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基于年龄结构的中华鲟资源量估算方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
根据长江中的中华鲟亲鱼捕捞数据的年龄结构,推算不同年龄段中华鲟亲鱼进入长江参与繁殖的占比,首次将长江和海洋中的中华鲟同时纳入估算模型进行计算,构建了一套估算中华鲟资源量的新方法。稳态计算结果显示,在葛洲坝截流前,长江中每年有效补充量为1 882尾,长江和海洋中育龄(雌:13~34龄,雄:8~27龄)总资源量为32 260尾,其中雄鱼15 310尾,雌鱼16 950尾,每年在长江中参与繁殖的中华鲟新老股群之和(1 727尾)占总资源量的比例约5%。计算得出葛洲坝截流后长江中的中华鲟产卵繁殖容量仅为截流前的6.5%,1981年葛洲坝截留造成68%~80%的1980年老股群被阻隔在上游。结合葛洲坝截流后的捕捞数据推算了1981年后长江和海洋中的中华鲟资源量变迁过程。计算结果与捕捞数据反映的趋势一致,证明模型可靠有效。研究表明,葛洲坝截流后,随着捕捞量的减少,长江中的繁殖群体数量上升,1990年左右达到峰值(约2 200尾),随后迅速下降,2010年为170尾左右。葛洲坝截流后中华鲟产卵繁殖环境容量的大幅下降是近年来中华鲟资源量急剧下降的重要原因。  相似文献   

长江三峡集团中华鲟研究所,在一组子一代中华鲟亲鱼全人工繁殖条件下,成功产下受精卵21万粒,产卵规模已达到野生中华鲟自然繁殖的水平,标志着中华鲟全人工繁殖技术体系基本成熟。20世纪80年代,科研人员利用野生中华鲟亲鱼人工繁殖培育出子一代。2009年以来,中华鲟研究所连续4次成功实施中华鲟全人工繁殖,前3次繁殖获得受精卵数量分别为4万枚、5万枚和10万枚。产卵规模已经达到野生中华鲟自然繁殖的水平。子一代成功繁育出子二代中华鲟,这也是世界  相似文献   

回眸中华鲟幼鱼保护13年   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自1988年以来,崇明县渔政站在东海区渔政局、市渔政处等有关上级部门的领导关心下,共抢救幼鲟2126尾,放流419尾,为保护中华鲟资源做出了应有的贡献。 保护中华鲟幼鱼是保护中华鲟的重要环节 1980年以前,中华鲟在长江里的年平均捕捞量为400尾至 600尾之间,约 25万公斤,崇明奚家港等地有专门船只从事中华鲟捕捞。1981年葛洲坝截流后,把中华鲟产卵洄游群体阻隔在坝下,并导致产卵群体的多极化。据长江水产研究所有关材料显示,1983-1984年调查认为长江中达到产卵群体的中华鲟资源量为2176尾,…  相似文献   

中华鲟(Acipenser sinensis Gray)为国家一级重点保护野生动物,典型的溯河洄游产卵鱼类。历史上,中华鲟在长江上游及金沙江下游产卵,由于葛洲坝修建阻隔了其洄游通道,1981年以后在葛洲坝下形成了比较稳定的产卵场,1982―2013年,每年均有自然繁殖发生。由于其栖息生境退化,每年洄游进入长江的中华鲟繁殖亲本逐年减少,2013―2015年连续3年在已知葛洲坝下中华鲟产卵场未监测到中华鲟自然繁殖活动。2016年11―12月的野外监测发现,中华鲟在宜昌葛洲坝下已知产卵场发生了自然繁殖。其中底层网具采集到中华鲟鱼卵(卵膜)67粒、仔鱼22尾;解剖食卵鱼发现,10尾食卵鱼类共摄食中华鲟卵454粒;水下视频观测到5处中华鲟卵黏附底质位点。根据采集到的鱼卵发育期及采集位点推算,产卵时间为2016年11月24日凌晨,产卵场位于葛洲坝大江电厂以下约300 m的江段内,产卵日水温为19.7℃,流量为6610 m3/s,水位为39.7 m。  相似文献   

