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Pratylenchus thornei densities were monitored in field plots of two winter wheat cultivars in a dry farming area of southern Spain. Samples were taken fortnightly during the wheat-growing season and from the following dry fallow. Under bread wheat cv. ‘Yecora’, densities ofP. thornei increased for 5 to 6 months and then were maintained or slightly decreased thereafter, surviving the summer dry fallow in an anhydrobiotic state (78.2% and 85.3% survival in soil and roots, respectively). Under durum wheat cv. ‘Donpedro’, nematode densities decreased over the growing season, although densities within the roots increased during the first 2 months of the wheat-growing period, indicating that nematodes could penetrate the roots of this cultivar but were unable to reproduce. These observations suggest resistance of wheat cv. Donpedro toP. thornei.  相似文献   

The adoption of no‐tillage systems in semi‐arid cereal fields in northern Europe has resulted in difficulties in controlling Bromus diandrus. However, in some fields, lower densities are observed in continuous long‐term no‐tillage management than in other reduced tillage systems. A cumulative effect on the seedbank could promote changes in the period of seedling emergence and in population demography. This study evaluated the effect of long‐term mouldboard plough (MbP), chisel plough (ChP), subsoiler (SS) and no‐tillage (NT) on the population dynamics of B. diandrus. The work was carried out in a barley (Hordeum vulgare)–wheat (Triticum aestivum)–barley rotation during three seasons where these soil management systems had been applied for the last 22 years. Cumulative emergence (CE) and densities of B. diandrus followed a gradient of ChP > SS > NT > MbP. This cumulative effect over time resulted in significant differences in population demography. A previous hydrothermal emergence model developed for this species estimated the percentage of emergence prior to the date of sowing to be: 71%, 92% and 53% for the seasons 2008–2009, 2009–2010 and 2010–2011 respectively. Furthermore, the reduction in CE observed was on average 53% in SS, 92% in NT and 98% in MbP in comparison with that recorded in ChP. The long‐term effect of different tillage systems tended to cause changes to soil characteristics (photo‐inhibition of germination, soil temperature, water availability) affecting B. diandrus demography, reaching equilibrium in weed densities over years, which were significantly lower in MbP and NT than in ChP or SS.  相似文献   

河北省禾谷孢囊线虫种群密度和冬小麦产量损失的关系   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
为明确禾谷孢囊线虫Heterodera avenae对小麦的危害,于2011年10月—2012年6月在自然环境条件下采用定量接种方法测定了其在不同接种密度下对冬小麦产量和线虫繁殖的影响。结果表明,随着禾谷孢囊线虫接种密度的增加,小麦的株高、穗长、小穗数、分蘖数和籽粒重均呈下降趋势。小麦产量随着接种密度的增加损失率增加,在接种密度大于29个卵和2龄幼虫/g土时,小麦产量损失率均达50%以上,接种密度为465个卵和2龄幼虫/g土时损失率最大,达到77.7%;当接种密度小于116个卵和2龄幼虫/g土时,禾谷孢囊线虫的最终密度随着接种密度的增加而增加,但接种密度大于该值时,最终线虫密度则随着接种密度的增加而减少;且其繁殖系数随着接种密度的增加而降低。以小麦单株籽粒重为参数,利用Seinhorst模型拟合孢囊线虫密度与产量的关系,可知小麦对禾谷孢囊线虫的最低忍耐值为5个卵和2龄幼虫/g土,相对最低产量为0.23。  相似文献   

