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干旱荒漠微地形变化影响小尺度植被和土壤的分布特征,然而,如何影响拟步甲科昆虫分布的认识仍不够。以甘肃省临泽县绿洲边缘流动沙地(丘)为研究对象,采用样方法调查了丘间低地及沙丘不同部位拟步甲科昆虫的种类组成、数量及生境条件。研究发现:(1)丘间低地拟步甲科昆虫群落结构与沙丘不同并存在季节变化,5月丘间低地拟步甲科昆虫数量、多样性指数和鳖甲属昆虫数量显著高于沙丘,而8月仅有拟步甲科昆虫的数量在丘间低地显著高于沙丘;(2)5月沙丘迎风坡和背风坡拟步甲科昆虫的数量均高于坡顶,宽漠王属和东鳖甲属昆虫主要选择在沙丘迎风坡活动,而鳖甲属昆虫主要选择在沙丘背风坡活动;(3)灌木覆盖度是影响拟步甲科昆虫在丘间低地和沙丘间分布的主要环境因子,而土壤含水量是影响拟步甲科昆虫在沙丘不同部位分布的主要环境因子。总之,拟步甲科昆虫对沙丘微地形变化具有明显的选择性,而这种选择与不同拟步甲科昆虫的生理生态特征密切相关。  相似文献   

土壤水分是沙地植被格局和过程改变的主要驱动力,也是干旱半干旱区植物生长最大的限制因子。沙漠地区的土壤水分表现出明显的空间异质性。以高寒半干旱沙地青海湖东沙地为研究区,以栽植人工固沙植物(小叶杨、樟子松、沙棘和乌柳)的沙丘和自然固定沙丘(沙蒿为优势种)作为研究样地,探讨不同固沙植物影响下的沙丘不同地貌部位土壤水分变化特征。结果表明:(1)土壤水分的季节变化受降水、植被蒸腾作用和地表蒸发的共同影响,不同物种的分布模式具有差异性,但都表现为7月的土壤含水量最高。(2)同一植物在不同地貌部位的土壤含水量具有差异性,小叶杨在迎风坡最高,樟子松、沙棘和乌柳在背风坡最高,而沙蒿在丘顶最高,但只有乌柳的土壤含水量在沙丘地貌部位间的差异明显(P<0.05)。不同植物在同一地貌部位的土壤含水量也具有差异性,迎风坡樟子松的土壤含水量最小,只有1.81%,而沙蒿的土壤含水量能达到3.48%。丘顶处乌柳的土壤含水量仅为1.82%,而沙蒿可达3.58%。背风坡处的土壤含水量相差不大,乌柳最大为3.41%。(3)土壤水分随着土层深度的变化模式不同,土壤含水量整体表现为10~20 cm处最高。不同植物的土壤水分的垂直分布具有差异性,小叶杨和樟子松下方的土壤含水量随着土层深度的增加而降低,沙棘和沙蒿表现为120 cm土层深度内无明显变化,而乌柳下方的土壤含水量随着土层深度的变化在各地貌部位不同,具体表现为迎风坡无明显变化、丘顶降低和背风坡增加的趋势。土壤水分在高寒半干旱沙地不同植被恢复措施下的分布除受到降水、土壤分布、物种类型、植物根系分布的影响之外,还与沙丘微地貌形态具有一定的相关性。  相似文献   

陕北毛乌素沙地土壤水分时空变异规律研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对陕北毛乌素沙地流动、固定、半固定沙丘的土壤水分进行的长期动态观测结果表明,含水量排序为流动沙丘(8.47%)>半固定沙丘(8.40%)>固定沙丘(8.39%).沙地含水量随土壤深度的变化存在着分布上的差异,随着深度的增加呈现先增加再减少的趋势,在0~60 cm土层,流动沙丘、半固定沙丘和固定沙丘土壤水分含量分别为8.08%、8.00%和8.03%,差异不显著;在60~200 cm土层,流动沙丘、半固定沙丘和固定沙丘土壤水分含量分别为8.65%、8.57%和8.53%,差异显著(P>0.05),其中60~140 cm层,流动沙丘、半固定沙丘和固定沙丘土壤水分含量分别为8.76%、8.62%和8.54%,差异极显著(P>0.01).固定沙丘、半固定沙丘大部分背风面的土壤含水量高于迎风面的含水量,但在流动沙丘上迎风面的土壤含水量却明显比背风面的高.在沙丘的不同部位含水量也存在差异,土壤含水量坡顶部<坡中部<坡底部,在沙丘下部的丘间土壤含水量明显高于丘顶部.另外,沙地水分还受季节变化的影响,具有明显的季节变异性.  相似文献   

