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为了解辽宁省锦州地区犬流感的感染情况,于2010年9月至2011年5月收集了锦州地区10家宠物医院就诊犬、农家犬、流浪犬共158份血清样本,通过血凝抑制(HI)试验对犬流感进行了血清学调查。结果表明:158份血清样品中抗体阳性率为15.2%,其中H5抗体阳性率为3.2%,H3亚型抗体阳性率为10.8%,H9抗体阳性率为1.3%;调查结果同时表明,母犬犬流感血清抗体阳性率略高于公犬,流浪犬的HI抗体阳性率明显高于宠物犬和农家犬。  相似文献   

对来自上海近郊地区300份犬粪样品进行输血传播病毒(TTV)、肠道寄生虫的检测与分析,结果发现TTV阳性率为14.7%,肠道寄生虫的阳性率为15.7%;体型、年龄、性别在TTV和肠道寄生虫的感染率上均无差异;日常食用未经消毒食物犬类的TTV与肠道寄生虫病的阳性率极显著高于食用其他日粮的犬类。实验结果为进一步防控犬TTV和肠道寄生虫感染提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

细环病毒(TTV)目前在全世界的猪群中广泛存在。为了调查其在广东省猪群流行情况,我们运用PCR方法对广东省不同地方猪场和散养户送检的445份血清进行了检测。结果表明:TTV总的阳性率为68.1%(303/445),其中TTV1阳性率为43.1%(192/445),TTV2阳性率为24.9%(111/445)。TTV1的阳性率高于TTV2的阳性率,且猪场送检样品阳性率高于散养户。TTV1和TTV2存在混合感染,猪场样品混合阳性率为23.1%(88/381),散养户样品混合阳性率为1.6%(1/64)。几份阳性样品测序和进化分析显示,它们分别属于TTV1和TTV2。调查结果表明TTV在广东猪群中已经广泛存在。  相似文献   

为了解内蒙古东部地区旋毛虫病流行情况和寻找新虫株,采集内蒙古东部呼伦贝尔市、赤峰市、通辽市、兴安盟、锡林郭勒盟五个地区犬血清样品1 000份、膈肌样品1 000份和猪血清样品20 000份、膈肌样品20 000份,经ELISA法、压片法和集样消化法进行检测和分析。结果表明:五个地区犬血清总抗体阳性率为6.8%(68/1 000),最高的是兴安盟,为14.0%(28/200),最低的是锡林郭勒盟和呼伦贝尔市,为2.5%(5/200),二者差异显著(P0.05);镜检在通辽市和兴安盟的犬膈肌样品中各检测到1份旋毛虫感染病料。五个地区屠宰猪血清总阳性率为0.500%(100/20 000),最高为兴安盟0.775%(31/4 000),最低为锡林郭勒盟0.275%(11/4 000),二者差异不显著(P0.05);镜检发现兴安盟的猪膈肌样品中有1份旋毛虫感染病料。说明内蒙古东部区猪旋毛虫病血清抗体阳性率相对较低,犬旋毛虫病血清抗体阳性率相对较高。  相似文献   

为了解副猪嗜血杆菌(HPS)在石河子规模猪场的流行情况,试验采用ELISA方法进行了副猪嗜血杆菌抗体的检测,并对抗体阳性血清进行了其他呼吸道病混合感染血清学调查。结果表明:330份血清样品HPS抗体阳性率为60.30%(199/330),12个猪场感染阳性率为91.67%(11/12);199份阳性血清中,24.62%(49/199)感染了H1N1亚型猪流感病毒(SIV),49.25%(98/199)感染了猪肺炎支原体(Mhp),84.42%(168/199)感染了猪圆环病毒2型(PCV-2),35.18%(70/199)感染了猪胸膜肺炎放线杆菌(APP),49.75%(99/199)感染了猪链球菌2型(SS2)。说明垦区大部分规模猪场存在HPS感染情况,且混合感染情况比较严重。  相似文献   