This study reviews 52 field experiments, mostly from the UK, studying the effects of cultivation techniques, sowing date, crop density and cultivar choice on Alopecurus myosuroides infestations in cereal crops. Where possible, a statistical meta‐analysis has been used to calculate average responses to the various cultural practices and to estimate their variability. In 25 experiments, mouldboard ploughing prior to sowing winter cereals reduced A. myosuroides populations by an average of 69%, compared with non‐inversion tillage. Delaying drilling from September to the end of October decreased weed plant densities by approximately 50%. Sowing wheat in spring achieved an 88% reduction in A. myosuroides plant densities compared with autumn sowing. Increasing winter wheat crop density above 100 plants m?2 had no effect on weed plant numbers, but reduced the number of heads m?2 by 15% for every additional increase in 100 crop plants, up to the highest density tested (350 wheat plants m?2). Choosing more competitive cultivars could decrease A. myosuroides heads m?2 by 22%. With all cultural practices, outcomes were highly variable and effects inconsistent. Farmers are more likely to adopt cultural measures and so reduce their reliance on herbicides, if there were better predictions of likely outcomes at the individual field level.  相似文献   

In India, wheat is prone to being heavily infested with weeds, which cause considerable yield losses. Agronomic practices, including sowing method, influence weed interference in wheat growth. A herbicide mixture is usually more effective than a single herbicide for controlling a broad-spectrum of weeds. It may prevent weed species shift and delay resistance development in weeds. This study attempted to develop an integrated approach, combining a modified sowing method with applying a herbicide mixture for efficient weed management in wheat. We found that flat bed missing-row sowing resulted in significant reductions in: (i) the three-year mean population densities of grassy, broad-leaved and total weeds at 40 days after sowing (d.a.s), (ii) total weed population density and biomass (dry weight) at 60 d.a.s., compared to a mainly, furrow-irrigated raised bed system. Applying a tank-mix of fenoxaprop-p-ethyl at 0.08 kg/ha and isoproturon at 0.4 kg/ha applied 30 d.a.s. resulted in significant reductions in total weed population density and biomass, leading to a significant improvement in wheat growth and yield compared to either a weedy check or a regime of fenoxaprop-p-ethyl applied at 0.10 kg/ha. However, a combination of the flat bed missing-row sowing and tank-mix application of fenoxaprop-p-ethyl 0.08 kg/ha and isoproturon 0.4 kg/ha 30 d.a.s. resulted in higher wheat yield through better management of weeds compared with other sowing/ weed control combinations.  相似文献   

Two different molecular tools for the diagnosis of the cereal and legume root-lesion nematode Pratylenchus thornei were developed. A randomly amplified DNA (RAPD) fragment specific to P. thornei was identified. After sequencing the fragment, longer primers were designed that complement the terminal sequences of the RAPD fragment, and this pair of specific primers was used to amplify the sequence-characterized amplified region (SCAR). Using the developed pair of SCAR primers, the SCAR fragment specific to P. thornei was easily amplified with DNA extracts obtained from different life stages of the nematode. The described SCAR-PCR-based assay has the potential to be optimized for routine practical diagnostic tests. In addition, the use of a species-specific satellite DNA sequence to distinguish P. thornei from other Pratylenchus spp. is discussed.  相似文献   

In Germany, sugar beet is often rotated with 2 years of cereal. Extensive fallow periods between cereal harvest and autumn primary tillage allow for a weed flora to develop. Broad‐leaved weeds could potentially be alternate hosts for the common nematode Heterodera schachtii, one of the most important pests of sugar beet. Between 2009 and 2012, annual weeds developing in cereal stubble fields during July to mid‐October in the season prior to sugar beet were surveyed, including known hosts of H. schachtii. Yearly weather patterns and agronomic practices possibly impacted weed species composition and weed population densities. During September, Chenopodium album, Cirsium arvense, Convolvulus arvensis, Mercurialis annua, Polygonum spp., Solanum nigrum and Sonchus spp. occurred at the highest frequencies. Weed hosts of H. schachtii were present, but densities, frequencies and uniformity were limited. In 2010 and 2011, staining for nematodes in roots revealed juvenile penetration of some weeds but few adult stages. No indication of nematode reproduction of H. schachtii was found on these weed hosts. A fairly stable weed flora was detected on stubble fields that could provide some carry over for weed species. An elevated risk for nematode population density build‐up on these weeds was not found and management of these weeds at the observed densities during the stubble period for nematological reasons appeared unnecessary.  相似文献   

