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牙鲆(Paralichthys olivacues)为底栖无鳔鱼类,是中国北方重要的海水经济鱼种。本研究通过自主构建的鱼类听觉测量系统,使用心电图法(electrocardiogram,ECG)分别以声刺激频率为60 Hz、100 Hz、150 Hz、200 Hz、300 Hz、400 Hz、500 Hz、700 Hz的正弦波纯音,对20尾牙鲆的听觉阈值进行测定,并绘制出牙鲆的听觉阈值曲线,研究了牙鲆的听觉特性。结果表明,20尾牙鲆均记录到声刺激诱发心率信号,牙鲆对60~200 Hz的低频音较敏感;最敏感频率为100 Hz,其听觉阈值为(94±1.5)d B。本研究可以帮助了解牙鲆的听觉特性,一方面可为鱼类听觉特性的基础研究提供参考,另一方面为今后我国牙鲆的增养殖工作,以及海洋牧场建设提供数据支撑。  相似文献   

声音在鱼类声通讯交流、定向、觅食和方法等行为中起到关键作用。综述了鱼类听觉特性的研究进展,介绍了鱼类听觉研究的主要研究方法、内容和目的。并结合近年的研究动态,分析了鱼类听觉研究在海上环境噪声评价、音响驯化型海洋牧场、新渔具渔法开发、和鱼类健康养殖等方面的应用前景,旨在为我国今后鱼类听觉研究及其在渔业中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

杨吝 《水产科技》1995,(2):45-46
任何商业捕捞业的第一需要就是渔民能始终捕获一定数量的商品鱼。为了做到这一点,渔民或者寻找鱼类大量生息之场所,或者使用一些方法将原来分散在广阔水域的大量鱼类诱集到一个场所。这两种技术(即寻鱼和诱鱼)成为渔民们在某一特定的自然环境中从事渔业时必须发展的首要技术。为捕捞每种鱼而开发的各种寻鱼技术和诱鱼技术也是测定所使用的渔具渔法性能的要素。因此,可以说,  相似文献   

介绍了亲鱼、鱼种、成鱼的主要越冬技术,阐述了鱼类的越冬机制和主要的越冬方法,并对几种特种鱼类的越冬技术进行了简单介绍。  相似文献   

鱼类保活运输技术研究现状及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
安全高效的保活运输是保持鱼类鲜度的有效方式,既能满足消费者的需求,又可以提高企业的经济效益。介绍了有水运输和无水运输两种鱼类保活运输的技术方法,并对两种方法的优劣点进行了比较;阐述了鱼体体质、温度、水质(pH、溶氧、氨氮和代谢废物浓度)以及其他因素对鱼类运输存活率的影响;最后提出了现阶段鱼类保活运输存在的一些问题和应对措施,并对其发展前景进行了展望。根据对现有文献资料进行的分析,认为利用生态冰温法辅以二氧化碳作为麻醉剂进行无水运输将是今后鱼类保活运输研究和应用的重点。此外,开发无氧保活运输方法及相应的高效运输装备也应重点关注。这些都将有助于实现我国渔业现代化的更快发展。  相似文献   

鱼类细胞培养技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
鱼类细胞培养技术是一种重要且有潜力的生物学研究技术手段和方法。随着生物技术的发展,越来越多的鱼类细胞系(株)被建立。鱼类细胞培养的具体方法因细胞种类而异,但是总体上有共同之处。作者针对鱼类细胞培养的发展现状、应用与特点、方法技术进行综述,并为鱼类细胞培养的发展前景作出展望。  相似文献   

(革丽)靬金鳟血液学指标的测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用Botest-3100全自动细胞分析仪首次对革丽革干金鳟血液学指标进行了测定,并与虹鳟和一些鲤科鱼类作了比较.结果显示,由于遗传基础和生理机能的差异,使得革丽靬金鳟与虹鳟和一些鲤科鱼类在血液学指标上也存在一定差异.  相似文献   

近年来,水产养殖和渔业资源保护的智能化发展迅速,对鱼类跟踪技术的需求也随之增加。传统的鱼类跟踪方法主要依赖于目视观察和标签追踪,存在效率低、应用范围有限、准确率不高等问题,限制了其推广应用。随着深度学习技术在计算机视觉领域的快速发展,基于深度学习的鱼类跟踪技术能够提供准确、客观、可扩展和自动化的跟踪方法。首先,介绍了鱼类跟踪技术的跟踪对象和4种深度学习鱼类追踪方法,分别是语义分割、实例分割、目标检测和目标分类。其次,介绍了鱼类跟踪技术如何获取鱼类轨迹与姿态、鱼类数量以及鱼类体长等鱼类目标跟踪信息。接着,介绍了基于深度学习的鱼类跟踪技术在鱼类疾病、鱼类摄食行为以及鱼类健康状态方面的应用,并从低对比度和纹理模糊、图像颜色失真以及遮挡和变形等3个方面,探讨了目前基于深度学习的鱼类跟踪技术的主要问题和一些相应的解决方法。最后,对基于深度学习的鱼类跟踪技术的发展前景进行了总结和展望。研究认为:基于深度学习的鱼类跟踪技术具有更高的准确度和客观性,为不同场景下的实际应用提供了更多解决方案,该技术有望在水产养殖管理、鱼类科学研究以及海洋环境保护等领域发挥更重要的作用,为相关领域提供更多的数据和支持。  相似文献   

