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新疆野苹果(Malus sieversii)为国家二级保护植物和重要的野生果树种质资源。选取遭受小吉丁虫等病虫害破坏最为严重的新源县种群为对象,利用微卫星(SSR)标记死亡植株和存活植株的基因型,对比两者间的遗传差异,探究树木死亡对新疆野苹果种群遗传多样性的影响。结果表明:(1)死亡植株与存活植株间没有显著的遗传分化,这说明新疆野苹果植株死亡不存在遗传相关性,为随机死亡过程;(2)树木死亡对新源县种群的遗传结构未产生重大影响,遗传多样性水平仅轻微减小,但丢失了许多低频度等位基因;(3)未来的监测和评价中,等位基因数(Na)比遗传多样性指数能更有效地反映新疆野苹果遗传资源变化。  相似文献   

新疆野苹果和秦冠的抗黑星病特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 透射电镜观察表明, 苹果叶片上表皮角质层厚度在品种间存在显著差异, 新疆野苹果和秦冠叶片的角质层厚度显著高于富士和嘎啦的;同一品种不同龄期叶片的角质层厚度随着叶龄增长而增厚, 且黑星病严重度与叶片上表皮角质层厚度间存在显著的负相关关系。苹果品种抗病性组分分析结果表明, 新疆野苹果的病害严重度最低, 约为嘎啦的1/22, 潜育期最长, 为嘎啦的2.0倍, 无(或少有)病斑出现, 不产孢。秦冠的严重度约为嘎啦的1/14, 潜育期约为嘎啦的1.5倍, 产孢量约为嘎啦的1/26。黑星病菌在新疆野苹果和秦冠叶片上的侵染概率及病斑扩展速率均显著低于富士和嘎啦。因此, 新疆野苹果和秦冠对黑星病的抗病性表现在抗侵入和抗扩展两个方面。  相似文献   

孑遗植物新疆野苹果种群生命表与生存分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用”空间代替时间”及匀滑技术,编制新疆野苹果种群特定时间生命表,绘制其死亡曲线和存活曲线,分析其种群数量动态变化.结果表明:新疆野苹果种群处于生命力相对旺盛的中龄期(Ⅴ、Ⅵ龄级比例最高),但因幼龄个体数目稀少而存在衰退趋势;新疆野苹果的死亡率和消失率随着龄级的增加呈现先减小后增加的趋势,种群死亡率在Ⅰ龄级最高(83.2%),Ⅶ龄级最小(28.6%),种群动态表现为前期衰退、中期相对稳定、后期不稳定的特点.  相似文献   

采用树脂包埋块半薄/超薄切片技术,通过光镜(LM)、扫描电镜(SEM)和透射电镜(TEM)方法,研究了轻度、中度和严重干旱胁迫对楸子(Malus prunifolia)、新疆野苹果(M. sieversii)和平邑甜茶(M. hupehensis)叶片组织解剖结构、表皮微形态特征(气孔密度、大小及角质层厚度)及叶绿体超微结构的影响。光镜观察结果表明,与对照相比,干旱胁迫条件下3种苹果属植物叶片厚度、栅栏组织厚度及叶肉组织结构紧密度(CTR)都显著减小(P<0.05),而海绵组织厚度与叶肉组织结构疏松度(SR)均显著增加(P<0.05)。扫描电镜观察结果显示,3种苹果属植物幼叶气孔密度在干旱胁迫下显著增大(P<0.05),而气孔宽度、开张比及其开张度明显下降。透射电镜观察结果表明,在干旱胁迫下,楸子和新疆野苹果上下角质层厚度逐渐增加,而平邑甜茶的随干旱胁迫程度增加呈先增后减的变化;在轻度和中度水分胁迫下,叶绿体膨胀变形,淀粉粒变小消失,基粒片层排列松散减少,类囊体腔扩大;在严重胁迫条件下,叶绿体膨胀近圆形,叶绿体膜破裂,类囊体严重泡化开始解体。与平邑甜茶相比,严重水分胁迫下楸子和新疆野苹果叶绿体超微结构损伤较小,能较好地保持细胞结构的完整性。  相似文献   

