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The euryhaline Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) shows a more marked ability to adapt to low magnesium levels in food and water than many other fish species. Nonetheless, the internal distribution of magnesium is altered under low-magnesium conditions. The amount of magnesium in scales, and to a lesser extent the vertebral bone, is reduced and hence serve as magnesium reservoirs. The magnesium concentration of muscle is only marginally reduced by low external magnesium, suggesting that magnesium is partitioned to ensure normal muscle functioning. The water magnesium is of vital importance, as exposure to low-magnesium water markedly deminished the ability of tilapia to adapt to low-magnesium feeding. However, magnesium intake from the water, eithervia the integument or drinking, does not increase in lowmagnesium fed fish, despite an increased opercular chloride cell density. The growth related magnesium accumulation of tilapia under low-magnesium conditions approximates the total intake of the element (from the food and from the water), indicating that magnesium losses are minimized and that the magnesium absorption from the gastrointestinal tract may be highly efficient and very important.  相似文献   

Basal drinking rate and responses to administered angiotensin were examined in 12 species of fish. The responses of representative euryhaline, stenohaline marine and fresh water species to pharmacological manipulation of endogenous renin-angiotensin system (RAS) activity were also investigated.Basal drinking rates were consistently low in stenohaline and euryhaline fresh water fish, and all species examined showed an increased imbibition in response to administered angiotensin. Marine fish drank large volumes of water, rates varying considerably between species, with euryhaline species exhibiting lower rates than stenohaline groups. The extremely high drinking rates observed in the sea scorpion were associated with a high plasma osmolality. With the exception of the sea scorpion, all other species examined in sea water showed a further rise in drinking in response to exogenous angiotensin.Although the freshwater stenohaline carp showed a dipsogenic response to angiotensin, it was apparently unable to evoke this response when fish were acclimated to brackish water. The high drinking rates of both euryhaline and stenohaline fish held in sea water appeared dependent upon an activated endogenous RAS, and were lowered following inhibition of Al to All conversion by Captopril. Drinking was further stimulated in these marine species following stimulation of endogenous RAS activity by the administration of the hypotensive agent Papaverine. The study endorses a role for the RAS in the control of adaptive drinking in euryhaline and stenohaline marine teleosts.  相似文献   

This is an overview of our recent studies of energy metabolism in fish brain and other organs regulated by exogenous (feeding, salinity) and endogenous (hormones) factors. To highlight our approach, we present latest results concerned osmoregulation in the gills of gilthead seabream, Sparus auratus. Our model, the seabream, is a euryhaline teleost capable of adaptation to extreme changes in environmental salinity. Treatment with cortisol allowed us to achieve circulating cortisol levels similar to those observed during osmotic adaptation and to assess how elevated hormonal levels affected simultaneously metabolic and osmoregulatory capacities of the gill tissue. Cortisol-implanted fish showed higher gill Na+,K+-ATPase activity than control fish but no changes were observed in plasma osmolality and ion levels. Plasma levels of glucose and lactate increased in cortisol-implanted fish while protein levels decreased. Cortisol treatment elicited metabolic changes in liver and brain reflecting an activation of the glycogenic and gluconeogenic potential in liver, and the glycogenic potential in brain, which are confirmatory of data obtained in previous experiments. In gills, we demonstrated that cortisol treatment elicited changes in their energy metabolism that can be summarized as a decreased capacity in the use of exogenous glucose (decreased HK activity), a decrease in the capacity of the pentose phosphate pathway (decreased G6PDH activity), and an increased glycolytic potential (increased PK activity). Observed metabolic changes in gills can be associated with those occurring in nature during osmotic adaptation in the same fish species.  相似文献   

全球变暖导致水温升高,河流、湖泊普遍升温,而这种增温趋势还将加剧。水温升高,直接导致水体稳定度提高,垂向对流减少,分层现象加剧,冰河解冻提前,水体封冻期缩短;间接导致水体溶解氧含量降低,尤其底层水体缺氧现象更加严重,底层水体缺氧导致沉积物中营养盐向上覆水的释放量增加,两者均会诱导水体发生气候变化富营养化。水温升高影响水生有机体的生物过程、物种组成及食物网变化;水体分层及溶解氧含量降低均会增加水体营养物负荷,促进水体浮游藻类种群发生变化;水温变化还会改变水生植物生长条件、生物量及分布,影响水体中鱼类的生存、生长发育,以及栖息地发生变化,使水生无脊椎动物种群数量减少。因此,水温增加势必对水生生态系统产生重要影响。  相似文献   