我国海淡水鱼类近5 000种,其中海水鱼约占三分之二,淡水鱼约占三分之一,鱼类养殖种类数由60年代的十多种增加到目前的百种左右,养殖产量也得到相应提高。建立先进的鱼类育种技术体系和育种研究创新平台、提高鱼类遗传育种的效果和种苗质量对促进水产养殖业的健康发展具有重要意义。本文阐述了鱼类遗传育种的技术及其当前的发展动态,分析了现代生物技术在鱼类育种中的应用概况,探讨了鱼类遗传育种的发展趋势,旨在为鱼类新品种选育提供理论依据与参考。  相似文献   

首次对革丽靬金鳟肌肉中的微量元素进行了测定分析,结果表明,革丽靬金鳟肌肉中Cu、Mn、Fe、Zn和Se五种微量元素的含量分别为2.381±0.605mg/L、1.067±0.461mg/L、15.465±4.822mg/L,11.127±1.289mg/L和0.095±0.017mg/L,并通过与大麻哈鱼以及草鱼、鲤鱼、鲫鱼等常规养殖品种的相应成分比较,说明革丽靬金鳟是一种微量元素含量丰富、营养价值更高的鱼类。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Recently, the non-invasive auditory brainstem response (ABR) technique has been applied to the determination of hearing sensitivity in fish. The technique has some advantages over, and methodological differences from, the classical techniques. The auditory thresholds of common carp were measured by the ABR technique. The classical method was applied to measure cardiac response by electrocardiogram (ECG) after conditioning with electric shock. The most sensitive frequency obtained by ABR was 505 Hz, and by ECG, 1000 Hz. The shapes of the audiogram obtained by ABR and ECG were similar, though threshold levels in both audiograms differed from each other. Furthermore, audiograms obtained by using behavioral techniques were compared with those taken by the ABR and ECG techniques to assess the validity of the ABR technique for testing fish hearing sensitivity. The measured threshold levels increased in the order of behavioral, ABR, and ECG techniques, in the range below 1000 Hz.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The auditory brainstem response (ABR) of fishes is commonly measured by bringing the heads of the fishes out of the water in a small tank. However, this method is inapplicable to experiments for large fishes that are economically important in large spaces such as the sea or in a large tank. This paper describes a method of recording, the ABR for fishes in water, without exposing the fish heads to air, by using a waterproof, insulated electrode. To evaluate the effectiveness of this method, the goldfish Carassius auratus was investigated, and the ABR waveform and auditory thresholds measured in water were compared with those measured on the surface. Both ABR waveforms and auditory thresholds showed similar trends between the two methods. The underwater ABR method is useful to measure the auditory thresholds of larger fish in natural or on-site environments such as the sea, net enclosures and large aquaria in which precise positioning of the fish is not possible. However, more improvement is needed to apply this method to large fishes.  相似文献   

In this study, the auditory thresholds for juvenile Japanese sand lance Ammodytes personatus were measured based on its auditory brainstem response (ABR). The amplitude of the ABR waveforms to a sound stimulus were larger than that of the electric background noise caused by general brainwaves and myogenic signals after the averaging procedure. Japanese sand lance responded to low frequency sounds between 128 Hz and 512 Hz with a sound pressure level of 115–125 dB. As the test frequency decreased, so did the auditory threshold level, and the level was about 116 dB at 128 Hz and 181 Hz. These results indicate that Japanese sand lance can detect low frequency sound but are less sensitive than other fish species. These high thresholds are probably caused by the lack of a swim bladder.  相似文献   

胭脂鱼听觉阈值研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

利用听性脑干反应技术, 研究了胭脂鱼(Myxocyprinus asiaticus)的听觉阈值。通过插入皮下的电极记录了10尾胭脂鱼的短纯音听觉诱发电位。结果显示, 在系统最大声强下, 胭脂鱼的听频范围为100~5 000 Hz, 其中对100~2 000 Hz的声音敏感度较高, 最敏感的频率为800 Hz, 听觉阈值约为69.8 dB。随着声强的减小, 胭脂鱼的听性脑干反应波形最大, 振幅减小, 潜伏期延长。将10尾胭脂鱼的阈值平均, 得到了胭脂鱼的听性脑干反应听力图。胭脂鱼的听力图呈“U”形, 属于典型的动物听力曲线。研究胭脂鱼的听觉阈值对胭脂鱼物种保护具有重要意义, 同时可为评估噪声对胭脂鱼的影响提供数据支持。


