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养殖密度和温度对白斑狗鱼在设施养殖中生长的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
黄宁宇 《水产学报》2006,30(1):76-80
研究了养殖密度和温度对白斑狗鱼稚鱼在设施养殖中生长的影响。经过30d的养殖试验发现养殖密度和温度对白斑狗鱼稚鱼在设施养殖中的摄食和生长都有显著影响。日增重、特定增长率、生长效率、摄食效率随密度的增大而减小,净增重24ind·m-3和16ind·m-3密度组最高;随着温度的升高,日增重、特定增长率、生长效率均呈现先升高后下降的趋势,其中24℃组生长最快,摄食效率则随温度的升高而增大。特定生长率与密度之间存在显著直线回归关系,其回归方程为SGR=7.30-0.122SD(r2=0.9927);养殖温度和特定增长率之间存在显著二次函数关系,其回归方程为SGR=-0.047T2 2.169T-19.56(r2=0.8342),当温度为23.1℃时,白斑狗鱼的特定增长率最大为5.544,表明白斑狗鱼最适生长水温应在23~24℃。白斑狗鱼尽管是凶猛性鱼类,但只要控制好一定的养殖密度和水温,进行设施养殖是可行的。  相似文献   

流速、温度对西伯利亚鲟幼鱼生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在90 d的饲养实验中,研究了集约化室内储水池养殖条件下,流速和温度对西伯利亚鲟幼鱼生长的影响。按照流速,实验鱼分为4组:即流速分别为 V1组(0.12 m·s-1),V2组(0.16 m·s-1), V3组(0.20 m·s-1),和V4组(0.5 h流速为 0.20 m·s-1, 0.5 h流速为 0 的间隙式水流组)。水温在13.8 ~24.7 ℃变化。 在16.7~22.5 ℃的温度段内,随着流速增大,幼鱼的最终体重、体长、生长效率、净增重、每日生长率及日增重等指标均逐渐增大,饵料系数逐渐降低,其中西伯利亚鲟鱼的生长效率(GE)与流速(V)之间存在显著正相关性,其关系式为GE=52.5 V + 69.567 (R2 = 0.997, P< 0.05)。尽管高流速V3组的特殊生长率(DGR)是最大的,但V3组在22.5~4.7 ℃之间和13.8~16.7 ℃之间时DGR是最小的。间隙式水流V4组(0.5 h流速为0.20 m·s-1,0.5 h流速为0)DGR和净增重(NY)不是最高,但其饵料系数(FC)和生长效率(GE)分别是各组中最低和最高的,而且在高温和低温段DGR均有比其他组升高的趋势。另外,水流因子与温度交互作用影响西伯利亚鲟幼鱼的生长,本次四组流速组西伯利亚鲟幼鱼的最适生长水温各不相同,在20.2~20.7 ℃之间。结果显示在设施集约化养殖中,V4组能够产生较好的效益。图2表2参22 关键词:西伯利亚鲟; 生长; 集约化养殖; 流速; 温度  相似文献   

不同养殖密度对长江鲟稚鱼生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解不同养殖密度对长江鲟(Acipenser dabryanus)稚鱼生长的影响,设置初始密度为0.27(D 200)、0.46(D 350)、0.66(D 500)和0.87(D 650)kg/m2的4种养殖密度,对初始体重3.38 g和体长7.79 cm的2月龄长江鲟稚鱼进行4周的养殖实验。结果表明:养殖密度对体重、体长、变异系数(CV)、日增重(DWG)、净增重(NY)、特定生长率(SGR)和饵料系数(FCR)有显著影响,对存活率和肥满度无显著影响;D 200组的生长速度最快,与D 350组差异不显著,D 650组生长速度最慢;D 200组的体重、体长、特定生长率、日增重均最大,与D 350组无显著差异,但D 350组的变异系数和饵料系数均较D 200组要小;特定生长率与养殖密度(D)呈负相关关系:SGR=-1.171 5D+6.331 5(R2=0.484 5);变异系数与养殖密度呈正相关关系:CV=3.989 1D+13.533(R2=0.480 5)。此阶段长江鲟稚鱼最适养殖密度为D350(0.46 kg/m~2)。  相似文献   