花生根结线虫病产量损失估计与防治指标的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1990—1992年采用池栽与田间考查相结合的方法,研究了花生根结线虫的为害与产量损失率之间的关系及其防治指标。结果表明,土壤中线虫初始密度的对数值与花生荚果产量损失率及病情指数之间的关系均符合logistic曲线;而病情指数、收获前土壤中的线虫密度与花生产量呈显著负相关。得出防治指标为:中等产量水平的田块中播种前每kg土壤中含有侵染期幼虫和卵31.14条(粒)。  相似文献   

The population response of the two sympatric annual weeds, Galinsoga ciliata (Raf.) Blake and G. parviflora Cav., which occur abundantly in croplands and early secondary successional communities in the north-eastern hill region of India was studied in relation to sowing pattern (clump or scattered sowing), population density and soil moisture and texture. In a given sowing pattern, seed germination of both species declined with increase in sowing density and moisture stress. However, sowing of seeds in clumps and an increased proportion of sand in soil enhanced the germination, Fewer weeds died in the population raised from scattered sowing than from clumped distribution. Plants grown at high moisture level matured earlier, and fertility of the survivors was negatively correlated with both density and moisture stress in both species although G. ciliata was less affected. Seed output and dry matter yield per pot of both species increased with population density but the increase was not linearly related to the increase in plant numbers, and density-induced reduction in seed output was observed at high densities. Galinsoga ciliata appears to tolerate greater density-stress than G. parviflora. Asubstantial decrease in production of capitula, seeds and dry matter at low moisture level indicates the role played by soil moisture in regulating the population growth of the two weeds. An increased proportion of sand in soil resulted in significantly greater seed production in G. parviflora. Galinsoga ciliata also showed a similar trend although the differences were not statistically significant.  相似文献   


Seed‐bed types, fertilizers, cassava stem portions, planting time and yam cultivars were studied for the incidence of termites in cassava and yam fields. Planting cassava on ridges reduced the incidence of termites and significantly (P<0.05) increased tuber yield. The bottom stem portion of cassava stick was the least attacked by termites. Planting cuttings when rains became steady reduced termite incidence. NPKMg (12:12:17:2) suppressed termites in yam and improved yield significantly. Delay in harvesting yam tubers increased termite infestation. Yield loss was highest for Dioscorea rotundata cv. Nwopoko, with losses of more than 5 metric tonnes/ha when harvest was done after December in termite infested soil. Chinese yam showed the greatest resistance to termites.  相似文献   

The root lesion nematode Pratylenchus penetrans parasitizes a wide range of economically important crops, including potato (Solanum tuberosum). Damage by P. penetrans impacts not only the potato yield but can also reduce the tuber quality. Detailed information on tuber infection by P. penetrans is scarce for most cultivars and molecular detection of nematodes from infected tubers is needed. The objective of this study was to assess tuber symptomatology due to P. penetrans infection in 10 potato cultivars and to provide an accurate molecular methodology for nematode detection using tuber peels. Sprouts of certified potato seed from cultivars Agata, Agria, Camel, Désirée, Dirosso, Kennebec, Laura, Picasso, Royata, and Stemster were planted in 2 L pots, and soil was inoculated with 4 P. penetrans/g of soil. Sixty days after inoculation, tubers were harvested, inspected for lesions, and the number of nematodes/g of potato peel assessed. Observations of tubers with symptoms showed the presence of P. penetrans in superficial layers of peels around the lenticels and injured necrotic tissue. Different nematode stages were detected in tubers of all inoculated cultivars, varying from 4 to 46 nematodes/g of potato peel. Species-specific primers showed suitable sensitivity and reproducibility for the detection of P. penetrans in tuber potato peel samples. The molecular detection of P. penetrans directly from tuber peels can facilitate routine nematode inspections of potato seed tubers or cull potatoes for nematode detection, and prevent further dissemination of this species.  相似文献   

