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新疆的边界有相当一部分与苏联、蒙古和巴基斯坦等国家衔接,国界上往往分布有众多的高山大川作为地理屏障。这样,在研究靠近国界分布的动物种类时,不得不考虑两个问题,一是该种动物是否跨国界而分布;二是该种动物的分布是否受到了国界上某些地理屏障的影响。笔者在研究新疆的鸟类区系时,经常遇到这个问题,尤其是涉及到种下的分类,更为棘手。现据笔者自己的一些体会浅谈几例。灰(脊鸟)鴒(Motacilla cinerea)是新疆平原、低山区的常见种。六十年代郑宝赉、钱燕文等均将分布于新疆南部和北部的灰(脊鸟)鴒鉴定为M.c. melanope,而郑作新将其鉴定为M.c. robusta,并在伊犁地区划出一块孤立的繁殖区,以后研究新疆鸟类的文献均同意郑的观点。据文献,M.c. robusta主要分布在苏联库页岛和沿海一带,与我国东北、华北该亚种分布相连续,最西限可达河西走廊张掖和酒泉等地。而M.c.melanope在苏联境内的分布比前述亚种广,西起乌拉尔,北至叶尼塞,南以苏联和伊朗交界的科彼特山为界,分布的东限恰恰是天山和中苏边境的塔尔巴哈台、阿尔泰山脉。众所周知,地理阻隔是亚种形成的一个重要因素,很难想象M.c. robusta能远离亚种的连续  相似文献   

通过近年考察,在新疆境内共收录鸟类425种另134亚种,占全国种数的35.8%。其中,国内及新疆新记录10和43种,首次载入41种和35种;一半以上的种增补了区域分布与生态资料。377种繁殖鸟中,广布种、古北(及全北)种为64和53种;中亚、青藏和蒙新特有的分别为27,20和20种。在18个自然地理区中,种数分布北部多于南部,西部多于东部,山地多于平原;纬度靠北,留鸟有减少趋势,繁殖鸟(及夏候鸟)所占比例增加。说明鸟类种类分布,除取决于区系渗透影响,还受景观多样性与水源分布的制约。所获资料的覆盖度较广,生物学资料丰富的标本,为本区鸟类标本生物学资料信息系统的建立奠定了基础。  相似文献   

丁鹏  陈莹  马鸣  袁国映 《干旱区研究》2011,28(3):562-563
2010年9月14~26日,对新疆罗布泊进行综合考察时,在哈密雅满苏镇磁海矿区附近的施工驻地发现了1只北鹨(Anthus gustavi Swinhoe,1863),并拍摄到十几张照片.经过仔细观察与图片鉴定,确定为新疆鸟类新纪录.同时,对该物种的形态特征、地理分布、栖息地、生态习性以及亚种分类进行了讨论.  相似文献   

天山博格达南部雪鸡的生态习性   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
新疆是雪鸡属分布的中心地区,共有3种,约9个亚种。雪鸡属是我国2级保护动物,是高山珍贵鸟类。有一定的经济价值和药用价值,在天山、昆仑山,阿尔泰山等山地的冰雪带,苔藓地带,高山草甸带,亚高山草甸带,森林带,灌木草原带等范围活动。本文阐述了新疆暗腹雪鸡的生态习性,与人工驯养繁殖实验结果。  相似文献   

新疆各类陆栖脊椎动物近 70 0种 ,占中国这一类动物种数的 32 %,其中鸟兽资源尤其丰富 ,计有 42 5种鸟类和 1 5 5种兽类 (哺乳类 ) ,占中国鸟兽种数的 31 %。本文主要以新疆三大山区———阿尔泰山、天山、昆仑 -阿尔金山地区鸟类和哺乳类动物的多样性及区系分布作综合性介绍和分析。根据实地考察和以往文献资料 ,新疆阿尔泰山区记录在 1 2 4种鸟类 ,其中古北界北方型鸟类 5 1种 (占 41 .1 %) ,中亚型鸟类 31种 (占 2 5 .0 %) ,广布种鸟类 2 7种 (占 2 1 .8%) ,其他类型1 5种 (占 1 2 .1 %) ,显出以北方型泰加林鸟类为主的鸟类区系特征 ;分布的 5 0种兽类 ,区系上以古北界北方泰加林为主 ,即北方型兽类占该山区种数的 5 2 %。天山山区记录的鸟类大约2 81种 ,北方型种类占绝对优势 ,即北方型 1 0 6种 (占 37.72 %) ,北方广布型 76种 (占 2 7.0 4 %) ,中亚型 39种 (占 1 3.88%) ,高地型 1 8种 (占 6.41 %) ,广布型 33种 (占 1 1 .74%) ,东北型 9种 (占 3.2 1 %)。兽类分布有 62种 ,北方型兽类区系占优势 ,有 30种 (占 48.40 %) ,广布型 1 2种 (占 1 9.40 %) ,中亚型 1 1种 (占 1 7.70 %) ,特有种 9种 (占 1 4.5 0 %)。昆仑—阿尔金山地区 96种鸟类中 ,中亚类型成份占 2 8.1 %,高地型成分占 2 6%,北方型成?  相似文献   