新疆野苹果(Malus sieversii)种群年龄结构及其动态特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
新疆野苹果(Malus sieversii)是我国珍贵的濒危野生植物。通过在伊犁河谷的那孜、大莫合沟、那拉提和交托海4个新疆野苹果分布区建立样地,绘制年龄结构图、编制静态生命表,采用生存分析探明种群的存在状况,应用时间序列分析预测种群发展趋势。结果表明:新疆野苹果年龄结构呈中部膨大,幼龄个体少,中老龄个体多,那孜种群年龄结构偏大,交托海种群偏小;与其他种群相比,大莫合沟V'pi最小,随机干扰风险极大值(Pmax)接近0,对外界干扰较敏感;那拉提种群的区间寿命、总寿命和期望寿命低,消失率高,种群衰退早;不同种群的存活曲线趋于Deevey-Ⅱ型,表明各龄级的死亡率相近;随着龄级增加,种群死亡密度曲线先下降后上升,危险率函数在Ⅳ龄级后增加明显,说明环境压力对野苹果的影响在Ⅳ龄级后表现强烈;受虫害、旅游、放牧干扰影响,时间序列分析预测野苹果种群老龄个体数量增加,中、幼龄个体缺乏补充,呈现不同程度衰退。应采取人工促萌或补植幼苗,调控林地密度,控制虫害蔓延,加强野苹果种质资源保护。  相似文献   

叶性状与植物的生长对策及资源利用效率密切相关,能够反映植物对环境的适应策略。文中比较分析了毛乌素沙地不同生境中(固定沙地、半固定沙地和流动沙地)8种植物叶性状的差异及其相关关系。结果表明:1)8种植物叶性状差异显著,流动沙地沙米(Agriophyllum squarrosum)具有较大的比叶面积(SLA)和较小的单位质量和单位面积叶建成成本(CCmass、CCarea),固定沙地中间锦鸡儿(Caragana intermedia)具有较高的单位质量和单位面积叶氮含量(Nmass、Narea)以及叶δ13C值。2)不同生活型植物叶性状存在显著差异,多年生草本植物和木本植物的SLA显著小于一年生草本植物,而Narea、CCmass和CCarea显著高于一年生草本植物。3)在不同生境中,SLA与Nmass均呈显著正相关,但二者与叶δ13C值相关性均不显著;SLA与CCmass在固定和半固定沙地上呈显著正相关,但在流动沙地上呈显著负相关。毛乌素沙地不同生境植物能通过调节叶性状及其相关关系实现对生存环境的适应性。  相似文献   

为了探讨灰叶胡杨个体发育过程中异形叶发生和垂直空间分布随径级的变化规律及其相互间的关系,在塔里木盆地西北缘调查同一立地条件下,各径级灰叶胡杨异形叶的类型及空间分布规律。结果显示:1阔椭圆形叶、圆形叶和阔卵形叶有规律地出现在不同的径级阶段,其中阔椭圆形叶出现在2~20径级阶段,圆形叶和阔卵形叶分别从4、6径级开始出现,它们在树冠上的出现均始于树冠的顶部,异形叶的出现与个体发育阶段相关;2 3种异形叶出现频率及垂直空间分布区占冠高的比例,随径级变化而发生动态的消长变化,其中,阔椭圆形叶出现频率及垂直空间分布区占冠高的比例,随径级增加逐渐减小,圆形叶出现频率及垂直空间分布区占冠高的比例,随径级增加先增大后减小,阔卵形叶出现频率及垂直空间分布区占冠高的比例,随径级增加则逐渐增大;3阔椭圆形叶在树冠垂直空间的出现频率及垂直空间分布占冠高的比例,均与胸径、树高呈极显著负相关,圆形叶仅出现频率与胸径、树高呈极显著正相关,阔卵形叶出现频率及垂直空间分布区占冠高的比例,均与胸径、树高呈极显著正相关。说明各类异形叶出现频率及时空变化与胡杨个体发育阶段密切相关,灰叶胡杨的异形叶性是由个体发育阶段决定的,灰叶胡杨在不同发育阶段出现的异形叶是其生长适应策略。  相似文献   