为了了解我国部分省市犬感染布氏杆菌的情况。用血清样品用虎红平板凝集试验(RBT)和OIE标准间接酶标试验(i-ELISA)初筛,初筛阳性样品用试管凝集试验(SAT)复核,对SAT判定为阳性血清所对应的脾脏或新鲜全血进行布氏杆菌分离与培养。结果显示,4 750份犬血清中60份为阳性(29份检测到粗糙型布氏杆菌抗体:牧区2份、农区4份、城区23份;31份检测到光滑型布氏杆菌抗体:牧区19份、农区2份、城区10份),个体阳性率为1.26%(牧区6.69%,农区1.53%,城区0.84%);3份脾脏和1份新鲜全血经接种培养后,从1份全血中分离到1株菌,经AMOS-PCR方法鉴定为犬布氏杆菌。试验结果表明,调查的部分省市均有犬感染布氏杆菌,牧区个体阳性率最高、农区居中、城区最低,且存在粗糙型和光滑型布氏杆菌混合感染的现象。  相似文献   

为了解长沙生态动物园野生动物衣原体的感染情况,本试验根据中华人民共和国农业行业标准(NY/T 562—2015),采用巢式PCR方法对采集到的园区内63种动物的231份粪便样品进行衣原体检测,并对阳性样品进行测序分析。结果显示,所有检测样品中有13份样品呈衣原体阳性,总阳性率为5.63%(13/231),其中植食类动物阳性率为11.43%(4/35)、灵长类动物阳性率为13.95%(6/43)、禽鸟类动物阳性率为3.13%(2/64)、肉食类动物阳性率为1.12%(1/89)。所有动物中感染风险最大的是灵长类动物,11种灵长类动物中有5种检出阳性,占比45.45%,且优势比(OR)=4.19(P<0.01)。基因测序和比对结果显示,仅从1份绿孔雀阳性粪便样品中获得有效的衣原体序列(序列号:OK033359.1),其与美国分离株c149(序列号:KY206900.1)相似度达99.72%,可鉴定为Chlamydia gallinacea,且处于较早进化阶段。结果表明,该动物园存在衣原体感染,但感染率不高,感染风险最大的是灵长类动物,禽鸟类存在Chlamydia gallinacea...  相似文献   

在凌源地区五个品种的犬中,德国黑背犬的发病率最高.达65.3%;2~3月龄幼犬发病率(82.6%)高于其它年龄组的犬.抽样检查的11份样品,有10份血清为犬细小病毒(CPV)血凝抑制抗体阳性;10份粪便的CPV血凝阳性或疑似阳性,经电镜观察见有典型的细小病毒和冠状病毒颗粒,1份脏器样品见有典型犬瘟热病毒。从2份粪便样品中分离出CPV.  相似文献   

本文改进了犬细小病毒血凝(HA)和血凝抑制(HI)试验,即采取病犬的粪便和血清样品,经过2—ME处理后,同时测定粪便和血清样品的IgM性HI抗体和粪便样品的HA效价,三项试验互相补充,只要有一项为阳性,即诊断为犬细小病毒性肠炎。应用上述方法,76份阳性粪便、16份阳性血清全部正确检出;120份健康犬粪和130份健康犬血清全部为阴性。对方法改进的依据在讨论中作了阐述。  相似文献   

目的了解上海浦东地区犬弓形虫病流行情况。方法对上海浦东地区城市犬血清样本150份、农村犬血清样本85份和养狗场犬血清8份用间接血凝试验进行了弓形体抗体检测。结果城市犬阳性率为5.3%(8/150),农村犬阳性率为5.9%(5/85),养狗场犬未检出阳性。结论农村犬和城市犬均存在HEV感染,农村犬感染比率略高于城市犬。  相似文献   

