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患“白体病”罗氏沼虾腹部肌肉病变的超微结构   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
取患“白体病”罗氏沼虾 (Macrobrachiumrosenbergii)腹部的病变组织及其鳃、心肌、肝胰腺、生殖腺等器官和组织 ,经光镜和电镜制样观察 ,未发现病原体 ,表明该病为非病原体引起的疾病。光镜下的病变组织结构与正常组织相比无明显异常。但在电镜下 ,病变主要表现为肌肉细胞的线粒体和肌质网的变性、坏死。线粒体肿胀、空泡化 ,肌质网增多且形成许多内陷小泡 ,表明细胞处于缺氧和钙代谢紊乱状态 ,这可能与虾生存的环境和养殖条件有关。根据超微病理与组织学观察结果 ,认为“罗氏沼虾白体病”更确切的命名应为“罗氏沼虾肌肉细胞线粒体坏死症”  相似文献   

颜超群 《淡水渔业》2000,30(1):40-40
近几年来 ,内陆省份的罗氏沼虾养殖业发展迅猛 ,各地养虾产量也不断上升 ,养虾效益很高。但许多生产户还不了解虾病的病症及防治方法 ,对生产造成较大损失。对此 ,笔者据我公司近 6年的养虾实际经验 ,将几种典型常发虾病防治方法总结如下 :1 甲壳溃疡病[病症 ]病虾体表甲壳有斑点状黑褐色的溃疡 ,溃疡的中部凹陷 ,边缘呈白色 ,褐斑大小不定 ,在虾体的各个部位都可发生 ,在头胸甲和腹部前三节的背面发生较多 ,有时触角、尾扇和其他附肢也有褐斑和烂断 ,在断痕处也呈褐斑 ,严重影响虾的生长蜕壳。[病因 ]虾体在运输过程中碰伤 ,水质不好 ,营…  相似文献   

3.虾微孢子虫病【症状】病虾肌肉松弛,呈乳白色、不透明;鳃、皮下、卵巢、心、肝胰脏、中肠等部位变白,并出现瘤状白色肿块,如侵害生殖腺,则在背部中线有不透明的白色区。常将患病的虾称为牛奶虾、棉花虾。【流行及危害】该病对幼体和成体均可造成感染。发病季节在6~9月,虾的死亡率可高达90%以上。【诊断】根据虾体发白的症状可作初步判断;病变组织制成压片,镜检时若见到孢子结构即可确诊。【防治方法】①采取综合性防疫措施进行预防,对于混养池,发现病虾要彻底捞出并销毁,还要对同池混养的其它品种进行消毒处理;②用0.15~0.2克/千克体重…  相似文献   

罗氏沼虾肌肉白浊病的病原和组织病理   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
对患肌肉白浊病的罗氏沼虾进行细菌分离、寄生虫检查、组织病理观察以及虾池的水质分析和疾病的流行病学调查,排除了细菌、寄生虫以及水质环境因素造成该病的可能性,并发现病症多发生在体长0 8~3cm的幼虾中,而体长3cm以上的虾病症明显减轻。病虾的显微和亚显微组织病理观察发现,病虾腹部白浊的肌肉组织肌纤维肌浆内存在嗜碱性包涵体,肝胰腺、血细胞、心脏和鳃组织细胞胞浆内也有嗜碱性包涵体出现,包涵体内有大量以晶格状排列、无囊膜的二十面体球状病毒颗粒,直径为(23.6±3.8)nm(n=40)。在包涵体外的胞浆内,尤其在白浊肌肉组织肌纤维肌浆内也分布有大量病毒。心脏和鳃组织出现不同程度的变性,肌肉组织、肝胰腺、血细胞除变性外还出现坏死;肌肉组织病变尤为严重,肌肉白浊症状是肌肉组织变性、坏死的结果。将病虾白浊肌肉组织以口服方式感染健康虾,健康虾出现与自然发病虾一样的症状,发病率和死亡率亦与自然感染病虾相近,表明上述二十面体球状病毒是罗氏沼虾肌肉白浊病的病原。  相似文献   