通过光镜和透射电镜分别观察外源脱落酸(ABA)处理下楸子(Malus prunifolia)、平邑甜茶(M. hupehensis)和新疆野苹果(M. sieversii)叶片解剖结构及叶绿体超微结构的变化,利用扫描电镜和酶联免疫法分别研究ABA处理对叶片气孔特征及其内源激素含量的影响。结果表明:与对照相比,ABA处理下楸子、平邑甜茶和新疆野苹果的叶厚分别减少了7.93%、0.25%和0.81%,栅栏组织厚度分别减少了31.43%、8.53%和4.99%(P<0.05),海绵组织厚度分别增加了10.34%、6.14%和5.63%(P<0.05),叶肉组织结构疏松度(SR)分别增加了19.59%、6.55%和6.50%。ABA处理下楸子和平邑甜茶的栅栏组织/海绵组织厚度比值(P/S)及叶肉组织结构紧密度(CTR)较对照显著减少(P<0.05),其中,P/S值分别下降37.86%和13.82%,CTR分别下降25.46%和8.29%,而新疆野苹果的P/S值和CTR下降但不显著。此外,ABA处理下楸子和平邑甜茶的上表皮细胞厚度较对照分别增加了5.82%和6.43%,新疆野苹果的较对照减少了26.23%(P<0.05);楸子和新疆野苹果的下表皮细胞厚度较对照增加了12.09%和14.21%(P<0.05),平邑甜茶的较对照减少了12.56%。平邑甜茶和新疆野苹果叶片上下角质层厚度较对照显著增加(P<0.05),而楸子的变化不显著。在ABA诱导下,3种砧木的气孔密度、气孔大小(长度×宽度)及其开口度和开张比均不同程度地下降,其中,楸子的较对照分别下降了3.62%、7.12%×19.59%、67.60%和86.66%,平邑甜茶的分别下降了3.50%、4.99%×20.65%、32.42%和58.24%,新疆野苹果的分别下降了8.54%、0.92%×12.06%、20.37%和16.35%。ABA处理下3种砧木叶片细胞中叶绿体的数量变少,类囊体结构排列疏松,叶绿体上的淀粉粒趋于变小。外施ABA使3种砧木叶片内源ABA和玉米素核苷(ZR)的含量极显著增加(P<0.01),其中楸子ABA和ZR含量比对照分别增加30.83%和13.31%,平邑甜茶的分别增加62.40%和45.28%,而新疆野苹果的分别增加了37.07%和17.06%。楸子和新疆野苹果叶片的吲哚乙酸(IAA)和赤霉素(GA)含量无显著变化,而平邑甜茶叶片的IAA及GA含量比对照分别增加了62.62%和20.62%(P<0.01)。总之,在ABA处理下,3种苹果砧木的叶片组织解剖结构和气孔特征都发生旱生性结构变化,叶肉细胞中淀粉粒趋于变小,叶片内源ABA和ZR水平增加显著,而IAA和GA水平变化因基因型不同而存在差异。  相似文献   

2022年4—5月,以国家果树种质新疆野苹果资源圃83份新疆野苹果种质资源为试材,采用室内离体叶片和离体枝条接种方法鉴定评价83份新疆野苹果对梨火疫病的抗性。结果表明,梨火疫病菌对83份不同类型新疆野苹果均有致病力。离体叶片和离体枝条接种结果存在一定差异,离体叶片接种的抗性资源多于离体枝条接种。抗病的新疆野苹果种质资源来自新源分布区较多。筛选出高抗新疆野苹果种质资源1份,抗病种质资源4份,感病资源7份,高感资源13份。5份新疆野苹果种质资源可作为抗病砧木选育的基础材料。  相似文献   