长江中游贝氏(鳖)繁殖生物学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2016年4-12月在监利长江何王庙故道采集591尾样本,对长江中游贝氏(鳖)(Hemiculter bleekeri)性比、初次性成熟大小、繁殖季节、产卵类型、产卵群体组成及繁殖力等繁殖生物学指标进行了分析.结果显示:贝氏(鳖)总体雌雄性比1.44:1,与1:1存在极显著性差异;繁殖期间雌雄比2.5:1,非繁殖季节雌雄比为0.91:1.繁殖群体年龄结构为1-3龄,以1龄补充群体为主,属于第Ⅱ类型.初次性成熟体长:SL♀50=8.08 cm, SL♂50=8.47 cm,最小观测性成熟个体分别为:雌性7.5 cm,体重6.65 g, 1龄;雄性8.2 cm,体重8.13 g, 1龄.根据成熟系数变化和性腺发育期观察,推测其繁殖季节为4-6月,可能延至7月份.贝氏(鳖)绝对繁殖力为1703~9601粒/尾,平均为(5876.6 ± 1837.8) 粒/尾,与体重、性腺重均呈线性关系,与体长呈幂函数关系.相对繁殖力(FW)为204.7~406.5粒/g,平均(322.3 ± 49.7) 粒/g,与成熟系数呈幂函数相关;相对繁殖力(FL)为212.0~827.6粒/cm,平均(552.4 ± 136.1) 粒/cm,与体重幂函数相关.  相似文献   

利用人工催产、自然产卵受精技术,对30组蓝鳃太阳鱼(♂)和绿鳃太阳鱼(♀)亲鱼成功地进行人工杂交繁殖试验。在第2次注射催产剂36h后亲鱼开始产卵,4d后产卵结束,共产卵9组,产卵率30%,产卵4.95万粒,受精卵约4万粒,受精率约82.2%。经38~50 h孵化,出苗3.4万尾,孵化率85%。获3 cm苗种2.5万尾,成活率73.5%  相似文献   

2016年4-12月在监利长江何王庙故道采集591尾样本,对长江中游贝氏(Hemiculter bleekeri)性比、初次性成熟大小、繁殖季节、产卵类型、产卵群体组成及繁殖力等繁殖生物学指标进行了分析。结果显示:贝氏总体雌雄性比1.44∶1,与1∶1存在极显著性差异;繁殖期间雌雄比2.5∶1,非繁殖季节雌雄比为0.91∶1。繁殖群体年龄结构为1-3龄,以1龄补充群体为主,属于第Ⅱ类型。初次性成熟体长:SL♀50=8.08 cm,SL♂50=8.47 cm,最小观测性成熟个体分别为:雌性7.5 cm,体重6.65 g,1龄;雄性8.2 cm,体重8.13 g,1龄。根据成熟系数变化和性腺发育期观察,推测其繁殖季节为4-6月,可能延至7月份。贝氏绝对繁殖力为1 703~9 601粒/尾,平均为(5 876.6±1 837.8)粒/尾,与体重、性腺重均呈线性关系,与体长呈幂函数关系。相对繁殖力(FW)为204.7~406.5粒/g,平均(322.3±49.7)粒/g,与成熟系数呈幂函数相关;相对繁殖力(FL)为212.0~827.6粒/cm,平均(552.4±136.1)粒/cm,与体重幂函数相关。  相似文献   