To estimate the prevalence of enteric parasites and selected vector-borne agents of dogs and cats in San Isidro de El General, Costa Rica, fecal and serum samples were collected from animals voluntarily undergoing sterilization. Each fecal sample was examined for parasites by microscopic examination after fecal flotation and for Giardia and Cryptosporidium using an immunofluorescence assay (IFA). Giardia and Cryptosporidium IFA positive samples were genotyped after PCR amplification of specific DNA if possible. The seroprevalence rates for the vector-borne agents (Dirofilaria immitis, Borrelia burgdorferi, Ehrlichia canis, and Anaplasma phagocytophilum) were estimated based on results from a commercially available ELISA. Enteric parasites were detected in samples from 75% of the dogs; Ancylostoma caninum, Trichuris vulpis, Giardia, and Toxocara canis were detected. Of the cats, 67.5% harbored Giardia spp., Cryptosporidium spp., Ancylostoma tubaeforme, or Toxocara cati. Both Cryptosporidium spp. isolates that could be sequenced were Cryptosporidium parvum (one dog isolate and one cat isolate). Of the Giardia spp. isolates that were successfully sequenced, the 2 cat isolates were assemblage A and the 2 dog isolates were assemblage D. D. immitis antigen and E. canis antibodies were identified in 2.3% and 3.5% of the serum samples, respectively. The prevalence of enteric zoonotic parasites in San Isidro de El General in Costa Rica is high in companion animals and this information should be used to mitigate public health risks.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to assess whether the hair of stray and domestic dogs in Egypt was contaminated with the eggs of the zoonotic parasite Toxocara canis, and also to identify risk factors for T. canis for contamination. Paired samples of hair and feces were collected from 53 stray and 47 domestic dogs, and hair samples were obtained from a further 11 stray and 9 domestic dogs. All samples were examined to identify T. canis eggs and, if eggs were found, their maturation stage. Eggs were identified in 26.6% of stray and 10.7% of domestic dog's hair samples. A significantly increased risk of embryonated T. canis eggs in hair samples was found in stray dogs (p=0.04), stray dogs had 3.18 (95% CI: 1.04-9.74) times the odds of having T. canis eggs present compared with domestic dogs. There was also a significant difference (p=0.02) between the mean quantity of eggs per gram in stray (77.6±6.54) and domestic (48.7±6.65) dog's hair. Fecal examination found a T. canis egg prevalence of 35.8% and 21.3% in stray and domestic dogs, respectively. As no domestic dogs which were positive from hair samples had negative fecal samples, this indicates that the presence of T. canis eggs in hair is probably due to self contamination. Two stray dogs had positive hair samples but negative fecal samples indicating that contamination may also be environmental. As both non-embryonated and embryonated T. canis eggs were found in the hair of domestic dogs, direct contact with dogs may be a potential risk factor for transmission of T. canis eggs to humans.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is the detection of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) by serum enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), fecal polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and fecal culture in Colombian dairy herds. Serum and fecal samples from asymptomatic cows (n = 307) of 14 dairy herds were tested for MAP by an unabsorbed ELISA test (ELISA-A). Serum and fecal samples from positive ELISA-A animals (n = 31) were further tested by an absorbed ELISA test (ELISA-B) and PCR. Fecal samples from animals of herds positive by ELISA-A and PCR (n = 105) were inoculated onto three different culture media. ELISA-A produced positive results in 10% of the serum samples and 71% of the herds. ELISA-B and PCR results were positive in two and six serum and fecal samples from positive ELISA-A animals, respectively. Fecal samples were negative for MAP on all culture media. The results of this study confirmed the presence of MAP in local dairy herds and the difficulties of MAP detection in asymptomatic animals by ELISA, PCR, and fecal culture.  相似文献   