浑善达克沙地榆种子扩散及成苗影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以浑善达克沙地榆为研究对象,以种子扩散规律及成苗率为主要研究内容,采用样线法调查了平沙地、沙丘迎风坡、丘间草地、稀疏灌木地、灌木地5种不同地表类型下沙地榆种子数量.分析种子分布数量与母树距离、地表状况、植被种类、盖度和高度及成苗率与土壤含水率的关系.结果证明:影响种子分布数量的主要因子是母树的距离,其他因子对沙地榆种子...  相似文献   

毛乌素沙地南缘沙丘水分的时空分布特征   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
在2003年4~10月,通过对毛乌素沙地南缘沙丘0~100 cm沙层水分含量的定点观测,结果表明:不同季节水分含量为秋季>春季>夏季,春、秋季节为沙丘水分的积累期,夏季为水分亏缺期;沙丘水分垂直变化小,近地表水分含量低,普遍存在一层干沙层,厚度约为10~20 cm.沙丘各部位水分由高到低依次为丘间>背风坡>迎风坡>丘顶,夏季由于地表出现干沙层,故迎风坡水分高于背风坡.  相似文献   

科尔沁沙地坨甸交错区土壤水分的空间变异规律   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
科尔沁沙地沙丘-草甸相间地区,地貌形态多样、土地利用类型众多,从而导致土壤水分空间分布的复杂性。通过对科尔沁沙地典型沙丘-草甸相间地区的调查取样与试验分析,运用统计学理论和方法,研究土壤水分的空间变异性及其空间分布规律。结果表明:水平方向上,土壤水分总体表现为草甸地大于沙丘地,过渡带介于两者之间。就草甸地而言,植物生长越好,其土壤水分越高,保水持水性能也越好;沙丘地则与之相反,植被最稀疏的流动沙丘,其土壤含水量大于半流动半固定沙丘与固定沙丘,且有良好的储水条件。垂向上,高覆盖草甸、低覆盖草甸和农田(草甸)土壤含水量在地表下0~40 cm波动最大,40~160 cm随深度增加而递增;流动沙丘、半流动沙丘和固定沙丘土壤含水量随深度增加呈微弱加大趋势。林地、撂荒地、农田(沙丘)变化程度居中。从空间分布看,研究区中东部土壤水分偏大,且向南北两侧区域递减。  相似文献   

为了探讨小尺度风沙地貌形态的空间变异过程,对塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地高大复杂纵向沙垄横断面上简单横向沙丘形态特征进行了研究。沙丘形态野外测量采用RTK(real-tim e k inem atic)技术,并通过南方测绘软件(South Survey)量算形态特征参数。结果表明:简单横向沙丘形态特征参数及其相互关系具有空间变异性。在8个地貌部位之间,沙丘形态特征参数(不包括迎风坡度)存在显著性差异,主要体现在:垄顶、沙垄背风坡、其他地貌部位(包括垄间地和沙垄迎风坡)三者之间的差异。地貌部位、输沙风强度以及沙丘活动强度是驱动沙丘形态空间变异的因素。沙丘高度与翼展度余弦有负对数关系,发育指数与高度、迎风坡度成负线性相关,这些相关性的显著程度在垄顶、背风坡较高,在垄间和迎风坡较低。  相似文献   

浑善达克沙地不同植被下的土壤水分状况   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
浑善达克沙地的中东段阳坡近裸的流动风沙土 0 - 1 0cm土层整个生长季内平均含水量较低、波动也比较大 ,而在 1 0cm以下则基本稳定在 3%左右 ,尤其是深层。丘间低地草本群落下的土壤湿度随深度增加变化较大 ,2 0cm以上土层含量较高 ,40 - 5 0cm土层的含水量最低 ,波动也剧烈 ,90cm以下达裸沙含水量水平。阴坡灌丛下 ,最低土壤含水量出现在 70 -90cm土层 ,深层土壤含水量长期稳定在 1 .5 %左右。这说明植物的生长使根层土壤含水量下降 ,而且不同植物利用水的土层及利用土壤水的量不同。这可能是引起流动风沙土向固定风沙土转变过程中地表植被演替及决定地区顶级群落的主要原因。在干旱半干旱地区 ,植被影响着降水在土层中的分布及地表的蒸散条件 ,使土壤有效水向浅层分配。而降水在土壤不同深度的分配及入渗深度 ,决定着地表植被的生活型 ,从而影响地表植被的演替方向及顶级类型。需水量较大的灌丛在沙丘阴坡能形成稳定的群落 ,是由于沙丘为植物避免干旱胁迫 ,延长在干旱季节的生存时间创造了条件 ,因此 ,沙丘是沙地的重要环境资源 ,尤其是高大沙丘 ,在这类地区的防风固沙中具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

