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双斑东方鲀全人工繁殖试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张胜利 《海洋渔业》2004,26(2):122-125
对野生双斑东方鲀(Takifugu bimaculatus)人工繁殖的子一代进行人工培育,雌鱼须经三年性腺成熟,成熟系数为17.55%,雄鱼性腺成熟为两年。产卵前一个月,雌亲鱼经强化培育、催熟后,成熟系数可达到25.00%。对7组亲鱼注射LRH-A_2激素,共获鱼苗1.2048×10~6尾,其中全人工繁殖鱼苗9.592×10~5尾,对照组获鱼苗2.456×10~5尾。并就双斑东方鲀性成熟年龄等进行讨论。  相似文献   

赵鑫  黄凯  谢瑞涛  张盛  林岗 《水产养殖》2010,31(1):13-17
对江黄颡鱼人工繁殖和育苗进行了试验。以PG(鲤鱼脑垂体激素)、HCG(绒毛膜促性腺激素)等催产药物进行混合催产,水温24~26℃,效应时间为20~24h,产卵率为90%以上。采用等渗液稀释磨碎的精巢进行人工授精,用塑料网片着卵板粘卵,在孵化池内孵化,平均孵化率为87%。研究结果表明:江黄颡鱼在广西的适宜催产季节为4月中旬至6月底,工厂化育苗的饵料可用丰年虫和适口虾料来解决。  相似文献   

许氏平鲉的生物学特征及其人工养殖   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文综述了许氏平鲉的生态特征,摄食与生长、繁殖习性等生物学特征。介绍了亲鱼选择、人工培育及病害防治技术。  相似文献   

Abstract. The milkfish, Chanos chanos Forsskal, industry in the Philippines suffers from a limited supply of wild fry. The demand for milkfish fry has spurred research in artificial propagation to supplement the natural seed supply. Spontaneous maturation and spawning of milkfish beginning at 5 years of rearing in floating net cages or concrete tanks coupled with improved egg collection technique have increased daily egg collection to a maximum of 3 million eggs and provided adequate volumes of eggs for mass fry production. Annual egg collection and number of spawnings were markedly higher in cage-reared stocks older than 9 years old than stocks less than 9 years old. Egg collection of tank-reared stocks were comparable to those collected in cages. As feed constitutes a major portion of the operating expenses for establishing and maintaining milkfish broodstock, further studies must be geared towards defining optimum dietary requirements and ration size for gonadal maturation and spawning. Also environmental manipulation studies must be conducted for year-round spawning. Developments in these areas should ensure the production of maximum numbers of high quality eggs and fry year-round.  相似文献   

鳗鲡繁殖生物学研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
鳗鲡是优质养殖鱼类,但鳗鲡苗种完全依靠天然捕捞。近年来鳗鲡苗种的短缺限制了鳗鲡养殖业的进一步发展,开展鳗鲡人工繁殖技术研究势在必行。文章从鳗鲡的催熟与催产、产后鳗鲡的某些繁殖生物学以及鳗鲡胚胎和仔鱼发育等方面简要回顾了鳗鲡繁殖生物学的研究概况,并着重介绍了日本的最新研究进展,日本已将人工苗培育至20多厘米的成鱼,实现了实验室内鳗鲡由卵到成鱼的全人工养殖。文章最后指出人工育苗中存在的问题,并提出今后应从内因和外因两方面研究,才能真正实现鳗鲡苗种规模化生产。  相似文献   

通过对细角滨对虾的人工繁育试验,总结其人工繁殖和幼体培育技术;阐述了亲虾培育、暂养促熟,育苗水质管理及生产中的操作方法;讨论了细角滨对虾的繁殖特点,水环境与亲虾繁殖的关系,实行生态育苗的必要性等。  相似文献   

2008年4月16-28日在浙江湖州地区进行了花于水温15℃条件下的人工催产生产性试验。用常规催产剂和方法,催产花亲鱼540尾,其中雌亲鱼355尾、雄亲鱼185尾。试验结果表明:排卵率为91.5%,催产效应时间为29.5 h,群体排卵时间为2.5 h;受精率为98.7%;孵化鱼苗(下塘鱼苗)380万尾。与常规生产水温17~18℃以上催产情况比较,在水温15℃条件下,花也完全可以进行人工催产;除效应时间和孵化时间延长及卵膜难以溶解外,其排卵率、受精率、群体排卵时间和孵化率等均无明显差异。  相似文献   