研究了养殖密度对长薄鳅稚鱼生长的影响。养殖密度分别为1、2、4、8尾/L,经过28d的养殖试验发现,养殖密度在1-4尾/L之间,长薄鳅稚鱼的最终体重、特定生长率、日增重都随着养殖密度的增大而升高,进一步增加养殖密度(8尾/L),稚鱼的生长反而下降,饵料转化率和净增重却随养殖密度的增加而增加。高密度组(4、8尾/L)长薄鳅稚鱼个体生长速度离散度明显加大,稚鱼的成活率也随养殖密度的增加而下降。  相似文献   

研究表明 ,在流速为 0 0 6m·s- 1和 0 18m·s - 1范围内 ,稚鱼的生长效率与流速之间存在着显著的正相关关系 ,其关系式为G =4 6 10 6 +14 2 0 4V(r =0 52 16 )。在此流速范围内 ,稚鱼的生长表现出不等速性。水流刺激还将影响稚鱼的某些行为 ,在流水环境中稚鱼喜聚集和逆水游动  相似文献   

利用生态实验学方法,研究了密度(1.0、1.5、2.0、2.5 kg/m~2)、规格(200、100、50、20 ind/kg)和附着基(瓦片、空心水泥砖、塑料管)对刺参南移室内工厂化养殖效果的影响。通过对刺参生长(SGR)与个体生长差异(CV)的测定与分析,初步掌握了刺参南移室内水泥池工厂化养殖关键技术。试验结果表明:密度对刺参的生长有着显著的影响(P0.05),放养密度增加,刺参的特定生长率显著降低,而生长变异系数增大,但生长变异系数对1.0 kg/m~2和1.5 kg/m~2无统计学意义差异;规格对刺参的生长有着显著的影响(P0.05),200 ind/kg和100 ind/kg试验组特定生长率显著高于50 ind/kg和20 ind/kg试验组而生长变异系数显著低于50 ind/kg和20 ind/kg试验组;附着基对刺参的生长有着显著的影响(P0.05),空心水泥砖和瓦片试验组特定生长率显著高于塑料管组而生长变异系数显著低于塑料管组。结合生产实际,刺参南移室内水泥池养殖时,养殖密度应低于1.5 kg/m~2、附着基应采用空心水泥砖或瓦片,小规格刺参(200 ind/kg和100 ind/kg)更适宜室内水泥池养殖;养殖过程中,当养殖密度达到1.5 kg/m~2或刺参规格差异较大时,要适时分苗以减轻刺参个体生长差异。  相似文献   

养殖密度对克氏原螯虾幼虾生长、摄食和饵料利用影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以体重(0.015±0.004)g克氏原螯虾(Procambarus clarkii)幼虾为研究对象,研究了50、100、300、600、900尾/m25种养殖密度对克氏原螯虾幼虾生长、摄食和饲料利用的影响,实验周期为30 d。结果显示:克氏原螯虾幼虾的体长、特定生长率、平均日增重、存活率和蜕壳率都随养殖密度的增大而减小,其中日增重由(0.007±0.002)g下降为(0.002±0.001)g,蜕壳率由(100±0.000)%下降为(37.222±3.928)%,降幅明显;体长、体重变动系数随养殖密度的增大而增大。每组个体的平均摄食量和摄食率均与养殖密度成反比。此结果表明养殖密度的增大总体来说不利于克氏原螯虾幼虾的生长和摄食。在饲料利用方面,饵料转化率在各养殖密度组之间无明显差异;蛋白质特定生长率、脂肪特定生长率和脂肪储积率随养殖密度增大呈减小趋势,蛋白质储积率呈增大趋势。  相似文献   