黄渤海蓝点马鲛繁殖群体渔业生物学特征研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
利用2016年4-5月、2017年4月在黄、渤海调查采集的350尾蓝点马鲛(Scomberomorus niphonius)繁殖群体的生物学数据,对该繁殖群体的生物学特征进行了分析研究。结果表明:该繁殖群体的叉长范围为406~1010 mm,体重范围为533~7245 g,年龄组成为1~10龄,其中1龄与2龄个体分别占总数的39.2%与33.7%。采用Von Bertalanffy生长方程表示其生长特性,生长参数分别为L_∞=1246.9mm,K=0.11;雌雄性比为1:1.49,3龄前雄性个体数占优势,3龄后雌性个体数占优势。蓝点马鲛的产卵期在4~6月,产卵盛期为4~5月;其绝对繁殖力范围为9.2~127.5万粒/尾,平均50.5万粒/尾;绝对繁殖力随着年龄、叉长的上升逐渐增大,7龄后出现衰退现象。蓝点马鲛的优势饵料生物为玉筋鱼(Ammodytes personatus)、细鳌虾(Leptochela gracilis)。与历史记录比较,蓝点马鲛低龄化、小型化现象更加突出,摄食结构改变,繁殖期提前,繁殖力水平有减小的趋势。  相似文献   

<正>2018年11月底,位于湖北省襄阳市谷城县庙滩镇的湖北五合特种水产养殖有限公司中华鲟繁育基地成功实现人工养殖子一代中华鲟的人工繁育,获得一批子二代幼苗。这也是该物种首次在鄂西北实现人工繁育。此前,湖北省荆州、宜昌已实现人工繁育中华鲟。农业农村部调查数据显示,长江中华鲟繁殖群体规模已由20世纪70年代1万余尾,减至目前不足100尾。人工增殖放流可使中华鲟的种群数量有所增长,促进中华鲟的有效保护。湖北五合特种水产养殖有限公司中华鲟繁育基地,由中国水产科学院长江水产研究所规划设计,属于中华鲟的  相似文献   

2017年7月~2018年6月,在青海湖的洱海、大湖、黑马河口、泉吉河口、沙柳河口和布哈河口6处采样点,共采集青海湖裸鲤(Gymnocypris przewalskii)繁殖群体样本295尾,对不同繁殖群体的繁殖特性进行比较研究。结果显示,除泉吉河口的性比(♀∶♂)<1(即0.82∶1)外,其余5个繁殖群体雌性个体数量均大于雄性(♀∶♂>1);6个繁殖群体的所有样本中,雌性的生物学最小型大于雄性。其中,雌性群体(布哈河口)的生物学最小型的年龄、全长和体重分别为5龄、157 mm和42.5 g,雄性(沙柳河口)为4龄、124 mm和24.5 g;6个繁殖群体的雌性性成熟系数(GSI)显著高于雄性(P<0.05),沙柳河口雌性GSI(19.67±1.36)%显著高于洱海(10.28±1.36)%和大湖(13.35±1.24)% (P<0.05),而不同繁殖群体雄性GSI间差异不显著(P>0.05);黑马河口平均绝对繁殖力Ft [(3338.18±324.25)粒]和相对繁殖力Fr [(21.88±2.10)粒/g]分别与沙柳河口的Ft [(10699.40±613.91)粒]和Fr [(82.68±4.63)粒/g]存在显著差异(P<0.05)。以上研究结果表明,青海湖裸鲤的繁殖特性在不同群体之间已出现分化趋势或已经分化。本研究可为进一步了解青海湖裸鲤的种群结构以及制定合理的渔业资源管理措施提供基础数据,特别是增殖放流策略的优化。  相似文献   

The spawning ground of the Japanese sardine, Sardinops melanostictus (Schlegel), was distributed over the oceanic waters as well as the coastal waters along the Pacific coasts of western and eastern Japan during 1978–1992. The area of the spawning ground in the coastal waters on the continental shelf has ranged from 95 000 km2 in 1992 to 143 000 km2 in 1988, constituting 44–77% of the total area of the spawning ground. The area of the coastal spawning ground was relatively constant in spite of the large fluctuations in egg abundance, i.e. size of the spawning population, from 88 trillion (1987) to 668 trillion (1989) in the waters. Spawning adults seemed to extend over the coastal waters irrespective of the size of the spawning population. In contrast to the coastal waters, the spawning area in the oceanic waters offshore of the continental shelf increased from 31 000 km2 in 1978 to 183 000 km2 in 1988 and then shrank to 83 000 km2 in 1992, as a function of the spawning population size. The egg distribution density in the coastal waters stayed less than 6000 m−2 mo−1, but it reached as high as 27 400 m−2 mo−1 in the expanded spawning ground in the oceanic waters. The oceanic waters seemed to function as a reserve spawning ground for the sardine in years of extremely high spawning population.  相似文献   

