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1、本刊旨在实践科学发展观的指导下促进我省公共植保、绿色植保科技的发展;帮助提高各级植保科技人员的业务水平。主要刊登大田作物、特种经济作物、果树林木。蔬菜、花卉、绿地、粮食及其他储藏农产品的无公害标准生产新技术;以及病、虫、草、鼠发生危害规律及综合防治技术。包括农药、农械的应用研究,为适应市场与生产发展的需要,还将刊载有关农业产品的贮藏加工、产、供、销及涉农行业的应对策略。  相似文献   

为了摸清我地区农田杂草的种类及其分布,为今后开展化学除草工作提供依据,1986——1987年我们先后对柳州地区的三江、融水、融安、鹿寨、象州、武宣、来宾、忻城、金秀、合山等10个县(市)开展农田杂草调查。调查了水稻田和早地(玉米、小麦、黄豆、花生、甘蔗、棉花、红薯、木薯、麻、桑、蔬菜地及果园、茶园、油茶林地)的杂草种类及分布。现将调查结果报告如下:  相似文献   

2009年全国农业有害生物抗药性监测结果及用药建议   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
<正>2009年全国农业技术推广服务中心组织江苏、浙江、安徽、福建、江西、湖北、湖南、广东、广西、重庆、四川、贵州、云南、辽宁、北京、河北、山东、河南、山西、陕西、新疆等21个省(自治区、直辖市)的57  相似文献   

仙草又名仙人草、凉粉草、草冻草、仙人冻、黑豆腐草、薪草等,为唇形科仙草属一年生草本植物,是重要的药食两用植物资源。据《纲目拾遗》卷四记载,仙草具有消暑、解热、利水的功能。可治中暑、清热消暑、降血压、关节肌肉疼痛等病症。仙草全草干样含有约70%的碳水化合物、少量的蛋白质、黄酮类物质、多糖类物质、香精素、脂肪、  相似文献   

<正>1、本刊旨在实践科学发展观的指导下促进我省公共植保、绿色植保科技的发展;帮助提高各级植保科技人员的业务水平。主要刊登大田作物、特种经济作物、果树林木、蔬菜、花卉、绿地、粮食及其他储藏农产品的生产新技术;病、虫、草、鼠发生危害规律及综合防治技术:农药、农械的应用研究。为适应市场与生产发展的需要,还将刊载有关农业产品的贮藏加工、产、供、销及涉农行业的应对策略。  相似文献   

十字花科蔬菜是常见的一类蔬菜,秋季十字花科蔬菜主要有花椰菜、红菜薹、甘蓝、大白菜和小白菜,在其整个生长期内,常发的病虫害主要为猝倒病、立枯病、霜霉病、软腐病、黑腐病、病毒病、菜蚜、菜青虫、小菜蛾、菜螟、斜纹夜蛾、甜菜夜蛾等。  相似文献   

小麦全蚀病的发生、诊断和防治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 小麦全蚀病的分布和发生情况 小麦全蚀病是世界各地普遍发生的重要病害,已有46个国家和地区发生为害.我国自1931年前后在浙江发现此病,目前已蔓延至我国绝大部分省(自治区,直辖市);包括山东、山西、内蒙、宁夏、甘肃、青海、陕西、黑龙江、新疆、西藏、云南、贵州、四川、浙江、江苏、河北、河南、安徽、福建、辽宁、上海、湖北等22个省(自治区、直辖市).  相似文献   

基于CLIMEX和DIVA-GIS的瓜实蝇潜在地理分布预测   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
根据瓜实蝇Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillett)的生物学数据和已知地理分布信息,采用CLIMEX软件的地点比较和DIVA-GIS软件的BIOCLIM两种模型研究瓜实蝇的潜在地理分布。结果表明两种模型均能准确预测出我国34.7~18.1°N,97.5~122.6°E范围内的19个省(市、自治区)是瓜实蝇的潜在地理分布区。广东、广西、海南、福建南部、云南南部、台湾西部以及四川盆地为高度适生区,江西、湖南、贵州、重庆、上海以及四川、云南、福建、浙江、江苏、安徽、湖北、陕西、河南、甘肃局部地区为中低度适生区。对全球的潜在分布区预测结果表明:瓜实蝇目前的地理分布还未达到其最大潜在地理分布范围,瓜实蝇随国际贸易进一步扩散的风险较高。对两种模型的进一步分析表明:在物种相关资料完整的情况下,CLIMEX的地点比较模型预测结果的准确性要高于DIVA-GIS的BIOCLIM模型。  相似文献   

