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章守宇  王蕾  汪振华  王凯  林军 《水产学报》2011,35(9):1399-1409
为了解枸杞岛岩礁不同底栖海藻分布的海藻场区域鱼类优势群体组成和分布特征,于2009年2月—2010年2月对枸杞岛海藻场和沙地生境的鱼类进行了逐月采样,对其中的鱼类优势种群组成、生物学特征和摄食规律作了比较。结果表明,以大型底栖海藻铜藻为优势种和以孔石莼等小型底栖海藻为优势种的海藻场鱼类全年优势种皆为褐菖鲉、斑头鱼和黄姑鱼。褐菖鲉群体具有近岸活动频繁、群体低龄和小型化、丰度年间变化大的特点,通过性成熟提前、雌性比例远高于雄性、摄食对象多样化的方式应对生存压力,维持对整个群体的补充。斑头鱼和黄姑鱼群体都具有低龄化现象,群体补充主要受洄游群体影响。3种鱼类因生活习性和摄食对象的不同,表现出个体间的生长差异。同时,由于发育不同阶段的食性转化、体型变化和来自上层捕食者的捕食压力,褐菖鲉和黄姑鱼会随着发育阶段的变化,表现出对不同生境的选择利用。斑头鱼食性较为稳定,其活动区域由主要的摄食对象麦秆虫所主导,主要栖息于海藻场生境。  相似文献   

为探究筏式贻贝养殖生境鱼类资源养护功能,于2020年9-12月对枸杞岛筏式贻贝养殖生境(分表层区和底层区)及周边岩礁生境的鱼类进行了多网目组合刺网采样。应用相对重要性指数IRI、多样性指数并结合等级聚类、非度量多维标度排序(nMDS)分析鱼类组成和群落结构。结果显示,在2种生境中共采集鱼类55 种,隶属于10目34科47属,其中贻贝养殖生境采集到37种(底层和表层分别为29和20种);岩礁生境共采集到40种。在鱼类组成上,中国花鲈和鲻是贻贝养殖生境表层区的典型优势种,而黄姑鱼和褐菖鲉是贻贝养殖生境底层区的典型优势种;褐菖鲉同时也是岩礁生境的典型优势种。多样性分析表明,贻贝养殖生境的总体鱼类多样性要高于岩礁生境,但尚不显著。多元分析显示,各月份2种生境中的鱼类群落格局均可分为3种类型,虽与养殖表层区、养殖底层区和岩礁区并非严格一致,但各群落间差异依然显著。研究表明,大规模筏式养殖设施的存在吸引了众多中上层鱼类及底层鱼类,也为岩礁生境优势鱼类提供了额外的栖息环境,发挥了近似于浮鱼礁系统的资源养护作用。研究结果可为岛礁海域海洋牧场目标种的选择和人工生境构建模式的应用提供重要参考。  相似文献   

本研究于枸杞岛西北部贻贝筏式养殖区海藻生长繁盛时期采集11种大型海藻,并对每种海藻及其藻栖钩虾、麦秆虫生物学参数进行测量分析。结果显示,不同海藻上钩虾种群特征存在显著差异,且不同海藻上麦秆虫种群特征也存在显著差异。其中,钩虾最高种群密度和最大个体均出现在厚网藻上;麦秆虫最高种群密度出现在殖丝藻上,最大个体则出现在缢基蜈蚣藻上。同时,对于生物量较小的海藻,其藻栖钩虾、麦秆虫种群密度均更高,钩虾体型无显著变化,但麦秆虫体型更小;另外,比表面积值更高的海藻,其钩虾种群密度更高,个体也更大,但麦秆虫种群密度和个体均无显著变化。研究表明,贻贝筏式养殖生境中不同种类的海藻在藻栖端足目种群特征形成的过程中扮演的功能角色存在一定差异,而海藻自身多样化的生物特征则可能是该差异形成的内在影响因素。  相似文献   