Forage fish occupy a central position in marine food‐webs worldwide by mediating the transfer of energy and organic matter from lower to higher trophic levels. The lesser sandeel (Ammodytes marinus) is one of the ecologically and economically most important forage fish species in the North‐east Atlantic, acting as a key prey for predatory fish and sea birds, as well as supporting a large commercial fishery. In this case study, we investigate the underlying factors affecting recruitment and how these in turn affect productivity of the North Sea sandeel using long‐term data and modelling. Our results demonstrate how sandeel productivity in the central North Sea (Dogger Bank) depends on a combination of external and internal regulatory factors, including fishing and climate effects, as well as density dependence and food availability of the preferred zooplankton prey (Calanus finmarchicus and Temora longicornis). Furthermore, our model scenarios suggest that while fishing largely contributed to the abrupt stock decline during the late 1990s and the following period of low biomass, a complete recovery of the stock to the highly productive levels of the early 1980s would only be possible through changes in the surrounding ecosystem, involving lower temperatures and improved feeding conditions. To that end, we stress the need for ecosystem‐based management accounting for multiple internal and external factors occurring within the broader context of the ecosystem in which forage fish species, such as sandeel, play an important and integral part.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress results from an imbalance between the production of reactive oxygen species and the antioxidants defences, in favour of the former. In recent years, the association between oxidative processes, environmental change and life histories has received much attention. However, most studies have focused on avian and mammalian taxonomic groups, with less attention given to fish, despite their ecological and socio‐economic relevance. Here we present a review of the extrinsic and intrinsic factors that influence oxidative processes in fish, using a comparative and evolutionary approach. We demonstrate that oxidative stress plays a key role in shaping fish's responses to environmental change as well as life history strategies. We focus on representative examples to compare and contrast how levels of oxidative stress respond to changes in temperature, salinity and oxygen availability. Furthermore, we describe how emerging threats (i.e. pollution) affect oxidative stress parameters in fish. Oxidative stress indicators are increasingly being used as biomarkers to understand the mechanisms of various human‐induced stressors, but also to understand the physiological consequences of how animals are distributed in space and time and influenced by different life stages. Despite the expansion of the field of ecological oxidative stress, we are only beginning to understand the complex ways in which oxidative stress may interact with both extrinsic and intrinsic factors in fish. We conclude with a research agenda for oxidative research on fish and note that there is need for further research particularly in the area of life history strategies and ecological implications of oxidative status, as this type of research has the potential to help us understand patterns and dynamics relevant to fish conservation.  相似文献   

本研究选取乌鳢(Channa argus)和南方大口鲶(Silurus soldatovi meridionalis)为捕食者,青鱼(Mylopharyngodon piceus)、草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)、鲢(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)、鳙(Aristichthys nobilis)幼鱼为猎物鱼,比较了在无捕食(空白对照)、低捕食(隔网胁迫)和高捕食(直接胁迫)压力下,胁迫0、7、14 d后,“四大家鱼”幼鱼血清皮质醇(COR)水平和血液生化指标的变化。结果显示,不同捕食胁迫水平下,“四大家鱼”幼鱼的血液生化指标和COR水平变化程度不同,但变化趋势一致。“四大家鱼”幼鱼的COR水平随着捕食胁迫程度和胁迫时长的增加显著升高,表现为无捕食组<低捕食组<高捕食组,0 d<7 d<14 d。在血液生化指标中,血清蛋白浓度和总胆固醇(CHO)浓度较为稳定,各组相比无显著变化;血糖(GLU)浓度和碱性磷酸酶(ALK)在捕食胁迫下升高,甘油三酯(TG)则相反,呈下降趋势。研究表明,“四大家鱼”幼鱼会根据捕食风险来增强自身生存能力的方式及调整生理反应。捕食胁迫处理后,“四大家鱼”幼鱼均产生了应激反应,与隔网捕食相比,直接捕食对鱼体生理反应影响更为显著,且随着胁迫时长的增加应激程度也随之增加。各检测指标中,血清蛋白和CHO可能不是捕食胁迫下鱼类应激的敏感指标;COR和GLU的变化最为显著,这可能是为了弥补应激期间机体对能量需求的增大。  相似文献   