放养密度对虹鳟稚鱼生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
虹鳟稚鱼伞长、体重生长速度随着放养密度的增大而降低,而这种差异随着生长时问的延长,表现更为显著稚鱼体重持定生长率随着放养密度的增大而降低,两者间存在着显著的负相关关系;Y=-5.0979X+36.727(R2=0.9844),Y代表体重特定生长率,X代表放养密度.日增重、饵料转化丰随着放养密度的增大而降低.净增重随着放养密度的增大而增加.  相似文献   

盐度变化对军曹鱼稚鱼相关免疫因子及其生长的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
研究了盐度(5、10、20、30及对照37)对军曹鱼(Rachycentron canadum)稚鱼生长及其血清溶菌酶、碱性磷酸酶(ALP)、旁路途径补体(ACP)溶血活性(ACH50)和总免疫球蛋白(T-Ig)含量等免疫因子的影响。实验周期为14 d。结果表明,在逐渐达到设定盐度后养殖14 d,盐度30组稚鱼特定生长率(SGR)最高(5.77%/d),而盐度5和10组的SGR(分别为4.24%/d和4.38%/d)显著低于其他组(P<0.05)。在低盐度环境中血清溶菌酶活性在第7天各组都有不同程度升高,其中以盐度20组升高最为显著,其次为盐度10和30组,但第14天各组溶菌酶活性又都回落至对照组水平;而稚鱼在低盐度环境中血清ALP活性受到明显抑制,且活性与盐度呈一定正相关;各组间ACP活性在第7天各盐度组间无明显差异,但实验结束时盐度5和10两组出现显著升高;而T-Ig含量在盐度10组中始终明显高于其他组。研究显示,军曹鱼稚鱼在盐度20~37范围内都可正常生长,尽管稚鱼有较强的低盐度耐受能力,但过低盐度明显影响其生长率并导致体色变黑、蛀鳍和应激增强等异常表现。此外,盐度变化还影响稚鱼多种免疫相关因子。[中国水产科学,2007,14(1):120-125]  相似文献   

本实验研究了低蛋白(28%)水平下饵料中不同脂肪含量(4.63%、8.46%、11.34%、14.79%、17.38%)对史氏鲟摄食生长的影响。实验40d后,各组史氏鲟的日均摄食率(%)和特定生长率(SGR)差异显著。其中脂肪含量为4.63%时史氏鲟日均摄食率最低、SGR较高。因此,在低蛋白水平下,脂肪含量为5%~8%的饵料对史氏鲟生长最适宜。这可能在低蛋白、低脂肪条件下,鲟鱼能利用一定量的淀粉而起到节约蛋白的作用。  相似文献   

  1. In the last two decades, Brazil has advanced significantly with the expansion and improvement of its national system of protected areas. Until recently most of the expansion was concentrated in the Amazon region (with useful lessons). It also had an uneven ecological representation of coastal and marine ecosystems, concentrated in coastal waters. Despite significant advances, the levels of funding, staff and stakeholders' engagement remain relatively low for such a vast system.
  2. Within the past few years, key elements of a new strategy for protection of coastal and marine areas have started to emerge, combined with some participatory processes and a focus on expansion of the total area protected (from <1.5% protection of the country's marine area). These included: a renewed focus on priority areas for conservation; attention to national and international commitments and targets; clarity about the need for partnerships and funding; better engagement of Brazilian society and stakeholders; new, and more collaborative, models of protected areas management and conservation; and openness in the relationships with wider society.
  3. Significant results of this effort have started to appear: new large mosaics of oceanic protected areas were created; Amazon mangroves were recognized by the Ramsar Convention; new mangrove protected areas were created, besides other ones proposed; project proposals are under development with partners for better funding and sharing of responsibility; and there is a better engagement with stakeholders. The building of the Brazilian Blue Initiative is underway.
  4. The implementation of the proposed 15‐year marine strategy is at its onset: partnerships need to be strengthened and substantial funding is required. It will only be possible to manage the larger system of protected areas if there are more collaborative and innovative models for protected areas and conservation management. These should include partnerships with civil society, local and traditional communities and the private sector, as well as greater engagement of scientists and research institutions, stronger and more qualified tourism, volunteer work, etc. Further innovative funding mechanisms will also be needed along the way.