枸杞岛海藻场大型底栖无脊椎动物摄食类群研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
随着海洋生态学研究的深入和海洋环境监测的需要,一些传统的研究方法如多样性指数等在评价大型底栖生物群落结构变化时显得说服力不足,而摄食功能群的研究越来越受到重视。本实验根据2012年8月对浙江枸杞岛海藻场大型底栖无脊椎动物的调查实验,分析该海域夏季大型底栖无脊椎动物摄食类群的组成、空间及数量分布,并进行相关生态评价。结果表明,枸杞岛海藻场夏季大型底栖无脊椎动物组成以肉食者和滤食者占较大优势,食碎屑者、植食者和食底泥者次之,杂食者最少;肉食者的优势种为布尔小笔螺、寄居蟹、扁平管帽螺、甲虫螺和四齿矶蟹等,滤食者的优势种为条纹隔贻贝、带偏顶蛤、短石蛏和布氏蚶等,植食者的优势种为钩虾、单一丽口螺和锈凹螺等;各摄食类群水平分布较均匀,垂直分布受水深和摄食饵料的限制;基于大型底栖无脊椎动物功能类群的生态参数评价结果表明,枸杞岛海藻场大型底栖无脊椎动物群落健康状态呈虚弱水平,大部分站位大型底栖无脊椎动物群落受到轻度扰动,底栖生态质量状况较好。  相似文献   

海藻场是近岸海洋生态系统的重要组成部分,发挥着海洋生物资源保育,净化海洋水体环境,进行大气二氧化碳碳汇等生态作用。为了恢复这种珍贵的海洋栖息地资源,以及通过研究其自然种群群落特征的分布特点,来指导河北省海藻场修复与重建的相关工作,笔者研究了浙江省枸杞岛海域的底栖海藻群落结构、底栖海藻生物量及其变化规律。在浙江省枸杞岛选择海藻场3个潮间带、潮下带的调查点,在选取100cm×100cm的样方后,估算出覆盖度。潮下带调查是潜水员潜于水下采样,测量海藻场外缘到岸边的距离。同时,我们在海藻场内外取了两处站点的水样,测量海水中营养盐的浓度,包括三氮、活性磷酸盐、活性硅酸盐。调查结果显示,铜藻生物量占到总生物量的93.9%,为优势种。5月份铜藻样本平均长度为80cm,6月份的平均长度为75cm。潮间带区域底栖海藻从4月份开始旺盛生长,在5月份达到最高,6月份气温升高藻体开始腐烂,慢慢进入衰退期。氨氮浓度对于铜藻生长具有重要影响。  相似文献   

桑沟湾不同养殖区大型底栖动物的群落结构特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于2016年9月和11月对我国北方典型筏式养殖海湾—桑沟湾的筏式贝藻养殖区和网箱养殖区的大型底栖动物进行调查,研究了桑沟湾不同养殖区大型底栖动物的种类组成、数量分布、群落结构及生物多样性等群落特征,分析了底栖动物与海洋环境因子的关系,以了解养殖活动对大型底栖动物的影响。结果显示,调查共鉴定出大型底栖动物67种,其中,环节动物多毛类36种,软体动物12种,节肢动物门甲壳类和全足类16种,棘皮动物3种。桑沟湾大型底栖动物的优势种主要为多毛类,贝藻区的绝对优势种为刚鳃虫和长叶索沙蚕,网箱区的绝对优势种为异足索沙蚕和多丝独毛虫。生物量和丰度的特性为9月网箱区11月网箱区9月贝藻区,多样性指数的趋势相反。研究表明,底栖动物群落特征与底质有机碳、总磷、硫化物和氧化还原电位等因素有关,桑沟湾大规模养殖活动对底栖动物群落组成和分布产生了一定的影响。  相似文献   