Abstract— The broad-finned galaxias, Galaxias brevipinnis , spawned during high flows in mid autumn. Spawning took place over inundated riparian areas where eggs were laid amongst substrate, mainly in the interstices of cobbles and pebbles. Between subsequent high flows, eggs were out of water for days or weeks, lying up to 7 m from the water's edge. When exposed, eggs and streamside substrate remained damp, shaded by surrounding forest. Hatching would only occur when eggs were inundated by a subsequent flood. In the field, most eggs had hatched within 30 days of the spawning period, but some remained unhatched for up to 60 days. In the laboratory, eggs remained unhatched for up to 57 days under moist conditions but out of water, and up to 120 days when kept in water. However those kept under drier conditions died. It would appear that riparian cover may be important in providing shaded and moist conditions for the survival of eggs in the wild. Evidence of some adult mortality following spawning was noted. Newly hatched larvae were carried to sea during high flows. Predation on eggs by both adult G. brevipinnis and introduced brown trout Salmo trutta Linnaeus was found to occur.  相似文献   

Investigations were conducted on the flathead flouder Hippoglossoides dubius to analyze the environmental conditions around the spawning grounds and the maturational status of spawners in the Sea of Japan off Niigata. In both sexes, larger fish matured earlier than smaller individuals, and participated in breeding from the early part of the spawning season. Males were always the predominant sex found within the spawning ground, likely because males spent longer periods in the spawning grounds than females. This finding further suggests that males matured earlier and maintained sexual activity for longer periods than females within the spawning grounds. Submarine topography and water temperature were concluded to be important factors affecting the formation of the spawning grounds. The spawning ground was located within a restricted area where bathymetric lines curve towards a shallow area. Adult fish usually occur in the Japan Sea Proper Water (<1 °C), but spawners gathered just below the surface mixing layer where water temperature was 5–10°C. Hence, it was thought that the flounder spawn at the upper tolerable water temperature limit (i.e. the shallowest accessible depth) to release their offspring into the surface layer.  相似文献   

Abstract Flow regulation is a major constraint on fish populations in many river systems. Current scientific understanding of the direct and indirect influence of hydrology on salmonids between spawning and emergence is reviewed and used to identify key knowledge gaps. The review emphasises difficulties in linking ecological response to physical process understanding and, conversely, the difficulties in applying detailed process understanding to large‐scale management. It is suggested that the lack of process understanding in the development of current environmental standards reflects differences in perspective, language and scale consideration between researchers and river managers. This presents considerable difficulties for the development of new and more defensible environmental standards. Although upscaling of process understanding should remain a focus for researchers, it is also necessary to acknowledge the ‘uniqueness of place’ and consequently that local data collection may frequently be required.  相似文献   

