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We compared the assemblage structure, spatial distributions, and habitat associations of mountain whitefish (Prosopium williamsoni) morphotypes and size classes. We hypothesised that morphotypes would have different spatial distributions and would be associated with different habitat features based on feeding behaviour and diet. Spatially continuous sampling was conducted over a broad extent (29 km) in the Calawah River, WA (USA). Whitefish were enumerated via snorkelling in three size classes: small (10–29 cm), medium (30–49 cm), and large (≥50 cm). We identified morphotypes based on head and snout morphology: a pinocchio form that had an elongated snout and a normal form with a blunted snout. Large size classes of both morphotypes were distributed downstream of small and medium size classes, and normal whitefish were distributed downstream of pinocchio whitefish. Ordination of whitefish assemblages with nonmetric multidimensional scaling revealed that normal whitefish size classes were associated with higher gradient and depth, whereas pinocchio whitefish size classes were positively associated with pool area, distance upstream, and depth. Reach‐scale generalised additive models indicated that normal whitefish relative density was associated with larger substrate size in downstream reaches (R2 = 0.64), and pinocchio whitefish were associated with greater stream depth in the reaches farther upstream (R2 = 0.87). These results suggest broad‐scale spatial segregation (1–10 km), particularly between larger and more phenotypically extreme individuals. These results provide the first perspective on spatial distributions and habitat relationships of polymorphic mountain whitefish.  相似文献   

Abstract –  It is generally accepted that nutrient enrichment of aquatic systems will lead to increased production at the top trophic level (fish). We found that in the wastewater enriched Bow River, Alberta rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss ) biomass increased over 25-fold, and brown trout ( Salmo trutta ) biomass increased 5-fold, however total sportfish biomass did not increase below the nutrient input point source. This was due to a dramatic downstream decrease in mountain whitefish ( Prosopium williamsoni ) biomass to 2% of the average biomass upstream of the municipal effluent source. The spatial pattern over a 177-km river section encompassing the city of Calgary, showed that the increase in trout abundance approximately tracked the expected nutrient concentrations in the river, but with a downstream lag of 20–30 km. Mountain whitefish biomass over the 177 km was inversely related to the dominant trout species, rainbow trout. Invertebrate abundance, macrophyte biomass and phytoplankton biomass all increased below the wastewater treatment plant outfalls. However, periphyton data were highly variable and showed no response. We propose several hypotheses as regards the factors that may have led to the decrease in mountain whitefish, based on the data from all trophic levels and the spatial pattern for fish biomass. Proposed factors influencing the mountain whitefish decline were; altered competitive ability because of macrophyte abundance, ammonia toxicity and barriers to movement (weirs).  相似文献   

  1. Removal of instream woody habitat (IWH) is one factor attributed to declines in fish populations worldwide. Restoration of IWH to help fish populations recover is now common; however, quantitative predictions about the outcomes of these interventions is rare. As such, quantitative links between IWH and fish abundance is of interest to managers to inform conservation and restoration activities.
  2. Links between instream habitat attributes, especially IWH, and selected fish species of recreational, cultural, and ecological significance were explored at 335 sites spanning eight streams across south‐eastern Australia. Data were collected on fish abundance and length, IWH density and a range of other habitat attributes at a scale that incorporated at least one of each of the major mesohabitat types (functional river elements). The data were analysed using Bayesian hierarchical generalized linear mixed models to examine fish habitat associations and used to make quantitative predictions of responses to future restoration.
  3. Strong positive relationships were found between fish abundance and IWH density and the strength of this relationship varied between species and waterways. Murray cod (Maccullochella peelii), a species commonly targeted by IWH interventions, displayed the strongest association with IWH density. River blackfish (Gadopsis marmoratus) also showed a significant relationship with IWH, but this effect was waterway specific. Fish length was only related to IWH for river blackfish. These results may reflect differences in the life histories of these two species. We suggest that differences in habitat association through ontogeny may be more relevant at smaller spatial scales.
  4. The results generated in this study can be used to guide waterway restoration and develop quantitative predictions about how fish might respond to IWH interventions across south‐eastern Australia. This approach provides a powerful quantitative framework within which to explore management options and objectives, and to test our predicted responses to habitat restoration.

We investigated the summer ecology of juvenile steelhead trout Onchorhynchus mykiss and Chinook salmon O. tshawytscha in the context of habitat use and movement behaviour. The study area was a 14.8 km section of the Chehalis River, Washington, and is of particular interest due to recent proposals for both a flood retention dam and restoration actions in this watershed. Ten study reaches were paired in distance upstream and downstream from a central point where a passive integrated transponder antenna array was operated between late June and September 2014. Juvenile densities for each species were associated with reach‐scale habitat and temperature characteristics. Juvenile steelhead underwent upstream and downstream movements up to 7 km, although more fish from further away moved downstream than upstream. Juvenile steelhead repeated horizontal movements throughout the study period, but daily detections were not associated with temperature or flow. The majority (81%) of steelhead movements occurred between the hours of 04:00–07:00 and 18:00–21:00. Juvenile Chinook underwent a downstream migration that was nearly complete by the end of August. Most juvenile Chinook were detected just once and movements occurred on days with warmer stream temperature and higher flows. The majority of Chinook movements occurred at night. Although juvenile salmonids are often thought to have small home ranges during summer months, our results suggest that horizontal movements may be more prevalent than previously thought. Summer habitat should be defined by a network of suitable rearing reaches with connectivity available in both upstream and downstream directions.  相似文献   