新疆鸟类环志简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环志是研究鸟类季节性迁徙的重要手段之一 ,同时也是研究鸟类区系、生态学、形态分类学等的有效方法。2 0 0 3年 6月 1 1日~ 7月 1 0日和 8月 1 9~ 2 0日 ,笔者在新疆阿勒泰、吐鲁番、塔里木河流域、昆仑山、帕米尔高原、天山、古尔班通古特沙漠等地 1 7个环志点进行了夏季鸟类环志工作 ,这是新疆境内规模较大的一次环志活动。目的是寻找最佳环志地点 ,并进行鸟类迁徙研究。此次环志鸟类 340只 ,约 5 3种。非雀形目 6种 (占 1 1 .3% ) ,雀形目4 7种 (占 88.7% )。所使用的铝镁合金鸟环均由全国鸟类环志中心 (NBBC)提供。  相似文献   

卡拉麦里山有蹄类野生动物自然保护区位于新疆北部准噶尔盆地东部,是以荒漠有蹄类野生动物为主要保护对象的野生动物类型自然保护区。2018年4~5月,首次较为系统地对卡山自然保护区春季鸟类的种类、分布、生境等进行了调查。共观察到鸟类9目21科59种,其中国家重点保护鸟类17种。调查结果显示,春季鸟类中,共有留鸟19种、夏候鸟28种、冬候鸟6种、旅鸟6种;繁殖鸟(包括夏候鸟和留鸟)47种,占总数的79.66%;鸟类区系以古北界鸟类为主,占繁殖鸟种数的78.72%。工业发展、人为活动干扰、保护措施等对卡山自然保护区鸟类有不同的影响,需要采取相对应的保育措施。  相似文献   

新疆啮齿动物新种新亚种新记录种与某些鼠种的新分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文报告了近 10余年新疆啮齿动物分类、分布的新发现。其中有新种伊犁鼠兔 ,新亚种天山黄鼠尼勒克亚种 ;新疆新记录种大林姬鼠、高原鼠兔、藏鼠兔、柯氏鼠兔 ;中国新记录种戈壁阿尔泰山鼠平和草原鼠兔。此外还指出脂尾三趾矮跳鼠、小毛足鼠、长尾仓鼠、大沙鼠、水鼠平和鼹形田鼠等 6种动物的新分布地点。  相似文献   

2014年夏,在甘肃省肃北县马鬃山镇进行了野生动物资源调查,于明水村采集到8号鬣蜥科(Agamidae)爬行动物标本,经鉴定为新疆岩蜥阿尔泰亚种(Laudakia stoliczkana altaica),为新疆岩蜥在甘肃省的首次纪录。通过形态特征、生态习性及地理分布对其与新疆岩蜥指名亚种(Laudakia stoliczkana stoliczkana)和塔里木岩蜥(Laudakia tarimensis)做了对比研究,发现其尾部每3环1节(仅基部2~3节为4环1节),栖息生境为干燥裸露的石山,分布于天山山脉以北至阿尔泰山、戈壁阿尔泰山周缘,与另外两者明显不同。最后对新疆岩蜥物种分化的原因和分布界线进行了讨论。  相似文献   

新疆蛇类的分布及生态特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述了新疆蛇类3科,7属,11种和亚种。对其分布、形态及食性、繁殖、行为等生态过程进行了初步观察。拟订分类检索系统。  相似文献   

Based on a long-term field investigation and other research results,we reviewed the status and distribution of ungulates in Xinjiang,China. The ungulates in Xinjiang included 19 ungulate species(30 subspecies) from 6 families and 2 orders. Among them,3 species(2 subspecies) relate to Equidae(Perrisodactyla) ,and 16 species(28 subspecies) are from 5 families of Artiodactyla. In this paper,we analyzed the conservation status of most rare and important 13 ungulate species. Firstly,we proposed the protection of genetic diversity of Camelus ferus and the distribution areas of Moschus sifanicus,Procapra przewalskii and Saiga tatarica in Xinjiang. We found that Moschus sifanicus but not Procapra przewalskii distributed in Xinjiang. It was not clear whether the remnant populations of Saiga tatarica existed in Xinjiang and China-Kazakhstan border or not. We discussed that the protection level and rational use of Capra sibirica and enhancing protection level and enlarging monitoring and research projects for Pantholops hodgsoni and Gazella subgutturosa. And we would like to suggest Forestry Department to develop the captive breeding of Tibetan antelope for rational use. In addition,the captive breeding of Cervus elaphus in Xinjiang was reviewed. Local government should lessen strong control to Cervus elaphus because of many breeding centers' establishment.  相似文献   