新疆野苹果Malus sieversii (Ledeb.) Roem.是苹果的祖先, 也是重要的育种遗传资源, 常用作砧木。近年来, 新疆野苹果的分布面积骤减, 对其的保护越来越重要。本研究采用高通量测序技术, 对采自新疆伊犁天山野果林的26份样本进行病毒检测, 检测到苹果褪绿叶斑病毒(apple chlorotic leaf spot virus, ACLSV)和苹果茎痘病毒(apple stem pitting virus, ASPV)。通过RT-PCR检测所有样品(127份), 检测到ACLSV、ASPV和苹果茎沟病毒(apple stem grooving virus, ASGV), 检出率分别为22%、19.7%和11%。结合RACE PCR技术扩增得到ASGV新疆野苹果分离物基因组全长序列, 暂时命名为ASGV-XJ。去除3′末端poly(A)后的长度为6 506 bp, 有两个彼此重叠的开放阅读框(open reading frame, ORF), ORF1(47-6 364 nt)编码一个241 kD的多聚蛋白, 包含甲基转移酶(methyltransferase)、木瓜蛋白酶(papain-like-protease)、解旋酶(nucleotide triphosphate-binding helicase)、RNA 依赖的RNA聚合酶(RNA-dependent RNA polymerase)和C端的外壳蛋白(coat protein, CP)等; ORF2(4 798-5 760 nt)编码一个36 kD的运动蛋白(movement protein, MP)。系统发育分析表明, 分离物间没有表现出寄主专一性和地理分布规律。上述结果对新疆野苹果的保护工作有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   


Phosphites and chitosan were evaluated in target spot control, nutrition and gas exchange in cucumbers. Three weekly sprayings of commercial products were conducted, and Corynespora cassiicola (causal agent of target spot) was inoculated in the second and third true leaves four days after the last spraying. Zn, Mn, K and Cu phosphites reduced the disease severity, but the treatments had no effect on the development of the plants and the accumulation of macronutrients in the above ground part, with the exception of sulfur. The accumulation of Cu, Mn and Zn micronutrients were higher in plants treated with Cu, Mn and Zn phosphites, respectively. The green color index was influenced by the treatments after pathogen inoculation, with the highest values for Zn and Cu phosphites. Before inoculation, the products influenced net CO2 assimilation rate (A), stomatal conductance (gs) and internal CO2 concentration (Ci). The parameters gs and Ci increased, which indicates that the treatments can physiologically benefit the plants in the absence of a stress condition. After fungal inoculation, the Cu, Mn and Zn phosphites caused positive physiological effects, leading to the highest A values and adequate carboxylation efficiency (CE), which increases the capacity of plants to assimilate CO2. These phosphites also maintained adequate water use efficiency and gs and Ci values. Such indexes corresponded to lower disease severity, indicating that Mn, Zn and Cu phosphites reduced the stress caused by the disease, preserving the functionality of the photosynthetic apparatus.