Background: An assay for the measurement of pancreatic elastase in dog feces has been introduced. Hypothesis/Objectives: The goal of this study was to evaluate the rate of false‐positive fecal‐elastase test results in dogs with suspected exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) and to assess serum cholecystokinin (CCK) concentrations in dogs with a false positive fecal elastase test result. Animals: Twenty‐six fecal and serum samples from dogs suspected of EPI, for which samples had been submitted to a commercial laboratory (Vet Med Labor) for analysis. Methods: Prospective study. Serum trypsin‐like immunoreactivity (TLI) was measured in 26 dogs with a decreased fecal elastase concentration of <10 μg/g feces. Serum CCK concentrations were measured in 21 of these dogs. Results: Of 26 dogs with a decreased fecal elastase concentration, 6 (23%) had serum TLI concentrations within or above the reference range. Serum CCK concentrations were significantly higher in dogs with a true positive fecal elastase test result (median: 1.1 pmol/L; range: 0.1–3.3 pmol/L) than in those with a false positive fecal elastase test result (median: 0.1 pmol/L; range: 0.1–0.9 pmol/L; P value = .0163). Conclusions and Clinical Importance: The rate of false positive fecal elastase test results was high in this group of dogs, suggesting that diagnosis of EPI must be confirmed by other means. The decreased CCK concentration in dogs with a false positive fecal elastase test result could suggest that false positive results are because of decreased stimulation of exocrine pancreatic function caused by other conditions.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether results obtained for milk and serum samples with ELISAs intended for diagnosis of paratuberculosis in dairy cows were comparable to results obtained by means of mycobacterial culture of fecal samples. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. ANIMALS: 689 lactating dairy cows in 9 Ontario herds. PROCEDURE: Milk, serum, and fecal samples were obtained from all cows. Fecal samples were submitted for mycobacterial culture. Serum samples were tested with a commercially available ELISA for antibodies against Mycobacterium paratuberculosis, and preserved milk samples were tested with an indirect ELISA for antibodies against M paratuberculosis. RESULTS: Results were positive for 130 of the 689 (18.9%) serum samples, 77 of the 689 (11.1%) milk samples, and 72 of the 689 (10.4%) fecal samples. The level of agreement between results for milk and serum samples was only moderate. Proportions of positive results for serum and fecal samples were significantly different, but proportions of positive results for milk and fecal samples were not significantly different. In addition, results for milk samples had a higher level of agreement with results of mycobacterial culture than did results for serum samples. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that the indirect ELISA used on milk samples may be a convenient method of detecting paratuberculosis in dairy herds.  相似文献   

根据免疫渗滤原理,采用犬弓首蛔虫抗原蛋白和胶体金标记SPA,建立抗犬弓首蛔虫抗体的斑点免疫金渗滤法(D IGFA)检测200份犬血清样本。结果:阳性检出率为8.00%(16/200);血清样本对应犬粪便用饱和盐水漂浮法检查虫卵,阳性检出率为2.0%(4/200)。结论:斑点免疫金渗滤法具有操作简便、灵敏度高、特异性强的优点,可用于犬弓首蛔虫病的早期、快速检测。  相似文献   