Globodera tabacum is a little-known species complex of specialized plant–parasitic nematodes. In this study we investigated for the first time the sequence variability of five effectors: three genes coding for cell wall degrading enzymes (Pel1, Pel2 and ExpB3) and two genes coding for CLE peptides (CLE1 and CLE4) among a set of populations representing the different subspecies described. Substantial variability was observed in the sequence dataset which is consistent with the differential pathogenicity of the G. tabacum subspecies on a range of Nicotiana species. Using these sequence data, we were able (1) to show the presence of a novel CLE-like class in cyst nematodes, (2) to support the existence of most probably three and not four subspecies in this species complex, (3) to reveal that the subspecies G. tabacum tabacum presents the highest diversity and (4) to develop a PCR tool that allows a quick and reliable identification of this subspecies among the species complex.  相似文献   

D. STURHAN 《EPPO Bulletin》1985,15(2):139-144
By reference mainly to cyst nematodes, certain aspects concerning the species category and intraspecific categories are considered. Special attention is paid to the existence of cryptic or sibling species, the possibility of interspecific hybridization, the phenomenon of reduced reproductive compatibility of certain populations within a species and the loss of subspecies and race identity in mixtures. Both terms ‘biological or physiological race’ and ‘pathotype’ can be used to express differences in host specificity in nematology, entomology and plant pathology. A distinction is made between the two categories and differences among them are outlined in detail. Whereas ‘race’ is considered as a population concept, pathotypes are defined as virulence phenotypes. Races are genetically variable groups of related populations, while pathotypes are a priori‘artificial’ entities, established for practical reasons and characterized by constancy of their relevant characters.  相似文献   

Pseudoperonospora cubensis is one of the most devastating diseases of cucurbitaceous crops. The pathogen has a worldwide distribution and occurs in all major cucurbit growing areas. It had been noticed for the first time at the end of the 19th century, but it became a globally severe disease as recently as 1984 in Europe and 2004 in North America. Despite its economic importance, species concepts in Pseudoperonospora are debated. Here, we report that the genus Pseudoperonospora contains cryptic species distinct from the currently accepted ones. Pseudoperonospora on Celtis is split into two phylogenetic lineages and Pseudoperonospora humuli is confirmed as a species distinct from the Cucurbitaceae-infecting lineages. A cryptic species occupying a basal position within the Pseudoperonospora cubensis complex is revealed to be present on Humulus japonicus, thus providing evidence that the host jump that gave rise to Pseudoperonospora cubensis likely occurred from hops. Notably, Cucurbitaceae infecting pathogens are present in two cryptic sister species or subspecies. Clade 1 contains primarily specimens from North America and likely represents Pseudoperonospora cubensis s.str.. Pre-epidemic isolates in clade 2 originate from Japan and Korea, suggesting this cryptic species or subspecies is indigenous to East Asia. Recent samples of this lineage from epidemics in Europe and the United States cluster together with clade 2. It thus seems possible that this lineage is associated with the recent severe epidemics of cucurbit downy mildew and is now naturalised in North America and Europe.  相似文献   

新疆鄯善种子植物物种多样性及区系分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
文中在形态分类学研究的基础上,对鄯善野生种子植物物种多样性与区系地理进行了分析。鄯善共有种子植物48科177属,296种2亚种1变种。科的组成中,就属水平而言,寡属科与多属科构成科结构的主体,所含属数占74.01%,而就种水平而言,则大科和寡种科为主体,所含种数占81.94%;属的组成中,单种属和寡种属构成属结构的主体,所含种数占88.63%。该区新疆特有种与中国新疆仅分布种占26.09%,比例较高。生活型以地面芽植物与一、二年生植物为主;生态型以旱生植物与中生植物占较大优势,占种数的77.92%,与其区系的温带干旱性质相吻合。属的分布区类型表明,该区系地理成分多样,有11个分布类型和10个变型,温带性质明显,约占72.3%,以北温带为主。  相似文献   

Y Wang  Z W Fan  Y D Shen  X X Li  Y Liu  Q Q Huang 《Weed Research》2019,59(6):419-426
Invasive plants may be more plastic than non‐invasive plants and maintain high fitness under various environmental conditions. Previous studies mainly focused on the comparisons between invasive and native plants, and comparisons between highly invasive and less invasive exotic species are still relatively rare, especially for comparisons at the subspecies level. This study examined the effects of nutrient addition and shading on the performance of the highly invasive Mimosa invisa and its less invasive subspecies M. invisa var. inermis under either isolated or competitive conditions. Nutrient addition increased biomass and plant height and decreased root‐to‐shoot ratio (R/S). Shading decreased biomass and R/S and increased plant height. Under isolated conditions, the two invaders did not differ in R/S, plant height and plasticity of these traits in response to nutrient addition or shading, and the two invaders also did not differ in biomass production under each of the nutrient and light treatments. When the two invaders competed with each other, M. invisa outcompeted M. invisa var. inermis under high soil nutrient conditions, and the two invaders did not differ in performance under other growth conditions. Thus, only considering competition may we find out the difference between highly invasive species and their closely related, less invasive subspecies. Management of M. invisa should focus on habitats with high soil nutrient availability, in which M. invisa is more likely to dominate.  相似文献   