The effect of soluble silicon (Si) on photosynthetic parameters and soluble sugar concentrations was determined in leaves of rice cv. Oochikara and mutant plants of Oochikara defective in active Si uptake [low silicon 1 (lsi1)]. Plants were grown in hydroponic culture amended with 0 (?Si) or 2 mm Si (+Si), under either low or high photon flux density (PFD) and with or without inoculation with Bipolaris oryzae, the causal agent of brown spot of rice. Leaf Si concentration increased by 141 and 435% in +Si cv. Oochikara and by 119 and 251% in +Si lsi1 mutant plants under high and low PFD, respectively, compared with ?Si plants. Plant biomass accumulation was improved by Si regardless of PFD, especially plants for cv. Oochikara. Brown spot severity was highest in ?Si plants for cv. Oochikara and lsi1 mutant plants under low PFD. In the presence of Si, disease severity in plants grown under both low and high PFD was reduced, except for lsi1 mutant plants under high PFD. Plant inoculation reduced the photosynthetic parameters measured regardless of plant material or Si supply. A decrease of net carbon assimilation rate (A) of inoculated plants under low PFD compared with non‐inoculated plants was associated with damage in the photosynthetic apparatus, except for +Si cv. Oochikara in which stomatal restriction [low water vapour conductance (gs)] contributed to A reduction. Under high PFD, damage to the photosynthetic apparatus of inoculated plants was the main reason for the reduction in A for +Si and ?Si lsi1 mutant plants. In addition, for ?Si cv. Oochikara, a reduction in gs contributed to reduced A. However, for +Si cv. Oochikara, gs was the limiting factor for A. Inoculated plants of +Si cv. Oochikara had higher A values than +Si lsi1 mutant plants, regardless of environmental conditions. Soluble sugars were not detected in leaf tissues of plants under low PFD. For high PFD, Si improved the hexose concentration in non‐inoculated plants at 144 h after inoculation (hai) for lsi1 mutant plants and from 96 hai onwards for cv. Oochikara compared with ?Si plants. However, plant inoculation reduced hexose concentration compared with non‐inoculated plants, mainly in +Si plants, regardless of plant material. Sucrose concentration increased in leaves of cv. Oochikara in the presence of Si whether inoculated or not. For +Si lsi1 mutant plants, sucrose concentration increased only at 48 hai compared with ?Si plants, whether inoculated or not. The results of this study show that a minimum Si concentration is needed in leaf tissues of rice plants to avoid the negative impact of B. oryzae infection on photosynthesis and sugar concentration. High leaf Si concentration resulted in an increased soluble sugar concentration and together, but in independent ways, soluble sugar and Si reduced brown spot severity of rice.  相似文献   

为了探讨籽瓜叶片光合能力对源库调节的响应,以种子大小显著不同的3个籽瓜品种为材料,于开花坐果期通过整枝、摘叶、疏果将叶果比分别调整为10、20、30、40、50,并分别于幼果期、果实膨大期、果实成熟期测定叶片叶绿素含量及气体交换速率,收获后测定果实产量。结果表明,籽瓜功能叶叶绿素含量(SPAD值)、净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)和蒸腾速率(Tr)随果实生育期演进逐渐降低,胞间CO22浓度(Ci)逐渐增大。3个供试品种间SPAD、PnGsTrCi差异显著,大种子品种H26的气体交换参数(PnGsCiTi)显著低于中等种子品种H14,H14显著低于小种子品种H3,但SPAD和Ci变化规律相反。叶片SPAD、PnGsTr均值及其果实生育期降幅均随叶果比增大而显著降低(叶果比50除外),但叶片SPAD值和气体交换参数变化幅度无显著的品种间差异,说明一定范围内降低叶果比能提高叶片光合能力,但摘叶处理或叶果比过高均会加速叶绿素降解,诱发叶片衰老。3个品种单株果实产量随叶果比增大而提高,50(1.18 kg)>40(1.17 kg)和30(1.17 kg)>20(1.16 kg)>10(0.87 kg),H3单株果实产量(0.88 kg)显著低于H26(1.20 kg)和H14(1.25 kg)。以上结果表明,适宜范围的源库比能够提高籽瓜叶片光合能力,延缓叶片衰老,有利于籽瓜果实高产。  相似文献   

Mikania micrantha H.B.K. is a fast‐growing, perennial vine and one of the world's worst alien invasive weeds. It is a major threat to agro‐ecosystems, plantation crops and agro‐forestry systems. An attempt was made to understand the physiological adaptation and ecological amplitude of M. micrantha at two different altitudes and seasons in the Western Ghats of south India. The relationships between the net photosynthetic rate (PN) and other physiological parameters, like stomatal conductance (gs), transpiration rate, intercellular CO2 concentration, vapor pressure deficit and water use efficiency, and environmental factors, like photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), leaf temperature and air temperature, were analyzed in order to understand their physiological adaptabilities. The PN exhibited a peak at 10.00 hours and declined gradually at both elevations; however, the populations at the lower elevation had a significantly greater PN than the populations at the higher elevation in November. The PN and gs were positively correlated with the PAR. Under significantly different PAR levels, the difference in the average PN was not significant for summer but was significant for winter between the two elevations. It suggested that the photosynthetic ability of M. micrantha is not affected by a difference in altitude (451 m and 912 m), as the differences in the environmental parameters were inconspicuous between the two elevations. These results indicated that this weed possesses great phenotypic plasticity and thrives better at lower elevations.  相似文献   