《植物医生》杂志是由教育部主管、西南大学(原西南农业大学)和贵州省植保植检站联合主办的全国公开发行的植保实用技术型期刊。主要刊登果树、蔬菜、经济作物和园林病虫草鼠害的防治技术及用药指南.发布农药(械)、肥料、种苗等市场信息,交流植保工作经验。辟有专家讲座、专题综述、粮食病虫、果树病虫、蔬菜病虫、园林病虫、药材病虫、经作病虫、试验示范、绿色植保、植物检疫、  相似文献   

朝鲜球坚蚧对8种寄主植物的产卵和取食选择性及其机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用笼罩法研究了朝鲜球坚蚧对8种寄主的选择性及其与寄主枝条物理结构、寄主和蚧体内化学物质问的关系.结果表明,朝鲜球坚蚧对8种寄主的取食和产卵的选择性差异均达极显著水平,由强到弱依次为桃、梅、李、杏、苹果、梨、樱桃和山楂,且分成桃、梅、李、杏,苹果、梨、樱桃,以及山楂3个寄主层次.取食和产卵选择性一致,分别与8种寄主的表皮毛密度、长度、皮层厚度、枝条直径、黄酮以及单宁等间达极显著负相关,相关系数r分别为-0.9413~-0.8816和-0.9624~-0.8943;同时分别与8种寄主的可溶性糖、蛋白质、游离氨基酸、含水量、CarE、AChE、GSTs和蚧体可溶性蛋白质等间达极显著正相关,r分别为0.9025~0.9413和0.8937~0.9201.以取食表皮较为光滑、表皮毛稀疏、长度短、皮层薄、寄主可溶性蛋白质、游离氨基酸和含水量多、含黄酮和单宁少的桃、梅、李和杏等寄主的蚧体内CarE、AChE、GSTs的活性和可溶性蛋白质含量较高,对寄主选择性较强;取食苹果、梨和樱桃的次之;取食山楂的最低.  相似文献   

近12kaBP以来南疆博斯腾湖气候环境演化   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
根据博斯腾湖沉积物自生碳酸盐稳定同位素以及孢粉和地化元素资料的分析,建立了近12kaBP以来此地区的气候环境的演变序列,并得到以下结论:(1)其气候演变特征同新疆地区由其他地质记录所反映的基本一致,气候演变具有明显的西风型环境演变特征,表现为冷与相对湿润、暖与相对干旱的水热配置关系;(2)由δ(18)O所反映的温度波动存在显著的后期增温特征,结合δ(13)C及Ca-CO3等指标的变化,可以划分出若干具有广泛区域一致性的冷暖阶段,其中暖峰主要出现于11.5-11.0ka、9.4ka、7.5-7.0ka、6.0-5.5ka、3.0ka和2.0kaBP;而冷峰主要出现于11.0-10.0ka、8.8ka、5.0-4.5ka、3.3ka和1.5kaBP和2.0-1.5kaBP期间快速的冷暖变化都具有显著的突变性特征;(4)在7.0-5.0kaBP期间相对暖湿的环境特征可能是全新世大暖期鼎盛期的反映,这也是剖面中唯一的最为显著的暖湿期。  相似文献   