Twelve 0.4‐ha ponds were stocked with 10,000 hybrid catfish fingerlings in March 2015. Six ponds were partially harvested in August to remove fish larger than ~0.57 kg. All remaining fish were removed in October and November. Partial harvest of faster‐growing fish removed ~26% of the fish initially stocked; feeding rate (and therefore external nutrient loading) was reduced by about the same amount. However, reduced nutrient loading after partial fish harvest had no meaningful effects on water quality, phytoplankton biomass, phytoplankton and zooplankton community structure, or supplemental aeration. Lack of ecosystem change was caused by persistent internal recycling of nutrients added to the system before partial harvest and continued high (albeit reduced) external nutrient loading after partial harvest. Decisions to employ partial fish harvest to manage single‐cropped hybrid catfish ponds should be based on economic considerations and risk reduction rather than the expectation that fish biomass reduction will improve water quality.  相似文献   

Impact of osmoregulation on plasma sex steroid levels and gonadal histo‐architecture was monitored to elucidate the effects of deviation from habitat salinity on gonadal recrudescence in an active reproductive season of an euryhaline fish Etroplus suratensis (pearlspot). Fish were maintained in three different salinities of 0 ppt Fresh Water (FW), 15 ppt Brackish Water (BW) and 30 ppt Sea Water (SW) for a period of 60 days. Plasma osmolality values were found to be significantly highest in SW‐acclimated fish accompanied by highest levels of plasma K? and Cl¯ ions. The progress of gonadal recrudescence was higher in BW followed by FW and SW as evident from the cellular features of gonads and increased level of plasma sex steroids, such as, in case of female and 11‐keto Testosterone and Testosterone in case of males. Plasma cortisol levels were comparatively higher in fish of both sexes in SW group. Significantly high levels of cortisol in SW suggest its role in hypo‐osmoregulation and associated stress. This study clearly reveals that salinity changes during the active reproductive phase can suppress the steroid‐mediated gonad recrudescence maximally under hypo‐osmoregulation in an euryhaline fish.  相似文献   

A 5 week experiment was carried out with juvenile yellowtail kingfish Seriola lalandi to investigate the interactive effects of water temperature (21, 24, or 27°C) and dissolved oxygen regime (normoxic vs. hypoxic) on the growth rate, feed intake and digestive enzyme activity of this species. Specific growth rate (SGR) was highest at 24°C, regardless of oxygen regime, but the SGRs of the fish exposed to hypoxia at 21, 24 and 27°C were 13%, 20% and 17% lower, respectively, than the SGRs recorded for the fish reared under normoxic conditions. The digestive enzyme activities (i.e. trypsin, lipase and α‐amylase) were influenced by temperature but did not appear to be affected by dissolved oxygen concentration. Information about the effects of water temperature and dissolved oxygen on feeding, growth and digestive capacity of juvenile yellowtail kingfish could contribute to improving feed management decisions for production of this fish species under different environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The shi drum is an emerging Mediterranean aquaculture species that has gained increasing interest in recent years. However, the nutrient requirements of this species remain to be determined to optimize its culture. The present study evaluated the effects of dietary protein (470g/kg or 520g/kg) to lipid ratios (100g/kg, 150 or 200g/kg) on the growth performance, nutrient utilization and tissue morphology of the shi drum (7 g average initial weight). Dietary protein levels positively correlated with weight gain, showing high protein demands (>470g/kg) for this species. Nonetheless, dietary lipid levels negatively affected growth rate, feed intake and efficiency, and protein utilization, suggesting that this macronutrient cannot be efficiently utilized in high concentrations (>100g/kg). Histological evaluation revealed fat accumulation within the hepatocytes and the enterocytes with increasing dietary lipid levels, starting from 150g/kg lipid inclusion. Overall, our results confirm the high dietary protein requirements of the shi drum (>470g/kg for fish of 7 g initial weight) and suggest that lipid levels should not exceed 100g/kg of inclusion in the diets as this species has a low tolerance to this macronutrient.  相似文献   