<正> 虾病的流行,已成为养虾业稳定发展的制约因素之一。 1 虾病流行情况本省人工养殖对虾发病始见于1985年。当时在黄骅、海兴等地的人工育苗过程中,发生了聚缩虫病和气泡病,严重地影响了幼体的变态发育,甚至导致大批死亡。随后,每年均发现不同程度的各类虾病。特别是近几年来,由于养殖面积逐渐扩大,放养密度不断增加,近海水域污染日益严重,虾池老化,因而虾病的发生机率、流行面积和虾病种类,一直呈增长趋势。同时,发病季节越来越早,危害程度愈来愈大。目前全省已发现生物性  相似文献   

罗氏沼虾肌肉白浊病对苗种的危害要大于成虾,而且治疗难度较大,因此首先应从预防着手。一、具体措施与方法1.亲虾选择:最可靠的方法是选择自繁的无病虾苗进行养殖,并在年底回收用作亲虾。其次是选购疫区外的成虾用作亲虾,以确保生产出健康的虾苗。如果亲虾的体色偏淡,甲壳内的肌肉呈混浊状,尾扇具明显的白色条纹,则表明亲虾已被感染,在该群体中那怕只有少数个体具有上述症状,那么这批亲虾必须予以淘汰,如果心存侥幸,认为剔除病虾或进行消毒处理即可治愈,那么所育成的虾苗将很难保证不发生肌肉白浊病。2.消毒、预防措施:亲…  相似文献   

虾病及虾病防治技术的研究现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,随着我国对虾养殖业的迅速发展,在养殖环境的保护、病害防治和科学养虾方面跟不上生产发展的需要,养虾的残饵,加上对虾本身的排泄物,致使虾池底部沉积大量有机物质,这些有机物腐烂分解使底质变黑发臭,滋生各种细菌,而后又污染水体,导致虾病频发。连续几年出现了前所未有的大面积暴发性虾病,已成为困扰养虾业的一大问题。尽管学者对虾病及虾病防治的紧迫问题积极开展研究,但尚未取得明显成效,而处于探索研究阶段。  相似文献   

罗氏沼虾白体病亦称白斑病、白浊病、白尾病,是一种对罗氏沼虾养殖特别是育苗期间能造成毁灭性危害的病害,2001年上半年在江苏、浙江、上海等罗氏沼虾育苗场广为流行,其发病率达到80%以上,造成经济损失达亿元以上。据我们初步研究,其主要病原是病毒性的,病毒感染后的虾苗由于细菌继发性感染而造成大批死亡,甚至全场覆灭。我们认为2001年上半年之所以江浙沪三省罗氏沼虾育苗场白体病大流行主要是亲虾带病原。我们从2000年起对罗氏沼虾白体病的防治方法进行初步研究,并在江苏、浙江、上海、广西、广东等地罗氏沼虾虾苗…  相似文献   

关于虾病防治与养虾业发展前景的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对虾养殖是当前国内外海水养殖业的支柱产业。1983年全国范围内暴发性虾病流行,1994年虾病重蹈复辙,损失惨重。引起养虾专家们高度重视。作者结合工作实际,就虾病防治与养虾业发展前景作一初步的探讨。  相似文献   

钱冬 《渔业现代化》2003,(2):25-25,16
罗氏沼虾肌肉白浊病是近年来新出现的疾病 ,有的地方又称白体病、白尾病等。主要危害罗氏沼虾苗种 ,发生于虾苗淡化后至放养到池塘 3~ 5周内。病虾表现为肌肉出现白斑或呈白浊状 ,可在较短时间内大量死亡 ,特别是高密度育苗池内 ,死亡率高达 40 %~ 90 %。该病最早于 1 996年前后出现在广东、广西一带 ,以后迅速传播到江苏、浙江等地。 2 0 0 1年起 ,该病在各主要罗氏沼虾苗种场广泛流行 ,2 0 0 2年更是呈蔓延趋势 ,成为罗氏沼虾养殖业的主要威胁。1 罗氏沼虾肌肉白浊病的诊断由于该病近几年刚刚在我国流行 ,病原的研究虽已取得一定进展 ,…  相似文献   

Diseases which cause skeletal muscle myopathy are some of the most economically damaging diseases in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., aquaculture. Despite this, there are limited means of assessing fish health non‐destructively. Previous investigation of the serum proteome of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., during pancreas disease (PD) has identified proteins in serum that have potential as biomarkers of the disease. Amongst these proteins, the enzyme enolase was selected as the most viable for use as a biomarker of muscle myopathy associated with PD. Western blot and immunoassay (ELISA) validated enolase as a biomarker for PD, whilst immunohistochemistry identified white muscle as the source of enolase. Enolase was shown to be a specific marker for white muscle myopathy in salmon, rising in serum concentration significantly correlating with pathological damage to the tissue.  相似文献   