Wind erosion is one of the main drivers of soil loss in the world, which affects 20 million hectare land of Iran. Besides the soil loss, wind erosion contributes to carbon dioxide emission from the soil into the atmosphere. The objective of this study is to evaluate monthly and seasonal changes in carbon dioxide emission in four classes i.e., low, moderate, severe and very severe soil erosion and the interactions between air temperature and wind erosion in relation to carbon dioxide emission in the Bordekhun region, Boushehr Province, southwestern Iran. Wind erosion intensities were evaluated using IRIFR (Iran Research Institute of Forests and Ranges) model, in which four classes of soil erosion were identified. Afterward, we measured carbon dioxide emission on a monthly basis and for a period of one year using alkali traps in each class of soil erosion. Data on emission levels and erosion classes were analyzed as a factorial experiment in a completely randomized design with twelve replications in each treatment. The highest rate of emission occurred in July (4.490 g CO2/(m2?d)) in severely eroded lands and the least in January (0.086 g CO2/(m2?d)) in low eroded lands. Therefore, it is resulted that increasing erosion intensity causes an increase in soil carbon dioxide emission rate at severe erosion intensity. Moreover, the maximum amount of carbon dioxide emission happened in summer and the minimum in winter. Soil carbon dioxide emission was just related to air temperature without any relationship with soil moisture content; since changes of soil moisture in the wet and dry seasons were not high enough to affect soil microorganisms and respiration in dry areas. In general, there are complex and multiple relationships between various factors associated with soil erosion and carbon dioxide emission. Global warming causes events that lead to more erosion, which in turn increases greenhouse gas emission, and rising greenhouse gases will cause more global warming. The result of this study demonstrated the synergistic effect of wind erosion and global climate warming towards carbon dioxide emission into the atmosphere.  相似文献   

气候变化可以改变积雪持续的时间、雪盖储水量及积雪开始融化的时间,从而影响土壤水分时空分配。利用TFACE(temperature free air controlled enhancement)的增温装置,在中国科学院天山积雪与雪崩研究站的融雪季节进行为期一个月的室外增温试验。试验包括3种处理:自然状态、增温Ⅰ和增温Ⅱ。结果表明:气温的升高和增温区内局部空气热对流加入的黑色粉尘物质加速了积雪的消融;在增温Ⅰ和增温Ⅱ条件下,积雪将提前19 d和25 d 消融,相应的各土层土壤水分也出现不同程度的增加。与此同时,土壤水分最大值也提前13 d和22 d。土壤水分极值的提前预示着以融雪水为重要来源、以超渗产流模式为主的河流洪峰的提前,或者超渗产流模式向蓄满产流模式的转变。这将给区域内水资源的时空分布和管理分配带来影响。  相似文献   

焦文慧  张勃  黄涛  马尚谦  候启 《干旱区研究》2019,36(6):1466-1477
利用61个气象站1988—2017年逐日最高气温、最低气温和平均气温资料,采用线性倾向估计、Mann-Kendal检验、滑动t以及相关分析方法,对河东地区极端气温事件的时空变化特征进行研究,结果表明:①河东地区近30 a日最高气温的极大(小)值、日最低气温的极大(小)值、年平均最高(低)气温、夏日日数、热夜日数、暖昼(夜)日数、气温日较差、暖日持续日数、生物生长季呈现增大(加)趋势,霜冻日数、冰冻日数、冷昼(夜)日数、冷日持续日数呈现减小(少)趋势;②暖指数的变暖幅度大于冷指数,昼指数的变暖幅度大于夜指数,陇东高原地区变暖幅度最大,甘南高原地区变暖幅度最小;③多数指数的突变点在20世纪90年代中后期和21世纪初期;④多数极端气温指数与经度和海拔高度显著相关,河东地区极端气温指数的变化与区域性增暖有密切联系。  相似文献   