Species responses to climate change are often measured at broad spatiotemporal scales, which can miss the fine-scale changes that are most relevant to conservation and fisheries management. We develop a scaleable geostatistical approach to assess how juvenile and adult fish distributions have been shaped by changes in bottom temperature and dissolved oxygen over a recent decade of warming in the northeast Pacific. Across 38 demersal fishes, biomass trends were associated negatively with warming and positively with dissolved oxygen, but when trends in both biomass and climate were converted to velocities—the speed and direction a population would have to move to maintain consistent conditions—the effect of temperature change differed depending on local conditions. In the warmest locations, warming velocities were associated with negative biotic velocities for 19 of 69 species-maturity combinations, and yet were almost always associated with stable or positive biotic velocities in the coolest locations (64 of 69). These spatially consistent biomass declines (negative biotic velocities) in the warmest locations and increases in cooler locations suggest a redistribution of species with the potential for new ecological and fisheries interactions. After controlling for temperature, the more spatially consistent effects of dissolved oxygen were often negative, suggesting a mechanism other than hypoxia avoidance—potentially changes in primary production. Our approach identifies the species and locations that are most sensitive to observed changes in the environment at any scale, thus facilitating future vulnerability assessments.  相似文献   

The focus of this review is the response of insulin and glucagon to various experimental and physiological conditions in fish. Circulating levels of insulin and glucagon have been analyzed in several fish species, principally salmonids. It is generally accepted that, in fish, the insulin secretion in response to amino acids is stronger than to glucose, although this information has been obtained mainly from carnivorous species. Studies of other species demonstrate that the alimentary pattern affect hormonal secretion and should be taken into account when the effects of secretagogues are analyzed. There are few studies of glucagon secretion, even in salmonids, although it is known that amino acids also stimulate its release. The level of this response and its relationship to insulin secretion depends upon the species of fish. We will discuss the significance of these observations, while also considering other important factors, including the influence of neuropeptides and interactions with other pancreatic and gastro-intestinal hormones. Finally, seasonal, temperature and reproductive stage effects will be discussed, all of which should be taken into account when attempting to understand the role of pancreatic hormones in fish. This short review will not cover the action of these hormones on their target tissues.  相似文献   

Adaptations that maximise food intake are dependent on food and/or habitat types. However, there have been few studies on the ability of floodplain primary freshwater fish to rapidly change their morphology, especially the internal one, to maximise utilisation efficiency of food resources in response to environmental fluctuations during their life history. We investigated morphological changes of an Acheilognathinae species (Acheilognathus longipinnis) that inhabits creeks in Japan to determine whether body shape variation correlated with environmental characteristics, including water depth, current velocity, vegetation cover and food availability. When shifting from floodwater-level to low-water-level season, the current velocity of the study area increased as the water level decreased, causing a significant increase in periphyton and a significant decline in zooplankton and phytoplankton. Concurrently, during the short period when A. longipinnis grow from the juvenile to the premature stage, changes in internal morphology, that is intestinal elongation, and changes in external morphology such as an increase of body depth were observed. In contrast, intestinal length significantly decreased in the adult stage. Our findings suggest that morphological changes between floodwater-level and low-water-level seasons associated with juvenile to premature development are an adaptation to changes in food availability due to environmental fluctuations. Additionally, the shortening of the intestine from the premature to the adult stage may be an adaptive strategy for reproduction.  相似文献   

The design and testing of a feed intake monitoring system based on feed waste collection is described. The system was used in a study of feed intake and growth of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. parr in relation to temperature (2 °C or 8 °C) and feed composition (21% fat, 50% protein and 22.5 MJ kg?1 or 34% fat, 40% protein and 24.8 MJ kg?1). Fish had lower feed intake and slower growth at the lower temperature, but temperature‐corrected growth (TGC) was better in fish held at the lower temperature. There was an increase in TGC over time at low temperature, probably as a result of long‐term thermal acclimation. Feed conversion for an increase in body size from 19 to 38 g was better for the fish held at low temperature. Feed consumption of low‐fat feed was higher than that of high‐fat feed, and growth of the fish fed the low‐fat feed was better at the higher temperature. These data are consistent with the ideas that the fish compensated for differences in feed energy densities to maintain energy and nutrient intakes, and that lipostatic factors may be operating to regulate feed intake and growth.  相似文献   