Beet yellows virus (BYV), beet mild yellowing virus (BMYV), beet chlorosis virus (BChV), and beet mosaic virus (BtMV) cause virus yellows (VY) disease in sugar beet. The main virus vector is the aphid Myzus persicae. Due to efficient vector control by neonicotinoid seed treatment over the last decades, there is no current knowledge regarding virus species distribution. Therefore, Europe-wide virus monitoring was carried out from 2017 to 2019, where neonicotinoids were banned in 2019. The monitoring showed that closterovirus BYV is currently widely spread in northern Europe. The poleroviruses BMYV and BChV were most frequently detected in the northern and western regions. The potyvirus BtMV was only sporadically detected. To study virus infestation and influence on yield, viruses were transmitted to sugar beet plants using viruliferous M. persicae in quadruplicate field plots with 10% inoculation density simulating natural infection. A plant-to-plant virus spread was observed within 4 weeks. A nearly complete infection of all plants was observed in all treatments at harvest. In accordance with these findings, a significant yield reduction was caused by BMYV and BChV (−23% and −24%) and only a moderate reduction in yield was observed for BYV (−10%). This study showed that inoculation at low densities mimics natural infection, and quick spreading induced representative yield effects. Within the background of a post-neonicotinoid era, this provides the basis to screen sugar beet genotypes for the selection of virus tolerance/resistance and to test the effectiveness of insecticides for the control of M. persicae with a manageable workload.  相似文献   

The effect of early and late sowing dates on the establishment of Orobanche crenata Forsk. (crenate broomrape) in resistant and susceptible cultivars of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) and vetch (Vicia sativa L.) were studied over four seasons in southern Spain. Differences in establishment, development and shoot emergence of the parasite were compared. With resistant faba bean and vetch cultivars, there was reduced attachment and shoot emergence of O. crenata with all sowing dates. Susceptible cultivars were more severely affected by the parasite with early sowing. Orobanche crenata development was also delayed in resistant cultivars. Crop yield, estimated by the number of pods per plant, decreased with late sowings. The combined use of resistant cultivars and early sowing is a useful tool as part of an integrated control strategy. Resistant cultivars allow early sowing (with low O. crenata attack), thus avoiding yield losses due to the short crop cycle with late sowing.  相似文献   