乌兰布和沙漠流动沙丘不同部位水分动态研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
通过对乌兰布和沙漠流动沙丘的不同部位沙土含水量的测定研究,结果表明:(1)乌兰布和沙漠流动沙丘3个不同部位的水分垂直变化趋势是一致的,0~60cm含水量变化幅度大,60~100cm变化幅度小,含水量最大值出现在20~60CITI,降雨主要影响60cm以上的沙土水分;(2)3种部位在时间变化上都表现为4~5月含水量最小,从6月开始含水量升高;(3)迎风坡含水量较其他部位大0.65%~0.9%,较背风坡大1.8%~2.5%,其他部位较背风坡大1%~1.7%,且3种地貌部位20~60cm处较80cm和100cm处有较大差异,同时迎风坡的变化幅度最大。  相似文献   

毛乌素沙地过渡地带土壤水分特征及其植物利用   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
毛乌素沙地过渡地带沙地生态系统土壤湿度状况随着地貌部位不同而变化。沙丘迎风坡基质流动、背风坡沙埋沙压和丘间低地潜水埋深等控制着沙地土壤水分分布规律 (土壤湿度模式 )和沙地植物利用土壤水分的特点 (沙生植物分布模式 )。沙生植物的水分利用的机制主要体现在如下两个方面 :地上部分的生理生态过程和生物量 :地下部分根系分布及其土壤水环境容量。在沙丘从流动变为固定的过程中 ,固沙林形成后的土壤水分动态和灌木林群落实际蒸腾蒸发规律的关系反映不同植被覆盖、不同密度、不同年份和不同季节水分平衡状况 ,藉以确定合理的土壤水分消耗模式 ,维持固沙林群落的稳定和良性演替。为了提高沙生植物水分利用效率 ,一是从沙生植物本身的生理、生态、遗传特性进行分析研究 ,筛选出耐旱和抗水分胁迫强的品种。乡土灌木树种能有效地使个体和群落恢复 ,但也应注重引种。另一方面则是利用各种抗旱保水新材料最大限度地保存和利用固沙林地的水分以满足植物特别是在春旱期间根系的恢复与生长需要 ,即以吸水剂、保水剂、水分表面活化剂、菌根剂和土壤生物制剂 (例如细菌肥料 )等为原材料的新型抗旱造林技术 ;三是依据沙地水环境容量 ,合理确定各种灌木林的造林密度及其与沙丘发育阶段相应的种群配置格式。  相似文献   

民勤荒漠区植被退化动态定位研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
白刺、沙蒿、麻黄是民勤荒漠区的主要植物种类,梭梭是当地主要固沙造林树种。定位监测表明:民勤5月下旬土壤含水率与灌木、草本植物和优势种密度及植被总盖度之间呈正相关关系。6~7月的降水量与灌木密度和植被总盖度之间呈正相关关系。5~7月的降水量和土壤水分是限制当地荒漠植被密度、盖度的关键因子。从群落类型看,深根性的麻黄和梭梭盖度比较稳定。从地貌看,流动沙丘和半固定沙丘上的植被较稳定,固定沙丘植被普遍严重退化。设置黏土沙障易形成沙面结皮,阻止降水下渗,不利于接收和保存有限的天然降水。  相似文献   

Alamusa 《干旱区科学》2023,15(1):52-62
Soil water content is a key controlling factor for vegetation restoration in sand dunes. The deep seepage and lateral migration of water in dunes affect the recharge process of deep soil water and groundwater in sand dune ecosystems. To determine the influence of vegetation on the hydrological regulation function of sand dunes, we examined the deep seepage and lateral migration of dune water with different vegetation coverages during the growing season in the Horqin Sandy Land, China. The results showed that the deep seepage and lateral migration of water decreased with the increase in vegetation coverage on the dunes. The accumulated deep seepage water of mobile dunes (vegetation coverage<5%) and dunes with vegetation coverage of 18.03%, 27.12%, and 50.65% accounted for 56.53%, 51.82%, 18.98%, and 0.26%, respectively, of the rainfall in the same period. The accumulated lateral migration of water in these dunes accounted for 12.39%, 6.33%, 2.23%, and 7.61% of the rainfall in the same period. The direction and position of the dune slope affected the soil water deep seepage and lateral migration process. The amounts of deep seepage and lateral migration of water on the windward slope were lower than those on the leeward slope. The amounts of deep seepage and lateral migration of water showed a decreasing trend from the bottom to the middle and to the top of the dune slope. According to the above results, during the construction of sand-control projects in sandy regions, we suggest that a certain area of mobile dunes (>13.75%) should be retained as a water resource reservoir to maintain the water balance of artificial fixed dune ecosystems. These findings provide reliable evidence for the accurate assessment of water resources within the sand dune ecosystem and guide the construction of desertification control projects.  相似文献   

