was to obtain hematological parameters in relation to age, sex and serum biochemistry values in wild-living mute swans. We found the significant differences in the erythrocyte count, hematocrit, hemoglobin concentration and erythrocyte sedimentation rate in relation to age of mute swans. There were no differences in hematological values between males and females. The leukogram and H/L ratio did not vary by age and sex in swans. Among of biochemical parameters the slightly increased AST, ALP, CK, K, urea, decreased CHOL and TG values were recorded. As far as we know, this is the first study in which the morphometric parameters of blood cells in mute swans were presented. We found extremely low concentration of lead in blood (at subtreshold level). No blood parasites were found in blood smears. The analysis of body mass and biometric parameters revealed a significant differences dependent on age and sex. No differences in the scaled mass index were found. Our results represent a normal hematologic and blood chemistry values and age-sex related changes, as reference values for the mute swan.  相似文献   

A method for the treatment of lead poisoning in mute swans (Cygnus olor) is described. Chelation therapy, using sodium calcium edetate, was successful in resolving the clinical signs of lead poisoning in 49% of cases. Individually ringed swans were monitored after their release to the wild, in order to assess the long-term benefits of treatment. Re-sighting and recovery data suggested that at least 22% of swans treated for lead poisoning survived the first 2 years. The results indicate that despite treatment, once a swan becomes lead poisoned its chances of survival are reduced by 59% compared with untreated swans living in flocks.  相似文献   

Objective To examine haematological features in five species of healthy, captive marine mammals.
Animals Twenty bottlenose dolphins ( Tursips truncatus ), seven Pacific white-sided dolphins ( Lagenorhynchus obliquidens ), five Risso dolphins ( Grampus griseus ) and five false killer whales ( Pseudorca crassidens ).
Results and conclusion The red blood cell count was 4.21 × 1012/L in bottlenose dolphins, 5.32 × 1012/L in Pacific white-sided dolphins, 4.35 × 1012/L in Risso dolphins and 4.43 × 1012/L in false killer whales. The haemoglobin concentration was 1.51 g/L and packed cell volume 44.7% in bottlenose dolphins; the corresponding values were 1.71 g/L and 48.9% in Pacific white-sided dolphins, 1.72 g/L and 49.4% in Risso dolphins, and 1.52 g/L and 47.8% in false killer whales. The white blood cell count was 7.097 × 109/L in bottlenose dolphins, 5.928 × 109/L in Pacific white-sided dolphins, 5.001 × 109/L in Risso dolphins and 7.921 × 109/L in false killer whales. There were no significant differences in these values among bottlenose dolphins and Pacific white-sided dolphins. The proportion of eosinophils in the differential leukocyte count ranged from 10.3% to 11.5% in bottlenose dolphins, Pacific white-sided dolphins and false killer whales, but was only 0.4% in Risso dolphins. The eosinophilic granules were larger in Risso dolphins and false killer whales than in bottlenose and Pacific white-sided dolphins.  相似文献   

玉树牦牛12项血液生理生化指标的测定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对80头玉树牦牛的12项血液生理生化指标进行了测定。结果为:血红蛋白(Hb)86.41±13.07g/L,红细胞压积(PCV)0.46±0.034L/L,全血钾(BK)34.01±4.57mmol/L,红细胞钾(EK)67.24±9.45mmol/L,血清钾(SK)6.25±1.23mmol/L,血清钠(SNa)141.7±8.15mmol/L,血清总钙(STCa)2.3±0.52mmol/L,血清游离钙(SFCa)0.644-0.38mmol/L,血清结合钙(SBCa)1.63±0.37mmol/L,血清游离钙百分率27.82±7.3%,血清总蛋白87.3±11.3g/L,全血铁28.95±4.37mmol/L。公牦牛与母牦牛组各项指标均无差异显著;成年牦牛与牦牛犊之间除血清总蛋白外,其余各项指标均无显著差异。  相似文献   

从定型的优势血清型菌株中选择了2株,制备了基础种子,并对基础种子第1代、第10代和第13代的传代细菌的培养特性、免疫原性以及毒力进行了测定。结果证明,鸭大肠杆菌GX-5株和GX-21株的基础种子传至13代,其培养特性、免疫原性和毒力均不发生变化,表明这两个分离株是良好的疫苗生产菌株,为建立种子批提供了依据。本试验还进行了鸭大肠杆菌高密度发酵试验,获得了鸭大肠杆菌在马丁肉汤培养基中的最佳发酵条件,即发酵温度37.5 ℃,pH 7.4,初糖浓度10 g/L,补糖量为10 g/L,接种量为4%,通气量为1 L/L·min,搅拌转速为200 r/min,培养12 h后得到的发酵菌液浓度最高,D600 nm值达到30.32。本研究为鸭大肠杆菌抗原的规模化生产奠定了基础,也为新疫苗的研制和开发提供了基础材料。  相似文献   

不同周龄大耳白兔血液生理生化指标的测定   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了明确大耳白兔中国兽药监察所封闭群的生物学特性,对其血液生理生化指标进行了测定。选5、10及13周龄的雄兔和雌兔。空腹采血测定红细胞、白细胞等16项血液生理指标和血糖、总蛋白等16项生化指标。10周龄的红细胞数、白细胞数、红细胞压积和平均红细胞血红蛋白含量高于5周龄和13周龄,雌雄间血液生理指标无明显差异,血清丙氨酸转氨酶含量随着周龄的增加而升高,碱性磷酸则随着周龄的增加而下降。与日本大耳白兔相比,主要血液生理指标比较接近,丙氨酸转氨酸、白蛋白、尿素氮、直接胆红素等血液生化指标相近,其他指标有所不同。测定结果表明,该封闭群具有不同于日本大耳白兔(Slc:JW/CSK)的生物学特性。  相似文献   

高加索三叶草×白三叶胚萌发条件的探索   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
以六倍体高加索三叶草Trifolium ambiguum与四倍体白三叶T.repens为亲本,通过远缘杂交,采用组织培养手段对杂交胚的萌发条件进行探索.结果表明:以高加索三叶草为母本、白三叶为父本,在花期8:00-9:00授粉,授粉后12~13 d取胚,用质量分数10%NaClO灭菌6.5~7 min,在不加任何外源激素的改良MS培养基上,胚萌发率最高,达8%.高频扩繁时,再附加0.25 mg/L 2,4-D+0.50 mg/L 6-BA可获得较高萌发率.  相似文献   

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