Chickpea (Cicer arietinum) is a major legume crop, with Australia being the second largest producer worldwide. Pratylenchus neglectus is a root-lesion nematode that invades, feeds and reproduces in roots of pulse and cereal crops. In Australia, chickpea and wheat (Triticum aestivum) are commonly grown in rotation and annual damage by P. neglectus accounts for large economic losses to both crops. Cultivated chickpea has narrow genetic diversity that limits the potential for improvement in resistance breeding. New collections of wild chickpea species, C. reticulatum and C. echinospermum, have substantially increased the previously limited world collection of wild Cicer germplasm and offer potential to widen the genetic diversity of cultivated chickpea through the identification of accessions with good resistance. This research assessed 243 C. reticulatum and 86 C. echinospermum accessions for response to P. neglectus in replicated experiments under controlled glasshouse conditions from 2013 and 2014 collection missions that were received, tested and analysed in two experimental sets. Multi-experiment analyses showed lower P. neglectus population densities in both sets of wild Cicer accessions tested than Australia's elite breeding cultivar PBA HatTrick at the significance level p < 0.05. Provisional resistance ratings were given to all genotypes tested in both experimental sets, with C. reticulatum accessions CudiB_008B and Kayat_066 rated as resistant in both Set 1 and Set 2. New sources of resistance to P. neglectus observed in this study can be introgressed into commercial chickpea cultivars to improve their resistance to this nematode.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to determine the effectiveness and profitability of the Mi-resistance gene in tomato in suppressing populations of Meloidogyne javanica in a plastic-house with a natural infestation of the nematode. Experiments were also conducted to test for virulence and durability of the resistance. Monika (Mi-gene resistant) and Durinta (susceptible) tomato cultivars were cropped for three consecutive seasons in non-fumigated or in soil fumigated with methyl bromide at 75 g m–2 and at a cost of 2.44 euros m–2. Nematode densities were determined at the beginning and end of each crop. Yield was assessed in eight plants per plot weekly for 6 weeks. The Pf/Pi values were 0.28 and 21.6 after three crops of resistant or susceptible cultivars, respectively. Growth of resistant as opposed to susceptible tomato cultivars in non-fumigated soil increased profits by 30,000 euros ha–1. The resistant Monika in non-fumigated soil yielded similarly (P > 0.05) to the susceptible Durinta in methyl bromide fumigated soil but the resistant tomato provided a benefit of 8800 euros ha–1 over the susceptible one because of the cost of fumigation. Selection for virulence did not occur, although the nematode population subjected to the resistant cultivar for three consecutive seasons produced four times more eggs than the population on the susceptible one. Such a difference was also shown when the resistant cultivar was subjected to high continuous inoculum pressure for 14 weeks. The Mi-resistance gene can be an effective and economic alternative to methyl bromide in plastic-houses infested with root-knot nematodes, but should be used in an integrated management context to preserve its durability and prevent the selection of virulent populations due to variability in isolate reproduction and environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Glasshouse and field trials were conducted to determine the effects of the cyst nematode, Heterodera cajani on biomass and grain yield of pigeon pea, Cajanus cajan. Shoot length, fresh and dry shoot masses, leaf area and pod yields of pigeon pea were significantly reduced by H. cajani. In glasshouse pot experiments, an initial density of 1.0 juveniles per cm3 soil caused 14 to 24% reduction in plant height, root and shoot mass and leaf area. Application of carbofuran 3G (1·5, 3·0 and 6·0 kg a.i./ha) in H. autoclaved soil in pots did not improve growth of pigeon pea; however, its application (6 kg a.i./ha) in H. cajani -infested fields reduced the nematode density ( P < 0·05) and improved plant growth and yield. The densities of eggs and juveniles of H. cajani were 72 and 48% lower in the carbofuran-treated plots than in the control plots 35 and 52 days, respectively, after sowing. No such differences were observed at 70 days after sowing. The tolerance limit for pod yield in field experiments was 2·6 eggs and juveniles of H. cajani per cm3 soil at sowing time. Grain yield was 20 to 25% higher in the carbofuran-treated plots than in the control plots. Application of carbofuran protected the roots from nematode damage during the early stages of plant growth and resulted in good plant growth and yield.  相似文献   

Volunteer summer‐annual oilseed rape (sOSR; Brassica napus) is an ongoing concern in Canadian crop production. Large harvest seed losses and secondary dormancy in this species generate a persistent volunteer seedbank. Yield loss in subsequent crops, potential sOSR oil profile contamination and herbicide‐resistance trait introgression create a need for effective sOSR seedbank management. This field study evaluated the effects of timing and type of implement of post‐harvest soil disturbance and seeding a winter cereal on volunteer sOSR population persistence and demographic life‐stage transition rates at five locations in Manitoba, Canada. Following sOSR harvest and supplemental seed rain, seedbank densities ranged from 6770 to 15360 and 50 to 2610 seeds m?2 among sites in autumn and spring respectively. In contrast to European research on winter‐annual oilseed rape, early autumn soil disturbance, shortly after sOSR harvest, was the best strategy to decrease volunteer sOSR persistence (3% population persistence from autumn to spring, compared with 6% in zero tillage). Substantial autumn seedling recruitment (38% of the autumn seedbank) and subsequent winterkill contributed to lower population persistence. Soil disturbance in spring stimulated spring seedling recruitment compared with other disturbance timings (11% and 3% of the spring seedbank, respectively). The implement used for soil disturbance and seeding winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) had minimal effect on population persistence. This research showed that timing of post‐harvest soil disturbance should be utilised as an effective tactic to decrease population persistence of volunteer sOSR via stimulation of autumn seedling recruitment and concomitant winterkill.  相似文献   