对驼背鲈(Chromileptes altivelis)的胚胎发育及仔、稚、幼鱼的形态特征进行了详细的观察与研究,描述了从受精卵到仔、稚、幼鱼各发育期的时间和形态特征变化。结果表明,在水温25-26℃、盐度30的海水中,受精卵历时27 h 25 min完成整个胚胎发育过程,经历从卵裂、囊胚、原肠、神经胚到肌节形成、各器官的逐渐形成、变化、完善等一系列的胚胎发育和变化过程;根据其卵黄囊消长情况、鳞片的覆盖状态、体色发生的不同变化以及第二背鳍和腹鳍的消长,将胚后发育分为仔、稚、幼鱼3个阶段。在水温22-26℃、盐度29-31、DO≥5 mg/L的条件下,2-3 d仔鱼卵黄囊消失,开口摄食;生长发育至31 d,仔鱼已变态进入稚鱼期;培育至57 d,稚鱼完成变态,成为幼鱼。第二背鳍棘和腹鳍棘的生长与收缩等石斑鱼类早期发育的共性生长特征及其体表特性体色变化特征为驼背鲈胚后发育过程中最明显的特征。  相似文献   

Anguilla luzonensis and A. huangi were each described in 2009 using eels obtained from northern Luzon Island. We examined the taxonomic status of these two groups of eels using morphological and molecular genetic characters. There were no significant differences in two vertebrae counts between eels of A. luzonensis and A. huangi. Mitochondrial 16S ribosomal RNA and cytochrome b genes sequences were obtained and compared among 28 specimens of A. luzonensis, the holotypes of A. luzonensis and A. huangi, and one specimen of the other 15 anguillid species. The specimens of A. luzonensis exhibited almost identical sequences, including the holotype, with only a few site differences, and the genetic difference between the holotypes of A. luzonensis and A. huangi was within the range of differences of specimens of A. luzonensis. The other anguillid species were genetically very different from A. luzonensis and A. huangi, although A. interioris is a closely related species. It is clear that A. luzonensis and A. huangi are the same species, and according to the principle of priority in zoological nomenclature, A. luzonensis Watanabe, Aoyama, and Tsukamoto, 2009 is the valid species name, and A. huangi Teng, Lin, and Tzeng, 2009 is a junior synonym of A. luzonensis.  相似文献   

A total of 180 fish (95.50 g) were fed with 0.1% levamisole, 0.5% thyme, and 0.5% echinacea crude extract for 60 days. The control group received no stimulant. The results of growth parameters indicated a significant positive effect of levamisole in comparison with the control group, though it was not significantly different from echinacea and thyme treatments (P > 0.05). No mortalities were observed in the treatments. Feed conversion ratio and protein efficiency ratio did not differ significantly between the treatments. The highest numbers of white and red blood cells and the greatest amounts of hemoglobin and hematocrit were detected in the levamisole treatment, showing significant differences with the other groups in the percentage of hemoglobin only (P < 0.05). The highest levels of MCH and MCHC were also measured in the levamisole treatment. Differential count of white blood cells revealed no significant differences in neutrophil and lymphocyte levels with the control. There was a significant increase in the percentage of eosinophil in the levamisole treatment alone. No significant differences were recorded in total protein, albumin, and aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase enzymes. Levamisole treatment displayed the highest activities of glutathione peroxidase and lysozyme as well as the greatest amount of immunoglobulin. So 0.1 levamisole yielded better results in the growth, blood, and immunity parameters and can be used as a stimulant without injuring body organs.  相似文献   

Fisheries Science - Fermentation of kamaboko in koji with wheat (KW), rice (KR), brown rice (KB), or soybean (KS) was performed by simulation of tofuyo processing. Moisture and protein content...  相似文献   