The evaluation of feed ingredients is crucial to nutritional research and feed development for aquaculture species. In evaluating ingredients for use in aquaculture feeds, there are several important knowledge components that should be understood to enable the judicious use of a particular ingredient in feed formulation. This includes information on (1) ingredient digestibilities, (2) ingredient palatability and (3) nutrient utilization and interference. Diet design, feeding strategy, faecal collection method and method of calculation all have important implications on the determination of the digestible value of nutrients from any ingredient. There are several ways in which palatability of ingredients can be assessed, usually based on variable inclusion levels of the ingredient in question in a reference diet and feeding of those diets under an apparent satietal or self‐regulating feeding regimes. However, the design of the diets, the parameters of assessment and the feeding regime can all be subject to variation depending on subtleties of the experimental design. Clearly, issues relating to feed intake are the key performance criteria in palatability assessments, and it is important that such experiments maintain sufficient stringency to allow some self‐discrimination of the test feeds by the fish. The ability of fish to use nutrients from the test ingredient, or defining factors that interfere with that process, is perhaps the most complex and variable part of the ingredient evaluation process. It is crucial to discriminate effects on feed intake from effects on utilization of nutrients from ingredients (for growth and other metabolic processes). To allow an increased focus on nutrient utilization by the animals, there are several experimental strategies that can be adopted, which are based on variations in diet design and feeding regime used. Other issues such as ingredient functionality, influence on immune status and effects on organoleptic qualities are also important consideration in determining the value of ingredients in aquaculture feed formulations. A key aspect to note is the need to design all experiments with sufficient experimental capacity to detect significant effects.  相似文献   

Range shifts are a key mechanism that species employ in response to climate change. Increasing global temperatures are driving species redistributions to cooler areas along three main spatial axes: increasing latitudes, altitudes and water depths. Climate‐mediated range shift theory focuses on temperature as the primary ecological driver, but global change alters other environmental factors as well, and these rarely work in isolation. Ecosystems are often characterized as mosaics of overlapping environmental stressors, resulting in temporal and spatial heterogeneity which differs between stable, low complexity mosaics (e.g. open ocean) and highly variable, highly complex mosaic environments (e.g. estuaries). We propose a multistressor mosaic of climate‐mediated species range shift across abiotic environmental gradients, typical for mobile species (e.g. fish) in variable coastal environments. We conceptualize how climate‐driven changes in salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen and pH can drive redistribution of estuarine species in a future world. Non‐thermal drivers are a critical component of species range shifts and when not considered, underestimate the impact of global change on species populations and ecosystem services.  相似文献   

Performance traits and body composition of juvenile hybrid striped bass (Morone chrysops × M. saxatilis) in response to hypoxia were evaluated in replicate tanks maintained at constant dissolved oxygen concentrations that averaged 23.0 ± 2.3%, 39.7 ± 3.0% and 105.5 ± 9.5% dissolved oxygen saturation. Fish were fed a commercially formulated feed daily to apparent satiation. Total feed intake and fish growth and yield increased linearly in response to increased dissolved oxygen concentration. Nutrient utilization was reduced significantly only at the greatest level of hypoxia. With the exception of whole body protein content, whole body compositional indices and nutrient retention efficiencies were linearly related to dissolved oxygen concentration. Results demonstrate that as hypoxia becomes more severe, juvenile hybrid striped bass feed intake is reduced, which affects growth and nutrient retention.  相似文献   

The direct contribution of fish to lake phosphorus cycles   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract –  Published data are synthesised to assess the direct contribution of fish to the recycling of phosphorus across a lake productivity gradient. Phosphorus excretion rates by fish assemblages are more or less directly proportional to fish biomass, despite changes in mean body mass, species composition and diet with increasing lake productivity. Piecewise linear regression of published data shows for the first time that lacustrine fish biomass increases with total phosphorus (TP) concentration in the water column up to around 140  μ g·TP·l−1 but levels off above that value, suggesting that fish contribute less to nutrient recycling as lake productivity increases. The results confirm previous findings that water column nutrient recycling by fish is much less important than by plankton and that fish are important nutrient stores in lakes. The contribution of fish to nutrient recycling is small because of their low turnover rates relative to other taxa.  相似文献   

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