Resistant tomato cultivars are an important tool to control Meloidogyne spp., which cause the highest yield losses attributed to plant‐parasitic nematodes. However, the repeated cultivation of Mi resistant cultivars can select virulent populations. In the present study, the susceptible tomato cv. Durinta and the resistant cv. Monika were cultivated from March to July in a plastic greenhouse for 3 years to determine the maximum multiplication rate, maximum nematode density, equilibrium density, relative susceptibility and population growth rate of M. incognita; these were used as proxy indicators of virulence and yield losses. The values of population dynamics and growth rate on the resistant tomato increased year by year and were higher when it was repeatedly cultivated in the same plot compared to when it was alternated with the susceptible cultivar and the level of resistance decreased from very to moderately resistant. The relationship between the nematode density at transplanting (Pi) and the relative yield of tomato fitted to the Seinhorst damage model for susceptible, but not resistant, cultivars. The tolerance limit and the relative minimum yield were 2–4 J2 per 250 cm3 of soil and 0.44–0.48, respectively. The tomato yield did not differ between cultivars at low Pi, but it did at higher Pi values, at which the resistant yielded 50% more than the susceptible. This study demonstrates the utility of population dynamics parameters for the early detection of selection for virulence in Meloidogyne spp., and that three consecutive years were not sufficient to select for a completely virulent population.  相似文献   

C Marín  J Weiner 《Weed Research》2014,54(5):467-474
We tested the hypothesis that improved weed suppression by maize can be achieved through increased crop density and spatial uniformity. Field experiments on three varieties of maize sown at three densities (5, 7 and 10.5 seeds m?2) and in two spatial patterns (grid pattern and rows) under very high weed pressure from Brachiaria brizantha were performed in 2012 and 2013. We measured weed biomass 1 month after sowing and at harvest, and grain yield at harvest. Density, variety and sowing pattern all had strong and significant effects on both weed biomass and yield. On average, weed biomass was reduced (by 72% in the first year and 58% in the second year), and grain yield was increased (by 48% and 44%) at the highest density in the grid pattern compared with standard sowing practices (medium density, row pattern). There was a significant density × variety interaction, which is evidence for genetic differences in the response of the varieties to density in characteristics that influence weed suppression. The variety that suppressed weeds best at high density had the lowest variation in the angle of insertion of the oldest living leaf at harvest (leaf 6), supporting the hypothesis that reduced phenotypic plasticity may be advantageous for weed suppression under high density and spatial uniformity. Increased density and uniformity can contribute to weed management in maize in many cases, potentially reducing the need for herbicides or mechanical weed control.  相似文献   

Effect of plant density (37,037, 44,444 and 55,555 plants/ha) on the increase of northern leaf blight in time and space on two maize cultivars planted at spacings of 90, 75 and 60 between rows and 30 cm within rows was investigated.Exserohilum turcicum infested maize residue was used as an inoculum source. Maize density did not significantly affect the disease indices, but significantly influenced the grain yield of the two cultivars. In contrast, the two cultivars differed significantly (P0.01) in disease severity, but not grain yield. Higher disease severities and grain yields were associated with higher plant densities, whereas the apparent infection rate was lower in higher plant density. Distance from the maize residue (inoculum source) significantly influenced disease severity. The percentage leaf area blighted, area under disease progress curve and disease progress curve intercept decreased with distance from the maize residue area, but the apparent infection rate on EV8429-SR appeared to increase with distance. Disease gradients (b) were higher in closely planted maize and flattened with time in one location only.  相似文献   

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