褐菖鲉幼鱼对贻贝养殖生境的利用规律初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
汪振华  钟佳明  章守宇  王凯  林军  张健  沈慧 《水产学报》2019,43(9):1900-1913
嵊泗海域规模庞大的贻贝养殖生境发挥着养护幼鱼的海洋牧场功能,而探查当地趋礁鱼类在幼体阶段对该生境的利用规律可为当地海洋牧场的设计提供重要参考,为此2018年5—7月对舟山北部枸杞岛贻贝场的褐菖鲉幼鱼、附着生物进行了逐月调查,使用自制网具采集目标生物样品,应用相对密度指数和相关分析法分析了褐菖鲉幼鱼在该生境中的栖息密度、栖息方式和空间分布特征,采用胃含物分析法确定其食性特征,并结合耳石轮纹探究其利用该生境的生长周期。结果显示,褐菖鲉幼鱼的栖息密度时空特征上,5—7月在养殖区贻贝串上的栖息密度分别为(10±6)、(7±5)和(5±5)个/串,时间上呈现逐月递减趋势,随时间的推移养殖区外侧幼体逐渐迁移至内侧近岸区直至消失。栖息方式选择上,褐菖鲉幼鱼栖息数量与贻贝串孔隙大小和附着海藻生物量之间皆呈正相关,但并不显著。饵料利用上,养殖区褐菖鲉幼鱼总体维持较高的摄食强度,各月份平均摄食强度皆高于对照区,主要摄食对象为麦秆虫和钩虾,重量百分比为70.9%和28.3%。栖息周期上,养殖区内褐菖鲉幼鱼耳石平均轮纹数为(57±12)个,其利用养殖贻贝串的周期一般约为2~3月,且该生境中幼鱼耳石纹路间距均匀性和条纹清晰度均明显优于岩礁生境。研究表明,枸杞岛的贻贝养殖生境成为褐菖鲉幼鱼额外的栖息环境,在增殖养护褐菖鲉资源方面发挥了积极作用,因此嵊泗海域在建设海洋牧场时可依据贻贝养殖生境的资源养护原理,通过设置浮体结构强化海洋牧场的饵料场和庇护功能,以提高褐菖鲉种群的补充量,为当地休闲海钓的持续发展提供部分保障。  相似文献   

为了解贝类筏式养殖区的大型海藻种类组成和分布格局及季节变动等群落水平的特征,实验于2018年春季(5月)、夏季(8月)、秋季(11月)和2019年冬季(2月)对枸杞岛贻贝养殖筏架上的附着海藻进行采样和分析。结果显示,全年共采集到49种附着海藻,隶属11目20科33属。在物种数季节变化上,秋季最高(29种),春季最低(20种),平均有23种;平均生物量季节变化上,夏季最高(5 529.40 g/m~2),秋季最低(2 340.45g/m~2),年平均值为(3 455.06±1 480.40) g/m~2;平均物种数和平均生物量在水平分布上均呈现从养殖区内侧至外侧逐渐减少的特点;附着海藻多样性指数(H')最高为秋季(2.30),最低为夏季(1.87),年平均值为2.07±0.18;全年共采集到优势海藻13种,最高是秋季(8种),夏季最低(5种),平均有6种,其中宽角叉珊藻和密毛沙菜是养殖筏架上的全年优势种;优势海藻的生态位宽度最大值与最小值均出现在秋季,分别为密毛沙菜(2.21)和铜藻(0.74);生态位重叠最大值与最小值均出现在秋季,分别是扁江蓠-铜藻(0.86)和带形蜈蚣藻-铜藻(0)。研究表明,大规模筏式养殖的存在,延长了舌状蜈蚣藻、密毛沙菜等红藻的生长期,拓宽了铜藻等褐藻的栖息范围,从而改变了养殖区内大型海藻的群落结构,有利于所在海区维持更高的全年初级生产力水平和海藻碎屑产生量,为海洋牧场建设过程中海藻场的营造提供科学依据。  相似文献   

莱州湾鱼类群落的营养结构及其变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
2011年5月~2012年4月期间对莱州湾进行了9次底拖网调查,对采集的20种鱼类4 854个胃含物样品进行了分析。结果表明,莱州湾鱼类群落包括浮游动物食性、底栖动物食性、鱼食性、杂食性和广食性5种食性类型,其中底栖动物食性鱼类是莱州湾各月份鱼类群落的重要食性类型,钩虾和双壳类等底栖动物饵料在莱州湾生态系统的食物关系中起着关键的作用。秋末和初春的莱州湾鱼类群落以底栖动物食性鱼类为主,食性类型单一;随着水温升高,鱼类群落的食性类型逐渐变得丰富。分析表明,莱州湾海域鱼类群落的营养结构有利于增殖放流品种后期的生长存活,建议跟踪调查增殖放流点周边海域的食物关系和饵料基础,同时结合多学科调查,选择最佳的增殖放流地点和时间,才能切实有效地保证增殖放流的效果。  相似文献   