  • 1. A classification scheme for ecohydraulic‐based mesohabitat units was developed for a summer low‐flow period. Mesohabitat unit designations were based on the integration of three‐dimensional channel hydraulics, geomorphic maintenance processes of bed morphology, and biological resource needs of fish. Ecological relevance of the units was evaluated by a study of fish mesohabitat use patterns, and species relationships to feeding guild. By portraying the stream as a mosaic of hydraulic habitat patches that provide specific biotic resource needs, this study's aim was to advance how ecological information may be incorporated into the stream restoration design process.
  • 2. Nine mesohabitat units were designated, including pool‐front, ‐mid, and ‐rear units, scour pool, simple and complex riffles, glide, submerged point bar, and channel expansion marginal deadwater. Physical habitat structure differed among the nine mesohabitat units by length, water depth, and bed slope and complexity. Fish were collected in specific unit volumes by use of prepositioned areal electrofishing devices, in which distinct patterns of fish mesohabitat use were observed.
  • 3. A key finding was the differences in fish assemblages among the pool units, in which fish densities were greatest in the pool‐front and scour pool units. Also, fish density in the pool‐front unit was positively correlated with pool entrance slope. Biomass was greatest in the pool‐front and ‐mid units, and it was correlated with maximum mid‐pool depth. Density and biomass were generally lowest in the pool‐rear unit. Other unique relationships were also observed among the mesohabitat units.
  • 4. Based on feeding guild, patterns of fish mesohabitat use were observed for this summer low‐flow period; insectivores dominantly used pool‐front and scour pool units, herbivores dominantly used complex riffle units, and piscivores used pool‐front and ‐mid units.
  • 5. Useful ecological information was derived from fish species‐habitat relationships observed in this study, linking mesohabitat units with species requirements for food resources. Such findings support advancements to ecological design strategies for stream restoration that promote hydraulic habitat diversity.
Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  1. Many human activities in and on rivers cause the loss of freshwater biodiversity, especially fish, which now are one of the most endangered vertebrate groups. River fragmentation caused by the construction of dams is one of the main threats to fish species. In Spain, which has the highest number of dams per square kilometre in the world, more than half of all fish species are threatened by these constructions. The government has initiated the National Strategy for River Restoration, a plan to restore rivers and preserve their inhabitants, which includes the removal of dams.
  2. An information search and query was conducted to determine if fish monitoring was performed before and after dam removal, and the result was negative. Therefore, an assessment of the effects of dam removal on fish communities at a large spatial scale was not possible. Instead, an analysis was carried out to measure the effects of dam removal on river connectivity using a geometric network.
  3. The analysis of river connectivity improvement showed that 66% of removed dams had one or more dams less than 5 km away. The removal of dams increased the connected river length by an average of 6.4 km per dam removed, with the range varying between 1.04 km and 9.48 km, depending on the river basin.
  4. These results show that, although monitoring programmes are strongly recommended after restoration actions, they are not usually performed. This is a wasted opportunity to gather large datasets to understand better the effects of human actions on fish communities and on rivers.
  5. River connectivity results may reflect a demolition strategy based more on economic and social opportunism rather than on ecological considerations. It is strongly recommended that dam removal plans should be based on ecological selection methods to achieve greater river improvements with less investment.

Despite the popularity of barrier removal as a habitat restoration technique, there are few studies that evaluate the biological effects of restored stream crossings. An extensive post‐treatment study design was used to quantify fish populations (e.g. species, life stage, abundance) and habitat attributes (e.g. gradient, geomorphic channel units) at 32 culvert removal or replacement projects to determine their effectiveness in restoring habitat access for juvenile salmon, Oncorhynchus spp., and steelhead, O. mykiss (Walbaum), in the Columbia River Basin, USA. Anadromous fish (steelhead, Chinook salmon O. tshawytscha [Walbaum]) abundance, juvenile steelhead abundance and habitat conditions were not significantly different between paired reaches (i.e. upstream and downstream of former barrier sites), suggesting these sites are no longer full barriers to movement. This suggests that barrier removal projects on small Columbia Basin streams provide adequate fish passage, increased habitat availability and increased juvenile anadromous fish abundance immediately upstream of former barriers.  相似文献   

The effects of restoration of impassable road culverts on the distribution of juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., were evaluated in seven small tributaries of the subarctic River Teno system, northernmost Finland/Norway. Restoration enabled the passage of juvenile salmon through the culverts and increased the distribution area of salmon parr in the seven streams by tens or hundreds of metres, depending on the natural slope of the tributary with a total of ≈1 km new area for ascending juveniles. Areas upstream of the culverts were colonised after varying number of years, mostly 2–3, following restoration. Age‐1 and age‐2 parr were the first salmon age groups entering the new territory after removal of the migration barrier. Although the restoration measures were conducted at the downstream outlet area of the culverts only, the connectivity was improved and increased the production area accessible to juvenile salmon. Such removal of migration barriers and securing habitat connectivity by passable culverts should be taken into account in environmental management strategies of river systems safeguarding the essential habitats of salmonid fish.  相似文献   

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