金乌贼新型产卵附着基的实验研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
2015年6—7月和2016年6—7月在青岛金沙滩水产有限公司室内产卵池中开展了不同材料、不同颜色、不同水深金乌贼(Sepia esculenta)产卵附着基附卵效果对比实验,以及柽柳附卵器对附卵效果的影响实验。实验用产卵附着基为0.33 m×0.33 m×0.33 m的十字形可折叠钢丝框架,上覆黑白2种聚乙烯网衣材料;每个产卵池中金乌贼亲体数量约35只,雌雄比约为1∶1,胴长(139.2±1.1)mm,体重(435.9±8.5)g。同时选用等比例放大的1.0 m×1.0 m×1.0 m钢筋框架与不同颜色网衣制作的十字形可折叠附着基,于2015年6—7月在青岛斋堂岛附近海域(35?36?6?N,119?54?8?E)和杨家洼湾前附近海域(35?36'6?N,119?50'50?E),以及2016年6—7月在青岛薛家岛近海(35?57?24?N,120?16?22?E)和杨家洼湾前附近海域(35?35?45?N,119?50?38?E)开展了海区附卵验证实验。结果表明:室内同一水体环境中柽柳附卵效果最佳,其次是十字形附着基,海参框附卵效果最差;白色十字形附着基的附卵效果显著优于黑色(P0.05);柽柳附卵器对附卵效果有积极影响,加装柽柳附卵器的十字形附着基附卵效果明显提高;产卵池底层摆放的十字形附着基的附卵效果显著优于表层悬挂的十字形附着基(P0.01)。海区附卵验证结果表明:2015年和2016年海区投放的十字形附着基附卵效果良好,最高附卵率分别为82.14%和56.72%;海区投放的黑色和白色十字形附着基的附卵效果差异不显著(P0.05);海底悬挂的十字形附着基的附卵效果显著优于近底层悬挂的十字形附着基(P0.05)。综合分析认为,在金乌贼产卵繁殖季节,选择其重要产卵场和主要增殖放流海区水深15~20 m的缓流区,底层设置十字形可折叠产卵附着基,可有效进行资源增殖与产卵场修复。  相似文献   

Abstract – Fisheries data were collected for six species of 0-group cyprinid fishes from eight sites in the lower reaches of the River Trent, England, between May and October 1999 inclusive, using a micromesh seine net. Recruitment and growth patterns were observed via monthly length–frequency histograms and estimations of mean length. In the cases of roach and dace, growth was approximately linear through the summer, before declining in September and October. In the cases of chub and gudgeon, and to a lesser extent bream and bleak, however, there were suggestions of multiple recruitment events. It is argued that some of the fish species examined in the present study adopt fractional or protracted spawning strategies in the lower River Trent.  相似文献   

12月底从海上网箱挑选14尾1 5龄以上,健康、外表无伤的军曹鱼(Rachycentron cana dum),移至陆地盖有顶棚的大水泥池进行强化培育。经过4个月左右的培养,结果显示,亲鱼在陆地强化培育比在海区网箱提前约7 d成熟并自然产卵。受精卵在室内育苗池进行人工育苗,在海水比重为1. 020±0. 5,pH 8 1~8 4,水温在27. 0、29. 2 ℃时,仔鱼孵出时间分别为26、24 h,孵化率为88 .8%~93 .5%。孵出后的仔鱼在第7~9天为死亡高峰期,第11天左右的仔鱼体色有明显的变化,由棕红色变为黑色。经过1个月的培养,仔鱼的成活率约为9%。  相似文献   

Skipped spawning in female iteroparous fishes   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
It is often assumed that iteroparous fishes spawn annually once reaching sexual maturity, but this is not always the case. This paper reviews available information on skipped spawning in female teleost fishes. All instances of non‐annual spawning are described as one of three types (retaining, reabsorbing, resting), depending on where in the normal spawning cycle development has been interrupted. Retaining ripe eggs is caused by conditions experienced during the spawning season (fish density, mate availability, pollution), whereas failure to start vitellogenesis (resting) or the breakdown of all oocytes that enter into vitellogenesis (reabsorbing) is caused by factors experienced prior to the spawning season (primarily temperature and poor nutrition). It is speculated that the relative shortage of data on non‐annual spawning may be because of difficulties in identifying non‐reproductive individuals. In an attempt to rectify this situation, the criteria needed to identify females undergoing the three forms of spawning omission are presented in terms of external appearance of gonads, gonad indices, and histological analysis. The energy saved by not spawning in a poor year may lead to increased survival and the probability of spawning in subsequent years. As the cumulative number of progeny gained by surviving to spawn in multiple subsequent years outweighs the number of progeny lost by not spawning in a given single year, occasional omission of spawning may constitute an adaptive trait in long‐lived iteroparous fishes.  相似文献   

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