Phenylpyrazoles constitute a newly developed class of chemicals with insecticidal and herbicidal properties. In acute toxicity experiments in rats, near-lethal doses of phenylpyrazoles produce neurotoxic symptoms with an unknown mode of action. We have investigated the effects of two phenylpyrazoles, SLA4722 and SLA4685, in the frog neuromuscular junction and in the clonal muscle cell line BC3H-1. In the frog neuromuscular junction SLA4722 at concentrations ? 10?5 M caused a pronounced increase in the frequency of miniature endplate potentials (MEPPs). SLA4685 caused a similar increase but was less potent. In the clonal muscle cell line BC3H-1, SLA4685 produced a concentration-dependent block of the acetylcholine (ACh) response (IC50 = 2.4(±0.3) × 10?5 M). At 10?6 M a slight potentiating effect of SLA4685 on the ACh response was observed. SLA4722 was less potent in this preparation. The increased transmitter release might, at least partly, be responsible for the excitatory effects of the phenylpyrazoles in intact animals.  相似文献   

To study the effect of paclobutrazol (PBZ) on Malus halliana seedlings under water stress, principal component analysis (PCA) and membership function analysis (MFV) were employed to evaluate the effects of PBZ on gas exchange, fluorescence, and physiological characteristics. M. halliana seedlings, each with approximately ten leaves, were subjected to drought conditions and different concentrations of exogenous PBZ (CK, C0, C1, C2, C3, and C4) were then applied in pot experiments. The results showed that the effects of PBZ were concentration dependent. Compared to the CK treatment, the use of PBZ increased the intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci), nonphotochemical quenching coefficient (NPQ), peroxidase activity (POD), relative electrical conductivity (REC), and proline (Pro) and malondialdehyde (MDA) contents. The POD activity was higher by 124.24, 132.26, 93.75, 77.42, 85.29, and 90.63% in the CK, C0, C1, C2, C3, and C4 groups, respectively, at 15 days than at 0 day. The decrease in the net photosynthetic rate (PN), stomatal conductance (gs), transpiration rate (E), maximum quantum yield of PS2 (ΦPSII), maximal quantum yield of PSII photochemistry (Fv/Fm), photochemical quenching coefficient (qP), catalase (CAT), and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity were effectively controlled. The gs of the CK and C2 groups at 15 days were reduced by 55.74% and 22.55%, respectively, compared to that of the treated seedlings at 0 day. In summary, the results of the evaluation by PCA and MFV showed that the effect of PBZ on M. halliana seedlings under water stress was most significant when the concentration was 100?mg L?1.  相似文献   

较系统地测试了新型烷基脒类内吸性杀菌剂丙烷脒对番茄Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.植株生长、叶片光合作用和前期产量的影响。结果表明:丙烷脒对番茄植株生长有明显的调控作用,且与使用剂量有关。在100.00 g/hm2有效剂量下,与空白对照相比,丙烷脒处理可增加番茄植株粗壮度(株高相对生长速率降低35.00%,茎粗净增长量增加151.96%);使番茄叶片光合色素Chl a、Chl a+b、Car含量分别增加22.02%、15.17%和13.04%,光合能力增强 (Pn提高21.80%,Gs增大42.31%,Tr增大53.72%,Ci减小9.58%);使番茄叶片厚度增加21.88%,但单位面积叶片质量减少13.95%;番茄前期产量较对照增加25.70%。表明丙烷脒在推荐剂量下可明显促进番茄的生长,并可显著提高其前期产量。  相似文献   