Wind controls the formation and development of sand dunes. Therefore, understanding the wind regimes is necessary in sand dune research. In this study, we combined the wind data from 2017 to 2019 at four meteorological stations (Cherigele and Wuertabulage stations in the lake basins, and Yikeri and Sumujilin stations on the top of sand dunes) in the hinterland of the Badain Jaran Desert in China, with high resolution Google Earth images to analyze the correlation between the wind energy environments and dune morphology. The results of data analysis indicated that both the wind direction and sand drift intensity exhibited notable spatial and temporal variations. The highest level of wind activity was observed in spring. Northwesterly and northeasterly winds were the dominant in the Badain Jaran Desert. At the Cherigele, Wuertabulage, and Yikeri stations, the drift potential (DP) was below 200.00 vector units (VU). The wind energy environments in most areas could be classified as low-energy environments. The resultant drift direction differed at different stations and in different seasons, but the overall direction was mainly the southeast. The resultant drift potential (RDP)/DP ratio was greater than 0.30 in most parts of the study area, suggesting that the wind regimes mainly exhibited unimodal or bimodal characteristics. Differences between the thermodynamic properties and the unique landscape settings of lakes and sand dunes could alter the local circulation and intensify the complexity of the wind regimes. The wind regimes were weaker in the lake basins than on the top of sand dunes. Transverse dunes were the most dominant types of sand dunes in the study area, and the wind regimes at most stations were consistent with sand dune types. Wind was thus the main dynamic factor affecting the formation of sand dunes in the Badain Jaran Desert BJD. The results of this study are important for understanding the relationship between the wind regimes and aeolian landforms of the dune field in the deserts.  相似文献   

This study investigated the distribution pattern of biological soil crust (BSC) in Artemisia ordosica communities in Mu Us Sandy Land. Three experimental sites were selected according to grazing pressure gradient. In each experimental site, the total vegetation cover, A. ordosica cover, BSC cover, litter-fall cover, BSC degree of fragmentation, BSC thickness and soil properties were investigated in both fixed and semi-fixed sand dunes and simultaneously analyzed in the laboratory. The results showed that at the same grazing pressure, BSC cover and composition were significantly affected by the fixation degree of sand dunes. In addition, BSC cover in the fixed sand dunes was 83.74% on average, whereas it is proportionally dominated by 28% mosses, 21% lichens, and 51% algae. Meanwhile, BSC cover in the semi-fixed sand dunes was 23.54% on average, which is proportionally dominated by 6.3% mosses, 2.5% lichens, and 91.2% algae. Fine sand, organic matter, and total nitrogen (N) contents in the fixed sand dunes were all significantly higher than those in the semi-fixed sand dunes. Litter-fall cover decreased along the grazing pressure gradient, whereas BSC fragmentation degree increased. Fine sand content decreased along with the increase of grazing pressure, whereas medium sand content increased in both fixed and semi-fixed dunes. The organic matter and total N contents in the no grazing site were significantly higher than those in light and normal grazing sites. However, there were no significant differences between the light and normal grazing sites. In addition, there were also no significant differences in BSC thickness between the light and normal grazing sites in the fixed sand dunes. However, a significant decrease was observed in both BSC cover and thickness in the normal grazing site. The BSC in the semi-fixed dunes was more sensitive to disturbance.  相似文献   

科尔沁沙地乌兰敖都地区荒漠化动态监测   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
利用科尔沁沙地乌兰敖都荒漠化试验站的监测资料,从植被、土壤、水分、气象和沙尘暴等方面分析了乌兰敖都地区的荒漠化发展动态.结果表明:近10年内气温有暖温化趋势,但灾害天气没有明显增加;流动沙丘侵蚀最严重,沙丘平均移动速率为2.2 m/a;人工植被发展良好,但原生草场的可持续发展能力有所下降;地下水位没有明显下降趋势.目前,科尔沁沙地乌兰敖都地区土地荒漠化呈逆转趋势,整体环境有所改善.  相似文献   