以青藏高原腹地典型高寒草甸植被类型为研究对象,采用红外灯加热的方法模拟全球增温,并利用水分探头,于2012年植物生长季(5—9月)获取0~100 cm不同土层深度土壤水分含量数据,并分析其对增温的响应。结果表明:① 短期增温对高寒草甸土壤水分含量有提高作用,但增幅并不显著(P>0.05),平均提高2.85%。② 土壤水分含量随土层深度的增加呈现先减少后增加的趋势,在10~20 cm土层深度处降为最低值13.8%,在60~100 cm土层深度附近达到了20.57%的最高值;对照组5个月10~20 cm土层深度的土壤水分含量显著低于其他土层,而增温组0~20 cm土层深度的土壤含水量显著低于其他土层深度,表明增温对表层(0~10 cm)的土壤含水量影响较大,对深层土壤含水量的影响则较小,而且短期增温不会对土壤水分的垂直分布趋势产生影响。③ 土壤水分含量随时间的变化,在5—8月呈上升趋势,表明在青藏高原北麓河地区植物生长季,8月是其土壤水分含量最充足的月份,到了9月土壤中含水量开始降低,但5个土层深度降幅均不明显;增温组土壤水分含量随时间的变化趋势与对照组基本一致。  相似文献   

Climate warming will cause differences in precipitation distribution and changes in hydrological cycle both at regional and global scales. Arid lands of Central Asia(ALCA), one of the largest arid regions at the middle latitudes in the world, is likely to be strongly influenced by climate warming. Understanding the precipitation variations in the past is an important prerequisite for predicting future precipitation trends and thus managing regional water resources in such an arid region. In this study, we used run theory, displacement, extreme deviation theory, precipitation concentration index(PCI), Mann-Kendall rank correlation and climatic trend coefficient methods to analyze the precipitation in wet and dry years, changes in precipitation over multiple-time scales, variability of precipitation and its rate of change based on the monthly precipitation data during 1950–2000 from 344 meteorological stations in the ALCA. The occurrence probability of a single year with abundant precipitation was higher than that of a single year with less precipitation. The average duration of extreme drought in the entire area was 5 years, with an average annual water deficit of 34.6 mm(accounting for 11.2% of the average annual precipitation over the duration). The occurrence probability of a single wet year was slightly higher than that of a single dry year. The occurrence probability of more than 5 consecutive wet years was 5.8%, while the occurrence probability of more than 5 consecutive dry years was 6.2%. In the center of the study area, the distribution of precipitation was stable at an intra-annual timescale, with small changes at an inter-annual timescale. In the western part of the study area, the monthly variation of precipitation was high at an inter-annual timescale. There were clear seasonal changes in precipitation(PCI=12–36) in the ALCA. Precipitation in spring and winter accounted for 37.7% and 24.4% of the annual precipitation, respectively. There was a significant inter-annual change in precipitation in the arid Northwest China(PCI=24–34). Annual precipitation increased significantly(P=0.05) in 17.4% of all the meteorological stations over the study period. The probability of an increase in annual precipitation was 75.6%, with this increase being significant(P=0.05) at 34.0% of all the meteorological stations. The average increasing rate in annual precipitation was 3.9 mm/10a(P=0.01) in the ALCA. There were significant increasing trends(P=0.01) in precipitation in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, with rates of 2.6, 3.1 and 3.7 mm/10 a, respectively.  相似文献   

山西黄土高原近50年来气候暖干化研究   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:7  
根据山西省4个具有代表性的气象站点自建站以来到2005年的降水量与气温资料,应用线性回归与趋势分析方法,研究了山西黄土高原近50年来的气候变化。研究得出:山西省近50年来气候总体上具有暖干化的特征,年平均气温呈波动上升趋势,其增长率为0.032℃/a,高于全球近百年的平均值(0.005℃/a),也明显高于陕甘宁地区近50年来的平均值(0.0194℃/a);最冷月(1月)比最热月(7月)增温速率高;年平均气温以70年代中期为界,将山西省气候分为冷、暖两个时期,前为冷期,后为暖期;年平均降水量呈波动减少趋势,其减少率为1.635mm/a;年平均降水量同样以70年代中期为界,之前为相对丰水期,之后为相对枯水期。  相似文献   