为了探讨草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idella)不同部位肌肉品质的差异,本研究选取体质量为(1 026.10±145.55)g的草鱼,检测了背部、腹上部、腹底部和尾部肌肉的营养成分、肌纤维组织结构特性以及脂肪代谢相关基因的表达。结果表明,草鱼腹底部肌肉的粗脂肪含量显著高于背部、腹上部和尾部肌肉,而水分含量则显著降低;背部肌肉粗蛋白含量显著高于腹上部、腹底部和尾部肌肉。腹上部肌肉的肌纤维直径显著高于背部、腹底部和尾部肌肉,但其肌纤维密度则显著降低,而最高的肌纤维密度出现在腹底部肌肉;草鱼背部和尾部肌肉肌纤维密度无显著差异。草鱼腹底部肌肉的脂蛋白脂肪酶基因mRNA表达量显著高于草鱼背部、腹上部和尾部肌肉。脂肪酸合成酶和乙酰辅酶A羧化酶α的mRNA表达量在草鱼背部、腹上部、腹底部和尾部肌肉之间无显著差异。研究表明,草鱼不同部位的肌肉营养特性存在显著性差异,肌肉脂肪含量与肌纤维直径呈负相关,与脂蛋白脂肪酶基因的表达量呈正相关。  相似文献   

梭子蟹酵母菌人工感染实验和组织病理学初步研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
近年,浙江省舟山市暂养梭子蟹(Portunus trituberculatus)连续暴发“乳化病”,发病蟹均分离到一种酵母菌。本实验以该株酵母菌通过肌肉注射方式,对三疣梭子蟹、红星棱子蟹、日本鲟3个品种的健康蟹进行了人工感染实验,以验证其致病性。结果发现,该菌株能感染试验蟹类,并出现与自然发病蟹类似的症状。从感染蟹的体液、肝胰腺、心脏等部位分离到了酵母菌,但未分离到细菌,也未发现寄生虫。酵母菌在病蟹的肝胰腺、鳃、心脏中大量侵袭,并引起这些组织发生以坏死为主的变质性病变,其病理特征主要表现为:细胞肿胀、变性、坏死,某些细胞的细胞核固缩、碎裂或崩解。初步确认该酵母菌是引发梭子蟹“乳化病”的病原。  相似文献   

The concentration of malondialdehyde (MDA), a marker of lipid peroxidation changes, was measured in the muscles of male and female common tench (Tinca tinca L.). Differences in MDA concentrations were determined in samples in cranio-caudal and dorso-ventral directions and in surface and deep muscle layers. Mean MDA concentration in both sexes (n=27) was 0.037 mol g-1 tissue (wet weight), with the highest levels in the cranial segment. The difference between the cranial and other segments was significant (p < 0.05 in males andp < 0.01 in females). HigherMDAvalues were found in the cranial segment (malesp < 0.05, femalesp < 0.01), in females in ventral part of the cranio-medial segment, in males in the ventral part of the medio-caudal and dorsal parts of the caudal segment (p < 0.05). Both sexes had higher MDA levels in the ventral parts of the first three segments and in the dorsal part of the caudal segment. The results show lipid peroxidation products that may constitute a potential risk for consumers. We found that the content of these substances in tench varies with body topography. The malondialdehyde content of fresh muscle tissue in tench correlated with its content on a fat weight basis. The highest correlation was found for the dorsal part of segments in females (r = 0.9964), the lowest for ventral parts of segments in males. Quantitative distribution of MDA in body segments of the examined tench population was used as a criterion for creating types and subtypes of lipid peroxidation. Samples for hygienic analysis should include musculature from the site least stable in terms of lipid peroxidation, i.e. the cranial segment.  相似文献   