基于大型底栖动物的桑沟湾不同养殖区底栖生境健康评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了解桑沟湾养殖区大型底栖动物的动态变化以及底栖生境的健康状况,于2019年5-9月采集了中国北方典型养殖海湾桑沟湾不同养殖区(藻类、贝类和网箱养殖区)大型底栖动物样品,分析了不同养殖区大型底栖动物的种类、组成、数量分布、群落结构及生物多样性等群落特征,运用多样性指数、AMBI和M-AMBI指数法评价了不同养殖区底栖生境健康状况的时空变化。调查共鉴定出大型底栖动物56种,其中多毛类31种,甲壳类10种,软体动物9种,棘皮动物4种,其他类2种,大型底栖动物的优势种主要为多毛类,以污染耐受种为主;调查期间,贝类养殖区和网箱养殖区的群落多样性指数H''呈现下降趋势,表明贝类养殖活动和网箱养殖活动已经造成沉积物中有机物颗粒过度积累。ABC曲线显示,7月桑沟湾养殖区开始受到干扰,8月和9月受到中等程度的干扰。AMBI和M-AMBI指数评价显示桑沟湾养殖区域底栖生态系统处于轻度或中度干扰状态,底栖生境健康状况处于高等或者良好的状态。  相似文献   

Abstract– Four quantitative (area-standardized electrofishing, trap nets, small-mesh [1.3 and 2-cm bar mesh] gill nets, large-mesh [2.5 and 5-cm bar mesh] gill nets) and two qualitative (non-standardized electrofishing, dip netting) sampling techniques were concurrently used to capture larval to adult fish in forested wetland habitats on seasonally inundated floodplains of two Alabama (USA) streams. Standardized area electrofishing appeared to be the best sampling technique for collecting and quantifying species because of high catch rate, broad species and size coverage, and rapid sampling. Electrofishing accounted for most fish (47 and 57% of pooled catch), almost all taxa, and a broad range of fish sizes. Large-mesh gill nets captured few fish (2% and 8%), a distinct subset of the species present, and the largest fish. Light traps were the most efficient and taxa-comprehensive sampling technique for larval fish. Light traps captured the vast majority of the pooled larval fish catch, including 6 of 7 families recorded at the sites. Larval fish dip netting captured larval fish of most families known to be present but in low numbers. For surveys of species composition and rapid bioassessments, nonstandardized electrofishing and larval fish dip netting appear adequate. For intensive research studies, the combination of area electrofishing, large-mesh (and in some cases small-mesh) gill nets, and light traps provide thorough and comprehensive data on wetland fish assemblages.  相似文献   

Studies of trait–environment relationships provide important tools for the prediction of the response of biological communities to environmental alterations. The Amazon basin presents enormous potential for the development of research on this type of relationship, given the diversity of both its fish fauna and the aquatic ecosystems this fauna inhabits. The present study investigated the association between local environmental variables and the functional traits of fish in 54 streams of six major Amazonian basins. We identified the relationship between the characteristics of the streams (channel morphology, channel habitat units, riparian vegetation cover, large woody fragments and instream cover for aquatic organisms) and fish traits related to locomotion, habitat use and feeding behaviour. The fish fauna of the broader, deeper and more slowly flowing streams was dominated by nektobenthic species that exploit autochthonous resources such as fish and invertebrates. In narrow, fast‐flowing streams, by contrast, there was a predominance of benthic fishes with varying feeding habits, including periphytivorous and invertivorous species. Narrow, shady streams were inhabited by nektonic species adapted for the exploitation of resources from the marginal vegetation. The results of this study contribute to the understanding of the association between the functional structure of fish assemblages and local environmental variables in Amazonian streams. We hope that these findings will stimulate further research into the natural variation in stream fish assemblages that will ensure the development of more effective management strategies that better protect these important aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