通过野外实地调查40个蒙古扁桃样地,得到野生维管束植物133种(包括种下等级),隶属于91属39科。区系分析表明,宁夏贺兰山自然保护区蒙古扁桃群落具有温带性质,且以北温带成分优势,占总属数的35.16%。生活型谱中地面芽植物占总种数的近半,表明蒙古扁桃群落生境寒冷而干旱。物种多样性指数测度结果表明:1)草本层的多样性高于灌木层;2)北段海拔1700~1800 m处多样性最高,则在中段2000~2100 m处多样性最高;3)北段阴坡的多样性最低,中段则相反,阴坡和半阴坡的多样性比阳坡和半阳坡的高;4)坡度20°以下坡上的群落多样性高于20°以上坡的多样性,且20°以上的坡,随坡度增加而多样性减少。  相似文献   

47半黄圆龟蝽CoptosomasemiflavaJakovlev,1890CoptosomasemiflavaJakovlev.Ent.Ross.24:541.分布:浙江(信安)、江西、福建、广东、四川、贵州(江口)。481罗圆龟#Chin,s。sl’~Walker,1867,民伽——SiboW8lk6f,1867,Or.HCt.1:89.(bac;,’slareIAstant,1902,Faun.brlt.Ind.Rhyn.l:30.op。forono。sillrah,1913,E大——一【ep.吻.kper.施t.N。。阶.8:38.寄主:桑、榕、无花果、扶桑、芙蓉、豆类。分布:台湾(台北、台中、宜兰)、广西;印度,越南,缅甸,泰国,印度尼西亚,澳洲北部。49…  相似文献   

Forests in Europe are threatened by increased diversity of Phytophthora species, but effects on trees of simultaneous infections by Phytophthora and ecological consequences of their coexistence are unknown. This study explored variation in early survival of Quercus ilex to Phytophthora infections and assessed interactions between Phytophthora species when trees were co‐infected. Three Phytophthora species (P. cinnamomi, P. gonapodyides and P. quercina), seeds from 16 populations of Q. ilex (ballota and ilex subspecies) and two infection times were used as sources of variation in two experiments. The influence of Phytophthora species, Q. ilex subspecies and populations on plant germination and survival were analysed using generalized linear mixed models and survival analysis techniques. Germination rates were not influenced by Phytophthora spp. (= 0.194) but by the subspecies and populations of Q. ilex (< 0.001). In Phytophthora‐infested soils, Q. ilex subsp. ilex germinated at higher rates than Q. ilex subsp. ballota. Plant survival was strongly influenced by Phytophthora species (< 0.001), not by the subspecies and populations of Q. ilex. Seedling mortality was reduced and delayed if a less virulent Phytophthora species infected plants prior to infection by a more virulent Phytophthora species. The results help to explain oak decline syndrome and the lack of natural and artificial regeneration of Q. ilex forests. Lack of interspecific variability of early survival to Phytophthora spp. discourages direct sowing for artificial reforestation programmes. Large, thick seeds, giving plants rapid growth, are advantageous traits when soils are infested with Phytophthora spp.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Oligonucleotides, 16 to 24 bases long, were selected from the 3' end of the 16S gene and the 16S-23S intergenic spacer regions of bacteria pathogenic on potato, including Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus, Ralstonia solanacearum, and the pectolytic erwinias, including Erwinia carotovora subsp. atroseptica and carotovora and E. chrysanthemi. Oligonucleotides were designed and formatted into an array by pin spotting on nylon membranes. Genomic DNA from bacterial cultures was amplified by polymerase chain reaction using conserved ribosomal primers and labeled simultaneously with digoxigenin-dUTP. Hybridization of amplicons to the array and subsequent serological detection of digoxigenin label revealed different hybridization patterns that were distinct for each species and subspecies tested. Hybridization of amplicons generally was restricted to appropriate homologous oligonucleotides and cross-hybridization with heterologous oligonucleotides was rare. Hybridization patterns were recorded as separate gray values for each hybridized spot and revealed a consistent pattern for multiple strains of each species or subspecies isolated from diverse geographical regions. In preliminary tests, bacteria could be correctly identified and detected by hybridizing to the array amplicons from mixed cultures and inoculated potato tissue.  相似文献   

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