Abstract. The structural changes which occur in the heart, the lateral muscle and the large intestine during the development of cold water vibriosis in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., have been studied by light and electron microscopy. The results strongly suggest a causative relationship between the presence of the fish pathogen, Vibrio salmonicida , and the observed pathological changes. Cell damage was invariably accompanied by the presence of the bacterium. A close relationship was found between the number of bacteria detected in the tissues and the degree of morphological damage. The most severe cell damage was found in areas with a rich blood supply. The earliest sign of damage was detected in the cell coat and cell membrane on the luminal side of the endothelial cells of the capillaries. Later in the development, the bacteria were also found intracellularly in endothelial cells. In moribund fish, the cells in the vicinity of the capillaries were also severely damaged. Bacteria appeared intracellularly in leucocytes even in early stages of the disease. This caused more severe damage to leucocytes compared to erythrocytes, which seldom contained bacteria.  相似文献   

Channel catfish Zctalurus punetatus were fasted for 20, 40, 60, and 80 d. Proximate and fatty acid composition of liver, abdominal fat, muscle, and viscera were determined. Percentage moisture, protein, and lipid of viscera showed little change during the period of fasting. Percentage protein in muscle decreased ( P < 0.05) after 20 d of fasting from time 0 (control), while percentage lipid increased ( P < 0.05). Fish fasted for 0, 40, 60, and 80 d were not different ( P > 0.05). In the liver, percentage lipid was higher in fish that were not fasted (0 d) than in fish fasted 20, 40, 60, and 80 d ( P < 0.05). while percentage moisture was lower in control fish compared to all other treatments ( P < 0.05). Fatty acid composition of muscle and liver indicated that docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), 22:6(n-3), was conserved in these tissues during fasting, while oleic acid, 18:1(n-9), concentration decreased during fasting. Fatty acid composition of abdominal fat indicated that a high percentage (>50%) of the total lipid was composed of oleic acid and there was little change in levels of individual fatty acids in abdominal fat during 80 d of fasting.  相似文献   

养殖河蟹“抖抖病”的病原检验与病理学初步研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
对采自中华绒螯蟹养殖主产区的患“抖肢”症病蟹的病理、病原和流行病学研究表明,病蟹的肝胰腺组织脂肪变性、水样变性至空泡化,乃至组织坏死,并有大量颗粒细胞浸润;鳃组织坏死、水肿,棒状化。临床表现为肝性水肿、肝脓肿与糜烂症状;鳃颜色异常,鳃丝溃烂;胸肢抽搐、颤抖与痉挛。流行病调查结果表明,疾病发生与养殖密度、管理强度成正相关,而与养殖品种、水源和地域无关。该病可基本排除细菌、寄生虫等病原生物的致病性。  相似文献   

对我国虹彩病毒感染的大菱鲆Scophthalmus maximus进行的组织病理和超微病理学研究发现,该病典型的病理学特点是在病鱼的脾脏、肾脏、肠、肝脏、鳃、心脏和皮肤等器官组织内出现嗜碱性的肿大细胞。病毒感染导致患病大菱鲆多个器官组织发生了不同程度的病理变化,其中以脾脏组织的病理变化最为显著,表现为造血组织的严重坏死。此外,肾脏造血组织发生坏死、肠固有膜和黏膜下层出血和水肿、肝细胞水样变性、心肌局灶性坏死以及皮肤真皮层出血并伴有水肿和炎性渗出也是该病常见的组织病理学变化。超微病理研究表明,肿大细胞内有虹彩病毒粒子存在。病毒分布于受感染细胞的胞质、组织间隙以及血管腔内。受感染细胞出现线粒体和内质网等细胞器肿胀、崩解等细胞病理变化。研究认为,病毒感染造成皮下组织血管损伤出血,是虹彩病毒感染的大菱鲆发生"红体病"的原因所在。虹彩病毒感染所致的机体严重贫血是患病大菱鲆死亡的主要原因,而主要器官组织的病变使得病鱼器官功能衰竭则可加速鱼的死亡。  相似文献   


The collagen distribution in cultured specimens of amberjack and yellowtail were assessed by histochemical observation in relation to the meat texture of the fish. Major structural alteration was observed in the level of pericellular connective tissue of yellowtail that had higher muscle lipid content; these changes are likely to be associated with the large-scale changes in muscle firmness resulting from the weakening of the cellular binding force. However, lipid deposition was limited to the myocommata in amberjack muscle; lipid deposition was not observed in the pericellular connective tissue, which is the likely reason why amberjack maintained firmer meat texture.  相似文献   

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