  • 1. Hardbottom habitats of Biscayne Bay, a shallow lagoon adjacent to the city of Miami, Florida, USA, contain a limited number of coral species that represent a small subset of the species found at nearby offshore hardbottom and reef habitats of the Florida Reef Tract. Although the physical characteristics of this basin make it a marginal environment for coral growth, the presence of dense populations of Siderastrea radians and Porites furcata indicate that these, as well as other corals that are found at lower densities, are able to tolerate extreme and fluctuating conditions. Three factors, temperature, sedimentation, and salinity, appear to limit coral abundance, diversity, and distribution within Biscayne Bay.
  • 2. Temperatures exhibit high frequencies of extreme high and low values known to cause coral stress and mortality elsewhere. Similarly, sedimentation rates are very high and sediment resuspension caused by currents, storms and boating activities commonly bury corals under sediment layers. Sediment burial was shown experimentally to influence growth and mortality of S. radians.
  • 3. The salinity of Biscayne Bay is influenced by freshwater inputs from canal, sheetflow and groundwater sources that create a near‐shore environment with low mean salinity and high salinity fluctuation. Coral communities along this western margin have the lowest coral density and species richness. Chronic exposure to low salinity was shown experimentally to cause a decrease in the growth of S. radians.
  • 4. The location of Biscayne Bay, downstream of a large restoration effort planned for the Everglades watershed, highlights the need to understand the relationship between the physical environment and the health of benthic communities. The data presented here provide the type of scientific information needed so that management decisions can take into account the potential impacts of human activities on the health of coral populations that are already near their tolerance limits for temperature, salinity, and sedimentation.
Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The effects of exposing the eggs of Pacific threadfin and amberjack eggs (AEs) to different concentrations of hydrogen peroxide for 5 min on hatch rate and survival were assessed in a series of experiments using a petri dish model rearing system. Despite significant inter‐batch variation in hatch rate, it was shown that eggs of both species could be safely exposed to up to 11 340 mg L−1 H2O2 for 5 min. Exposure to 34 230 mg L−1 H2O2 for 5 min was shown to be lethal to AEs at a late stage of development. In two further experiments, it was demonstrated that Pacific threadfin eggs were resistant to all tested concentrations of a range of polyvinylpyrrolidone iodine (PVP‐I) concentrations and contact times (up to 1000 mg L−1 PVP‐I for 10 min). The level of bacteria adhering to the eggs of both species was highly variable. Where eggs were heavily colonized (>104 cfu egg−1), hydrogen peroxide concentrations of at least 11 340 mg L−1, or PVP‐I concentrations higher than 500 mg L−1 for 10 min, were required for effective sterilization. In less colonized batches, rinsing in sterile seawater or exposure to lower (550 mg L−1) concentrations of H2O2 was sufficient to result in high apparent levels of surface sterility (<1 cfu egg−1).  相似文献   


Effects of salinity on embryonic development and growth of African catfish, Clarias gariepinus, eggs and larvae were studied. Eggs were incubated at 27-29°C in 2,4,6,8, and 10 ppt sodium chloride. Rate of embryonic development was delayed in all salt solutions by 15, 15,28 and 30 minutes, in 2,4,6, and 8 ppt sodium chloride, respectively, when compared with the control group (0% salt); total mortality occurred at 12 hours after gastrula stage in the 10 ppt concentration. Percentage hatching was 45.1,47.7, 59.5,49.2, and 26.6% while percentage deformity was 10.4, 16.1, 52.0, 28.6, and 71.6% in 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 ppt salt treatments, respectively. There were significant differences (P <0.05) in the hatching percentage and in deformity percentage between 4, 6, and 8 ppt. Rate of yolk absorption was significantly faster in the control and 2 ppt salt treatments, but slower in 4, 6, and 8 ppt. Rate of increase in length was slower with increasing salinity. The optimum salinity for African catfish eggs and was between 0-2 ppt and acceptable up to 6 ppt. The results suggest that increasing salinity delayed hatching and development of African catfish eggs and larvae, respectively, as well as increased the deformity of the larvae.  相似文献   

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