Ecosystems in high-altitude regions are more sensitive and respond more rapidly than other ecosystems to global climate warming.The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau(QTP)of China is an ecologically fragile zone that is sensitive to global climate warming.It is of great importance to study the changes in aboveground biomass and species diversity of alpine meadows on the QTP under predicted future climate warming.In this study,we selected an alpine meadow on the QTP as the study object and used infrared radiators as the warming device for a simulation experiment over eight years(2011-2018).We then analyzed the dynamic changes in aboveground biomass and species diversity of the alpine meadow at different time scales,including an early stage of warming(2011-2013)and a late stage of warming(2016-2018),in order to explore the response of alpine meadows to short-term(three years)and long-term warming(eight years).The results showed that the short-term warming increased air temperature by 0.31℃and decreased relative humidity by 2.54%,resulting in the air being warmer and drier.The long-term warming increased air temperature and relative humidity by 0.19℃and 1.47%,respectively,and the air tended to be warmer and wetter.The short-term warming increased soil temperature by 2.44℃and decreased soil moisture by 12.47%,whereas the long-term warming increased soil temperature by 1.76℃and decreased soil moisture by 9.90%.This caused the shallow soil layer to become warmer and drier under both short-term and long-term warming.Furthermore,the degree of soil drought was alleviated with increased warming duration.Under the long-term warming,the importance value and aboveground biomass of plants in different families changed.The importance values of grasses and sedges decreased by 47.56%and 3.67%,respectively,while the importance value of weeds increased by 1.37%.Aboveground biomass of grasses decreased by 36.55%,while those of sedges and weeds increased by 8.09%and 15.24%,respectively.The increase in temperature had a non-significant effect on species diversity.The species diversity indices increased at the early stage of warming and decreased at the late stage of warming,but none of them reached significant levels(P>0.05).Species diversity had no significant correlation with soil temperature and soil moisture under both short-term and long-term warming.Soil temperature and aboveground biomass were positively correlated in the control plots(P=0.014),but negatively correlated under the long-term warming(P=0.013).Therefore,eight years of warming aggravated drought in the shallow soil layer,which is beneficial for the growth of weeds but not for the growth of grasses.Warming changed the structure of alpine meadow communities and had a certain impact on the community species diversity.Our studies have great significance for the protection and effective utilization of alpine vegetation,as well as for the prevention of grassland degradation or desertification in high-altitude regions.  相似文献   

通过对塔里木盆地北部全新世地层中27块样品的孢粉分析,根据其组合特征并结合表土花粉分析,本区全新世以来除了塔里木河中游隐域性植被成分随着河流改道变化频繁外,两侧显域性的早生、超旱生荒漠植被成分无明显变化,它们的生境反映了气候环境总的形势是持续干旱的。但全新世地层中孢粉种属和丰度的变化,蒿属、藜科和麻黄花粉相对数量的增减也说明了在干旱背景中本区气候有微弱的干湿波动,表现为全新世早期和晚期气候偏凉湿,中期气候干暖,但干暖期鼎盛阶段略湿。  相似文献   

通过在坡度为20°耕地和荒草坡面对降水、土壤水密集观测,结合模拟降雨实验,从降雨入渗、蒸散发等过程分析讨论了影响黄土高原丘陵沟壑区坡地土壤水分动态的主要因素。结果表明:1)降雨入渗量△S主要受控于雨强和降雨量,坡耕地的入渗量随着雨强增加而衰减的速度快于荒坡,坡耕地有利于中等雨强大雨的下渗,雨强增大时两坡面的降雨转化率逐渐接近,且植被的再分配作用凸显,甚至使短历时暴雨时坡耕地的入渗速度低于荒坡,长历时的大、暴雨或连续降雨利于深层入渗,坡面耕作或在裸地上种植冰草后降雨转化率增约50%;2)7月~10月上旬为土壤水补给期,土壤水分在枯水年及平水年处于负平衡,在丰水年获得补给,最终以蒸散发消耗;3)荒地主要耗水层在20cm,耕地土壤水分活跃层及作物主要耗水层延伸至30cm。总体上,农作物增大蒸散发量、增加土壤水分利用深度,农业生产活动对减少降雨径流、增加土壤水资源量、强化水分小循环有重要作用。  相似文献   

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