以小麦为供试作物布设干旱过程试验,研究干旱过程中小麦叶片光合生理参数(包括净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(g_(ssat))、胞间CO_2与空气CO_2浓度比(Ci/Ca)、最大羧化速率(Vc_(max))以及最大电子传递速率(J_(max)))的变化特征,并探讨干旱不同阶段Pn与g_(ssat)的关系及其对气孔导度模型斜率的影响。结果表明:土壤有效含水量(ASWC)较大时(0.5),即水分供给充足条件下,小麦叶片光合生理参数随着ASWC的减少保持相对稳定;而当ASWC降至0.5时,g_(ssat)、Ci/Ca以及Pn减小,在ASWC0.3时,Pn与g_(ssat)及Ci/Ca的关系保持相对稳定;当ASWC0.3时,g_(ssat)随ASWC减小呈显著降低趋势,Vc_(max)和J_(max)也在此阶段随ASWC减小而线性降低,而Pn随g_(ssat)的减小降幅明显增大,拟合所获得的气孔导度模型斜率也随之发生改变;当ASWC0.1时,Ci/Ca随ASWC减小呈增大趋势,而Pn随ASWC减小而减小,在该阶段,Ci/Ca与Pn呈相反的变化趋势。根据叶片光合生理参数的变化特征,可将小麦受旱过程划分为4个阶段,即无干旱胁迫或干旱胁迫较轻的阶段、只有气孔因素影响光合生理过程的阶段、非气孔因素和气孔因素同时影响光合生理过程的阶段以及光合器官遭受损坏的阶段。  相似文献   

Increased atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) and soil nitrogen (N) may confer competitive advantages to invasive species over native plant species. We conducted a two‐way factorial experiment, growing the model invasive plant Arundo donax in CO2 growth chambers to test how CO2 and N availability interact to affect plant growth and biomass allocation. CO2 was supplied at c. 400 mg L?1 and c. 750 mg L?1. N was supplied as ammonium nitrate at 640, 320 and 80 mg L?1. We hypothesised that the fertilisation effect of CO2 enrichment would offset limitations from N deficiency. The results indicated that A. donax plants grown with enriched CO2 and abundant N accumulated approximately 50–100% more biomass and allocated approximately 50% more biomass to rhizomes than plants grown under ambient CO2 conditions. Neither treatment affected the leaf area per unit mass (specific leaf area; SLA). Greater growth will likely increase A. donax's competitive potential, because increased rhizome biomass has been associated with increased stress tolerance and post‐disturbance resprouting capacity. The consistent SLA under all treatments suggests that A. donax has a morphological strategy that prioritises increasing leaf quantity over increasing individual leaves' photosynthetic potential. These results reveal the ecological strategies that contribute to the successful establishment, dominance and persistence of this invasive plant species.  相似文献   

The effect of the pathogen Phytophthora austrocedrae on tree physiology of Austrocedrus chilensis in Patagonia was studied in a 4‐week study. In the first week, stem‐inoculated saplings showed a significant decrease in photosynthesis (A) without alteration of stomatal conductance (gs) or stem‐specific hydraulic conductivity (Ks). From the second week on, progressive decreases in A, gs and Ks were observed, concomitantly with development of significant stem lesions. Water use efficiency (WUE) increased in the second week and declined progressively from the third week. Hyphae and resinous materials were observed in tracheids and rays below lesions. Necrosis of parenchyma ray cells and blockage of tracheids torus were observed. Healthy xylem showed no resinous materials or tracheid blockage, but abundant starch in rays, which was absent in altered xylem. The culture filtrate (CF) of the pathogen was shown to induce changes in extracellular pH and conductivity, and increased necrosis in tissues of leaves and stem challenged with CF in vitro. Similar results were obtained in leaf tissues of the inoculated saplings in vivo. CF injection into xylem of saplings induced a decline in A and disturbance of leaf tissue integrity, without altering gs, WUE or Ks. The decrease of A correlated with changes in tissue integrity. A possible mechanism of A. chilensis decline induced by P. austrocedrae is discussed.  相似文献   

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