口虾蛄的繁殖行为   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过口虾蛄的室内人工繁殖试验,观察了口虾蛄亲虾的繁殖习性,包括亲虾的产卵和其护卵行为,并观察了其受精卵的孵化和幼体的出膜过程,初步探讨了口虾蛄有关苗种技术。  相似文献   

斑尾复鰕虎鱼的成熟与产卵   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
斑尾复鰕虎鱼卵巢发育分为Ⅵ期,在繁殖季节产两次卵,属多次产卵类型。产卵期从2月开始,延续到5月,3月和4月为盛产期。在卵巢第一次成熟时进行人工繁殖,成功的可能性较大。  相似文献   

采用网箱养殖四年的红鳍东方鲀经过颗粒状的促黄体生成激素释放素(LH-RH)的植埋,促使性腺成熟,再通过注射绒毛膜促性腺激素(HCG)与大麻哈鱼脑垂体混合液诱导排卵,采卵后进行人工授精,得到红鳍东方鲀受精卵,孵化后得到红鳍东方鲀仔鱼。  相似文献   

长江斑鳜(Siniperca scherzeri Steindachner)的催产和受精卵孵化受天气、温度和水温影响较大。长江斑鳜的种质资源锐减,本研究有利于保护长江斑鳜的种质资源,人工繁殖采用人工催产、自然受精和人工孵化的方法。选择团头鲂幼苗为长江斑鳜幼苗的开口饵料,随后以鲤和团头鲂的夏花为主要饵料鱼,辅以从江河中捕获的野杂鱼夏花。在不同水温条件下,效应时间和受精率明显不同。当水温在(20±2)℃时,效应时间约为32h,受精率大于80%;水温低于18℃时,效应时间明显延长,受精率也较低;水温20~24℃  相似文献   

Culture of Ruditapes decussatus is clearly limited by the availability of seed, as this production proceeds almost exclusively from natural recruitment. Artificial spawning and larval rearing programs could provide an alternative source of spat. This study was designed to evaluate the effect of different conditioning temperatures on the broodstock maturation, spawning success and larval viability of two geographically (north and south of the Iberian Peninsula) distinct populations of European clam (R. decussatus) collected at different periods of the year in order to create “optimal” artificial spawning and larval rearing programs. Two batches of clams from each population were collected in October and February, and conditioned at 18 ± 1°C, 20 ± 1°C and 22 ± 1°C. Of the three variables analysed the timing of broodstock collection was the most determining factor for gametogenic development, spawning and larval rearing. Geographic origin and conditioning temperature also greatly affected the spawning. The results also showed that the February conditioning was more effective than October and that the best conditioning temperatures were 20 ± 1°C and 22 ± 1°C for the northern and southern populations, respectively. These results suggest that the efficient conditioning temperature for each population of the same species is related to the seasonal temperature regime from their geographic origin. Larval viability and growth performance seemed to be independent of the broodstock conditioning.  相似文献   

尤颖哲 《福建水产》2016,(6):481-485
在人工育苗的过程中,对亲贝进行促熟培育获得高质量受精卵是开展规模化育苗的关键。波纹巴非蛤(Paphia undulata)亲贝存在性成熟同步率低、产卵不集中的问题,研究对波纹巴非蛤亲贝分别进行室内水泥池和室外土池人工暂养促熟培育,经5、10、15、20 d的暂养促熟培育后,采用阴干、流水刺激的方法诱导产卵,比较不同的暂养促熟方法和促熟培育时间对亲贝的性腺发育及催产效果的影响。结果表明:用室外土池人工促熟法,波纹巴非蛤亲贝性腺发育的成熟情况比室内水泥池促熟法好、死亡率低;且经室外土池人工促熟培育10 d,亲贝的性腺发育情况及催产效果最佳。  相似文献   

塘鳢是淡水小型经济鱼类,江浙沪一带将其视为名菜,为发展特种小水产品,作者于1992~1995年进行了塘鳢养殖试验工作,取得了人工繁殖,苗种培育及成鱼饲养的成套经验,人工繁殖和苗种培育在20m^2的网箱中进行,鱼孵化率和苗种(夏花)成活率分别达到59.71%和71.03%,成鱼饲养采取池塘混养方式,在267m^2的池塘中经170天养成尾重20g以上的商品鱼18.25kg,成鱼饲养成活率为64.5%  相似文献   