The auditory pressure thresholds of red sea bream were examined using cardiac response in the field by placing fish subjects far from the sound source to prevent particle motion. Pressure and particle motion thresholds were also obtained using the auditory brainstem response (ABR) technique. The thresholds at 100 and 200 Hz were significantly higher when measured using the cardiac response in the far field than those obtained in previously conducted experiments in experimental tub. However, thresholds obtained using ABR from 200 to 500 Hz were not remarkably lower, although significantly different (0.01 < P < 0.05), compared with those obtained using cardiac response in the far field. Furthermore, calculated particle velocity thresholds indicated that fish probably detected particle motion within the frequency range of 50–200 Hz, even in fish with a deactivated lateral line. Although the ABR method is widely applied in fish auditory study, hearing thresholds are apparently affected by particle motion.  相似文献   

(‐)‐Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a catechin found in green tea, has been demonstrated to exhibit activity against grass carp reovirus (GCRV). In the current study, we found that EGCG is partially transformed in vivo into (‐)‐epicatechin gallate (ECG), which differs from EGCG only by the absence of a hydroxyl group, and exhibits similar pharmacokinetic behaviour to that of EGCG. ECG is also a major catechin in green tea, but little information on its antiviral activity is available. Therefore, we assessed whether ECG affects GCRV in vitro. We incubated grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) kidney (CIK) cells with ECG and GCRV‐JX01 at different concentrations, and typical cytopathogenic effect (CPE) values were observed for 5 and 10 µg/ml ECG. However, the CPE in 20 µg/ml ECG treatment group was low; no significant CPE was observed for 40 µg/ml ECG treatment; and a high ECG concentration (80 µg/ml) led to stress response in the CIK cells. Western blot results also revealed that ECG suppresses GCRV replication in CIK cells. Thus, the data indicate that ECG, as well as EGCG, exhibits potential as an antiviral agent for aquaculture.  相似文献   

分光光度法测定海水样品化学耗氧量的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了海水中化学耗氧量的分光光度测定方法,并用分光光度法和碘量法分别对3种不同COD浓度水平的葡萄糖标准溶液(COD=0.5、1.5、2.5mg/L)以及两种海水水样进行分析。结果表明,两种方法的测定结果没有显著性差异,分光光度法测定结果的相对标准偏差小于2.7%,回收率在96.3%~103.8%之间,表明该法测定海水中COD可行,且方法操作简便,更适宜于海上自动化分析。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The auditory characteristics of pelagic fish have received lessattention compared to those of benthic or freshwater fish species,even though underwater sounds are considered to affect their behavior.Audiograms of five spotlined sardines were obtained using the auditorybrainstem response technique in which the evoked potential on theskin covering the head of the fish was measured. The auditory brainstemresponse is a non-invasive electrophysiological method that enablesthe auditory threshold level of fragile species, such as spotlinedsardines, to be measured. The gas bladder of the spotlined sardinehas been considered as possibly contributing to an enhancement intheir hearing. In the test, the sound absorption profile of sardineswas also measured. The frequency at the lowest auditory thresholdlevel (i.e. the most sensitive frequency) and absorption were foundat 1024 Hz and 1040 Hz, respectively. The spotlinedsardine was found to be sensitive to sounds at relatively higherfrequency ranges compared to other seawater fishes and the gas bladderis seen to play a significant role in detecting sound.  相似文献   

为建立和比较水产品中镉含量测定不确定度评定的方法,分别采用石墨炉原子吸收法和电感耦合等离子体质谱法测定FAPAS质控样品T07279QC中镉的含量,分析不确定度的主要来源,建立水产品中镉测定的不确定度评定的数学模型,并计算两种方法的不确定度分量。试验结果表明,石墨炉原子吸收法不确定度主要来源于标准曲线拟合,而电感耦合等离子体质谱法主要来源于标准溶液配制,石墨炉原子吸收法测定镉含量的扩展不确定度高于电感耦合等离子体质谱法,两种方法测定质控样品T07279QC中镉的含量分别为(7.47±0.470) mg/kg和(7.53±0.376) mg/kg,两种方法的测定值均在质控样品参考值含量5.76~9.33 mg/kg内。  相似文献   

2011年9月底至2012年5月,采用可见植入荧光标记(VIE)和编码金属标(CWT)标志全长为(28.06±1.79)cm的达乌尔鳇(Huso dauricus),检验了VIE和CWT的标志保持率及其对达乌尔鳇生长和存活的影响。结果显示,经过210 d实验,VIE标志达乌尔鳇吻部腹面,CWT标志达乌尔鳇背部前(第1~2块背骨板间下方肌肉)、中(第6~7块后背骨板间下方肌肉)、后(第11~12块背骨板间下方肌肉)的标志保持率分别为:95.83%、92.00%、92.59%、92.59%。实验中VIE出现破碎、脱落或迁移致使标志可识别性下降;CWT背部中这一标志部位操作最为简便。标志30 d,VIE标志组的保持率较CWT背部不同部位标志组及对照组低,且差异显著(P<0.05),此后31~210 d并无显著性差异。VIE和CWT背部不同部位标志对达乌尔鳇的生长无显著性差异。结果表明,VIE和CWT均可用于标志达乌尔鳇。进行短期大规模达乌尔鳇的标志放流可使用成本相对较低的VIE标志。  相似文献   

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