Fecal culture has been the primary method used to diagnose paratuberculosis in goats. It is laborious, slow, and expensive. Validation of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) on milk samples could make paratuberculosis testing more widely available for goat farmers. The aim of this study was to determine the accuracy of serum and milk ELISAs for paratuberculosis, relative to fecal culture, in Chilean dairy goats. Eight dairy goat herds were selected. Feces, blood, and milk samples were collected from all female goats >2 years old. Fecal samples were cultured using Herrold egg yolk medium with mycobactin J and antibiotics. Serum and milk samples were tested using a commercial ELISA kit for Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis antibody detection. A total of 383 goats were tested by ELISA and fecal culture. The sensitivity of ELISA on serum and milk relative to fecal culture was 74.3% (95% CI: 59.8-88.8) and 60% (95% CI: 43.8-76.2), respectively. The corresponding values for ELISA specificity based on the percentage of non- M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis-infected goats testing ELISA-negative were 98.6% (95% CI: 96.6-100) and 99.3% (95% CI: 97.9-100) on serum and milk, respectively. Proportions of positive results for serum and fecal samples were significantly different, whereas the proportions of positive results for milk and fecal samples were not significantly different. The milk ELISA had a moderate level of agreement with fecal culture results (Kappa = 0.57). The paratuberculosis ELISA on goat milk samples may be a cost-effective, accurate alternative to fecal culture.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to determine the presence of Babesia spp. in blood samples from Italian dogs with clinical signs compatible with tick-borne diseases by means of PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and describe the clinicopathological findings of dogs with Babesia infection. We evaluated the majority of canine babesiosis cases by means of clinical history, physical examination, hematological, biochemical, serum electrophoresis, urinalysis and hemostatic tests. Forty-five out of 164 canine blood samples studied were positive to Babesia PCR-RFLP with the following results: Babesia canis canis (n=34) and Babesia canis vogeli (n=11). The majority of B. c. canis infections were detected in Northern Italy (29.1%; 30/103). B. c. vogeli cases were detected mainly in Central and Southern Italy (16.3%; 10/61). Only one B. c. vogeli was detected in Northern Italy (0.9%; 1/103). Three positive samples to B. c. canis and four positive samples to B. c. vogeli were selected for sequencing of a fragment of the 18S rRNA gene (410bp) for further molecular characterization. The sequence obtained from all seven dogs was 99/100% homologous to sequences from B. c. canis and B. c. vogeli, respectively, present in GenBank. Sixty-two percent of dogs infected with B. c. canis had recently travelled on a hunting trip to East European countries. The main acute clinical signs were dehydration, apathy, anorexia and fever. The majority of dogs infected with B. c. canis presented at initial clinical examination mild to severe thrombocytopenia, hyperfibrinogenemia, mild to moderate normocytic-normochromic non-regenerative anemia, hemolysis and neutropenia. The urinalysis showed hemoglobinuria in 13/19 dogs suggesting intravascular hemolysis. Dogs with B. c. canis infection had high levels of C-reactive protein. Hypoalbuminemia was present in 17/26 dogs. The 11 cases of B. c. vogeli infection did not present a homogenous clinicopathological pattern. B. c. vogeli infections were observed in young dogs causing hemolytic anemia and in adult/old does that frequently presented predisposing factors such as splenectomy or immunocompromised conditions. In conclusion, this study demonstrates the presence of B. c. canis and B. c. vogeli in Italian sick dogs and differences in clinicopathological pattern in these two species of B. canis.  相似文献   

根据GenBank公布的猪博卡病毒(Porcine Bocavirus,PBoV)序列,在VP1/2基因区域设计引物和TaqMan探针建立实时荧光定量PCR检测方法,对上海市10个区(县)规模场2006~2011年间采集的1800份猪血清、2010年种猪场不同月份采集的45份猪粪便、2010年9个规模场采集的27份猪鼻棉拭以及门诊采集的9份高热病死猪内脏进行检测,阳性率依次为24%、30%、0%、67%.6份PBoV阳性病料进行猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome,PRRSV)、猪圆环病毒2型(Porcine circovirus type 2,PCV2)、猪伪狂犬病毒(Pseudorabies virus,PRV)、猪细小病毒(Porcine parvovirus,PPV)检测,阳性率依次为83%、100%、0%、0%.检测结果表明,PBoV感染在上海市普遍存在,猪内脏中检出率较高,且春秋两季高发,仔猪比较易感,并与PRRSV、PCV2存在混合感染.  相似文献   

Two thousand nine hundred fifty-two serum samples, collected once or twice annually from 545 cows of known fecal culture status were tested for antibodies to Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis using a commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test. Overall, 13.5% of the samples from 282 infected cows had positive ELISA results, but when tested multiple times, 38.3% of the cows had at least 1 serum sample with positive results. Among 263 fecal culture-negative cows, 98.1% of the serum samples had negative ELISA results, but when tested multiple times, 7.8% of the cows had at least 1 positive ELISA sample. Fecal culture was positive on a test before the first positive ELISA in 50 cows, ELISA was positive before fecal culture in 12 cows, and in 38 cows, both tests became positive at the same testing time. An additional 174 cows were positive on fecal culture and always negative on ELISA until culled. For cows that had ELISA sample:positive (S/P) ratios below the cutoff point, the change in S/P between sequential tests was evaluated to determine whether a rise in S/P could predict infection status. In this study, change in S/P was not a useful predictor of infection status in seronegative cows.  相似文献   

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