The eel has long been esteemed as an important food fish in the world, especially in Japan, and has been used as an experimental fish for many fields of fish physiology. However, the decreases in eel resources have been a serious concern in recent years. The catches of glass eels as seedlings for aquaculture have shown a long-term decrease in both Europe and East Asia. To increase eel resources, the development of techniques for artificial induction of maturation and spawning and rearing their larvae have been eagerly desired. Recent progress of reproductive physiology of fish, especially mechanisms of oocyte maturation and ovulation in female and of spermatozoa maturation in male, facilitate to establish techniques for hormonal induction of maturation and spawning in sexually immature eels. With persistent effort to development of rearing techniques of larvae, we have first succeeded to produce glass eel. These applied techniques are may contribute to understand the basic reproductive physiology of the eel.  相似文献   

黄颡鱼良种规模化繁殖技术   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对黄颡鱼良种亲本的选育,采用人工催产,自然受精和人工授精方式,水泥池静水孵化与孵化缸流水孵化等环节开展试验。获得了质量好、性状稳定的优质黄颡鱼鱼苗。提高了黄颡鱼苗种质量和人工繁殖效率,实现了优质苗种的规模化生产。  相似文献   

The selective and environmental effects of captivity on several fitness‐correlated traits were assessed in smolts of endangered Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., from the inner Bay of Fundy, produced via artificial spawning and released into the wild as juveniles. Smolts were sampled as they migrated downstream and identified through microsatellite‐based parentage analysis as offspring of either wild‐spawning adults or adults that were spawned in captivity. Overall, captive‐origin smolts exhibited a significantly later run timing and smaller body size than wild smolts. Significant differences in run timing and body size were also found between captive‐origin smolts that had experienced rearing environments that differed in duration of captivity and thermal regime. Significant differences in run timing, fork length and weight were found between first and second generation captive‐origin smolts, although the expression of these differences depended on the rearing environment experienced, suggesting a possible genotype by environment effect. The ratio of effective‐to‐census number of breeders that produced the captive‐origin smolts was higher than that of the wild‐origin smolts due to successful captive breeding management practices. These results have direct implications for captive breeding and rearing programmes for salmonids and wider implications for understanding the rates of evolutionary and environmentally induced change that can occur in captivity.  相似文献   

The white seabream, Mylio berda, was induced to spawn spontaneously by hormone injections of synahorin or human chorionic gonadotropin for over 3 months between December and April in Hong Kong. Fertilized eggs were also obtained during the peak spawning period between February and March through natural spawning or artificial insemination. The hatched larvae were reared in 500-1 circular tanks and fed initially on rotifers, Brachionus sp., followed by brine shrimp nauplii or copepod nauplii and finally weaned onto fish meat. Larval rearing trials for growth and survival to 60 days produced larvae of average length, 26.2 mm, at survival rates ranging from 1.32 to 11.62%.  相似文献   

六线鱼人工育苗技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
使用从海区采集和人工催产获得的六线鱼卵块1091g,孵化仔鱼11万尾,平均孵化率为56%,仔鱼经45~60天培育,育成全长2.5~4.0cm,鱼种1.83万尾,平均成活率24.4%,专家验收认为,育苗量,苗种规格及生长速度均处国内领先水平,对卵块收集,人工孵化,苗种生长,饵料系列,育苗病害,饵料生物培育等问题进行了研讨。  相似文献   

2011-2013年,利用野生和经人工驯养的野生斑鳜( Siniperca scherzeri )亲鱼进行人工繁殖试验。结果表明:采用地欧酮( DOM)和促黄体素释放激素类似物( LHRH -A3)组成的混合药物催产,在17.8-25.4℃水温条件下,斑鳜亲鱼群体的效应时间为24-46.5 h,存在产卵高峰期,产卵持续时间一般长达1-1.5 d。自然产卵高峰期的受精率较高,最高可达80%以上,早期和晚期的较低;而孵化率差异不大,最高可达86.7%。人工授精的受精率可达91.3%,孵化率可达89.3%。未经人工驯养的野生斑鳜亲鱼人工催产的受精率、孵化率都明显低于经人工驯养的。  相似文献   

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