库布齐沙漠穿沙公路沙害综合防治技术   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:20  
库布齐穿沙公路修建在库布齐沙漠高大的流动沙丘区 ,风沙流侵袭与沙丘整体前移埋压公路是主要沙害形式。现有防沙措施是沙障保护下的人工植被及天然植被相结合的综合防护体系 ,固沙及阻沙效益明显。目前要解决的是尽快形成公路两侧稳定的植被群落 ,以保证公路的长期畅通  相似文献   

塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地人工绿地风沙土的理化性质研究   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:19  
在极端干旱的塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地 ,利用地下咸水灌溉建立人工绿地后 ,绿地土壤理化性质与流沙相比 ,变化很大。本文通过分析测定 ,结果表明 :绿地土壤细粒含量增加 :比重、容重降低 ,孔隙度 ,饱和含水量增加 ;在 5 0 cm剖面内盐分含量降低 ,但表层高于下层 ,p H增高 ,养分含量增加 ,肥力提高。不同植被类型和利用方式的绿地土壤理化性质有差异  相似文献   

Species richness and abundance are two important species diversity variables that have attracted particular attention because of their significance in determining present and future species composition conditions.This paper aims to explain the qualitative and quantitative relationships between species diversity pattern and grain size(i.e.size of the sampling unit),and species diversity pattern and sampling area,and to analyze species diversity variability on active sand dunes in the Horqin Sandy Land,northeastern Inner Mongolia,China.A 50 m×50 m sampling plot was selected on the windward slope,where the dominant species was annual herb Agriophyllum squarrosum.Species composition and abundance at five grain sizes were recorded,and the species-area curves were produced for thirteen grain sizes.The range of values for species abundance tended to increase with increasing grain size in the study area,whereas,generally,species richness did not follow this rule because of poor species richness on the windward slope of active sand dunes.However,the homogeneity of species richness increased significantly.With the increase in sampling area,species abundance increased linearly,but richness increased logarithmically.Furthermore,variograms showed that species diversity on the windward slope of active sand dunes was weakly anisotropic and the distribution pattern was random,according to the Moran Coefficient.The results also showed that species richness was low,with a random distribution pattern.This conflicts with the results of previous studies that showed spatial aggregation in lower richness in a sampling area within a community and inferred that the physical processes play a more important role in species diversity than distribution pattern on active sand dunes.Further research into different diversity patterns and mechanisms between active sand dunes and interdune lowlands should be conducted to better understand biodiversity conservation in sand dune fields.  相似文献   

Aeolian deposits from the deserts in northern China have been used for palaeoenvironmental research to understand aeolian sedimentology and its dynamic connection to past climate conditions. The Tengger Desert in China is sensitive to the waxing and waning of the monsoonal system. In response to past climate change, the southern margin of the Tengger Desert has evolved significantly since the last glacial period. However, previous attempts to date aeolian deposits in this region were mainly based on radiocarbon dating, which has problems when applied to aeolian deposits. Moreover, sedimentary records are limited. Accordingly, past aeolian activity in this desert remains poorly understood. In the present study, we dated sand samples from Gulang county at the southern margin of the Tengger Desert using optically stimulated luminescence(OSL) to understand the history of aeolian activity in this region. Our samples represented well-sorted aeolian sands and sandy loess. Aeolian sands are evidence of dune field buildup and sparse vegetation cover whereas sandy loess is evidence of improved stabilization of sand dunes resulting from ameliorated vegetation cover. Certain samples showed a decline in the equivalent dose(De) values when successive integration intervals were applied, which resulted from unstable OSL signals from non-fast components in the initial part of the decay curve. In order to obtain reliable De estimates, we investigated component-resolved and different background subtraction approaches, and compared the resultant De estimates. We adopted the early background subtraction method to derive De values. Luminescence chronologies and sedimentary records indicated that sand dunes accumulation occurred before 10 ka, and sandy loess developed between 9.5 and 7.6 ka when sand dunes were stabilized as a result of increased effective moisture levels. The transition between sand dune mobilization and stabilization emphasizes the significance of an effective moisture threshold in controlling aeolian activity. Mobilization of sand dunes at ~2.3 ka might be related to an increased aridity during the Late Holocene.  相似文献   

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