海湾鱼类群落共存机制仍不明确,分析群落物种生态隔离及生境过滤的相对重要性是探讨物种共存模式的重要途径。以湄洲湾鱼类群落为例,根据2012年9月及2013年4月单拖网调查数据,运用零模型对其鱼类共存机制展开研究。结果表明,基于物种出现/不出现的C-score、成对物种棋盘格数目、SES指数的实测值与预测值差异均不显著(P0.05),基于丰度数据的Pianka及Czechanowski生态重叠指数的实测值与预测值之间差异也不显著(P0.05),说明无论是物种还是个体之间均呈随机分布格局,显示湄洲湾鱼类群落是一种受竞争排斥与生境过滤双重影响的群落。研究结果对湄洲湾生态系统生物多样性保护具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Abstract  Five regions in insular Newfoundland Canada, comprising 152 lakes, were studied to identify associations between species composition (presence and absence), geographical location and environmental variables (pH, area, depth, alkalinity, secchi disc depth and shoreline development factor). Correspondence analysis and canonical variate analysis were used to distinguish regional patterns. Five biologically and environmentally distinct areas were identified. The degree of association between biological, environmental and geographical distances were contrasted using Mantel's test. Regional fish community structure was significantly correlated with large-scale geographical distance but not with environmental parameters or small scale distance. It was proposed that large scale processes such as post-glacial dispersion, climate and recent species introductions are important determinates in structuring regional fish assemblages. Differences in individual lake character were important determinates in intraregional variability in fish assemblage type. Sampling strategies for regional modelling and management are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract – Effects of local environmental influences on the structure of fish assemblages were evaluated from 159 sites in two regions of the Great Plains with limited anthropogenic disturbance. These regions offered an opportunity to evaluate the structure and variation of streams and fish assemblages within the Great Plains. We used canonical correspondence analyses to determine the influence of environmental conditions on species abundances, species occurrences and assemblage characteristics. Analysis of regions separately indicated that similar environmental factors structured streams and fish assemblages, despite differences in environmental conditions and species composition between regions. Variance in fish abundance and assemblage characteristics from both regions was best explained by metrics of stream size and associated metrics (width, depth, conductivity and instream cover). Our results provide a framework and reference for conditions and assemblage structure in North American prairie streams.  相似文献   

The seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii (Doty) Doty ex P. C. Silva, a red algal species, is the main global source of Kappa carrageenan. The introduction of such exotic species in regions outside their original locale can change the community structure of the areas into which they are introduced. The possible influence of seaweed farming on the rocky reef fish assemblage was assessed in Paraty, Brazil. The reef fish assemblage in the seaweed farming area was compared before and after the commencement of farming with two undisturbed control areas. Among the ten species ranked as the most frequently occurring in each area, eight were the same. The fish community structure close to the seaweed farming area did not change from that of the control areas, over the months of the study. Neither the fish diversity and richness indices, nor the total average abundance among areas was significantly altered. The average abundance of the different trophic groups varied over time in both the farm and control areas, revealing similar patterns. These results suggest that K. alvarezii can be cultivated up to at least 50 m from a rocky coast without altering the fish community structure of the surrounding waters.  相似文献   

Temporal variations in the environment may function as disturbances that affect population processes and change the structure and composition trajectories of communities. The presence of refuges may buffer such variations and also support the recovery of communities after disturbances. In this study, we tested the effect of temporary pools as seasonal refuges for the ichthyofauna in upland forest streams in the Brazilian Amazon. We sampled environmental characteristics and fish in five occasions over one seasonal cycle in eight stream stretches and their adjacent temporary pools in Reserva Ducke, Manaus. We recorded 27 fish species, 13 of which occurred in both habitats and represented 81% of the total fish abundance in the stream–pool system (3695 records of fish, 54% made in pools). During rainy periods, fish abundance in pools was higher than in the channels. Total number of records varied inversely among habitats over time with a reduction in the pools and an increase in the channels as the pools gradually desiccated. The number of species exhibited a similar pattern. When data from pools and channels were pooled, representing the entire flood zone, fluctuations in all the measured variables along the time were smoothed. The variability in fish assemblage composition was associated with variability in the volume of water in the entire system. These results indicate that temporary pools are an important habitat component of upland forest streams, providing resources and spatial refuges for the fish during rainy periods, and regulating the stability of these communities.  相似文献   

Abstract The effect of agriculture on fish assemblages was assessed using electric fishing data from 108 sites on 27 medium‐sized rivers running through organic soils in central and northern Finland. The intensity of agriculture was quantified as the percentage of the catchment area used for agriculture (range 0–31%). High correlations (r2 = 0.68–0.86) were found between the intensity of agriculture and water quality parameters, especially total phosphorus, suspended solids and chemical oxygen demand. Densities of bullhead, Cottus gobio L., alpine bullhead, Cottus poecilopus Heckel, minnow, Phoxinus phoxinus (L.) and brown trout, Salmo trutta L., declined with increasing intensity of agriculture. Conversely, density of perch, Perca fluviatilis L., and roach, Rutilus rutilus (L.), increased with intensity of agriculture. A fish‐based index developed for the evaluation of the ecological integrity of rivers correlated negatively with the intensity of agriculture.  相似文献   

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